C ’ W I

Come Grow With Us!
Sunday Assemblies
Bible Class at 9:30 a.m.
Morning Worship at 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study at 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday Assembly
Bible Study at 7:00 p.m.
Charles Bogle
Mike Corley
Jimmy Griffith
William Ramsey
Ronnie Rogers
Ken Smith
Larry Smith
Nestor Stewart
Steve Stubblefield
Tyson Brock
Chip Cantrell
Ray Cantrell
John Douglass
Kevin Dunlap
Tim Fariss
Brent Keeton
Mike Mansfield
Frank Reynolds
Bo Rivers
Kevin Rhoton
Pieter van Vuuren 615-585-2119
Jeff Vance
Ken Woods
Ben Bailey
Joshua Pierce
Youth Minister
Tom Watson (615) 604-1602
Charlotte McGregor 473-2238
Ann Terry
David Godwin
Custodian, main building
Ray Bennett
Custodian, annex
Email: office@churchatcentral.org
serving since 1830
101 Morford St.
McMinnville,TN 37110
(931) 473-6537
Volume 22
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Number 42
The Nature of the Church
If a group of people on an unknown island found a Bible, read it, and
decided to do exactly what it said, what church would they set up? These people
would not be able to set up any of the denominations we have today. Their only
scriptural option would be to establish the church of the first century, and nothing more. Let us consider the oneness of the New Testament church.
There is Only One Church. The Lord promised to Peter, I will build
My church (Mt. 16:18). Notice Jesus said church singular. It was never a part of
God’s plan to have a multitude of religious groups all claiming to be His
church. One of the clearest and most repeated teachings about the church is its
singular nature. The Holy Spirit uses the synonyms body and church interchangeably to represent the Lord’s people. For example, God said, “And He put
all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church,
which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all” (Eph. 1:22-23). Remembering that the body and the church are the same, Paul later says, “There is
one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling” (Eph. 4:4). If the body is the church, and there is only one body, then how
many churches are there? Only one! Paul said, “And let the peace of God rule
in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful” (Col. 3:15). Christians of Rome were told, “For as we have many members
in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being
many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another” (Rom.
12:4-5). Paul wrote to the church at Corinth, “But now indeed there are many
members, yet one body” (1 Cor. 12:20). While every man may do that which is
right in his own eyes today (Josh 21:25), let us remember that Jesus is only
coming back to save His church (1 Cor. 15:24) for all the saved and only the
saved are in the church of Christ (Acts 2:47; 20:28; 1 Cor. 12:13; 15:24; Eph.
5:23; Col. 1:13; Heb. 12:25-29). May each of us count it an honor and a privilege to be a part of Jesus’ church, and may we tell others about the Kingdom of
the Lord (Col. 3:15; Luke 19:10)!
—Ben Bailey
Fall Retreat 2014
Our Fall Retreat of 2014 was a great
success. We had J.D. Buckner, the Youth
Minister from Lebanon Road church of Christ
in Nashville, come and speak to us on the
theme “Hitting Thee Target” Philippians
3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize of
the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
The lessons were as follows:
Identifying Thee Target
Hitting Thee Target
Choosing Thee Path
Bringing Others to Thee Target
We had some wonderful lessons, and
for fun to go along with the theme, we spent
some time with 20 and 12 gauge shotguns
shooting trap/targets. It was a truly uplifting
weekend for everyone involved.
I want to thank everyone who took notice of our absence this past Sunday. I had
several people comment to me about how
empty the section of pews, where our youth
normally sits, were this past Sunday. I really
appreciate the active interest and concern
our family here at Central takes in the youth
At Home
Boyd Spry
St. Thomas Hospital
Clayton Cook, father of Genean Black
Riverview Terrace
Joe Braxton
Melba Griffith-Room 318
Katie Holt-Room 212
Aubrey Williams-Room 504-B
Prayer List
Chelsea Clark, Boyd Spry, Rhett Massey, Thomas
Aaron Cope, Maureen Brewer, Alana Ewing,
Helen Barnes, Melba Griffith, Katie Holt, Debbie
Haley, Gretchen Rhea, Logan Furey, Melba Hillis,
Norman Jernigan, Monica Tidenberg, JoAn
Cantrell, Tommy Bailey, Raymond Holland, Misty
Smith, Hugh Stubblefield, Greg Wanamaker, Dale
Nelson, Johnny Greene
*Names on the prayer list will be removed after six
weeks unless otherwise notified*
Pantry Item
Tuna Fish
We are pleased to announce that Sally Centracchio was restored Sunday morning. Let’s encourage Sally as she is an encouragement to
Central Reminders
October 15
 Pot Luck—Kevin & Shelley Rhoton
October 19
 TABS at New Union
October 21
 Pumpkin Patch—K-5th Grade
October 25
 Fall Festival at Ronnie & Cindy Roger’s
house—Hayride & Bonfire.
In the Area
October 19-22
 Gospel Meeting at Iconium church of Christ,
Speakers: Clint Opperman-Sunday, Brad HarrubMonday-Wednesday. Sunday 7 p.m. MondayWednesday 7:30 p.m.
October 19-24
 Gospel Meeting at Big Springs church of Christ,
Sparta. Speaker David Eldrige. Sunday 6 p.m.
Monday-Friday 7 p.m.
October 25
October 26
 Ladies Day at Mt. Leo church of Christ. Regis Halloween Hoot—There is a sign-up sheet on
tration 9 a.m. Lunch provided. Speaker: Donna
stage for anyone who would like to decorate a
Faughn. Theme: Balancing Life. RSVP by Octable.
tober 16.
Jail Ministry Report-September
New Bible Correspondence
Engraved Bibles
Lessons Graded
Prayer Request
Baptism Request
October 26-29
 Gospel Meeting at Campaign church of Christ,
Speaker: James Watkins. Sunday 7:30 p.m.
Monday-Wednesday 7 p.m.
November 1
 Personal Evangelism Workshop at Mt. Leo
church of Christ. 9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Lunch
provided. Speaker: Bill Bryant.
is extended to the
family of Betty West. Betty’s
funeral will be Wednesday, 1
p.m., at High’s Funeral Home
Visitation is Tuesday from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and
A special thanks to everyone who helped with Wednesday from 10 a.m. until time of service. Betty
our Food and Raiment Day this past Saturday. is the mother of Steve West and grandmother of
It was a big success. We have soup left over, so Brandon Harris.
if you are coming to pot-luck Wednesday evening, bring items to compliment soup.
PRIVILEGED TO SERVE October 19, 2014
If unable to serve, please call Phil Smith (507-5677) Kevin Rhoton or (668-3934)
All men, including substitutes, please come to the library no later than 10:20 a.m.
Sunday - 10:30 A.M.
Sunday Evening – 6:00 P.M.
Prayer……..….………….…Josh Pierce
Welcome...Jude 1:5-11…...Chip Cantrell
Song Leader..……....……Boyd Ramsey
Prayer……...……….....Steve McGregor
Preside at Table…...…Bob Centracchio
Bible School….…........…Brenda Wilson
A.M. Worship...…...…….....Keri Wood
P.M. Worship ….....…....Tammy Young
Wednesday……..…….Regina Woodlee
Assist with Lord’s Supper
David Burdine…………Landon Cantrell
Neal Cox……..…….…....Russel Crouch
Doug Bullington………....Steve Cantrell
Darryl Cantrell.................Dewey Cantrell
Landon Cantrell……...……Matt Colvard
Thomas Cantrell……..…..…Greg Carter
Gary Brewer……..………...Mike Corley
Phillip Clemons…..…...….Keith Chisam
LF–Tyson Brock RF-Ray Cantrell
LR–Mike Corley RR-Tim Fariss
Prayer………..…..…….Randy Garrison
Welcome………….......…..Chip Cantrell
Song Leader…………..…..Greg Vinson
Prayer………….......…....…Neil Walker
Scripture......TBA……...William Ramsey
Sermon: Cliff Boyd
Prayer…....……...............Kevin Rhoton
Communion…..............Bob Centracchio
Sound…..Richard Myers/Shannon Doak
Delivering the Lord’s Supper
Nursing Homes……William Ramsey/Bo PowerPoint………….…..…Jeff Chisam
Baptism Garments………..Donna Rich
Rivers/David Rhea/Jeremy Southard
Hospital..Kevin Rhoton/Robert Woodlee Restock Cards:….............Erica Burdine
Homes…...Ken Campbell/Shannon Doak Prepare Trays:……….……..Phil Smith
Communion Bread:….Linda McGregor
Scripture Studies
Mon - Fri—12:15 pm 960 WBMC
In Search of the Lords Way
7 & 10 a.m. WUPN
Gospel Broadcasting Network
Ben Lomand TV Channel 16
Gospel of Christ TV Program
Treasure of Truth—Joe Gray
October 12, 2014
Wednesday (10-8)…..……..……201
Bible Class…….….….…...….....211
AM Worship..…......….…..…….353
PM Worship……...…….....…….208
Contribution ...……...........$7,791.75
Happy Birthday
20-Bo Rivers
21-Andrew Crouch
22-Tatum Young
24-Jeff Vance
25-David Godwin
Happy Anniversary
19-Marvin & Thelma Kell
21-Chip & Sheila Cantrell
21-Greg & Dawn Wanamaker
24-Bill & Margurite Loudermilk
Wednesday - Oct 22, 2014
Prayer………...………Jimmy Knowles
Song Leader…….......Mitchell Woodlee
Scripture……..……....…Sam Anderson
Speaker……….....…….Frank Reynolds
Prayer……….…….……..…Doug Bost
Men to Open & Close Building
Week of
Oct 19-Chip Cantrell
Oct 26-Bo Rivers
U. S. Postage PAID
McMinnville, TN
Men to Count—October
Jeff Vance...………..…...…...…668-7202
Neil Walker………….......….…668-8908
Ronnie Wilmore…...….…...…Larry Rich
Prayer………....................Thomas Reed Ray Bennett..……….……Mark Southard
Doors.........John Douglass/Kevin Dunlap Bernie Hillis………...……...Isaac Slatton
Ushers…...Ron Willmore/Ken Campbell Richard Black
Substitute...Shannon Doak/Brayden
Farriss/Brandon Evans/Brock Fariss
Van Drivers for October:
Mike Mansfield—815-9298
Visitor Cards
Raymond Holland-239-292-9824
Sam Rivers…..….Cody Love
Sermon: Doctrine of the Nicolaitans
Ben Bailey
Central Church of Christ
Court Square - P. O. Box 536
McMinnville, TN 37111
(Return service requested)
Scripture......Rev. 2:15….…..Jeff Vance