ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC PARISH BLOOMER, WISCONSIN Photo By: Harrison Photography OFFICE HOURS: WEEKEND MASSES St. Paul's Saturday - 4:00 P.M. Sunday - 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Daily Mass as scheduled in Bulletin St. John's Saturday - 8:00 P.M. Sunday - 9:30 A.M. EMERGENCY: CALL ANYTIME Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. (Closed from 12:00-1:00 P.M.) PASTOR: Father John Potaczek DEACON: Rev. Mr. Richard Kostner PARISH SECRETARY: Denise Pake OFFICE: 568-3255 MAINTENANCE ENGINEER: Craig Zwiefelhofer SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Jacqueline Peterson 568-3233 LITURGY COORDINATOR: Barbara Kostner 568-3256 or 568-5978 GRADE SCHOOL RELIGIOLIS EDLICATION COORDINATOR: Kelly Barrick HIGH SCHOOL COORDINATOR: Diane Steinmetz PARISH COllNCIL CHAIRPERSON: Mark Schoonover FINANCE COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON: Dean Ruff PARISH COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN: (PCCW) Kathy Steinmetz 568-5049 BAPTISM - Preparation is required of all parents wishing to present their child for Baptism. MARRIAGE - Arrangements must be made eight months in advance. COMMUNION - Shut-ins are brought the Eucharist on 1st Fridays; or any time upon request. ANOINTING THE SICK - Any person with a prolonged illness or in case of any emergency, please contact the Rectory. RECONCILIATION: Thursday before First Friday at 7:30 P.M. and Saturday at 3:00 P.M. OCTOBER 19, 2014 MASSES FOR THE WEEK Monday 7:30 a.m. – Communion Service Tuesday 7:30 a.m. – Al Meuli 2:00 p.m. – Maplewood – Maryanne Smetana 2:30 p.m. – Hetzel Care Center – Parish Families Wednesday 7:30 a.m. – Mark Ruf Thursday 7:30 a.m. – John & Anna Schmidt Friday – School Mass 8:00 a.m. – Ben & Pete Hartman SATURDAY 4:00 p.m. – St. Paul’s – Bernadine Michels 8:00 p.m. – St. John’s – Ron & Verona Poirier THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00 a.m.– St. Paul’s – Denny Zwiefelhofer 9:30 a.m. -St. John’s – Elenor Ziegler 11:00 a.m. – St. Paul’s – Vernon Caron SERVERS NEXT WEEKEND MASSES Saturday 4:00 p.m. – Callie Olson, Joseph Pake & Zachary Steinmetz Sunday 8:00 a.m. – Grace Anderson, Matthew Ostrander & Olivia Zwiefelhofer 11:00 a.m. – Braedon Hoecherl, Kamyrn Hoecherl & Mia Rubenzer READERS FOR NEXT WEEKEND MASSES Saturday 4:00 p.m. – Jim Koehler & Diane Steinmetz Sunday 8:00 a.m. – William Hable & Carol Hilger 11:00 a.m. – Matt Bowe & Fred Siverling EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS FOR NEXT WEEKEND MASSES Saturday 4:00 p.m. – Debbie Loew, Cathy Ruff, Vickie Score, Tom Seckora & Debi Prill Sunday 8:00 a.m. – Bill Jarvis, Ginger Jarvis, Mary Ann Kouba, Mary Kerckhove & Traci Schoonover 11:00 a.m. – Frances Ruff, Ron Swoboda & Deacon Dick USHERS FOR NEXT WEEKEND MASSES Saturday 4:00 p.m. – Matt Hartman, Jesse LaGesse, Chris Meinen & Leonard Seibel Sunday 8:00 a.m. – Norbert Bowe, Dan Sarauer, Loren Schmidt & John Schwartz 11:00 a.m. – Kevin Pietz, Ryan Ratcliff, Bob Rubenzer & Pat Zwiefelhofer SCRIP SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEKEND Saturday, October 25 - 4:00 p.m. – Lori Score Sunday, October 26 - 8:00 a.m. – Kathy Zwiefelhofer - 11:00 a.m. – Jenny Hoecherl SANCTUARY CANDLES BURN THIS WEEK FOR: Cale Stoik; Gilbert Dahlka; Al Meuli; Lillian Pariseau; Edna Siverling; Donna Straub; Roni Hurt; Robert Ostrander and a Special Intention. If you would like a candle for your intentions, please call the rectory office. WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR CATHOLIC FAITH? We have starting an adult study group using the Symbolon DVD program. Symbolon will be offered at St. Paul’s on Sunday evenings in October and November from 6:00-7:30. For more information call Diane Kuba at 568-2388 or email at WORLD MISSION SUNDAY SECOND COLLECTION This weekend October 18th & 19th there will be a second collection for the propagation of Faith – World Mission Sunday Appeal. Your prayers and generous support directly benefit the mission church to build new schools and churches, train catechists, run medical centers, and provide for English and skills training classes, and homes for children with disabilities and who are homeless. OUR PARISH FAMILY GIVING Week of October 12, 2014 Envelope Collection……$5,403.00 Loose Collection…………..308.30 Total Amount Collected This Week…………. $5,711.30 THANK YOU to Fat Boy’s Pizza for helping us get our supplies for the church dinner again this year. Thank you to Eugene and Linda Dachel and Darline Michaelis for all the decorations in the church and hall, it looked so festive. Thank you to Joan Erickson for the beautiful mums we put on all the tables, and thank you to all the great cooks at St, Jude’s that brought all of the side dishes for the dinner. Thank you to Margaret Henneman and John Boehm for the music, great as usual. It was nice to see all our friends again and to spend the day together. St. Jude’s Altar Society WORLD YOUTH DAY ITALIAN DINNER October 28 & 30 at 6 pm at Immaculate Conception parish in Eau Clare is hosting a World Youth Day Italian Dinner. Tickets are being sold at St. John and St. Paul parish offices to help the youth from our parish that are a part of this event. Tickets are $18 or 2 for $30. For a nice night out during the week and a wonderful meal, stop by and pick up your tickets today. A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU: On behalf of St. Paul’s Parish we wish to extend a big thank you to Kathy Steinmetz for serving 9 years as the St. Paul’s PCCW President. PLEASE NOTE: The water has been turned off at the North catholic Cemetery for the winter months. Also please remove any personal items in the cemeteries that you would like to reuse in the spring or you don’t want damaged over the winter months. Thank you. LOOK WHAT’S HAPPENING! CHRISTMAS THRIFT AND CRAFT SALE at St. Jude’s in New Auburn on Saturday, November 1st from 8-3. This is the same day as the New Auburn school craft sale. Anyone with Christmas items they would like to donate, please contact Maria at 237-2649 or Joan at 568-2015. BLOOMER CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS MEMBERS will meet on Monday, October 20th at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Jerome Steinmetz. Business will be setting a date and time of the anniversary, Christmas Party and the yearly election of officers. Please call 715568-3572 or 715-577-9104. Lunch will be served after the meeting. PORK STEAK DINNER: St. John’s Catholic Church, Cooks Valley, will host their annual family style pork steak, sauerkraut, dumpling, and mashed potato dinner on Sunday, October 26, from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Come for the 9:30 a.m. Mass and have an early dinner afterwards. Adults $9, ages 6-12 $4.50, preschool free. Everyone invited! BINGO PARTY at St. Peter’s in Tilden on Sunday, October 26th. Bingo starts at 2:00 p.m. $1/bingo card with lunch to follow at 4:00 p.m. $6 meal tickets. Menu: Assorted Hot dishes, Assorted Salads, Cheese Tray, Bread, Pickles, Assorted Desserts, Coffee or Milk. Hosted by: St. Clara's Circle St. Paul’s Catholic School News! UW-Extension Conservation Speech Contest – 1st Place Winner! St. Paul’s Catholic School sent an extremely strong team to the Chippewa County Environmental Awareness Speaking Contest at Chippewa Falls Middle School on October 13. There our students joined winners from nine different schools and organizations from Chippewa County. Our school representatives and their grades were as follows: Emily LaGesse (6th), Bryce Zwiefelhofer (6th), Blake Ruff (7th), Abigale Wolf (7th), Cole Boettcher (8th), and Josie Eder (8th). Placing 1st in the Junior Division was Cole Boettcher speaking on “The World’s Sixth Largest Extinction”. Special thanks to Mrs. Carrie Teig for guiding this activity! All School Rosaries. As the month of October is dedicated to the rosary, please join the students as we pray together the rosary in church. On October 23rd (8:15 A.M.) the 6th and 7th grade students will lead the rosary and then on October 30th (8:15 A.M.) the 4th and 5th graders will be leading the rosary. We really hope that you can make it! Upcoming Events! Oct. 24 All School Mass (8:00 A.M.) Mitten-HatGloves Collection Oct. 30th (11:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.) Red Cross Blood Drive - Gym st Nov. 1 Mass (4:00 P.M.) – Our 2nd & 3rd Graders Represent the Saints Supper with the Saints Immediately Following – Cafeteria ~ Save the Date! th WHAT’S ON THE PASTORS MIND Here we are more than half way through October. This month seems to have a great deal going on. We had Respect Life Sunday and Vocations Awareness Sunday. We now come to Mission Sunday. This reminds us of the global nature of the Church and the Gospel. Pope Francis has been pointing this out to us and our need to be missionaries where we are and to do so right now. That may put us off or make us wonder what do I do? What does a missionary look like? First a missionary is a person of prayer. October is also the month of the rosary. That would be a great prayer for us to offer for those who have not heard the Gospel in a manner that they are coming to know Christ all the more each day. Perhaps we look at things and say that I can't fit in one more thing. But is prayer one more thing? Prayer is called the breath of the soul. Do we think about breathing for the body? So how do we make prayer that natural for us that we are not thinking it is one more thing to add to our day? Time seems to fly by, so all the more reason for prayer in our lives since we are preparing for no time (eternity) with God. Men of St. Paul's and St. John the Baptist Parishes "That Man is You!" meets at St. Paul's Saturday Mornings at 6:30am for a light breakfast and coffee and faith building fraternity. We finish by 8:00am. You can register at the door. All are welcome. If you cannot join us this week, join us for any or all of the following weeks. For those unable to join us on Saturday morning, we are holding a 2nd Session on Thursday Mornings from 6:00am to 7:30am at St. John's – Cooks Valley. Session 5: Steadfast Leadership. Clarity of Thought and Integrity of Action. King Solomon's Rise and Fall. Remaining Steadfast in Thought and Action. Mother Theresa as an Example. Saints Have to Start Somewhere. To learn more go to the Paradisus Dei link: There is no charge to participate. You can sign-up online or at the door, to register online at or contact: Tim Guski (715)821-5295 THE RED CROSS BLOODMOBILE will be visiting St. Paul's Catholic School on Thursday, Oct. 30, 2014. Donations will be received between 11:30 and 5:30. Donors are eligible to give Whole Blood if they have not given since Sept. 4th, 2014, and double red since July 10th, and only up to 3 times per year. We really need new donors! Local callers will be contacting potential donors, or you may visit to make an appointment on-line. Search by zip 54724 to find our drive. You can also call Beth Ashley at 568-5891 to make an appointment or for more information. MITTENS/GLOVES/HATS DRIVE In October, the school children will be collecting mittens, gloves, hats, or scarves for the needy. This will be their October service project. The students are asked to bring in mittens, gloves, hats or scarves that will be brought up during the All School Mass on October 24th. If you are interested in donating to this great cause, please drop your items in the box that will be labeled in front of the office. The items can be homemade, bought, or gently used. The items need to be dropped off by October 23rd. If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 715-568-3233. Thank you for your support! = PEOPLES Bloomer Floral ~rafeG30nk r!yA Ofc-omer 9:> &G;ft ~ ~ ----=::=====- "to~R~C ~iNC'f-, Kevin & Rita Lenfant I Steady & Strong Since 19121 715- 568-1100 w'Nw.! 1316 Main Street, Bloomer 2111 W ZO •• Avenue· Bloomer, WI 54724 Phone: 715-568-2182· Fax: 715-568-2189 180(J.314-FORD·Website: Bloornerf' Phone (715) 568-5600 · e "For Every Season & Reason" 1401 Main street - Bloomer, WI I - 4 Large Capacity Wash Machines -12 Large Dryers -12 Top Load Machines, Also Change Machine & Soap Dispensers! OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY 92515TH AVE BLOOMER, WI 54724 rSSouthworth Il 810 Martin Road Phone: (715) 568-2180 .. .~." '.~ . ~ ,.:' ~~ FULL Service Bank Member of FDIC . SECURITY BANK New Auburn 715-237-2658 Ridgeland 715-949-2265 Sand Creek 715-658-1415 Dallas 715-837-1129 scnnver . Thompson Funeral Home & Cremation Services Buy one Blizzard get one for $1.00 1806 17th Ave., Bloomer Family owned and operated by Matt Thompson (with this Ad) Hwy. 40 - Across From School 568-2310 (715) 568-1320 Bloomer Auto Supply Inc. 1Iu'tt/1A4 Glen & Mary Geissler 173~ Martin Road ~ , NAPA~ , .frWiC ct Phone: (715) 568-2511 Toycen Motors *BUICK *GMC Genuine Chevrolet "Expert Advice With Over 90 Combined Years Of Service" Bloomer Hardware LLC Screen & Window Repair Key Cutting Rug Doctor Rental Hunting & Fishing Licences Do it Best Quality Paint Skaw Pre-Cast Co. New Auburn Dr. Jergen K. Lang (715) 237-2556 Blue Diamond Family Dental, S.c. Thomas Rufledt, D.D.S. Gregory Mihm, D.D.S. David Irwin, D.D.S. Christopher Goettl, D.D.S. 1502 Main Street Bloomer, WI Phone (715) 568-2363 (888) 869-2362 Serving you since 1979 WOODLUND ~l!7 eYf! 4( HOME; CENTER~;";;;"~ 601 Main Street, Bloomer, WI 54724 Open Daily Phone (715) 568-1514 wOL'{lIumJ' Swoboda Implement, Ine rtf1!1zl WlhCadaf;.)[{ Quality Septic Tanks Sand & Gravel- Trucking Since 1973 715-967-2277 Sat SlID f: Jeep R •••_ •• • FAT BOYS PIZZA REALTOR (715) 829-3376 DIRECT (715) 723-6080 FA-X 'r---- -. rseibCI@brellizer.COIIIIEl BBIM'IBt._l'Om ~ FAMILY '9 600 Bay Street 0>' COD BLESS YOU & YOUR Falls,WI54724 1516 larson Street Bloomer, WI Phone: (715) 568-5250 Cau 715-658-1285 Bloomer 8am4pm lOam-2pm - ~ Chuck's Homemade RetQiI Meat Sausages SQles Custom Butchering 18186 State Hwy 1Z4 Bloomer. WI 715-Z88-6833 Day's Tire 568-5381 Total Car Care Day's Auto Body 568-5337 Funeral Home ~E:ST.1935 2058 19th Ave. Help make a - difference in our parish. Join the Knights of Columbus Call 568-3255 919 Main Street Bloomer, WI (715) 568-2140 or (715) 568-1155 RICHELLE J. SEIBEL Hours: M-F 7am-6pm Olson (}~ ~~~-.y/ ~ Lang Veterinary Services ~ Proudly serving WI's Family Farms 1406 Main Street (715) 568-4821 --=-- (715) 568-2900 Towing, Estimating, Loaner cars 1418 Main Street And Don't Forget To Leave Room For The Pie Day's Power Sports 568-4755 Arctic Cat ATV, Snowmoblie & Service ... BISCHEL'S SEPTIC SERVICE (715)288-6601 or 1-888-345-8848 SERVING BLOOMER. NEW AUBURN AND SURROUNDING AREAS Remember St. Paul's in your Will OUf Legal Title is: St. Paul's Catholic Church 1222 Main Street Bloomer, WI 54724 Hurt's Body Shop • • • • DuPont Refinishing Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Estimates ~ Loaner Cars Available . ~ Phone: (715) 568-5011 1011 9th Ave. - Bloomer Serving the area since 1962 SHADICK'S FOODS 1502 16th Avenue (715) 568M30 7:00 am. - 9:00p.m. SHADICK'S C -STORES 18928 ST HWY 40 (715) 568-1461 5:00 am. - \0:00 p.m. Locall Owned-
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