St. John Neumann Church Our Jubilee Year October 19, 2014 Parish Office 380 Highland Lane 610.525.3100 Celebrating A Half Century of Building Upon A Community Of Faith Ss. Colman-John Neumann Regional Catholic School 372 Highland Lane 610.525.3266 Parish Website School Website Mass Schedule Pastoral Staff Saturday Evening – 6:00pm Sunday - 7:30, 9:00, 10:30am and 12pm Reconciliation Pastor - Rev. James J. McKeaney In Residence - Rev. Robert J. Chapman Permanent Deacon - Deacon David Schaffer Parish Services Dir. - Sr. Carol Kelly, SSJ Sunday Assistance Rev. James Martinez, OSA Rev. Robert Murray, OSA Bishop Robert Maginnis, D.D. Principal - Mrs. Cathleen Lamberto PREP Coordinator - Mrs. Debbie Andes Music Ministry - Mrs. Isabel Momenee Saturdays – 5:00 to 5:45pm Coordinators of Parish Ministry Daily Mass Monday - Friday—6:45am and 8:00am Saturday - 8:00am Holy Days - (except Christmas and New Year’s Day) 7:00am, 8:30am & 7:00pm ( No Vigil Mass for the Holy Days) Baptisms 1:00pm most Sundays. Please call the rectory to make arrangements. Weddings Friday evenings and Saturdays 11:00am, 1:00 and 3:00pm Adult Ed Coordinator - Deacon David Schaffer “Aid For Friends” - Kathy LaMonaca Catholic Charities Services - Mary Ann Gordon Lectors - Edward Last Respect Life Committee - Kathy Heenan Interfaith Hospitality Network - Sister Carol Active Adults - Bill Haines Little Church School - Janet Baffa Altar Guild - Nora Saraceni MASS INTENTIONS ALTAR SERVERS SATURDAY VIGIL, OCTOBER 18TH 6:00 pm Nan Hanlin SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19TH 7:30 am John DiRaimo 9:00 am John Bateman 10:30 am Dr. Ernest L. McKenna 12:00 pm Dennis Brandstetter MONDAY 6:45 am Scotty Travers 8:00 am Philomena Carlino TUESDAY 6:45 am Barbara McCabe 8:00 am Ed McCoy WEDNESDAY 6:45 am Arthur Mostardi 8:00 am Mary Lou Hanna THURSDAY 6:45 am Ann M. Callaghan 8:00 am Special Intention FRIDAY 6:45 am Living & Deceased Members of St. John Neumann Parish 8:00 am Margaret & Michael McKenzie SATURDAY 8:00 am Joseph “Doc” Jurich SATURDAY VIGIL, OCTOBER 25TH 6:00 pm Agnes Macken SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26TH 7:30 am Madeline DiRaimo 9:00 am Robert Berdow 10:30 am Mary LiVolsi 12:00 pm Gaetano (Gus) Curci SATURDAY VIGIL, OCTOBER 18TH 6:00 pm Amanda Heilmann, Lauren Bracken SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19TH 7:30 am Joseph McCabe, Brendan Reilly 9:00 am Emily Hauck, Kathryn Gleeson 10:30 am Riley Dowd, Alexandria Lavelle 12:00 pm Kevin Donnelly, John McCabe MTW 8:00 am Shane Baffa, Colin Biddle Th F S 8:00 am Grace Ewing, Garrett Ewing SATURDAY VIGIL, OCTOBER 25TH 6:00 pm Meredith Lauzon, Emma McGrath SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26TH 7:30 am Ned Burke, Matt Monteleone 9:00 am Kirsten Zuccarini, Cameron Zuccarini 10:30 am Nolan Barry, Jameson Barry 12:00 pm Kaitlyn Powel, Teresa Hegarty Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist SATURDAY VIGIL, OCTOBER 18TH 6:00 pm Nora & Dick Saraceni, Jill Jordan SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19TH 7:30 am Bernadette & Joe Sweeney, Joan Burke 9:00 am Pauline Bell, Maureen Wynne, Rich Pfieffer (BMH) 10:30 am Craig & Barb Callaghan, Charlie McKee 12:00 pm Robert Hodgson, Michele Hartigan, Pam Tureck LECTORS SATURDAY VIGIL, OCTOBER 18TH 6:00 pm Larry Paulausky SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19TH 7:30 am Eileen Hessman 9:00 am Anthony Tanzola 10:30 am Betty Layberger 12:00 pm Virginia LiVolsi SATURDAY VIGIL, OCTOBER 25TH 6:00 pm Richard Galli SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26TH 7:30 am Jean M. DiDominic 9:00 am Mike Gormley 10:30 am Al Phelan 12:00 pm Joe Schanne SATURDAY VIGIL, OCTOBER 25TH 6:00 pm John & Barbara Anderson, John Fitzpatrick SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26TH 7:30 am Jim Lavelle, Maryann & Ron Ratigan 9:00 am Tom Lavin, Jerry Dowd, Jennifer Ciarmoli 10:30 am Susan & Dick Bannister, Rory Callaghan 12:00 pm Kathy & Anthony Ricciotti, Theresa O’Donnell 153 - 2 This Week at St. John Neumann Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Today Is World Mission Sunday Little Church School—10:30 am Rosary for Peace—7 pm Bible Study—7 pm Prayer & Scripture—9:30 am PREP—4:15 pm—school Choir—7 pm Adoration—8:30 to 9:30 am Second Grade Brownies—3 pm Patricia Adams William Miller Dottie Berry Zachary Miller Dr. Mariel Briones Sarah Murnaghan Barbara O’Neill Maryrose Campbell Cynthia O’Connor Timothy Doring Joe Parente Danny Hill Gantulga’s family is just one Mongolian family whose lives have been dramatically transformed after hearing the Good News of Jesus and accepting Him into their hearts. Gantulga and his family, including his wife Uurtsaikh and their children live in the rural town of Arvaiheer, about 300 miles from Mongolia’s capital city of Ulaanbaatar. The family first learned about the Catholic Church when they moved to the town after tragically losing all their livestock almost 10 years ago. They were one of a few lucky families to be given a new ger, a traditional Mongolian round tent dwelling. While Uurtsaikh and the children started attending activities run by the local Catholic Church, Gantula was haunted by his alcoholism and his destructive behavior. “Before in my life I made a lot of mistakes and I was addicted to alcohol and I had problems with violence, not understanding, misunderstandings with other people,” he explains. “When I started going to church and feeling how God’s mercy reaches me, I felt that I had to receive Baptism.” Sandy Shea Barbara Johnson Michael Shelly Jeff Leighton Kennedy Snyder Father Jim Martinez Dean Sullivan Catherine Meticarti Paul Troy Laura Fox White Charles Dougherty Pray for the Deceased Memorial Mass Sunday, November 2, at 9:00 AM May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Prayer for Peace For peace in the world and an end to terrorism and all war, we pray to the Lord. For the protection of Christians in the Middle East, and all other peaceloving people, we pray to the Lord. For the safety of the military serving in the Middle East, we pray to the Lord. 153 - 3 Gantulga received Baptism at Easter 2013, but even before that—when he started coming to church with Uurtsaikh and their children—he saw drastic changes in his life. Today Gantulga is not only a better father and husband, he has also emerged as a leader in the community, reaching out to others in need. With our ongoing support offered on World Mission Sunday, the work of missionaries will continue in Mongolia and around the globe, and the poor will receive practical help, while they experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Thank you for your generosity. Ss. Colman John Neumann School News Ann Louise Dugan daughter of Mark and Megan Wednesday, October 22nd Grade 3 Class Trip to Longview Farms Thursday, October 23rd 3:00pm—4:10pm— NovaCane Meeting Tessa Cecelia Sobel daughter of Paul and Mindy SCJN’s 2nd Annual Boutique Shops Baptized October 12, 2014 Thursday, November 6th, 10am to 2pm and 6:30pm to 10pm October is Respect Life Month SCJN’s Second Annual Boutique Shops is almost here! Diapers for babies of needy Mothers will be collected during the month of October. Please leave your donations in the back of Church. TICKETS! You can purchase in the following ways: Pre-order $35 and $45 at the door. At Mass: Satur day evening, October 25th and Sunday, October 26 and Saturday evening, November 1st and Sunday, November 2nd The Parish Respect Life Group is collecting personal items for the young women entering Mothers’ Home in Darby, PA. Small to medium items are preferred. Items most needed are: Shampoo, conditioner, bar soap, body wash, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, hairbrush, washcloths, moisturizer, hand sanitizer, tissues, mints, SEPTA tokens. A box is in the back of church during October for the supplies. Thank you for your support and prayers. Make Contributions on Line When you participate, your gift will be securely transferred directly into the parish bank account. ~Credit cards are accepted~ Go online: SCJN website At SCJN school office Committee Members have tickets on hand to sell. Come to the event and buy at the door This is an exciting event that should not be missed. We are still looking for more committee volunteers, sponsors and donations for our notorious raffle! We plan on making this year’s event as successful as last year and we are requesting assistance from the parish. Join us, it’s really a fun event, so get involved! Contact the following cchairs with any questions: Robin, Jennifer, Debby Zuccarini- 1. Go to our website: 2. Click: “Online Giving” link 3. Create: personal secure account 153 - 4 Fall Sports Mass Sunday, October 26th Parochial Visitation The Fall Sports Mass will be held next Sunday, October 26, 2014 at 9:00 am. Immediately following the Mass, team pictures will be taken and coffee and donuts will be served in the new Life Center. MASS OF REMEMBRANCE By Bishop John McIntyre , D.D. On Sunday, November 2nd (Feast of All Souls) The bishop will celebrate the 10:30 am Mass and greet everyone in the Life Center after the Mass Thank You from St. Ignatius—Mother of Sorrows Parish SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND @ 9:00 AM On Sunday, November 2nd (All Souls Day), at the 9 am Mass we will honor the memory of all who have died since November 1, 2013. A member of the deceased person’s family will present a flower in memorial at the Offertory. If you are able to join us, please complete the form below and return it to the rectory, drop it in the collection basket, or call Sister Carol (at 610-525-3100) by October 31st. Dear Father Jim, Please express our thanks and prayers to our brothers and sisters of Saint John Neumann Parish. Blessings, Rev. Frank Kelly (Our Parish sent $4,000 to our sister parish) Name of Deceased_______________________ Date of Death___________________________ The person carrying a flower (provided by the Parish) in the Offertory Procession. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! ______________________________________ IHN TRAINING—SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH Contact Person_________________________ Phone or email__________________________ THANKSGIVING MASS—THURSDAY, NOV. 27 Relationship to the Deceased_______________ PARISH MISSION—NOV. 30 TO DEC. 3 153 - 5 “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matt 11:28 An evening of prayer and reflection for recently widowed adults and those who have lost a loved one. The evening will focus on hope and healing as we continue our journey in life. Deacon David, who has a degree in Pastoral Counseling and who lost both his wife and son in 2012, will lead the evening. Please join us on Thursday, November 6th, 2014 at 7 pm in the par ish r ectory meeting room. CYO Basketball Registration Please go to to register for CYO basketball for grades 5 through 8, plus high school. For grades 1-4, your r espective coaches will be responsible for registering with the leagues and will contact you regarding organizing the team. The Ss. Colman-John Neumann Athletic Board is an eligible agency under Specific Care of United Way. Please note the following information so your donation is correctly processed: Code: 10657 Agency Name: CYO/St. John Neumann c/o Ss. Colman-John Neumann School 372 Highland Lane, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Saturday, November 1, 2014 9am to 4pm @ Sheraton Hotel Welcome to the Catholic Life Congress! We invite everyone to explore the beauty of their faith, to re-discover the joy of knowing Jesus Christ and to relish the great fellowship that comes from life in the Church. Come enjoy talks, music, exhibits, prayer and more! ADMISSION: Individual Registration: $60 INCLUDED IN ADMISSION: Mass presided by Archbishop Chaput Two nationally acclaimed Keynote speakers Featured breakout sessions Welcome bag Complimentary copy of Curtis Martin’s book The Real Story Light breakfast Lunch Live Music Taizé Prayer Service Vendors/Exhibitors Time for personal prayer and confession Chance to win prizes, including a book authored by Fr. Robert Spitzer! Parking is a separate cost – Discount parking price ($5.00) located at Gateway Parking Garage (1540 Vine Street) just behind the Sheraton, with entrances on Spring and 16th Streets. Parking is also available at the Sheraton self – parking garage for a discounted price of $10.00. Sheraton parking tickets must be validated during the Congress to get this rate. Questions about registration: 215-587-0500 All other questions: 215-587-3624 SAINT JOHN NEUMANN PARISH - Debt Reduction Fund I/We donate $ ___________ to help reduce the debt of St. John Neumann Parish that was incurred in building the Life Center. $ __________________ payable to St. John Neumann Church is enclosed as my/our: _____ initial payment ____ Gift in full Name ________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ 153 - 6
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