OCTOBER 2014 ALLEGAN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 409 Trowbridge Street Allegan Mi 49010 269-673-4236 Fax No. 269-673-8856 JOYS AND CONCERNS Listed below are some of the Joys and Concerns heard during recent worship services. We carry each other’s burdens and dance dances for all of God’s children. Reach out and touch someone’s life as you pray for them. Email-secretary@allumc.org Website alleganumc.net Sunday Morning Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. All Ages Robert K. Lynch Pastor 269-673-2512 JOYS Congratulations: Happy Birthday to Heather Weeks and Samantha Wood; Rebeca Barber and Miles Burnley married September 13. Thank You: A BIG thank you to Bob, Willard and Rod for scooping up ice cream at the North Ward open house August 27 and thanks to Emmie for the extra help; To all KH volunteers who helped greet returning students at North Ward; Doug and Shirley Duryea are thankful for all your continued prayers for their daughter and their family; Joan Rininger thanks everyone for your continued prayers for her brother, Ken. ALLEGAN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH is a caring, dynamic community of faith where all people are invited to encounter God and to celebrate a Risen Lord. Through God’s Spirit we grow spiritually, emphasize the individual’s relationship with Christ and others, and change with and serve the needs of the community. Celebrations and Joys: Magen Dennis shared her blessing that her campus ministry will be a paid internship; Barb Simpson celebrates family birthdays and her sister, Colleen, got a job at AGH; Ellen Bierlein’s son and daughter have found jobs; Pastor Bob wants us take time to reflect God’s love in our lives! Concerns on the following page…. Page 2 (Concerns on following page) SEPTEMBER 2014 PRAYERS AND CONCERNS Prayers for our military: Those connected with this congregation: Ryan Balgoyen, Tanner Boysen, Steven Carroll, Thomas DeBruyne, Matt Fullam, Stephanie Hadley, Isaiah Hadley, Dillon Hileski, Michael Hileski, Gregory McIntire, Jason Star, Jeremy Thompson, Dai Wessman and Dan Wrobleski. Continued prayers for those battling cancer or having treatment: Jane Allen, Alice Armstrong, Dale Barber, Evelyn Bierlein, Bill Carr, Denise Cherry, Tom Comeau, Jim Conlon, Andrew Cowen, Stacy Davis, Linda Evans, Ernie Hagerman, Angie Heckman, Dave Hitchcock, Ryan Howrigan, Monica Kraai, Mary Jo Lange; Ken Milhiem, Villas Mohrland, John Murphy, Philip Nicolai, June Nielsen, Chelsea Reed, Jerri Remynse, Dan Richardson, Phil Rose, Denise Schmidt, Terri Stapleton, Deb Stutzman, Cessily Wotring Thackler, Naomi Watts, Jenny Walsh, and those known but unnamed. Sympathy: Jackie Thompson family on the death of her sister’s companion, Darrin Myers; Family and friends of Sharon Fenner from Martin; Max Whisler and family on the death of JoAnn; Health Concerns: Allen Wait at AGH; Chic Heckman to go to Ely Manor for rehabilitation after back surgery; Doug and Shirley Duryea’s daughter is home and taking chemotherapy; Ken Milhiem’s surgery went well and now facing chemo and radiation; PJ McQuaid in college in China and has the flu; Dan Richardson lost hand to cancer; Lyn McQuaid shared that Rhonda is traveling back to Madison as her kidney is failing; Bill Carr’s cancer not operable; Mary Anderson recovering from artery surgery; Concerns: Middle East, civil unrest in our country. Travel Mercies: Leonard and Susan Barnes as they travel to Washington DC and New York for Leonard’s son’s marriage; FROM THE HEART OF THE PASTOR Rev. Bob Lynch Youth and Children’s ministries are the toughest ministries within the Church. It's not the young people that make this ministry so difficult. Young people are great! It is tough because every young person finds themselves at different levels of their faith development. They are at a special time of their lives when enthusiasm is high and the possibilities are endless. The search for the young person's identity and purpose is one of those special moments of being human. If it’s not the youth and children themselves, what then makes youth and children’s ministry so difficult? What I find most frustrating are the many activities and distractions that surround youth and their parents. Activities that are organized are not bad in themselves. Many organizations present excellent programs, which allow the youth to grow and mature in any given field. Yet, the current wisdom around states that the more activities youth involve themselves the less chance of problems in the future. Added to the multitude of activities, the pressure of succeeding can weigh a youth down with shame and remorse in facing failure. Sometimes, with the youth so committed to social activities, relationships to God and the Church take a back seat. There just is no time for God and knowing Jesus as Savior. The greatest fear that I face as a pastor is the returning college student who declares, "Why didn't I hear about Jesus when I was in high school?" Parents, students, teachers, coaches, and anyone working with youth must set priorities and create a balanced approach to activities and young people's commitment to them. Leaders of youth often rely on the need of communicating the importance of parental involvement. Parents must realize that there must be time set apart for the youth to develop spiritually with the same dedication and intensity that is found in sports and social activities. We, at Allegan UMC, have tried to present a thorough Christian Education program providing nurture and care to all. Sunday School Elementary Preschool/Kindergarten 1st/2nd/3rd 4th/5th Brenda Cowell, Lisa Campeau Nancy Armintrout Tara Wheeler, Amy Wiley (helper) Allegan UMC Youth Program Sunday School: Middle School (6th-8th) High School(9th -12th) JoAnne Giles, Nancy Brink, Magen Dennis (intern) Hanford Brink and BethAnn Delaet UMYF (United Methodist Youth Fellowship) Middle School and High School Kristy Milbocker, Youth Ministry Leader Magen Dennis will continue to be our Youth Ministry Intern from the Wesley Foundation at Western Michigan University. UMYF meets twice a month usually on Sunday afternoons. There is a schedule of activities on the bulletin board outside the sanctuary. Exciting things are happening with our youth in our church! Youth are inviting friends and the word is getting out that something dynamic is happening at Allegan UMC. Our parents, volunteers and I as the pastor of Allegan UMC are committed to providing the best possible program for our young people. We are also calling for every church member to pray and support those who are committed to finding that right person or persons who can direct our youth program and who can relate to our young people’s needs and concerns. We give thanks that our youth are strong in God’s Spirit and can speak up for themselves. We thank the parents of our youth who support them and assist them in communicating their needs. When it comes down to it, the most important event of our life is not when we make the team or achieve a prestigious award, it is when we discover that we are loved and cared for by God. Let us continue to pray for those who offer guidance through leadership with our young people through Sunday School Education, Worship and with our Youth Groups. Remember, a healthy church recognizes that a vibrant church commits to its future! Our children and youth are the future of Allegan UMC. 2014 Fall Sermon Series The Worship Committee will be working hard to continue to be creative and diverse in presenting worship that is meaningful and memorable! Fall is already here and we are beginning at the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth. Almost the entire quarter will be taken up with considering many of the wonderful stories in the Book of Genesis. After learning about Creation and Noah, children will hear about the beginning of God’s people. The end of the quarter focuses on Hope for God’s People through the stories of Joseph. The September stories have focused on the first few chapters in Genesis. God’s creation of everything, the creation of humans in God’s image, Noah’s escape from the flood, and the perfect timing of God’s seasons are the lessons for the unit. God’s special relationship with his servant Abraham and his wife Sarah takes up our October study. These two were chosen by God to start a special family. The conflict between their twin grandsons shows us that even very early in the history of God’s people, God worked within families to develop their faith. The story of Jacob’s ladder shows that God’s promises last. Part 1: In the Beginning September 28: A Time for Everything Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Whether the current times are the worst of times or the best of times, they are the only times we have! Part 2: Beginning of God’s People October 5: Abraham and Sarah Genesis 12:1-9 Faith Trips; God may call us to go on a pilgrimage, but if it’s like Abram’s, it will be to go outside of our comfort zone. October 12: Isaac Is Born Genesis 15:1-6 Abram teaches us the value of aging in God’s Covenant October 19: Twin Brothers Genesis 25:19-34 Family quarrels exist in all our families. The need for self-control, care and patience is essential for a healthy family. October 26: Jacob’s Ladder Genesis 28:10-19 In Jacob’s darkest moment God was still with him! NEWS FROM THE PEWS WHAT DO WE COLLECT? CHECK OUT THE ROUND TABLE OUTSIDE THE OFFICE Box Tops for Education for North Ward Elementary Lions Club - Glasses Loose Change/Pennies Missions Pop Tops from cans- Burn Center in Chicago Receipts from Village Market for North Ward Elementary THOSE WHO SERVE IN OCTOBER 2014 ACOLYTES 5 - Ryan Brink, Audrey Brink 12 - Ireland Armintrout Summer Morrison 19 - Aaron Salisbury Kalyn Salisbury 26 - Allison Wiley Bailey Weaver LITURGIST 512 19 26 - Tita Balgoyen Tita Balgoyen George Babcock George Babcock NURSERY 5 - Lisa Sebright 12 - Heather Weeks 19 - Amy Brink 26 - Kristy Milbocker COMMUNION SERVERS BIBLE STUDY This group meets every week starting on Thursday, October 9, at 1:00 a.m. at Chic Heckman’s home. Come join us! BRIARWOOD SINGALONG This group meets at Briarwood the first Friday of every month. We sing with the residence from 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. You are welcome join us! Questions? Call Sue Thiel 673-4467. WALKING GROUP Monday through Thursday meets at the Sports Complex at 9:00 a.m. (Come join us and walk at your own pace.) PRAYER SHAWLS Our supply of prayer shawls is sufficient at the moment. If you know someone who Would like one, please contact Jackie Thompson. 5 - Cary and Pat Hamann Corlee Harris Joan Rininger FELLOWSHIP TIME PIANISTS 5 - Wende Wood 12 - Amanda Wood 19 - Ireland Armintrout 26 - Mackenzie Sturman Sarah Circle GREETERS 5 - Barb Brewster, Kathi Tice Dawn Allen family 12 - Hanford and Eilene Brink Dan and Lori Barber family 19- Tom and Kathy Dunning Bill and Tita Balgoyen 26 - Gene and Wende Wood Nancy Brink Lisa Campeau JR. CHURCH Leader - Lyn McQuaid Helpers 12 - Barb Brewster 19 - Chris Jurkas 26 - Open CARDS Dan Richardson would love to receive your cards. His address is 3445 115th St., Allegan, MI 49010 SOUND 5 - Tim Borgman 12 - Jon Brink 19 - Hanford Brink 26 - Ed Garvin USHERS 5 - Hanford Brink Tina Thiel 12- Laura Weaver Bailey Weaver 19 - Ed Garvin Tim Borgman 26 - George and Emmie Babcock VIDEO 512 19 26 - Jon Brink Leonard Barnes Barb Gibson Terry Skoglund Sun Mon Tue . Note: Thursday Bible Study will meet at the home of Chic Heckman 5 9:30 am Worship 11 am Sunday School 12-4:30 pm UMYF 6 7 8 am - 12 pm Food Pantry (FH/KT) 4:30 -7 pm Weight Watchers (FH) 12 9:30 am Worship UMW Meeting (LB) 11 am Sunday School 4:30 pm Scouts 13 14 8 am - 12 pm Food Pantry (FH/KT) 10:30 am Vision Impaired 1 pm Mary Martha Circle 4:30 -7 pm Weight Watchers (FH) Pastor Appreciation Sunday 7 pm Chancel Bell Choir 19 9:30 am Worship 11 am Sunday School 20 21 8 am - 12 pm Food Pantry (FH/KT) 4:30 -7 pm Weight Watchers (FH) 7 pm SonShine Circle (Flynn) 12-12:30 pm Joyful Noise 12-2 pm UMYF 2 pm CHURCH CONF. 5:30-6:30 pm Joyful Noise 7 pm Chancel Bell Choir 5:30-6:30 pm Joyful 6 - 8 pm Scouts (FH) 7 pm Chancel Bell Choir Pastor Bob Out -of -Office Wed Thu 1 8:30 am TOPS (DS) 7 pm Chancel Choir 2 4 pm Cherub 8 8:30 am TOPS (DS) 7 pm Chancel Choir 9 1 pm Bible Study 4 pm Cherub 3:30-4:30 pm Joyful Noise 4:30 pm Colors ‘N Chorus Fri Sat 3 7 am KH Donuts with Dad (North Ward) 4-4:45 pm Briarwood Singalong 4 1-3 pm FH/KT (Thompson) 10 11 9-1 Rambadt (FH/KT) 4:30 pm Colors ‘N Chorus 16 1 pm Bible Study 15 8:30 am TOPS (DS) 6:30 pm Scouts (DS) 7 pm Chancel Choir 8 pm Lions Setup 17 18 4 pm Cherub (DS) 22 8:30 am TOPS (DS) 7 pm Chancel Choir 23 1 pm Bible Study 4 pm Cherub 24 25 12-4 pm FH/KT (Heckman/Switzer) CPR/AED Class (AGH) Pastor Bob Out -of -Office 4:30 pm Colors ‘N Chorus 6:30 pm Ad Board (FH) 29 8:30 am TOPS (DS) 7 pm Chancel Choir 30 1 pm Bible Study 31 3:30-4:30 pm Joyful Noise 9 am Men’s Fellowship (FH) Location Key DS - Downstairs FH - Fellowship Hall HS - High School Classroom KT - Kitchen LB - Library MS - Music Room SA - Sanctuary YR - Youth 3:30-4:30 pm Joyful Noise 4:30 pm Colors‘NChorus(DS) 7am-8pm Lions(FHKT) 7 pm Sarah (Switzer) Pastor Bob Out -of -Office 4:30 pm Scouts (DS) 26 9:30 am Worship Scouts-Popcorn Sale(FH) 11 am Sunday School Noon-Magen Dennis Mission Trip (FH/KT) 4:30 pm Scouts (DS) Noon-Newsletter Deadline 27 28 8 am - 12 pm Food Pantry (FH/KT) 7 pm Chancel Bell Choir 4:30 -7 pm Weight Watchers (FH) 4 pm Cherub 4:30 pm Colors ‘N Chorus 5:30-9:30pm Hospice(SA/FH) OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS 1- Nathan Lynch 2-Anita Dominique, Kyrel Hall, Joseph Thomsen 3-Keith Heckman, Leslie Lynch 4-Lois Giles, Tim Dickinson 7-Joy Masek 8-Jaime Spreitzer, William Thomsen, Wende Wood 9-Bill Johnson 10-Ashley Gauthier (Weaver) 13-Matt Creech 14-Jo Tibbitts, Nathan Weaver 15-Al LeMaire 18-Katie Anderson 27-Ryan Brink 28-Jimmy James 30-Nathan Parrish, Kim Leslie 31-Yvonne Reimink, Paul Griffin Sr. OCTOBER 5-Jerry & Joy Masek 21-Bob & Sheryl Parrish, Jim & Vicki Sebright 24-Scott & Connie Dangremond, Jim & Deb Jennings 28-Marc & Mary Wilcox A PRAYER FOR JOY Grant to us, O Lord, the royalty of inward happiness, and the serenity which comes from living close to Thee. Daily renew in us the sense of joy, and let the eternal spirit of the Father dwell in our souls and bodies, filling every corner of our hearts with light and grace; so that, bearing with us the infection of good courage, we may be diffusers of life, and may meet all ills and cross accidents with gallant and high-hearted happiness, giving Thee thanks always for all things. - Robert Louis Stevenson SECOND ANNUAL BRUNCH FOR BELLS FUNDRAISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 The handbell choirs will be hosting a brunch on Sunday, November 2, right after church. We will have the food ready so you can eat and get to Sunday School on time. The menu will include Breakfast Casseroles, Homemade Waffles, Oatmeal Cake, Fruit Kabobs and Mimosas (non-alcoholic). The fundraiser brunch that we held last year was very successful for many reasons. We are hoping that you will be able to join us this year and enjoy the good food and even better fellowship! The financial goal for this fundraiser is to raise money to have the bells serviced. The bells need to be professionally serviced every three years or after 2,000 hours of playing time. Since we have a very active handbell program, which includes 6 handbell choirs, we are well beyond the 2,000 hours of playing time. The cost to have the bells serviced is $2000. This is a necessary project if we are to be good stewards of our five octaves of handbells. Please make plans now to attend the Second Annual Brunch for Bells Fundraiser on November 2. Thank you for your support of the handbell programs. We could not do what we do without the assistance and encouragement from everyone at Allegan UMC. BOY SCOUT POP CORN SALE!! Come prepared! You will be able to purchase pop corn from Troop 91 scouts on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, in Fellowship Hall. Sunday, October 19, 2014 SPRC to meet with Rev. Boley at 1:30 pm. Conference will begin at 2:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. “HANDS OF GRACE” FOOD PANTRY The food pantry is in great need of your gifts and your time. The panty’s finances are very low, and the ability to purchase items is almost finished. Your gifts of cash and needed food items would be greatly appreciated. Also, there is a large need for volunteers to distribute items to clients Tuesday – Friday (9:00 a.m. – noon). Can you volunteer one day a week or once (maybe even more) a month? If you would rather purchase items, we are low on the following: Mixed Vegetables, Cereal, Stuffing and Fruit Cocktail. Communion and Project of the month is Ministry Shares. Offering change and Penny Jar will continue to go towards Ministry Shares. October 26 – Noon – Fellowship Hall Magen Dennis would like to share with us some of her mission trip from last summer. She will be bringing Middle Eastern fair for lunch and would everyone is invited. Dear Church Family, I cannot begin to thank you for all the prayers, support and love that has been given to me through this long difficult time of back pain. The prayer shawl was given to me at the perfect time as I struggled with the possibility of going to Grand Rapids for my surgery. Praise God all was approved so I could remain with my surgeon and Bronson Hospital. I am very humbled & grateful for my husband extraordinaire and sister that have had increased workloads and transported me all over for a very long time without complaint. God has truly blessed me. Love, Chic (Chic is at Ely Manor for rehabilitation from her back surgery.) UMYF The youth group is also looking for one or two adults from the congregation to attend our October events. They would know the destination and the discussion points prior to the event. We just would like them to offer up some of their stories and experiences in their own journey and struggles to follow Christ. Anyone interested can contact Magen at by email at Magen.m.dennis@wmich.edu, or phone. (269)953-5116. October UMYF Schedule October 5 – 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. - Mystery Destination Youth Event October 11 – 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. - Fall Fun Youth Event (Corn Maze & Bonfire) October 19 – 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. - Mystery Destination Youth Event Kalamazoo District Annual was held September 20th at Westwood UMC. Our Unit made a pledge of $1,100 to Missions. Allegan is a 5-Channel giving unit. One member received a Reading Program certificate level 3. During the memorial service, the names of Eleanor Nielsen and JoAnn Whisler were lifted up. Allegan sent 67 pillow case dresses to the Pillowcase Dress challenge but was beat out by Otsego with 85 dresses! Allegan had only one woman who attended the event. Check out Kalamazoo District UMW on Facebook for pictures ---and 'friend' to keep in the know. Are you interested in finding out more about our women’s circles here at AUMC? Here’s some information for you. Circle time consists of prayer, devotions, Bible studies, fellowship and desserts! Each circle has their own projects that they support. During the Lenten season, each circle provides one of the Lenten dinners. We have three circles at our church. We meet at various times and dates so just pick a schedule that will work for you. There are ladies of all ages in each circle. Please feel free to contact the chairperson of each circle for more information. You are certainly welcome to join us! Mary Martha Circle – Second Monday of the month - (Oct. 13) Time: 1:00 p.m. Fellowship Hall Jacque James, Chairperson – 673-8639 Sarah Circle – Third Thursday of the month – (Oct. 16) Time: 7:00 p.m. Meet at members’ homes. October meeting at Grace Switzer’s home – 619 Sherman St. Barb Sanborn, Chairperson – 673-7425 SonShine Circle – Third Tuesday of the month – (Oct. 21) Time: 7:00 p.m. Meet at members’ homes/church. October meeting at Linda Flynn’s home – 604 Padgham Dr. Linda Flynn, Chairperson – 673-3626 (or contact at church office) Looking Ahead Oct. 3, Donuts with Dad Volunteers needed by 7 a.m. at North Ward gym Oct. 14, 16 Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:30-7:15 pm. Oct. 17, No School Oct. 29, School dismisses 12:53 p.m. for teacher in-service Oct. 31, Halloween parties/ parade at 1:00 p.m. The 2014 school year has started. Thank you to the many KH volunteers who were at North Ward the first day of school to greet and help students find their classrooms. Our help is always appreciated by the NW staff. Our KH mentors who have returning students are scheduled and have had their first mentoring session with their students. We have had 3 students move out of the district and 6 students graduate out of the program last school year which leaves 9 openings for new KH students. The KH referral process begins when the teacher/principal identifies a student that could benefit from a KH mentor, especially those who: are falling behind academically but don’t qualify for special services, have low self-esteem and/or difficulty making friends, have experienced loss or trauma, or have life circumstances that make learning difficult. After a parent consent form is signed and returned to school, we schedule and match the student with a KH mentor. Students are always excited to meet their KH mentor for the first time and receive a free KH t-shirt. Mentors who are waiting for students are looking forward to greeting their new students this year. Thank you families of Allegan UMC for supporting and praying for our KH program for another year. Karen Rambadt, Kids Hope USA Director “Hands of Grace” Food Pantry 2014 Report Month January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 2013 Visits No. of People 49 45 47 77 68 67 68 81 79 100 79 72 832 175 165 152 273 232 227 256 279 273 349 270 273 2,924 Total Number of New Households YTD 2013 164 2014 2014 Visits No. of People 91 74 105 119 96 103 125 115 65 297 243 347 431 307 345 417 370 221 (Thru 9/22) 893 2,978 242 (thru 9/22) Check List Food ____ Peanut Butter ____ Canned Meat/Tuna ____ Hamburger/Tuna/Chicken Helper ____ Spaghetti Sauce ____ Boxed Potatoes/Stuffing ____ Canned Pasta (Ravioli) ____ Macaroni and Cheese/Side Noodles ____ Mixed Vegetables ____ Fruit Cocktail ____ Ketchup, Mustard, Mayo ____ Crackers ____ Cereal Personal Care ____Laundry Soap ____ Dish Soap ____Toilet Paper ____ Bar Soap Bring in your empty shampoo and condition bottles. Contributions of cash will help purchase items not received. Thank you very much for your support. Your gifts of food and money have helped to keep people in the Allegan area from being hungry. Mission Committee BOY SCOUT POP CORN SALE!! Come prepared! You will be able to purchase pop corn from Troop 91 scouts on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, in Fellowship Hall. Sunday, October 19, 2014 SPRC to meet with Rev. Boley at 1:30 pm. Conference will begin at 2:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. “HANDS OF GRACE” FOOD PANTRY The food pantry is in great need of your gifts and your time. The panty’s finances are very low, and the ability to purchase items is almost finished. Your gifts of cash and needed food items would be greatly appreciated. Also, there is a large need for volunteers to distribute items to clients Tuesday – Friday (9:00 a.m. – noon). Can you volunteer one day a week or once (maybe even more) a month? If you would rather purchase items, we are low on the following: Mixed Vegetables, Cereal, Stuffing and Fruit Cocktail. Communion and Project of the month is Ministry Shares. Offering change and Penny Jar will continue to go towards Ministry Shares. October 26 – Noon – Fellowship Hall Magen Dennis would like to share with us some of her mission trip from last summer. She will be bringing Middle Eastern fair for lunch and would everyone is invited. Dear Church Family, I cannot begin to thank you for all the prayers, support and love that has been given to me through this long difficult time of back pain. The prayer shawl was given to me at the perfect time as I struggled with the possibility of going to Grand Rapids for my surgery. Praise God all was approved so I could remain with my surgeon and Bronson Hospital. I am very humbled & grateful for my husband extraordinaire and sister that have had increased workloads and transported me all over for a very long time without complaint. God has truly blessed me. Love, Chic (Chic is at Ely Manor for rehabilitation from her back surgery.) UMYF The youth group is also looking for one or two adults from the congregation to attend our October events. They would know the destination and the discussion points prior to the event. We just would like them to offer up some of their stories and experiences in their own journey and struggles to follow Christ. Anyone interested can contact Magen at by email at Magen.m.dennis@wmich.edu, or phone. (269)953-5116. October UMYF Schedule October 5 – 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. - Mystery Destination Youth Event October 11 – 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. - Fall Fun Youth Event (Corn Maze & Bonfire) October 19 – 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. - Mystery Destination Youth Event Kalamazoo District Annual was held September 20th at Westwood UMC. Our Unit made a pledge of $1,100 to Missions. Allegan is a 5-Channel giving unit. One member received a Reading Program certificate level 3. During the memorial service, the names of Eleanor Nielsen and JoAnn Whisler were lifted up. Allegan sent 67 pillow case dresses to the Pillowcase Dress challenge but was beat out by Otsego with 85 dresses! Allegan had only one woman who attended the event. Check out Kalamazoo District UMW on Facebook for pictures ---and 'friend' to keep in the know. Are you interested in finding out more about our women’s circles here at AUMC? Here’s some information for you. Circle time consists of prayer, devotions, Bible studies, fellowship and desserts! Each circle has their own projects that they support. During the Lenten season, each circle provides one of the Lenten dinners. We have three circles at our church. We meet at various times and dates so just pick a schedule that will work for you. There are ladies of all ages in each circle. Please feel free to contact the chairperson of each circle for more information. You are certainly welcome to join us! Mary Martha Circle – Second Monday of the month - (Oct. 13) Time: 1:00 p.m. Fellowship Hall Jacque James, Chairperson – 673-8639 Sarah Circle – Third Thursday of the month – (Oct. 16) Time: 7:00 p.m. Meet at members’ homes. October meeting at Grace Switzer’s home – 619 Sherman St. Barb Sanborn, Chairperson – 673-7425 SonShine Circle – Third Tuesday of the month – (Oct. 21) Time: 7:00 p.m. Meet at members’ homes/church. October meeting at Linda Flynn’s home – 604 Padgham Dr. Linda Flynn, Chairperson – 673-3626 (or contact at church office)
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