NEWSLETTER 15th October, 2014—Issue 15 1 PH 5996 0144 FAX 5996 0401 950 STH GIPPSLAND HWY CRANBOURNE PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Dear Parents/Carers, On behalf of the College, I would like to welcome you back to the last term of 2014 and I hope everybody had a relaxing break and are ready for a busy term. Year 12 – an update: Our Year 12 students are in the final few weeks of their secondary school years. Our VCAL students are working diligently to complete all tasks required to meet all of their outcomes. Our VCE students have finished their core work and are now preparing for their final exams, which start on Wednesday the 29 th of October. The final day for classes our Year 12 students is Wednesday 22 nd October for our VCE students and Monday 20th October for our VCAL students. On Thursday the 23rd of October, we will be celebrating with our Year 12’s their last formal day of secondary school. This will start with a breakfast run by our Senior Sub School Team and finish with a whole assembly run by our Year 12 students. The Year 12 students will finish by 11:30 that day. We wish all our Year 12 students the very best of luck as they work hard to finish outcomes and/or prepare for their final exams. Queensland Trip: Many of our Year 11 and Year 10 students returned from the Queensland trip at the end of last term and they looked tired and happy. By all accounts, the trip was a great success with our students representing our school positively and with pride. The next Queensland trip will be running in 2016. Raising Expectations: If you recall early last term, you received a letter from our principal Mr. Warren Wills outlining the outcomes of our priority review. One of the key areas identified was that the school needs to focus on raising the expectations of everyone in our school community. On the College website we have placed information to parents regarding our first focus area in this endeavour. I encourage you to read the letter and work with us and our students to ensure they are in class on time, ready to learn. Konnie Prades Acting Principal IMPORTANT DATES—TERM 4, 2014 Thursday 16th-Friday 17th Yr 10 OED Cathedral Ranges Camp (Mr Verrell) Friday 17th 8A Motorcycle Grand Prix Excursion Friday 17th Rugby 7’s Gala Day Under 18’s Monday 20th 11VOE Fishing (Mr Atkin) Wednesday 22nd Final Yr 12 Classes Friday 24th Yr 11VCAL Magistrates Court & Parliament House NOVEMBER Monday 3rd 11VOE High Ropes Tuesday 4th MELBOURNE CUP DAY HOLIDAY FROM THE FIRST AID ROOM Hayfever/Allergy season is upon us. For parents/carers of students who suffer from Hayfever/Allergies, please be aware that the College does not hold or supply antihistamines for students. There are several brands of Antihistamines available. Please refer to your pharmacist for advice on the medication suitable to control your symptoms. WOODWORK DEPARTMENT The staff and students of the Woodwork department would like to gratefully acknowledge the generous donation of materials from John at JFK Fencing. The recycled materials, which are machined and prepared at LSC by Mr Gardiner, are used to make beautiful timber items. The student produced work, is often on display at reception. EARLY LEAVERS PROTOCOL Our office staff endeavour to provide a service that is efficient, personal and friendly. The demands on our office staff can be extraordinary at peak times. For this reason we wish the inform parents of the following protocol: STUDENTS WILL ONLY BE COLLECTED FROM CLASS EARLY IN THE CASE OF AN EMERGENCY If students need to leave school early for any reason, they must bring a note in their Student Planner with the time they are to leave and signed by a parent. They show the note to their teacher to leave class, then come to the General Office to sign out and wait quietly until they are collected by their parents. ABSENCE HOTLINE - 9517 3958 (24 hour line ) The hotline is only available for students in years 7, 8 & 9. Senior students (Years 10, 11 & 12) are to be directed to their team leaders with a note or medical certificate explaining their absence. Please ensure all notes contain the date, student’s full name and home group. Please Note : The Community News is a service L.S.C. provides for the local community. The College cannot and does not endorse what is presented in these advertisements. The College strongly urges readers to use due diligence to establish the quality of the product or service using this newsletter for publicity. THE BIG ISSUE EXCURSION On the 4th of September, students from year 11 and 12 VCAL went to the city to experience a workshop for The Big Issue. We were led into a basement, where the production of the magazine is made. We were educated on ‘marginalising’, how homelessness is caused and the effects on people that homelessness causes. After which, we were placed into 5 groups and given different puzzles and scenarios. My group were told to not talk and we could only use one hand. Other groups had missing puzzle pieces and people being very loud. This was to help us understand the concept of being marginalised. A guest speaker, Peter, discussed his experiences of being homeless and having addictions to alcohol and drugs. His story reminds us that we are very fortunate to have a home and shelter because thousands of people in Australia don’t ( approximately enough people to fill the MCG). He taught us that people that are homeless are human and might have had a really bad break. They still need to be treated with respect and dignity. By Thomas Arundel 11X
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