ST. ALBERT PARISH LAND O’ LAKES ST. MARY PARISH PHELPS Parish Director, Michele Rein, P.O. Box 237, Land O’ Lakes, WI 54540 Phone 715-547-3558, Fax 715-547-3614 Email Address: ; Website: Sacramental Minister, Fr. Randy Knauf, 5001 County Road G, Eagle River, WI 54521 Phone 715-479-8704 Deacon Norman Mesun - 2621 Willow Lane, Phelps, WI 54554 Phone 715-545-2255 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – OCTOBER 19, 2014 LITURGIES TO BE CELEBRATED THIS WEEK Sat. Oct. 18 6:00 PM Mass (St. Albert) Phyllis Sutton (Larry & Sue McPartlin) Sun. Oct. 19 8:00 AM Mass (St. Mary) Our parishioners, benefactors & friends 10:00 AM Liturgy of the Word with Communion (St. Albert) Mon. Oct. 20 NO SERVICE Tues. Oct. 21 NO SERVICE Wed. Oct. 22 8:30 AM Communion Service (St. Mary) Thurs. Oct. 23 8:30 AM Mass (St. Albert) Justin Rohloff (Tom & Jill Rohloff) Fri. Oct. 24 NO SERVICE Sat. Oct. 25 6:00 PM Mass (St. Albert) Marcella Bernier (Tom & Jill Rohloff) Sun. Oct. 26 8:00 AM Mass (St. Mary) Carol Schuster (Joe & Suzanne Wallace) 10:00 AM Liturgy of the Word with Communion (St. Albert) Confessions will be heard at St. Albert’s after the 8:30 am Mass on the third Thursday of the month and on Saturdays from 3:00 to 3:30 pm at St. Peter’s in Eagle River. You may also call Fr. Randy to set up an appointment for confession. ATTENDING CLERGY WORKSHOP This week, Oct. 19 – 21, Fr. Randy and Michele will be attending the annual Diocesan Clergy Workshop in Ashland. In the case of a pastoral need, please call Dc. Norm. Michele’s cell no. is 715-891-1879. ATTENDING CATECHETICAL CONFERENCE A number of our catechists from St. Albert and St. Mary Parishes will be attending the annual Diocesan Catechetical Conference in Rice Lake this Friday, Oct. 24. I should be quite educational and inspiring. We head out the door at 5:00 am! Are we blessed to have such dedicated volunteers in this ministry. HELP US MOVE FURNITURE Following the 10 am Liturgy at St. Albert today, we need a crew of volunteers to move back tables, chairs and more! Many hands lighten the load. THERE ARE FAITH FORMATION CLASSES for children and youth this Wednesday, October 22 at both our parishes. OUR FIRST RCIA GATHERING will be on Monday, Oct. 27 at 4:00 pm at the parish house. Those interested in perhaps joining the Catholic Church and/or supporting one another on the journey of faith are welcome! BIBLE STUDY IN OUR PARISHES Once again, we are looking to offer a Bible study at St. Mary and St. Albert. For those interested in attending, we like your input on when you would be available to meet and what you might like to study. At St. Mary, talk to Terry Taylor (715-479-2058) or Rollie Alger (715-545-2711), at St. Albert talk to Ken Mitchell (479-305-0091). APPLE PIES NOW ON SALE! The volunteers at St. Mary’s have been busy in the church kitchen making apple pies which in turn help support our Haiti Mission. So get your delicious, homemade apple pies! The price is $10 for one or $9 each for two or more. TODAY IS WORLD MISSION SUNDAY! We are invited today to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Your prayers and generous gift to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in the collection today help the work of priests, religious and lay leaders in Mongolia and throughout the Missions who offer the poor practical help and the experience of God’s love and mercy, God’s hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. For more information, visit “Give the Lord glory and honor.” BECAUSE THE SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS (Nov. 1) falls on a Saturday this year, the obligation to attend Mass is lifted. Thus, we will be observing the regular schedule of Masses that weekend. CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL UPDATE Thus far, 36 households at St. Mary have contributed to the CSA for a total of $4,052, which is 44% of our $9,133 assessment goal. At Albert, 42 households have contributed to the CSA for a total of $7,053, which is 53% of our $13,196 assessment goal. Your gift is so very important. Please help us with whatever amount that you are able to give. Thank you. REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Olivia Allard, Connie Coccia, Darrell Drager, Maxine Drager, Sharon Franz, Judy Goodman, Jerry Grady, Dorothy Grems, Jim Hamann, Yvonne Heller, Tammy Hill, George Holland, Frederick Janick, Charlotte Jenkins, Karyn Johnson, Ken Kasuboski, Ed Kalupa, Jim Kistell, Barbara Larson, Michael Loesch, Ted Loesch, Katie Mayer, Cheryl Palmer, Bernice Rohlich, Kyle Rosner, Joan Saari, Bob Scheffel, Mabel Slane, Emmie Spence, Michael Spence, Diana Stefan, Helen Stokes, Angie Stopczynski, Elwyn Thorpe, John Trochlell, Tom Walters, Robert Whiteside, Shauna Whiteside, Patty Whyte, Lorne Will. DIOCESAN HOLY SPIRIT CONFERENCE “The Spirit of the Lord Is Upon Me” – Luke 4:18 Saturday, Nov. 1 & 2 – St. Joseph Catholic Church – Barron, WI. Conference schedule includes Mass with Bishop Peter, talks with Maria Vadia, a Holy Spirit missionary, praise and worship led by Leo Vitangcol, and fellowship. For further information contact St. Joseph’s Parish at 715-637-7327 or go to the diocesan website DELICIOUS ANNUAL HARVEST DINNER Sunday, November 9 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at Ely Memorial Church in Land O’Lakes. Menu includes Hungarian venison stew, sauerkraut, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, spaetzle, dessert and beverage. Cost is $8 for adults and $3 for children under age 10. All are welcome! THIS SUNDAY’S GOSPEL Question from Life: How do you affect the values and commitments of your workplace? Question from the Gospel: How do you honor the image of God in yourself? In others? Sacrificial Offerings for Oct. 11 & 12 St. Albert St. Mary Parishioners $1,553.00 $921.00 Visitors $382.00 $315.00 $1,935.00 $1,236.00 To all who support our parish communities, thank you! A TWO QUESTION SURVEY St. Mary Folk, we have two questions for you… “How might we help you grow in your faith?” and “In what ways could we reach out to those who are unchurched or no longer active in the Faith?” We are being called to a New Evangelization in the Catholic Church and these questions are key to this calling. Please give these questions some prayerful consideration. Next Sunday, we will place this two question survey in the pews. We appreciate your input! MANY THANKS to all the volunteers who helped in the kitchen and brought delicious food for last Sunday’s breakfast at St. Mary. What a fine breakfast and great turnout of people. PIES AT ST. ALBERT As soon as we get our furniture and appliances back in place at St. Albert, we will have St. Mary’s frozen apple pies for sale. You may want to bring your cash or checkbook for this! When writing out checks, please make them out to St. Mary Parish. Dear Parishioners and Friends, We did not schedule faith formation classes for grades K thru 10 this past Wednesday at St. Albert because of the new floor installation process. This gave the catechists an opportunity to gather together for reflection and conversation. I posed a question that went something like this, “As catechists, you try to help your students grow in their faith. What helps you yourself grow in faith?” We also reflected upon both the graced moments and the challenges that they are experiencing in their role as catechists, and in their own personal lives. The sharing that resulted was edifying; it lifted our spirits and reaffirmed that God is truly at work in our lives. We just need our eyes, ears and hearts to be open. It also reminded us that we all truly need each other for support as we try to know and follow Jesus. Whenever I feel frustrated or challenged in my role as parish director, I find myself returning to two essential things, those being my own personal relationship with Jesus and the importance of having people in my life with whom I am able to share my faith, my story. The parish communities of St. Albert and St. Mary to which I belong are key, as are those close friends and confidants who have been there for me, and I for them. With whom do you share your faith, your story? Have you been taking the time to both talk and listen to these sojourners at this time in your life? Do you find you are lacking support on your faith journey, and if so, where might you reach out to find it? The catechists at St. Albert said, “This was great…let’s do this again!” I’m thinking we shouldn’t wait until the next building project at church for this to happen! ~ Michele
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