THE GRIFFIN FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 2014 Mon 20 Oct Tues 21 Oct Wed 22 Oct Thur 23 Oct Fri 24 Oct 27-31 Oct Mon 3 Nov Thur 6 Nov Mon 10 Nov Tues 11 Nov Wed 12 Nov Thur 13 Nov Fri 14 Nov Mon 17 Nov Fri 21 Nov Sat 22 Nov Mon 24 Nov Wed 26 Nov Thur 27 Nov Fri 28 Nov Mon 1 Dec Wed 3 Dec Thur 4 Dec Fri 5 Dec Wed 10 Dec Thur 11 Dec Fri 12 Dec Mon 15 Dec Thur 18 Dec Fri 19 Dec Mon 5 Jan 2015 Tues 6 Jan Y8/9 Trip to Rose Theatre to see talk by author, Darren Shan (am) Madrid Trip (Ys 8-11) leaving after school (to 27/10) PSHCE Day, Fright Night, Y7 PSHCE Day Trip Kingston Heritage Walk 7pm Drama: Blackout 9am Visit of Michael Tobin, CEO of the Telecity Group, Break Up for Half Term HALF TERM 8.40am School Starts Senior Maths Challenge KS3 Study Skills Day 7A/B/C Visit to the Science Museum 8pm Y10 Drama Performance at Surbiton YMCA with Benchmark Theatre 7.30pm Prizegiving P2 Whole School Reading Academic Review Day Y13 A2 English Literature Conference FOSH Fund Raising Evening with Blind Panic Y12 A2 English Literature Conference Maths Day 7D/E/F Visit to the Science Museum Profession Learning Day—pupils not in school A2 Geography Study Day at RGS AS Geography Study Day at RGS 7pm Drama: James & the Giant Peach Y13 UCAS Internal Deadline, A2 Geography Tectonic Hazards Day Y7 Trip to the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, Rose Theatre (pm) 6.30pm Christmas Concert Senior Citizen Christmas Party Y7-10 School Exams (to 19/12) 2pm Christmas Carol Service at St Paul’s, Hook Break Up at Lunchtime Professional learning Day—pupils not in school 8.40am School Starts Dear Parent/Carer E- Learning What is e-learning and why is it important? On a basic level, “e-learning” describes the use of any form of computer system or device or programme to aid students’ learning. Examples might be SAMlearning, Honeycomb, the VDI and our wireless network, as well as our Bring Your Own Device policy. But e-learning is much more than a series of fashionable add-ons to the classroom experience. It is a way of transforming it. Even when I was at school in the 1970’s and 80’s, knowledge of all kinds could only be accessed via a teacher or books. Technology has changed this completely: students can access knowledge, resources and learning in ways which were previously unimaginable. E-learning does not replace the teacher, but opens up possibilities for learning which empower students to become better learners. Society has changed since the 1980’s. E-learning empowers schools to prepare students for changes and challenges yet to come. Kind regards, Mr N. Smith Headteacher YEAR 7 & 8 FRENCH TRIP TO PICARDY JUNE 29TH-JULY 3RD 2015 We are delighted to announce plans to take our Year 7 & 8 students to France during the final half term of the academic year. We will be staying at Cap’Aisne, Picardy where your son will have the opportunity to take part in a variety of water sports including sailing, windsurfing, kayaking and catamaran. We will also be visiting the excellent Caverne de Dragon where we will be learning about the history of World War One. We will also be visiting Paris for the day where we will walk along the Champs Élysées, enjoy a boat trip on the Seine, and visit the Stade de France. The cost of this trip is £400 and includes accommodation, all meals, transport and activities. If you are interested in this trip please pay the £100 deposit by Parent Pay by Friday November 7th 2014. Mr Johnson Head of Modern Foreign Languages UPCOMING EVENTS… Blackout On Oct 23rd Year 11 Drama will be performing Blackout by Davey Anderson in the hall at 7pm. The play is based on interviews with Young Offenders and tells the story of James and his journey from victim to perpetrator. Tickets cost £3 and will be available on the door. I look forward to seeing you there! Fright Night Just a reminder that there will be a Fright Night taking place on Oct 22 nd for Yr 7 and 8 students. Join us for spooky shenanigans around the school, from 5 – 7pm starting in the canteen. Entry is £3 on the door. The event will feature a scary science show, the masque of the red death, the premiere of School for Zombies movie, apple bobbing and much more! Feel free to come in costume, or to bring a little extra money for face painting, cakes etc. Students will be accompanied by staff at all times. WORD OF THE WEEK Our word this week is 'Opprobrium'. The word means a disgrace arising from exceedingly shameful conduct. Alternatively, 'opprobrium' means a cause of shame or disgrace. BOOK OF THE WEEK Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy If you enjoy fiction crazy stores like me you’ll love Skulduggery Pleasant. It is an action packed book about a skeleton detective on the hunt to find who murdered Stephene’s uncle. Skulduggery is a skeleton detection who can control the elements to do things like shoot fireballs, explode buildings and make things dry to wet and back to dry in seconds. Stephene is craving for danger and is up for everything. Dominic Harris (7VAD) FOSH CORNER Last year FOSH money contributed a Lighting Rig for the Drama department – if you come along to the drama ‘ Blackout’ next Thursday, 23rd October, you will see the Lighting Rig in action. FOSH is hosting a LIVE BAND EVENT on Saturday 22nd November, 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start when the band Blind Panic will play us music from 50’s to the present day. There will be food on sale and a Licensed Bar. Tickets cost £5 for adults, (under 18’s free); tickets are now available on Parentpay. It promises to be a great evening - So get out your dancing shoes, and bring along a party of friends.. All money goes to support the School and enable the purchase of additional resources. Maybe your employer has a Charity supporting scheme, and can add to our income to the School? NATIONAL POETRY DAY Parents - what was the first poem you ever learnt? Was it one of the traditional nursery rhymes of yesteryear, learnt by heart as a small child listening to your own parents reading from your favourite illustrated book of children’s stories and poems? Or was it much later when you were at school, college or university learning poems as part of your beloved English literature studies? Maybe you can recite pages of Keats, or Shakespeare by heart? Maybe a poem takes you back to a special place or time, bringing those happy, sad or life affirming moments straight back to the forefront of your mind? Or maybe it’s just one of those simple nursery rhymes that you most fondly remember after all. Earlier this month it was National Poetry Day, a campaign for poets, poetry fans and poetry organisations to enjoy and participate in. Children love rhymes and rhythms; but poetry also helps them to improve literacy, to articulating a story or argument, or even to deliver a punchline! The theme for this year’s National Poetry Day was ‘Remember’, and that’s what everyone at Southborough –both students and staff – were tasked to do during recent morning tutorials. That is, to remember – even if was just a few lines – of their favourite poem. The response from within the school was amazing, with students across all year groups tweeting and emailing their favourite lines. From ‘The Owl and The Pussycat’, ‘Jabbywocky’, and even war ‘poems’ recited by Baldrick from Blackadder (thank you, Mr Scales), some were very funny indeed! But just as memorable were the tender love poems or moving lines of loss and heartache that were submitted. A selection of these written extracts are now on display up on B corridor for all to read and enjoy. Thank you to all those students and staff members who put pen to paper and contributed their favourite lines of poetry. Many thanks also to Ms Brayne, our Literacy Co-ordinator, for ensuring that the school participated in such a worthwhile and enjoyable project. Weekly Fixtures List - w/c Monday 20th October Fixture Date Staff Y10 Basketball v Ravenswood – AWAY 20/10/14 CJO Y8 Basketball v Hollyfield – AWAY 21/10/14 CJO Y11’s 5 a side @ CCC 22/10/14 DED Y7 Football v Rutlish - AWAY 23/10/14 KSC / ADU Y11 Rugby v Hollyfield – AWAY 23/10/14 DED Y9 Football v Rutlish - HOME 23/10/14 ACO MENU w/c MONDAY 20 OCTOBER Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Chicken Tikka Onion Bhajji Burgers Rice Green Beans & Peas Fruit Crumble & Custard Shepherd’s Pie Veggie Shepherd’s Pie Peas & Carrots Raspberry Jelly Chicken Joe’s Tomato Twist Cheesy Pasta Mixed Veg Butterscotch Angel Delight Spaghetti Bolognaise Veggie Bolognaise Garlic Bread Sweetcorn Fruit Sponge Battered Pollock Veggie Kievs Chips Peas Rice Pudding Jacket Potatoes, salads, paninis, baked beans, salad, fresh fruit and a variety of sandwiches and rolls are also served every day. MUSIC CLUBS MONDAY: 12.50 – MUSIC 1 – YEAR 7 ‘PLAY TIME’ – for those who would enjoy getting together with others on a variety of instruments and producing performances of various songs. TUESDAY: 12.50 – MUSIC 1 – JAZZ BAND – at present we have 3 trumpets, 1 trombone and 1 baritone – any other competent brass players (at least Grade 4) would be very welcome. WEDNESDAY: 12.50 – MUSIC 1 - UKULELE CLUB - if you have already played or you would like to improve your skills, come along to make music! THURSDAY: 12.50 – MUSIC 2 – MUSIC PRODUCTION CLUB – aimed at Year 9 pupils who are interested in working with technology/ sound production for the music industry. FRIDAY: 12.50 – MUSIC 1 – SINGING CLUB – singing for everyone – all ages welcome! MATHS CLUBS The maths department offers help after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Please come along. If you’d like to develop your thinking skills, why not join us at chess club or puzzle club? Lunch After School Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Chess club (B7) Chess club (B7) Maths help for all years (B8) Chess club (B7) Maths help for all years (B7) Chess club (B7) Maths help for all years (B6) Chess club (B7) Maths help for all years (B5) Puzzle club (B5) INDIVIDUAL AND WHOLE SCHOOL PHOTOS Individual photos and copies of the whole school photo have been given to students. If you wish to order, please send back order forms and money in the sealed pack, or an envelope, by Tuesday 21 October. After that date you will be able to order direct with Kittle, the photograph company. Southborough High School PE Department Key Stage 3 & 4 Extra-Curricular Programme Autumn Term 2014 Monday Tuesday Lunchtime After School Gym - Table Tennis Club – up to 20 participants JCO Astro –Y7 Astro – Y8 Basketball – Yrs 7/8/9 CJO Astro – Y9 No Clubs – Staff Meetings Wednesday Thursday Astro – Y10 Y 7/8 cricket bowling machine – 6th formers Astro – Y11 Rugby Club - All Years CJO / KSC / JCO / ACO Football Club ADU / JCO / KSC / ACO / DJO + Coach Basketball – Squad players only – KS4 & 5 CJO Cricket Y7/8 – astro - Darren Badminton – Gym JCO / DDE Friday Weights Room & Fitness Suite Extra-Curricular Programme Lunchtime After School Y 11 Weights gym & Fitness suite JCO Staff Meetings Monday Tuesday Y 10 weights gym & Fitness suite* CJO Ys 10/11/ 6th form weights gym & Fitness suite* Wednesday 6th form weights gym & fitness suite* KSC The Muscle Project- MHA Key Stage 3 self defence - GSR Y10 Core PE Y10/11 & 6th form weights gym & Fitness suite* JCO Ys 10/11 & 6th form weights gym & fitness suite* MHA Thursday Y11 Core PE Friday YEAR 7 AND 8 RUGBY On a wet and windy Tuesday boys from year 7 and 8 trudged off to Holyfield to play their first rugby match of the season. Not having enough year 8 boys for a team 6 very brave year 7s eagerly volunteered to help the team and play the match. We were defending our try line with huge amounts of energy but unfortunately about 15 minutes in we conceded a try. The boys heads didn't go down and they stormed up the field and scored on of our own to make the score 5-5. We then attacked and attacked and Holyfield were lucky to get to half time with us not in the lead. The second half began how we ended and we were just about to score when unfortunately they stole the ball and raced the length of the pitch to score a try of their own, putting them into the lead. We continued to attack and scored another try which made us level on tries but unfortunately they then scored another try to win the match 3 tries to 2. An outstanding effort from all the boys and especially to the year 7s who played, no one would have known they were a year younger. Mr Colbert
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