FRIDAY 13th March 2015 weekly newsletter from southborough high school Word from the Headteacher Niall Smith Young Enterprise This year’s Young Enterprise group, Alpha, have picked up where ACE left off. They have come up with a fantastic product, a security backpack called the “Vice-Versa” and are already winning awards: the Best Team and Best Sales Team at the Richmond & Kingston Trade Fair last weekend. Please do support them by buying a “Vice-Versa” and spreading the word via Twitter @alpha_YE or at . Proud new owner of a Vice-Versa..! Kind regards, Mr N. Smith, Headteacher LETTER OF THANKS Southborough High School received a lovely note last week from the Motor Neurone Disease Association thanking our Year 10 Princes Trust students for their generous donation. The boys, namely Mehmet Aker, Harris Barber, Cameron Ballard, John Cordeiro, Branden Okyere, Sam Sobkow, Scott Wells, Noureddine Aitouarab, Tarun Ramjeeawon and Dimitar Vukadinov – raised the money selling a range of exclusive ethical products as part of a special social enterprise project that they took part in earlier this year. Well done boys! calendar Sat 14 Mar Y10 Cadet Training Sun 15 Mar Y10 Cadet Training Mon 16 Mar Y7 Inter-form Football (am), Visit to Talk by Michael Morpurgo (eve) Tues 17 Mar Y10 Trip to The Orange Tree Theatre, Y11/12/13 Science Trip to St Mary’s Uni Wed 18 Mar Y8 Inter-form Football (am) Thur 19 Mar 4-7pm Y10 Parents’ Consultation, FOSH cake/ hot chocolate sale @ lunchtime, Y11/12/13 Science Trip to St Mary’s Uni Fri 20 Mar Y7-10 School Exams (to 26/3) Sat 21 Mar Y6 Friendship Day Mon 23 Mar 6th Form Rag Week (to 27/3), AS Geography Trip to Swanage (to 25/3) Tues 24 Mar 7pm Murder Mystery Wed 25 Mar Y9 Inter-form Football (pm) Thur 26 Mar 1.30pm The S Factor Talent Show for KS3 in Hall Fri 27 Mar Break Up at Lunchtime Mon 13 Apr Professional Learning Day – School Closed for Pupils Tues 14 Apr 8.40am School Starts Wed 22 Apr GCSE PE Moderation Thur 23 Apr 4-7pm Y8 Parents’ Consultation Fri 24 Apr FOSH ‘Pig Racing’ evening Thur 30 Apr 4-7pm Y7 Parents’ Consultation, Junior Maths Challenge Mon 4 May Bank Holiday Wed 6 May International GCSEs begin Fri 8 May 6th Form Study Leave Starts Sun 10 May Trip to Basketball Match at the O2 Mon 11 May GCE/GCSE Exams begin (to 24/6) Tues 12 May P6 Whole School Reading 25-29 May Half Term CONGRATULATIONS TO Zach Weston and Alec Mason (Year 9) for outstanding work in Computer Science. 2 The GRIFFIN THURSDAY 26TH MARCH THE FINALS OF SOUTHBOROUGH’S VERY OWN TALENT SHOW!!!! SI G N U P FOR TH E FI RS T PA RT O F T HE A UD I T I O N PR OC E S S B Y G I V I N G Y O UR N A ME (A N D T A LEN T !) TO MS W A TKI N S O R MR SO KO LO V . G ZIN ! A M ! A L ZES PRI SIONA FES NG PRO CORDI RE SSION SE THE FOR ER!! N WIN WH A TEVE R YOUR YE AR G ROUP , I F YOU H A V E A UNI QUE T AL E NT AND YOU’D LIKE T O B E A P ART OF T H I S YE AR’S S F A CT O R T A L E N T S H O W TH EN G E T P RAC T I SI NG F OR T H E FIR S T AUDI T I ONS I N F RONT OF A SEL E C T E D P ANE L OF J UDG E S ON T HU R S DA Y 1 2 TH M A R CH ! 13 March 13 March The GRIFFIN 3 SOUTHBOROUGH STUDENTS AND STAFF TAKE PART IN YMCA’S SLEEPEASY CHALLENGE 2015 Last weekend, many of us would have enjoyed a hot meal and a cosy night indoors while the cold night weather took its toll outside. Snuggled later on in our comfortable, warm beds, many of us probably wouldn’t have given a second thought to how very lucky we are to have such comfortable and safe lives. The reality, it seems, can be very different for others, with thousands of people – young and old – living homeless on the streets. But what can people do to help change things for the better? Last Saturday evening, a large crowd of Southborough students from Year 11 and 12- along with teachers Miss Bassnett-Barker and Mr Walker – attempted to do just that. Indeed, they gave up their comfortable beds for the night and donated money in order to sleep under the stars in makeshift cardboard shelters as part of the YMCA -driven SleepEasy Challenge for 2015. The SleepEasy Challenge which has grown in size and momentum over the last four years, and now sees satellite events taking place across the United Kingdom – is about raising both awareness and much needed funds for the valuable work that the YMCA do supporting the homeless. ‘Sleep Rough So Others Don’t Have To’ is the key message of this very worthwhile cause and so it was that both staff and students from Southborough High School found themselves in Kingston’s town centre at 6.30pm last Saturday evening. All participants – and there were over 100 young people from a number of schools and youth clubs taking part in total – first met up at the church next to the memorial gardens to receive a warm welcome from organisers, sponsors and others who were there simply to help out and entertain the crowds! Coffee, soup and card boxes were then handed out to everyone taking part and everyone moved outside and into the memorial gardens themselves. Earlier that day Kingston had witnessed some rather unexpectedly warm weather. However, as the night drew in, the temperature dropped and it was back to a cold and frosty night (although thankfully not rainy!) for the participants, settling down into their cardboard shelters for the long night ahead, which only ended at 6am the next morning. Year 11 student Mario Nikolov commented: “It’s only when you sleep outside with nothing but a piece of cardboard to protect you from the elements that you get a better sense of what it must be like for all those homeless people. Not having any where safe and warm to stay for the night –and for the foreseeable future – is a terrible situation to be in.” Year 11 student Tim Wong added: “Most of us really do take our comfortable lives for granted so this experience was a real wake-up call for what it must be like to be homeless. Even so, we still had refreshments and security was on hand for our protection. The homeless invariably aren’t so lucky. I just hope that our contribution can help in some way. Year 11 student Aidan Yim added: “One thing’s for sure, though, I know that we want to take part in the event next year as well!” Miss Bassnett-Barker, who was the driving force behind our students getting involved, concluded: “This is the second year running that students from Southborough have taken part and Mr Walker and I were overwhelmed that so many of the boys offered up their weekend to do something completely selfless.. For the entire night the boys’ behaviour was impeccable! It was also lovely to see the older students looking out for the younger ones. I am unbelievably proud of all of them and what they have accomplished through taking part.” Well done to the following students who took part: Year 11: Zack Hill, Saad Khan, Michael Villar-Nogerua, Mario Nikolov, Adam Royal, Tim Wong, Aidan Yim, Joe Girton, Kurubaran Umapathykumar, Year 12: Jack Berry, Brooking Roffey, Cameron Ritchie, Ben Ellis, Ewan Lui, Robert Hutchins and George Barlow- McLarnon A BIG thank you also to Miss Bassnett-Barker and Mr Walker for organising, supervising and taking part in the event. Murder Mystery 4 The GRIFFIN 13 March MURDER MYSTERY LAST CHANCE!! It is your last chance to secure tickets for this year’s Murder Mystery. Payments will stop on March 17th. Remember your £14 gets you a three course meal and an evening of dramatic entertainment. CAUCASIAN CHALK CIRCLE TRIP On March 7th, 40 Year 8 and GCSE Drama students went to see Caucasian Chalk Circle at The Unicorn Theatre. The play was written in the 1940s by Bertol Brecht, who is a very important theatre practitioner. Year 8 students will study him and the theatrical techniques that he developed later in the year, and this was a great introduction. With little scenery, a multi-rolling cast of eight, songs and narration, the play tells the story of Grusha a serving girl who rescues a small boy after their family flee a country in civil war. After Grusha's many trials and tribulations the biological mother returns, demanding her son back. It is up to Azdak the judge to decide who should keep the child. At nearly 3 hours in length, the play kept the students spell bound with its innovative staging and gripping story. On leaving the theatre I overheard one student say: 'It moved my soul.' That is the power of theatre! Many thanks to Mr Milliken for assisting, and especially to Miss Parsons and Miss McMonagle who gave up their free time to be on the trip. PLEASE PAY OUR SCHOOL FUND We thank those parents who have already made a contribution to the school fund. If you haven’t already made your school fund donation this year, then we would urge you to do so. School fund payments contribute towards different aspects of school life, eg students’ extra-curricular activities, participation in sports competitions, and running and upkeep of school minibuses. The suggested contribution per family per annum is £80.00, but all donations are welcome. There is an option now to pay school fund donations on Parent Pay. You can amend the amount on screen to whatever you would like to donate. We thank you for your continued support in this matter. 13 March The GRIFFIN 5 ACCELERATED READER AWARDS Congratulations to the following boys who earned awards for the first half term Ready Reader: Year 7: Mahad Ahmad, Amman Ahmed, Hayder Al-Ali, Muhammad Awan, Jack Barber, Alex Barker, Harrison Brimmell, Joshua Britton, Faris Chughtai, Lennon Croucher, Angus Findlay, Armandas Gintvilas, Tyler Gosling, Finley Griffith-Brown, Nirusan Gunapalan, Mustafa Hamam, Arushan Hariharan, Brandon Hodges, Joshua Jordan, Rishabh Joshi, Jack Kemp, Mehdi Khalil, Sadid Khan, Keval Patel, Vikash Purwal, Rabishana Rabindran, Sivanujan Sathiskumar, Cameron Shaw, Luke Taperell, Theepigan Thaneeskaran, Gerthikan Tharmarajah, Max Thompson, Connor Thornton, Krish Udani, Sinthujan Vivekanadan, Alex Weston, Dylan White, Oscar White, Charlie Whittaker, Dylan Winfield Ready Reader: Year 8: Habib Malik, Sujeethan Nadesan, Lenny O’Rawe, Lathurshan Raveendran, James Western-Airey Ready Reader: Year 9: Kastro Castello, Amine Larbi, Robert Marsh, Vibooshan Nanthakumaran, Ataur Rehman Independent Reader: Cameron Barnard, Tyler Gosling, Jamie Mason, Patrick McDonnell, Stanley Shaw, Mackenzie Thompson, Jobin Alex, Thanusan Balakumar, Kai Campbell-Painter, Tom McAtamney, Zachary Meehan, Roshan Parmar, Hariram Prabaharan, Neervesh Bolakee, Calum Hutton, Gregory Kozicki Rising Reader: Bertie Badham, Sagar Jawa, Liam Jones, Patrick McDonnell, Callum Murphy, Mohammed Qamar, Basil Raja, Stanley Shaw, Sivanajan Sivasamy, Maadesh Thayaparan, Alex Finnie, Christian Harper, Sam Hodgson, Sung In Hong, Anton Kehayov, Roshan Nakuleswaran, Alex Ellis, Alfie Johnson, Chris Vargas, Sharooz Virk, Jack Wheeler Super Reader: Sivanajan Sivasamy, Clive Donaldson, Anton Kehayov, Praveen Rasamohan, David Williams-Beaney, Deechan Gurung, Rahil Patel Advanced Reader: Tyler Yim, Arslan Ahmed Star Reader: Luke Gregory Word Millionaire: Sivanajan Sivasamy, Jasvin Khurana, Jamie Suwankampoo quote OF THE WEEK: "A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials." Lucius Seneca Our quote this week is again drawn from Classical Antiquity and the writings of Seneca. Lucius Seneca was a Roman Stoic philosopher, statesman and dramatist. He was a tutor and later advisor to Emperor Nero. Tragically, he was forced to commit suicide for alleged complicity in the Pisonian conspiracy to assassinate Nero. Like Marcus Aurelius last week, Seneca was a committed devotee of the Stoic outlook. 6 The GRIFFIN 13 March SOUTHBOROUGH TEAM WIN UNDER 17 SURREY CRICKET INDOOR LEAGUE TROPHY Friday evening saw our school team play their final sixaside game of the season for the last round of the Under 17 Surrey Cricket Indoor League – and much to everyone’s delight, they didn’t just win the game but they won the entire tournament! Since September, the team has played six games against teams from Tiffin Boys, Ripley and Wimbledon School, winning every single match! Team Captain Adam Lawrence performed a personal best on Friday gaining 62 not out and he was the top scorer and fielder for the entire season, demonstrating a batting average of 149. Mr Colbert, who gave up a great deal of his own time coaching and supporting the team commented: “ I’m extremely proud of the lads, who have all given their best throughout the entire season. Whilst the team is predominantly made up of sixth formers, we also have a number of Year 10 students who play within the team and they have clearly worked very well together. The winning shield will sit proudly in the school’s display cabinet for all to see and admire!” Sadly, this will be the last season that our current sixth formers will be eligible to play. However, younger talent from lower down in the school have already proved their worth and they will no doubt take up where the sixth formers left off and do the school proud! Many congratulations to the following students: Rahim Akram, Adam Lawrence, Tom Daniels, Conor McElligott, Abishek Annthakumar, Haris Khan and Prince Singh and to Mr Colbert for all his time and support. FOSH CORNER FOSH will be having a CAKES/ hot chocolate sale at lunchtime on THURSDAY 19th MARCH. If you would like to, please could you send in some cakes with the boys on Thursday – the boys certainly appreciate the home-baking, and the hot choc! We shall also be providing an Easter Hamper and a Licensed Bar for the Murder Mystery on Tues 24th March. Our next major FOSH fund-raising event shall be a ‘pig racing evening’ on Friday 24th April – do keep this evening free in your diary. TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE ON PARENTPAY NOW! Please see the poster below. We are preparing a Hamper for this event – can we ask you to consider sending in any unwanted gifts for our Raffle espe- cially if they have a pink/pigtheme. If you bring the items in to the School Office we shall collect them from there. Thank you. 13 March The GRIFFIN 7 YOUNG ENTERPRISE TEAM ’ALPHA’ WIN TWO TROPHIES AT RICHMOND & KINGSTON TRADE FAIR This year’s 6th Form Young Enterprise Team ‘Alpha’ are certainly following in the footsteps of last year’s team success, as they won two major awards during last Saturday’s Richmond and Kingston Trade Fair. The team won ‘Best Sales Team’ and ‘Best Overall Company , and the trophies were presented to the team by the Mayor of Kingston and Deputy Mayor of Richmond. Lewis Alpha spokesman Howells commented: “We had an early start with only an hour to set our trade stand and display our product, which is a back pack cleverly designed to minimise the risk of pick pockets./ theft. During the allotted sales time there were many different products which we had to compete against such as wine glasses as flower pots and a scented pillow but we knew we had a better product! We also did a flash mob which we called “operation guerrilla”, which, we believe helped us win our awards because no one ever in the history of Young Enterprise had done anything like that before! “ The students received £80 prize money and generated £305 worth of revenue – fantastic! Well done to the ‘Alpha’ team and to the students who were present on that particular day, namely:. Lewis Howells, Ajaykharan Divakharan, Matt Alder, Nantheesh Puvaneswara, Arsid Temaj, Craig Pereira, Jack Berry, Yusuf Rafiq, Joe Stocker, Ewan Liu, ,Thanvir Kamaly, Sarusan Saseendrakumar and Kieran Kentish. And a huge thank you also to last year’s Young Enterprise MD Sunny Ratilal and Sales director Kiran Arokiasamy, Mr Miah and Miss Andreou, who’s collective help and support was amazing. 8 The GRIFFIN 13 March Book of the week! The Divide MUSIC CLUBS MONDAY: 12.50 MUSIC 1 – YEAR 7 ‘PLAY TIME’ For those who would enjoy getting together with others on a variety of instruments and producing performances of various songs. by Nicholas Evans (Author of The Horse Whisperer) The story starts with two skiers finding the body of a young woman embedded in the ice of a remote mountain creek. The police work with arc lamps and chainsaws throughout the night to prise her out. They soon discover that she is Abbie Cooper, wanted by police all over America for murder and acts of terrorism! Abbie’s story is told in flashbacks, as it relates to her brother and her now estranged parents Ben & Sarah. Abbie had gone missing whilst studying at University, her parents are distraught. How do you cope when a member of your family goes missing? How does the bright and intelligent daughter of a loving family end up on the FBI’s wanted list? This is a gripping and beautifully written story of one family’s struggle through the unthinkable. Mrs Smart TUESDAY: 12.50 MUSIC 1 – JAZZ BAND at present we have 3 trumpets 1 saxophone, 1 cornet and 1 trombone. Any competent brass/ wind players (at least Grade 2) would be very welcome! WEDNESDAY: 12.50 SAINSBURY’S ACTIVE KIDS We are now collecting these vouchers in order to obtain free PE kit for the pupils. In previous years we have been able to send off for some fantastic equipment. So please do bring in /send in your vouchers to reception. Please ask neighbours, relatives and friends for their vouchers to help us get as many as possible. Many thanks in advance for your help. MUSIC 1 - UKULELE CLUB If you have already played or you would like to improve your skills, come along to make music! THURSDAY: 12.50 GARAGE BAND CLUB All year groups welcome. Learn how to REALLY make tunes with Garage Band and Logic! FRIDAY: 12.50 MUSIC 1 – SINGING CLUB Singing for everyone – all ages welcome! MATHS CLUBS The maths department offers help after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Please come along. If you’d like to develop your thinking skills, why not join us at chess club or puzzle club? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Maths help for Y11 Thursday Chess club (B7) Maths help for Y11 Friday Maths challenge club (B5) Maths help for Y11 Maths help for Y7-10 (B8) (B6) (B5) (B5) Puzzle club Maths help for Y7-10 Maths help for Y7-10 Maths help for Y7-10 (B5) (B5) (B7) (B8) Lunch After School 13 March The GRIFFIN 9 WOULD YOU LIKE TO JOIN HOOK AND SOUTHBOROUGH BOWLING CLUB? We have received the following: My name is Keith White and I am President of Hook & Southborough Bowling Club founded in 1905. The club is situated in the far corner of Kings Edward’s Recreation Ground along the Hook Road where it has been cited for the last 110 years. We are a relatively small mixed club but looking to expand its membership particularly with young people. If you are interested, please do email me at HISTORY TRIP TO BERLIN 17TH TO 19TH JUNE 2015 Please could parents and carers of those year 10 students going on the trip to Berlin please pay the second instalment of £75.00. A final instalment of £75 will be due after the Easter holidays. There are also a couple of places left on the trip. If any student would still like to go, please see Mr McMillan for a letter. UCED 0 T RED S 25 O £ C TO WEEKLY FIXTURES LIST - W/C MONDAY 16th March Fixture Date Staff Y7 Inter-form Football Periods 1-4 16/3/15 PE DEPT Y8 Inter-form Football Periods 3-4 18/3/15 PE DEPT Y10 Football v Hollyfield – AWAY 3.30pm KO 19/3/15 Mr Johnson MENU w/c MONDAY 16th march Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Chicken Korma Pizza Roast Chicken Lasagne Battered Onion Bhajji Veggie Pizza Veggie Quiche Vegetarian Pollock Burgers Potato Wedges Roast Potatoes, Bolognaise Veggie Rice Peas & Carrots Yorkshire Garlic Bread Sausages Green Beans & Meringue Pudding & Sweetcorn Chips Carrots Nests Gravy Angel Baked Beans Fruit Crumble & Mixed Veg Delight Rice Pudding Custard Raspberry Jelly Jacket Potatoes, paninis, bakes beans, salad, fresh fruit and a variety of sandwiches and rolls are also served every day. 10 The GRIFFIN 13 March Southborough High School / PE Department Key Stage 3 & 4 Extra Curricular Programme Spring Term 2015 Lunchtime After School MondayGym - Table Tennis Club – No Clubs – Staff Meetings up to 20 participants JCO Astro –Y7 Tuesday Astro – Y8 Rugby Club - All Years CJO / ACO – School Field Football Club – Year 7 ADU / KSC - Astro Wednesday Astro – Y9 Football Club – Year 8 JCO - Astro Thursday Astro – Y10 Football Club – Year 9 Y 7/8 cricket bowling machine ACO – 6th formers Friday Astro – Y11Badminton – Gym JCO Personalised training programs OPEN TO YEARS 10-13 THE WEIGHTS ROOM WEDNESDAYS 3:20-4:30PM THE MUSCLE PROJECT STRENGTH MUSCLE WEIGHT LOSS DIET ADVICE Weights room & Fitness suite Extra Curricular Programme Lunchtime Monday Tuesday After School Year 11 Weights gym & Fitness suite JCOStaff Meetings Year 10 weights gym & Fitness suite* CJO Wednesday 6th form weights gym & fitness suite* KSC Thursday Yr 10 Core PE Years 10/11 & 6th form weights gym & Fitness suite* The Muscle Project- MHA Years 10/11 & 6th form weights gym & Fitness suite* JCO Friday Yr 11 Core PE Years 10/11 & 6th form weights gym & fitness suite* MHA * Due to the popularity of this club there will be limited entry into the weights room & fitness suite. 13 March The GRIFFIN Friends of Southborough High invites you to a PIG RACING NIGHT Friday 24th April 2015 Doors open at 7pm. Racing begins at 7.30pm £5.00 per Adult & £1.00 Under 18’s Tickets via ParentPay Licensed Bar with soft drinks Burgers and sweets to buy Raffle prizes to be won Bring your friends and have a fun evening! All proceeds to the boys at Southborough High School. FOSH would like to thank you in advance for your support. 11 Attention ALL Students and Parents/Carers of Southborough High School! RAG WEEK 2015 23-27 March During the last week of this term, the 6th Form will be running their annual RAG Week, raising money for TWO very worthwhile charities, namely The Children’s Trust, Tadworth and Ronald McDonald House Charities. Parents: We would like all our Southborough students in the school to support such a worthwhile cause and you can help by ensuring that your boys bring in some extra pocket money during RAG Week to pay to see the shows, buy some cakes, take part in Friday’s mufti day, sponsor a teacher to dress in something ridiculous… plus much more besides! It’s a chance for them to take part in some HIGHLY enjoyable and exciting activities – and raise much needed money for charity. We thank you in advance for your kind support!
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