ANNOUNCEMENTS 10/12-10/15/2014 Please let the office or Pastor Karen know if you or a family member are in the hospital and would like a pastoral visit. Thank you. Please include in your prayers: (names will be removed after 4 weeks unless notified) Hilde Geyman, Dick Ofstun, Ruth Breneman, Krysta and Kira Drescher, Randy Reinfeldt, Darlene Severson, Judy Reinfeldt, Sharon Madland, Michelle Lapp (Reuben Beiswanger’s daughter), Sarah & Morton Irwin, Vicki Ballweg, Elaine Hale, Mik Anderson, Marian Licht, Jim Gainey, Kendall Feigl (Virginia Fenske’s son-in-law), Sue Clingman, George Thompson, Amber Zautke, Dick Jenks, Jessie Stockton, and Shannon Shepherd. Please remember those who are unable to join us for worship with a call, note or visit: Catherine Dreifke, 142 Whitetail Blvd, Baraboo 393-7098. Serving in Worship Pastors: Kar en Hofstad, Peter Heide Organist: Susan Lappin, Mike Powers (3rd Week) Choir Director: Jerry Stich Praise Team: Clint Clingerman, Trish Clingerman, Kelly Reppen, Cheryl Warming, Mitch Ploenske, Anjuli Gundrum, Mallory Ploenske, Michael Steinhauer Altar Care: Mary Jane Hanson, Nancy Sleight. AV: Cyndi Reppen, Rocco Marselle, Allison Warming, Nick Warming, Dave Berahn, Chris Shepherd & family, Kathy Houzner, Austin Boettcher, Becky Bennett. Sunday 8:30 Next Week: Sunday 8:30 Greeter(s): Greeter(s): Lector: Karen Hinze Lector: Ushers: Gene Fenske, Kevin Hinze Ushers: Fellowship: Pastor Appreciation Sunday Sunday 10:30 Greeter(s): Ron, Nelly & Bailey Sersland Lector: Ushers: Fellowship: Dan & Kathy Farrar Becky Heiser Next Week: Sunday 10:30 Greeter(s): Lector: Ushers: Kayly Bratland Duane Steiner Today’s Altar Flowers were donated by Kelly Rodenschmit in honor of Roman Rodenschmit’s birthday. If you would like to contact Pastor Karen or the office for any reason, please call 356-3230 or email, the church cell phone 608-434-3397, Pastor Karen’s home 608-448-2366, or her email Carpet Cleaning This Saturday! We’re having St. Paul’s carpet cleaned this coming Saturday, Oct. 18, so the church building will be unavailable for activities that day — except for Praise Team practice from 8:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. CROP Hunger Walk Oct. 26 Baraboo’s annual CROP (Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty) Hunger Walk takes place Sunday, Oct. 26. The 1- or 3-mile walk begins at noon from the parking lot of First United Congregational Church of Christ; registration starts at 11:30 a.m. The CROP Hunger Walk is our interfaith education and fundraising event dedicated to ending hunger locally and across the globe. Of the money raised at the walk, 75 percent will go to Church World Service to fight world hunger, and 25 percent will stay in the community to fight local hunger issues. For more information, contact Teri Fichter at 608-356-4293 or Adult Bible study opportunities In addition to the Thursday lunchtime Bible study, Pastor Peter Heide will be leading study time on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings for all who are interested in learning more about the Bible stories our Sunday School is studying. These classes will mirror the Sunday School classes in order to gain awareness of what our young people are learning and to be a help for them when they have questions. Beginning with the story of Joseph in October, we will gather in the Augsburg Room between Sunday services and repeat the class the following Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.. Thursday’s lunchtime Bible study will continue examining the Augsburg Confession through the end of October, starting at 12:15 p.m. Bring your lunch and your appetite for lively discussion! Gospel: October 19-Matthew 22:15-22; October 26-John 8:31-36. BAPTISM OF TATE ISAAC BERAHN (10:30 Service) Parents: Ryan and David Berahn Sponsors: Kelly Schultz, Cassandra Poritz & Tyler Brandt Welcome to our church family! Wednesday Night Family Dinners! Starting at 5:15 p.m. Oct. 15—Pancakes/Sausage Oct. 22—Pizza Oct. 29—Mummy Dogs Nov. 5—Tater Tot Hot Dish The meals are being co-chaired by Alice Woodward and Michelle Hilfiker. If you can help with serving, clean up, or bring a dessert, please call either Alice at 393-3685 or Michelle at 356-2086. Even if you can only help once, any help is greatly appreciated! 6th-8th Grade Confirmation Schedule 5:45 p.m.—Gathering// 6-6:55 p.m.—Lesson Oct. 15-OT Lesson #2 Rebellion Oct. 29-OT Lesson #4 Promise Oct. 22-OT Lesson #3 Flood Nov. 5-Confirmation Extravaganza NEW MEMBER CLASS SHEDULE Sundays, October 12, 19, and 26 Between services @ 9:40 to 10:20 a.m., in the Wartburg Room We welcome anyone who has recently joined St. Paul’s, is interested in joining our congregation AND anyone wishing to join in the conversation: W hat does it mean to be the church? W hat makes us “Lutheran”? What makes St. Paul’s special? How can I be a part of and support this ministry? If you have questions or would like to sign up, please call the church office (356-3230) or talk with Pastor Karen. SPLASH On Wednesday, Oct. 22, at 6 p.m., we will watch a video about Detroit and start planning for our exciting upcoming trip there for the Youth Gathering next summer. Help Us Fill Our Worship Teams! Your volunteering and service to St. Paul’s are so greatly appreciated. Everyone is welcome — yes, encouraged — to serve regardless of whether it is your month of service. We really need open tasks filled! It’s a great way to support the church through your sharing of time and gifts! Agrace Offers Grief Support, Volunteer Training Agrace is offering a five-week grief support group starting this Wednesday at its Baraboo location at 1670 South Blvd. The five-week program, called “Journey Through Grief,” is designed for adults who are grieving the death of a loved one. Sessions take place from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. every Wednesday through Nov. 12, and are open to the public and free of charge. To register, contact Cheri Milton at 608-327-7300. Sauk Rummage Sale Seeks Donations Gently used clothing — especially for children — outerwear, bedding, toys, books and household items are needed for the Sauk County Giving Tree Free Rummage “Sale” scheduled for 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., Saturday, Oct. 25 at St. Joseph’s School gym. Rummage items may be dropped off at Pierce’s in the shopping cart in the front of the store. Volunteers are needed for setup on the Friday before and the morning of the event. For more information contact Mary Bowers at 963-3304 or Clothing store still needs men’s items Neighborly, Baraboo's free clothing store, still needs men’s clothing as well as clothes for baby boys. The store is now open Monday through Friday, 1 to 2 p.m. Donations may be brought to the First United Methodist Church when Neighborly is open, on when the church office is open (M, T, TH, from 9 am to 2 pm), or volunteers can pick up your donations; call 524-0978.
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