St. John the Baptist School October 15, 2014 “Lord Jesus, open our eyes and our hearts to the needs of those around us. Help us to hear Your voice. Prayer is powerful. May we never lose sight of this special gift we have all been given. Prayer is the privilege of working with You as You change people’s lives. Let us pray together to help make this world a better place. We ask this through Christ Our Lord, Amen.” Grade 2 Parent Meeting There will be a Grade 2 Parent Meeting for First Reconciliation tonight, October 15, starting at 6:30 in the Music Room. Red Ribbon Week St. John's will be celebrating Red Ribbon week October 20-24. The following is the theme for each day: MONDAY - 10/20 SJG Speech Team All students in grades five through eight are invited to join our St. John’s Speech Team. The next meeting will be Tuesday, October 21, from 3:00 to 4:00 in Mrs. West’s 7th grade classroom. YOU CAN'T FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS WITH DRUGS - PJ DAY Appropriate Pajamas and tennis shoes TUESDAY - 10/21 SUPERHEROS DON'T USE DRUGS - DARE The fifth grade class is participating in the DARE Program, Drug Abuse Resistance Education, with Deputy Herwig. The next class will be Friday, October 17, from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. NO School There will be no school on Monday, October 27 for the Sausage Dinner clean-up. Friday, October 17, is a jeans day for all students in grades eight, six, and three for filling their tab jar. Thank you for collecting tabs to benefit our school. GO Cardinals! All students may wear red or a Cardinal shirt with uniform pants on any day that the Cardinals are playing in the Playoffs! Let’s cheer for those Redbirds! SUPERHERO WEAR Superhero t-shirt, costume, cape, etc. NO MASKS/NO MAKEUP WEDNESDAY - 10/22 I'M TOO BRIGHT FOR DRUGS - NEON CLOTHES S.T.E.M. SJG STEM Club will meet each month from 3:00 to 4:30. Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 6 in the gym. We are also asking for monetary donations to help sponsor our STEM Club from businesses in our area. If your employer would be interested in being a sponsor, have them call our school for more information. Thank you for your generous support. Jeans Day THURSDAY - 10/23 DON'T GET WRAPPED UP IN DRUGS WRAP YOUR TEACHER CONTEST AT THE END OF THE DAY FRIDAY - 10/24 SCARE DRUGS AWAY - HALLOWEEN WEAR Nothing scary, NO MASKS/NO MAKEUP Parents, please don't go out and buy anything new. Please improvise and use what you have at home. This is suppose to be for awareness and fun - not stressful! Thank you. Holy Rosary The month of October each year is dedicated to the Holy Rosary. This is primarily due to the fact that the liturgical feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated annually on October 7. “His mother treasured all these things in her heart.” This is how the Gospel of Luke describes Mary’s reflection on the mystery of Jesus. The rosary is a tool that helps Christians to reflect on the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. People have prayed the rosary for more that 500 years. We are praying one decade of the Rosary each Monday morning during the month of October. We hope you will join us by praying the Rosary as a family at home. “Lord, as we honor the memory of Mary, Our lady of the Rosary, we ask that by the help of her prayers we too may come to share the fullness of Your grace. Grant this through Christ, our Lord, Amen.” Calendar Items Wed., Oct. 15: 6:30-7:45 PSR 6:30 Grade 2 Parent Mtg. in the Music Rm. Thursday, Oct. 16: Grade 7 lead Mass Ministries 6:00 Home Volleyball Game vs. Londell Friday, Oct. 17: End of First Quarter 9:00 DARE for Grade 5 Monday, Oct. 20: Red Ribbon Week begins today! 10:15 Dr. Walde’s Office visits Grades 2 & 3 Tuesday, Oct. 21: 9:30 Grades 3-4-5 to Borgia to see the Sheldon Concert 1:00 Apple Peel in the Parish Center 3:00-4:00 Speech Practice Wed., Oct. 22: Grade 6 lead Mass Ministries Report Cards go home today / 6:30 School Board Meeting SJG Volleyball Jaguars SJG Sausage Dinner Show your team spirit! Cheer for our St. John’s Volleyball Jaguars: Thursday, October 16, Home VB Game vs. Londell at 6:00 GO JAGUARS! Congratulations to all our Volleyball players! Our A Team took 3rd place in the Borgia Tournament and our B Team took 3rd place at our St. John’s Tournament. GREAT JOB! SPIRIT Dress Day for Home Games: All students may wear a spirit shirt with uniform pants. Black and gold school colors are fine but no writing of other schools or teams. For example-Your child cannot wear a Mizzou shirt. St. John’s team members may wear their team shirt with uniform pants. End of First Quarter Friday, October 17 is the end of First Quarter. Cards will be sent home on Wednesday, October 22. Report Upcoming Field Trips Tuesday, October 21, grades three, four, and five will be going to Borgia Grade School to see the Sheldon Concert at 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, October 28, the eighth grade class will go to St. Francis Borgia Regional High School for their Shadow Day. DARE Kids Collecting for VETS 5th grade is taking up a collection of personal hygiene & canned goods for our Veterans between now and November 5. We'll have a box outside the office to put your donated items in. Thank you so much for supporting the men & women who put their lives on the line to protect our freedom. Dental Presentation Dr. Walde’s office will visit our second and third grade classes on Monday, October 20 at 10:15. Basketball Rims A special THANK YOU to Dean and Linda Jasper for restoring our existing basketball rims, backboards, and poles. The students also want to thank you and want you to know that they are enjoying playing basketball at recess! Dean and Linda would also like to install two more basketball rims. They are looking for two standard sized rims. Please contact Dean at 314-267-1678 if you have one that you would like to donate. Thank you! Page 2 The Sausage Dinner is Sunday, October 26. The Men’s Sodality is asking for volunteers. Much help is needed to prepare for this great day. The dinner is prepared and served by the men and boys of our parish. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Please remember the profit from these dinners help support our parish and our school. The Apple Peel will be Tuesday, October 21, in the cafeteria at 1:00. Please bring a knife and a container to hold the apples. All school parents and parishioners are invited. They will be peeling and cutting approximately 33 bushels. Depending on the number of volunteers, they will be done around 4:00 p.m. Any help that you have to offer is much appreciated. The Apple butter Cook is Wednesday, October 22. They are asking for donations of pints and half pints, new or used, jars. The jars need to be in good condition and free of labels. They are also asking for lid and ring combo packs, both regular and wide mouth size, sugar, or money donations. Any donation can be sent in to school, left in the back of church, or in the quilting room on Tuesdays between 6:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Money donations need to be made out to St. John’s Church and can be sent in to school, or dropped in the Sunday collection in an envelope marked “Apple butter Cook”. Any questions, please call Allen and Pat Gephardt at 636-239-7518. Thank you. The Ladies Sodality will also need items for the Sausage Dinner. They will have the Country Store, and are looking for garden produce, houseplants, flower bulbs, jams, jellies, etc. They are having a Bake Sale and looking for cakes, pies, cookies, breads, and any baked goods decorated for Halloween. They will also have a Craft Room, with pillow cases, knit or crochet items, and anything handmade. The Ladies will also need pillows for the Pillow Room. The Ladies welcome any new ideas or thoughts on how to present products. If you have any questions or comments please contact Anita Brinker at 636-667-1003 or Ann Arens at 636-583-5024. Thank you. Also, donations are needed for the Children’s Room. Do you have small McDonald toys or other small toys that you could donate? We are also needing goodie bags. We will make some, but would also like already made goody bags. You can put a mixture of items in them such as toys and candy. Any donations for the prize table would be appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help! In addition we are needing help working the Children’s room for the 2nd shift from 2:30 to 6:30. Can you work part of this time or the whole time? We appreciate any time that you can offer. This also would be a great opportunity for the 7th graders too. This time could be used toward their 15 Christian Service Hours that are needed. If you are able to work or have any questions, please contact Jamie Puetz at 636-388-9439 or email All donations can be dropped off at the Rectory or school office. Thank you for your help! St. John the Baptist School Parent/Teacher Conferences Parent/Teacher Conferences will be Thursday, October 30, from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. There will be a break from 5:00 to 5:30. We are scheduling conferences with your child’s homeroom teacher. However, if your child has another teacher for math, science, or social studies and you would like to meet, you may schedule a conference with that teacher for a different day. Please call the school office to set up an appointment. Your scheduled conference times with your child’s homeroom teacher will be sent home on Wednesday, October 22. Mission Carnival During the month of October each class will be studying different regions throughout the world that are less fortunate than us. We are also planning our Mission Carnival which will be Thursday, October 30. The money collected from the carnival will be sent to the Missionary Childhood Association. Game tickets will be $.25 each. Please see the flyer that is enclosed in the Wednesday folder today for more details. Boo Pops Boo Pops are a fun and exciting way to share the Halloween spirit with your family and friends! They are Tootsie Roll Pops wrapped in a ghostly tissue, with black beady eyes, and a piece of yarn wrapped around the Boo-Pops neck. Boo Pops are only 50 cents and are delivered on October 30 to the children’s classroom. A list and tags are enclosed in the Wednesday folder today. Forms and money are due by Wednesday, October 29. all proceeds benefit our school’s technology fund. Thank you! 8th Grade Pumpkin Contest The 8th grade class will be displaying their decorated pumpkins on Wednesday and Thursday, October 29 and 30. Bring in your coins and vote for your favorite pumpkin. All money collected will be donated to the Agape House. Scholastic Book Fair Guess what is coming….the fall Book Fair and the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid...Long Haul (11/4). Be ready to check out all the great books we provide at the fair from October 30 through November 6. Also, anyone who would like to volunteer with our Book Fair, please contact Angie Weidemann at 636-297-1053 or Trunk or Treat Chili Cook-Off & Pumpkin Pie Showdown Be sure to mark your calendars for Saturday, November 1st for our annual St. John's Trunk-or-Treat, Chili Cook-off, and Pumpkin Pie Showdown! Please see the flyers enclosed in the Wednesday folder today. Return them as soon as possible so we can plan for this fun event. Also, if you are able to help volunteer some time to setup or help with the event that evening, please contact Bridget Callahan @ 314-276-8016 or Kathy Keiser @ 636-274-2556. Thank you. Page 3 Congratulations, Fr. Bannes All are invited to the Installation of Fr. Timothy Bannes as Pastor of St. John’s Parish. The Mass will be Saturday, November 1, at 6:00. with Bishop Edward Rice presiding. There will be a reception following the Installation in our Parish Center. Congratulations, Fr. Bannes, we are blessed to have you at St. John’s Parish and School. Halloween Candy Buy Back Dr. Jackie Miller is holding her annual Halloween Candy Buy Back program. This program is designated to promote healthy food choices and at the same time donating to worthy causes. Bring in some or all of your Halloween candy to Dr. Jackie’s office. They will weigh the candy and your child will receive $1 per pound and a free toothbrush. They will be collecting the candy on Monday, November 3, and Tuesday, November 4. Candy can be dropped off between the hours of 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Dr. Jackie’s office, 1015—G Washington Square. Once the candy has been collected, Dr. Jackie’s Office will send it to our troops overseas with help from our local VFW. If you have any questions, please call 636-2394004. Veteran’s Day Monday, November 10, the students and staff of St. John’s would like to honor our Veteran’s. Please join us for 8:00 a.m. Mass, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance around our flag pole, and a small assembly in our Parish Center. Please provide us with the information for any Veteran’s that you know. We will then send each of them an invitation to join us. Also, we are going to have a memorial wall for Veterans who are no long with us. Please send us their name along with a picture if you like. We are making a slide show in memory of these Veterans. Please email your pictures to If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Burke, Ms. Bogler, or Mrs. Wissmann. Thank you. Dart Ball Tournament Mark your calendars for Saturday, December 6, which will be our annual Dart Ball Tournament here at St. John’s. Invite your family and friends to join us for this fun event which will help raise money for St. John’s technology fund. Please see the flyer enclosed in the Wednesday folder today for more details. If you have any questions, please contact Miss Cara Aholt at 636-221-7514. Grand Raffle Please help our school by purchasing a grand raffle ticket. Only 250 tickets will be sold. The drawing will be held December 9, 2014. The grand prize is $5000, 2nd Prize is $2000, 3rd Prize is $1000, and 4th Prize is $1000. Tickets may be purchased individually, or as a group. Thank you for supporting our school. St. John the Baptist School St. John the Baptist School 5579 Gildehaus Road Villa Ridge, MO 63089 636-583-2392 Flu Season The symptoms of influenza (flu) include fever, cough, and sometimes body aches, headache, chills, and feeling tired. Some people have diarrhea and vomiting. The most important thing you can do to keep flu from spreading is to keep your sick child at home. Use the following checklist to help decide if you or someone in your family may have the flu. *Does your child have a cough? *Does your child have a sore throat? *Does your child have a headache, body aches, or chills? *Does your child have diarrhea or vomiting? *Does your child have a fever of 100 degrees or more? If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or more and a cough or sore throat, your child has an influenza –type illness. Keep your child home for at least 24 hours after they are free of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications. If your child is ill with other symptoms, keep your child home and observe. Send your child back to school after they are completely well for 24 hours. Tin Can Men The 7th grade students are making Tin Men to sell at the Sausage Dinner. They are collecting empty 20 oz. fruit pie filling cans, 15 oz. vegetable cans, and 10 oz. soup cans. They need them as soon as possible so that the Tin Men can be assembled before the Sausage Dinner. Please send in your empty, cleaned cans to the office. Thank you for your help! SCRIP News Remember to take advantage of our SCRIP program. While you are doing your weekly shopping, going out to eat with your family, or filling up your car with gas, your SCRIP purchase can also benefit our school. Go to for extra forms. Please call Laura Ley with any questions at 636-583-2820. Thank you. St. John’s Cookbooks St. John’s Cookbooks are available in our school office. Find some delicious recipes just in time for the upcoming holidays. The cookbooks are $8 each and the Ladies Sodality appreciate your support. Mother/Daughter Tea Father/Son Program Mercy Hospital will present an afternoon for Mothers and Daughters and two Father/Son: Boys Into Men Programs. The programs, developed by the Department of Fertility Care Services, are presented to girls and their mothers (or guardians) and boys and their fathers (or guardians) by Registered Nurses, Doctors and a panel including teens. They emphasize respect, understanding, and appreciation of sexuality while encouraging parent/child communication. The Mother/Daughter Tea will be held on Sunday, November 9, 2014 (for 11-12 year olds) from 1:00-4:00 p.m. and Sunday, October 19, 2014, (for 13-17 year olds), also from 1:00 to 4:00. The Father/Son: Boys into Men programs will be held on Sunday, November 9, 2014 (for 11-12 year olds) from 1:00— 4:00 p.m. and Sunday, October 19, 2014 (for 13-17 year olds), also from 1:00—4:00 p.m. All programs will be held in the VonGontard Conference Center at Mercy Hospital, 621 South New Ballas Road, Creve Coeur, 63141. The cost, which includes refreshments, is $45 per family. Registration must be done online at For registration information, or program information, please call 314-991-0327. Protecting God’s Children If you plan to volunteer this school year, or go on a field trip with your child, you are required to complete the following items: *Attend “Protecting God’s Children” Workshop: For upcoming workshops go to the Archdiocesan website: *Volunteer Background Check *Acknowledge for Volunteer Screening Purposes Signature Form *Commitment to Ethical Conduct Signature Form If you have completed all the above items in the past, someone from the school office will call you if updates are needed. Please call the school office if you have any questions. Thank you.
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