HOSHANA RABBA / SHEMINI ATZERET SIMCHAT TORAH / PARSHAS BEREISHIS 21-24 TISHREI 5775 OCTOBER 15-18, 2014 Rabbi Joseph Kanofsky, Ph.D. rjk@shaareitorah.com www.shaareitorah.com Chag Sameach ! C HO L HA MO ED/ S HEMI NI S I MC HAS TORA H 57 74 A TZER ES / ALL TORAH READINGS ARE AT THE BACK OF THE ARTSCROLL SIDDUR HOSHANA RABBA - Wed. Oct. 15 Shacharis 6:45am Mincha/Maariv 5:52pm Candelighting 6:16pm SHEMINI ATZERES - Thurs. Oct. 16 Shacharis 9:15am YIZKOR approx 10:45am Mincha/Maariv 6:30pm Hakafot 7:15pm Candlelighting after 7:15pm* SIMCHAS TORAH - Fri. Oct. 17 Shacharis 9:15am Simchas Torah Luncheon Candlelighting 6:12pm Mincha/Kab. Shabbos 6:15pm SHABBOS BERESHIS - Oct. 18 Shacharis 9:15am Mincha 5:55pm Maariv/Havdallah 7:13pm TOT Program with Torah Tours TBA SIMCHAS TORAH FAMILY LUNCHEON Friday, October 17 after services Join the congregation for a Yom Tov Meal in the Davidson Social Hall No Charge WE THANK ALL OUR SPONSORS! The entire congregation is invited to the Sukkah for Kiddush immediately following services on Shemini Atzeres and in the Davidson Social Hall on Shabbos A SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR SIMCHAS TORAH LUNCH SPONSORS NEXT SHABBAT ! KST Shabbat Project: Oneg Shabbat SPONSORS NEEDED Keeping It Together: Great people, Song & Food Friday night, October 24th, 2014 Kabbalat Shabbat 6pm | Dinner 7pm $28 pp - Early RSVP’s required office@shaareitorah.com Yeshiva University CENTER FOR THE JEWISH FUTURE MEET OUR TORAH TOURS TEAM MAX JACKL - Max, or really Maksymilian, was born, raised and nurtured in Warsaw, Poland. In his late teens he went to Yeshiva Beis Tzion in Berlin, and later to Midrash Shmuel in Jerusalem. Then he ended up in YU where he is a Senior, studying Philosophy. His interests include the history of Polish Jews, game theory and history and many other things. He thinks that after YU he is going to pursue academia. In addition he is contemplating to which continent does his future belong, but that did not stop him from renewing his passport in 2012 so that he would be able to go to Canada and he does not have to sit in a passport office. DAVID WEISS is a third year YU senior born and raised in New Rochelle, New York. David is majoring in Political Science and is looking forward to going to law school next year. David also is a fitness enthusiast and is an aspiring personal trainer. As David writes this message, he is sitting in the passport office waiting to renew his expired passport, so that he can go to Canada for an amazing Torah Tours experience. JEFFREY BERGER is a Teaneck native, Marketing major/Finance minor, in his Senior year at Yeshiva University. After spending a year studying in Jerusalem, Jeffrey began his pre-professional trek at YU where he has had the privilege of interning at two decorated global companies, including SanDisk and Giorgio Armani. As for the future, Jeffrey aspires for a career in client relations and sales in Real Estate or Finance. NATHANIEL RIBNER is a 3rd-year Senior, born and raised in Teaneck, NJ. Nathaniel is majoring in English, minoring in business, and is looking to work in consulting or marketing next year. Nathaniel is also an accomplished A Cappella singer and an aspiring musician. REBECCA HAGLER is a New York girl. Raised in Woodmere, NY. Rebecca is a junior. She plans to pursue a career in special education, and is majoring in Jewish studies. Rebecca is very excited about her simchas Torah plans this year, and hope this incredible community feels the same! REBECCA SARAGOSSI hails from Boca Raton, Florida. She is a junior majoring in Marketing, and minoring in Psychology. In addition to Rebecca's major and minor, she has a passion for politics and medicine, as well as watching TED videos. She is very excited to meet you and your community!! KAYLA MILLER is a senior majoring in Art History. Kayla is in the Stern College dramatics society and has acted in school plays since her first semester on campus. Kayla also interns for a Supreme Court judge and hopes to have a career in law.
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