THE GRIFFIN FRIDAY 24 OCTOBER 2014 27-31 Oct Mon 3 Nov Wed 5 Nov Thur 6 Nov Mon 10 Nov Tues 11 Nov Wed 12 Nov Thur 13 Nov Fri 14 Nov Mon 17 Nov Fri 21 Nov Sat 22 Nov Mon 24 Nov Wed 26 Nov Thur 27 Nov Fri 28 Nov Mon 1 Dec Wed 3 Dec Thur 4 Dec Fri 5 Dec Wed 10 Dec Thur 11 Dec Fri 12 Dec Mon 15 Dec Thur 18 Dec Fri 19 Dec Mon 5 Jan 2015 Tues 6 Jan HALF TERM 8.40am School Starts Y10 Visit to Kingston University Senior Maths Challenge KS3 Study Skills Day 7A/B/C Visit to the Science Museum 8pm Y10 Drama Performance at Surbiton YMCA with Benchmark Theatre 7.30pm Prizegiving P2 Whole School Reading Academic Review Day Y13 A2 English Literature Conference FOSH Fund Raising Evening with Blind Panic Y12 A2 English Literature Conference, Y10 Visit to Kingston University Maths Day 7D/E/F Visit to the Science Museum Profession Learning Day—pupils not in school A2 Geography Study Day at RGS AS Geography Study Day at RGS 7pm Drama: James & the Giant Peach Y13 UCAS Internal Deadline, A2 Geography Tectonic Hazards Day Y7 Trip to the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, Rose Theatre (pm) 6.30pm Christmas Concert, Y10 Visit to Kingston University Senior Citizen Christmas Party Y7-10 School Exams (to 19/12) 2pm Christmas Carol Service at St Paul’s, Hook Break Up at Lunchtime Professional learning Day—pupils not in school 8.40am School Starts Dear Parent/Carer Sixth Form Open Evening I was delighted with last week’s Sixth Form Open Evening, which showcased Southborough at its best. Part of our team Focus and Concentration In Drama Our Sixth Form now has 172 students, which is the most we have had for many years. The reasons for this growth include: a broad, inclusive, rigorous curriculum offer, great results (32% A*-A, 57% A*-B), first class pastoral care and an enriching extracurricular offer. Contact Mr Sanders on to find out more. School Counsellor One of the ways in which we offer outstanding pastoral care is the offer of confidential school counselling to all of our students. This week, we are saying goodbye and a large thank you to Debbie Gautier, who has provided a discreet and professional service for the school for over eighteen years. Her contribution to the school has been extremely significant and I would like to thank her for her hard work and steadfast commitment to our students over the years. Parents, carers and students will be pleased to know that we have engaged the services of an excellent permanent replacement for Debbie, who will continue providing counselling after half term. Kind regards, Mr N. Smith Headteacher KS3 FRENCH TRIP TO PICARDY JUNE 29TH-JULY 3RD 2015—Now open to students in Y7/8/9 studying French or Spanish We are delighted to announce plans to take Year 7/8/9 students who study French or Spanish to France during the final half term of the academic year. We will be staying at Cap’Aisne, Picardy where your son will have the opportunity to take part in a variety of water sports including sailing, windsurfing, kayaking and catamaran. We will also be visiting the excellent Caverne de Dragon where we will be learning about the history of World War One. We will also be visiting Paris for the day where we will walk along the Champs Élysées, enjoy a boat trip on the Seine, and visit the Stade de France. The cost of this trip is £400 and includes accommodation, all meals, transport and activities. Letters and further information are available from Mrs Coen and Mr Ruffe. If you are interested in this trip please pay the £100 deposit by Parent Pay by Friday November 7th 2014. Mr Johnson Head of Modern Foreign Languages PARKING We ask that when collecting your son from school, parent/carers please park at the back of the school in Kent Way, or in one of the neighbouring roads and your son walks to meet you. Please do not drive into the school drive. Also please note that Topps Tiles and the garage next door have asked that parent/carers do park in their car parks. Thank you for your co-operation. BOOK OF THE WEEK Tom Gates Genius Ideas by Liz Ritchen I think this is one of the best books I have ever read because it’s funny, it has good drawings and I like the font. The main character is Tom Gates. I particularly liked at the end it shows you how to make something, for example in this book it shows you how to make a proper banger. This book is about a boy called Tom Gates and his weird sister called Delia and they live with their mum and dad, plus there are more characters like the fossils (grandpa and grandma) and uncles and aunties. Naim Ali (7VAD) THANK YOU TO KINGSTON UNIVERSITY Matt Stoten of Kingston University handing over a Cheque for £225 towards Football equipment for Southborough High. This was raised following some outreach work with our Yr 9 Football team and a fundraiser organised by Matt and his team at Kingston Uni. Many thanks to Kingston Uni. YOUNG ENTERPRISE Dear Students, Parents/Carers We are Year 12 students from Southborough High School in Surbiton, taking part in a charitable scheme called Young Enterprise. It is where we set up our own company and compete against other schools. Our company is called ALPHA. In order to raise capital, we are running a few fundraising events, which include advertising on our school newsletter. Benefits of advertising in our 'Griffin': • The number of viewers are over 900 students as well as their parents. • Weekly views that can reinforce your brand strength. • The griffin is widely available, it is printed, emailed and available on the school website and Facebook (with over 400 likes). Half of an A4 page on the Griffin costs £40 and one-eighth of A4 costs £20 This is the cost for a months' worth of school newsletters which is distributed every week. We can design the layout for you, where you provide us with the information to be added to it. Otherwise, do feel free to design your own layout. If you are interested, please contact the marketing team at Thank You. Kind Regards Team ALPHA KAZZUM RE-TOLD WORSKHOPS Kazzum Theatre company have been working with 50 Year 8 and Year 10 students for the last five weeks on the first phase of an exciting new project. During this academic year Kazzum are exploring how to expand conventional drama using digital platforms, and they wanted to work with us! Over this half term we have used Instagram, Pheed (a video editing app) and Yappie (this one records sound and vocals) to explore three themes: Fitting In, Rejection and Escape. Kazzum representatives and specialist workshop leaders have helped us to create a bank of resources and responses which will be turned into an interactive performance at the end of the year! A selection of student work can be found at: and http:// Digital Engagement Manager at Kazzum, James Wann said: “I was so pleased with how all of the students invested in the sessions, and it really shows in the results. The quality of the work was just fantastic across the board. I was hugely impressed as I imagine everybody will be!” Miss Parsons and I have been really impressed with the commitment, enthusiasm and creativity of the two groups. They have diligently given up part of their lunchtime to be involved with the Re-Told project. We are all really looking forward to the next step in Kazzum’s work and seeing our material being interpreted by professional actors! Mr Melhuish A ‘NIGHT OF FRIGHTS’ AT SOUTHBOROUGH HIGH! Year 7 and 8 students from Southborough High School celebrated Halloween early this year by participating in the school’s first ever FRIGHT NIGHT, which took place after school hours on Wednesday evening. Whilst most people were safely settled in for a cosy evening in front of the fire / telly, these hardy students braved the cold, windy weather to arrive back at school after dark to feast on a cornucopia of ‘frightful’ events organised by Southborough staff, sixth formers and the Year 11 Prince’s Trust students. Greeted at the school entrance by monsters, zombies and an eclectic array of witches and goblins, our guests got the chance to take part in some blood-curdling ‘trick or treating’, apple bobbing, gruesome arts and crafts, clay modelling, masque making and face-painting. Monster Mash tunes blasted out of the zombie music deck to add to the spooky yet fun-filled atmosphere. In the school’s courtyard garden – which had a far more ‘sinister’ feel to it in the pitch darkness – a blindfold string trail got the young students screaming and laughing in equal measure. Back in the main school hall, Macbeth’s Witches speech was reenacted with great aplomb by our English teachers who took great delight in ensuring that they very much looked the part! Afterwards, students were treated to a showing of the famous Michael Jackson Thriller video. Live snakes were the VIP(ER) guests of our usually quiet library and mad, bad Victorian Bedlam was re-created on one of the school’s upper floors, scaring even the most fool-hardy of students! The evening ended a viewing of ‘School for Zombies’, a movie made by and starring not only our boys but staff as well, with a special guest appearance from our very own Headteacher, Mr Smith! A HUGE thank you must go to the main organisers of this spooky and massively entertaining evening, Head of Drama Mr Melhuish and Teaching Assistants Mrs Pollicott and Miss Parsons. Thank you also to all the Sixth Formers who happily dressed up in order to scare the living daylights out of our younger students, Southborough’s Greedy Griffins, together with a whole host of Southborough staff who gave up the best part of their evening to participate, including Mr Colbert, Miss Andreou, Mr Jordan, Mrs Adams, Miss Dunn, Mr Crooks, Miss Maiquez Munoz, Miss Morkane, Ms Mosely, Miss Brayne, Miss Pike, Mrs Pike, Mrs McIntyre, Mr Milliken, Mr Botha, Mr Swinchin Rew, Mr Duke, Miss Gratton, Mrs Furminger, Mrs Humpreys, Mr Sokolov, Mr Nice, Mrs Drinkwater, Miss Drinkwater, Miss Wright and Mrs Taylor. Organiser, Mr Melhuish MENU w/c MONDAY 3 NOVEMBER Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Chicken Bhuna Onion Bhajji Burgers Rice Green Beans & Carrots Fruit Crumble & Custard Shepherd’s Pie Veggie Shepherd’s Pie Peas & Carrots Raspberry Jelly Roast Chicken Vegetarian Quiche Yorkshire Pudding & Gravy Mixed Veg Chocolate Sponge Cake Cannelloni Veggie Cannelloni Garlic Bread Sweetcorn Rice Krispy Cakes Battered Pollock Veggie Kievs Chips Peas Rice Pudding Jacket Potatoes, salads, paninis, baked beans, salad, fresh fruit and a variety of sandwiches and rolls are also served every day. MUSIC CLUBS MONDAY: 12.50 – MUSIC 1 – YEAR 7 ‘PLAY TIME’ – for those who would enjoy getting together with others on a variety of instruments and producing performances of various songs. TUESDAY: 12.50 – MUSIC 1 – JAZZ BAND – at present we have 3 trumpets, 1 trombone and 1 baritone – any other competent brass players (at least Grade 4) would be very welcome. WEDNESDAY: 12.50 – MUSIC 1 - UKULELE CLUB - if you have already played or you would like to improve your skills, come along to make music! THURSDAY: 12.50 – MUSIC 2 – MUSIC PRODUCTION CLUB – aimed at Year 9 pupils who are interested in working with technology/ sound production for the music industry. FRIDAY: 12.50 – MUSIC 1 – SINGING CLUB – singing for everyone – all ages welcome! MATHS CLUBS The maths department offers help after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Please come along. If you’d like to develop your thinking skills, why not join us at chess club or puzzle club? Lunch After School Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Chess club (B7) Chess club (B7) Maths help for all years (B8) Chess club (B7) Maths help for all years (B7) Chess club (B7) Maths help for all years (B6) Chess club (B7) Maths help for all years (B5) Puzzle club (B5) ANOTHER HIGHLY REWARDING PSHCE DAY AT SOUTHBOROUGH “Effective PSHCE education should equip children and young people with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthy, safe, productive and fulfilled lives” (Sir Alasdair Macdonald) At Southborough, ‘Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship Education’ (PSHCE) plays an important part of our curriculum and we do everything we possibly can to ensure that our students become responsible, caring and happy members of society. Throughout the academic year, the school dedicates a number of ‘whole-days’ to PSHCE so that students can spend a greater length of time exploring particular issues in more depth. This Wednesday was one such day. Luckily, the sun decided to make a welcome appearance as staff took all our Year 7 students out on a Kingston Heritage Walk. Covering quite a distance, the walk provided a fantastic opportunity to take in all the key points of interest focusing on Kingston’s Royal Heritage, like the Coronation Stone, Clattern Bridge, the oldest bridge in Surrey that’s still in use, The Market House and Lovekyn Chapel, which dates back to 1309. One student commented: “I’ve been to Kingston so many times but hadn’t realised that there was so much history on our own doorstep. This walk has really opened my eyes!” The students then went on to walk along the river to Teddington Lock and enjoy a nice picnic in the open space. The boys found watching a boat go through the lock fascinating, too! Year 8 students were kept on site to attend a creative range of Personal Wellbeing workshops, where nutrition and keeping fit –amongst other subjects - were on the agenda. The students learnt about the importance of taking responsibility for what they put into their bodies and how they look after themselves by exercising regularly. The focus for our Year 9 and 10 students was ‘careers’ and work experience. Many students accompanied their parents or close relatives to work for the day, giving them valuable firsthand experience of what it’s really like out there amongst the real world of work! Students found themselves work shadowing at banks, solicitors, department stores and hospitals to name but a few. For those students who stayed on site, they spent the day researching different careers and attending workshops on CV writing and interview techniques. Year 11 students focus was very much on future GCSE success and workshops were delivered by visitors from St Mary’s college, who gave our boys some very useful tips and strategies on effective revision and passing exams! Sixth Form students were by no means excluded from this very important PSHCE day. Following a morning of Presentation Skills workshops, over twenty business men and women from a wide variety of industries – from the film industry to intelligence services - came in to speak to our students about what they do. Focusing not just on the industries they worked in but rather the specialised roles that they played within their organisations, students learnt firsthand the qualities needed to succeed in sales, corporate management, human resources, finance and marketing. Students were seated in small groups within the main school hall and our visitors ‘speed-networked’ around the crowds, ensuring that each group of students got the chance to ask whatever questions they liked about a particular job role / profession. Deputy Headboy Rukshan Rajamanthri commented: “The speed networking session demonstrated how valuable it is to be able to communicate face-to-face with people from a wide range of industries. I found one visitor from a leading software firm – who spends his days travelling between California, Paris and London visiting clients – to be especially interesting to talk to.” In all, it was an exhausting but none-the-less highly rewarding day for all our students, who behaviour throughout the year groups was impeccable. A big thank you must go to all staff who helped out and in particular to Mr Neal and Miss Bassnett-Barker for all their hard work in putting together such an exciting and worthwhile PSHCE programme for the benefit of the whole school. Mr Sanders and Mr Neal with our visitors form the Metropolitan Police Selection of photos from the Year 7 walk in and around Kingston Fixtures w/c Monday 3 November 2014 Y11 Football v Hollyfield – away Mr Edwards 3/11/14 Y10 Football v Richard Challoner – away Mr Scales 6/11/14 Under 16 Badminton v Wilsons – away Mr Colbert 7/11/14 Y8 & Y10 Cricket League at Richard Challoner Mr Scales 7/11/14 Southborough High School PE Department Key Stage 3 & 4 Extra-Curricular Programme Autumn Term 2014 Monday Tuesday Lunchtime After School Gym - Table Tennis Club – up to 20 participants JCO Astro –Y7 Astro – Y8 Basketball – Yrs 7/8/9 CJO Astro – Y9 No Clubs – Staff Meetings Wednesday Thursday Astro – Y10 Y 7/8 cricket bowling machine – 6th formers Astro – Y11 Rugby Club - All Years CJO / KSC / JCO / ACO Football Club ADU / JCO / KSC / ACO / DJO + Coach Basketball – Squad players only – KS4 & 5 CJO Cricket Y7/8 – astro - Darren Badminton – Gym JCO / DDE Friday Weights Room & Fitness Suite Extra-Curricular Programme Lunchtime After School Y 11 Weights gym & Fitness suite JCO Staff Meetings Monday Tuesday Y 10 weights gym & Fitness suite* CJO Ys 10/11/ 6th form weights gym & Fitness suite* Wednesday 6th form weights gym & fitness suite* KSC The Muscle Project- MHA Key Stage 3 self defence - GSR Y10 Core PE Y10/11 & 6th form weights gym & Fitness suite* JCO Ys 10/11 & 6th form weights gym & fitness suite* MHA Thursday Y11 Core PE Friday WORD OF THE WEEK Our word of the week this week is Xenophobia. A person 'displaying' xenophobia is unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples. Xenophobia is an unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers, or of that which is foreign or strange. FOSH CORNER Please do buy your tickets or maybe get together some friends/ family for the LIVE BAND EVENT on Saturday 22nd November, 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start. The band Blind Panic will entertain us with live music, there will be food on sale and a Licensed Bar. With tickets only costing £5 for adults, (under 18’s free) [now available on Parentpay]- it promises to be a great evening! All money goes to support the School and enable the purchase of additional resources.
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