Don’t Die Alone October 19, 2014 Traditional Service

October 19, 2014
Traditional Service
Don’t Die Alone
Order of Worship
Welcome &
A time of meditation, prayer, and prelude.
Welcome to our visitors! Please complete the Visitor Card you’ll find in your
gift bag (available during the service or at our Welcome Center.) Please
join us for coffee and doughnuts in the Fellowship Hall between services.
Responsive Call to Worship
Come, listen to the story of God's love and grace.
Come, tell the story of Jesus' life and saving work.
Come, experience the story of the Spirit's renewing power.
Come, let us listen, tell and experience the Good News together!
Ask Ye What Great
Thing I Know
Joys and Concerns
Silent Prayer and Pastoral Prayer
Lord’s Prayer
Word in Music (1100 am)
The Offering & Doxology
Hymn Please Remain Seated
How Great Thou Art
Scripture Lesson
John 11:7-16
Leader: This is the word of the Lord!
The Message
Walking Dead, Part 3:
Risk Like You’re Alive
Go Make of All Disciples
Benediction and Postlude
* Standing Optional
Pastor Mark Wilkins
General Order of Our Contemporary Worship
Welcome to our visitors! Thank you for joining us today. We would appreciate you
completing the Visitor Card you’ll find in your gift bag (available during the service
or at our Welcome Center.) Please join us for coffee and doughnuts in the Fellowship Hall between services.
“Meet and Greet”
*Praise and Worship Music
Pastoral Prayer
Scripture Lesson
John 11:7-16
The Message
Walking Dead, Part 3:
Risk Like You’re Alive
*Praise and Worship Music
* Standing Optional
Pastor Mark Wilkins
Sermon Notes The Walking Dead, Part 3: Risk Like You’re Alive
We’ve been talking about what it means to be truly
Being a Christian is meant to be
But what about
in Christ
; Challenging;
It’s always comfortable to
; Go for the
; so shouldn't our faith be that way too?
We’d like to think that, but Jesus seems to feel otherwise…
“And they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them and said, ‘Take heart, it is I;
do not be afraid.’ Peter answered him, ‘Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the
water.’ He said, ‘Come.’”
Now that doesn't sound safe, does it?
But then again being truly ALIVE is generally
And being truly
is REALLY risky
It’s risky to
when it’s safer to
It’s risky to
when it’s safer to
It’s risky to
when it’s safer to sit back and
It's the riskiest thing in the world to
when it’s easier to play it safe and
St. Jude Domestic Violence Awareness Vigil Tuesday, October 21 at 6:30 pm Gather at the
north end of Fairgrounds for a silent march to our church where a candlelight ceremony will
take place as symbols of honor and hope for victims of domestic violence and survivors. For
more information, please call St. Jude House 219-662-7066 x17.
Community Health Fair Saturday November 22 from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm in the Fellowship
Hall. Representatives and professionals will be on hand to take vitals, test hearing, screen for
scoliosis, answer Affordable Health Care Act questions, and much more. Call the church
at 219-663-1515 for more information. Everyone is welcome.
Trick or Trunk, Sunday, October 26 from 4-6 pm. Costume contests, best trunk contest, food,
fun and games for the whole family. Please join us for a great afternoon!
Attention Families of Current 8th Graders Our confirmation program for the 2014/2015 School
year will begin in January of 2015 . We have made many changes to the current program and
are excited for the opportunities they will present to our Church family. On Sunday, November
9, following the 11 o'clock service we will meet in the parlor for an informational meeting for all
those families interested in signing their child up for the confirmation program. Please attend.
Nursing Help Needed! We need help with blood pressure and blood sugar checks on the second Sunday of each month.
Please contact Marilyn Cantrall at 219-226-4513 or for more information or to volunteer a Sunday.
Crazy Sock Drive Command Master Chief Richard Haninger, brother of Kelly Haninger, is currently serving on the USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70). There are 205 sailors in his command. Kelly is
working on filling up Christmas stockings for every one of the sailors. One of the items requested for the stocking is crazy socks. In order to ensure Christmas delivery, the items must be
shipped by Oct. 30th. Donations may be placed in the bin in the fellowship hall. Thank you!
Coffee and Donuts Costs for coffee and donuts have risen. Please keep that in mind when
contributing in Fellowship Hall. Thank you so much!
WOMEN OF FAITH! This year's event was phenomenal! We are so sorry if you had to miss it. But
you are not going to want to miss next year's event, LOVED, as it will be Women of Faith's 20
Year Anniversary and Grand Finale! It will be an amazing event, with many speakers and performers from past years coming back to celebrate. The event will be July 31-Aug. 1, 2015 at
the Coliseum in Fort Wayne, IN. I have discounted tickets ($84.45, regularly $114.45), but I must
have payment for these tickets by November 1 to secure them! Please call me (743-7720),
email me (, or see me on Sundays through October at church for
more information or to secure your spot for you and your friends ASAP! Kelly Lambert
We need you! Please stop by the Welcome Center and sign up to host coffee and donuts,
greet, or work the welcome center. They’re all great opportunities to get to know people and
your time and efforts are greatly appreciated. Thank you!
fumc schedule beginning
8 & 11 am Traditional Worship
9-10/30 am Children’s Sunday
8/30 am Finance Com ►
9 am Breakfast Club
10/30 pm Actively Fit
6/30 pm St. Jude House Candlelight Vigil
7 pm Glory Circle►
9 am Church & Society
9/30 am Contemporary Worship
9/30 am Adult Sunday School♦
11 am Friendship Sunday
6/30 pm Ruth Bible Study♦
6/30 pm Boy Scouts Troop 48
7 pm Webelos Meeting
7 pm Emmaus Reunion
12/30 pm Disciple III ♦
3-5 pm Pulse Youth Group☺
10 am Art Classes
10/30 am Actively Fit
6/30 pm Freeflow Rehearsal♫
7 pm Boy Scout Leaders’
5 pm Wedding Rehearsal
6 pm Jr. Cheerleader Practice
6 pm Girl Scouts
9 am Moments for Moms♦
10 am Crafty Grannies
10/30 am Actively Fit
3/30 pm Wedding
6 pm Girl Scout Troop 30033
6/30 pm Cub Scouts
6 pm Blessed Bells♫
6 –8pm A.M.P.E.D. Youth Group☺
7 pm Wesley Choir♫
{Next Sunday}
10 am St. Jude House Fundraiser
8 & 11 am Traditional Worship
9-10/30 am Children’s Sunday
9/30 am Contemporary Worship
9/30 am Adult Sunday School♦
12/30 pm Disciple III ♦
3-5 pm Pulse Youth Group☺
4 pm Trick or Trunk
☺YOUTH Event
♥Children's Event
☼SENIOR’s Event
♫MUSIC Event
events have no symbol
our joys & concerns
On Friday night, we had a very successful event, The Feast of Screams, that raised funds for local hospice groups. Thank you to all of the volunteers who made the event possible!
Health & Other Concerns (*new request)
Ash & Stephanie
Betty Campion
Don Cantrall
Pat Carden
Paulette Decker
*Amber, Denita Dieterle’s co-worker
Sally Eibel, Jennifer Vinovich’s mom
Carolyn Fetkavich, Linda Wirtz’ mom
Christy Harmon
Lenore Hess’ parents
Ginger Jackman
Jerry Kacmar
Lori Kelly
*Jack Kemp, St. Anthony
Joe Kroslack, Methodist
*Rod Lucas
Bernie Malacina
Family of Bob Miller
Lann Mowry, Floyd’s brother
Enola Poorman, from Sandra Ely
Gail Poorman, from Sandra Ely
Shelly Recktenwall
Bryan Roberts, Jayne Gibbs’ brother
*Wil Roberts, Jayne Gibbs’ father
Donna Sacqui
Larry Senffner
Imelda Servin, Ray’s mom
Paul Solomon, James Haas’ brother-in-law
*Sharon Springsteen
Al, Debbie Stephen’s friend
Keith Stevens
*Kristina Svatik, Nancy Rubarts’ niece
Judy Swenson, from Sandra Ely
*Bonnie Taylor, friend of the Saqui’s
Rick and Vicki Testi, from Terry Board
*Tim, Lerisa Walls’ son
Debbie Wells, Barb Gillan’s friend
Snooky Williams
Julie, Karen Wyss’ co-worker
Marie Averbeck passed away on October 2.
Wilma “Jean” Willey passed away last weekend .
Special Concerns (*new request)
All children who are living in abusive situations, that they may find peace and love.
All who have been recipients of Prayer Blankets
All Service men and women who might be in harm’s way and separated from family:
Justin Cunnane
Nathan Harding, Afghanistan
Austin Doyle, Korea
Cpt. Adam Vetter
Master Chief Richard Haninger, Jr.
Sgt. Jessica Villagran, Alaska
Dorothy Scrivner’s grandson
great nephew of Pene Castor
Debbie Robertson’s son & Kelly Haninger’s
Karen Harding’s son
Joe & Kathy’s son
Bob Votaw’s granddaughter
To enter a joy or prayer request, please fill out a prayer request form (found in pew) or call/email the church
office each week by Wednesday at noon to have it printed in the bulletin. All prayer concerns are welcome.
Prayer requests will remain in the bulletin for four weeks unless you renew the request. Thank you!
email addresses needed Please consider choosing to receive your
Beacon, Meeting Notices, and Special Announcements via email. Using email helps preserve natural resources and saves our church valuable time and resources. Place this in
the offering plate or email/call the church office. Thank you!
E-Mail Address
Email me:
_____Meeting Notices
_____ Special Announcements
Christ Caring for People through People Our Stephen Ministry program equips lay persons to provide distinctively Christian, one-to-one care to anyone in our congregation or
community who is going through a difficult time and in need of support from a Christian
Meeting the Needs of People There are times when each of us needs the care of another person...a
Christian friend...a Stephen Minister. If you are dealing with any of the following challenges in your life,
please contact us so that we can help:
Moving into/out of community
Homebound and institutionalized
In job crisis
Disabled (and their families)
Facing life transitions
Experiencing birth or adoption
Terminally ill and their families
Grieving a death or serious loss
Prisoners, ex-offenders and their families
Aging and elderly
Needing the support of a Christian friend
Separated or divorced
In spiritual crisis
Please contact Barb Seibel (219) 310-8897 for confidential assistance.
Flower Arrangements
The First Flower Arrangement on the Altar is presented in loving memory of Patricia Votaw from her husband, Bob.
The Second Flower Arrangement on the Altar is presented in loving memory of Vern Segert from his wife, Jeanne.
The Third Flower Arrangement on the Altar is presented in loving memory of Harry Wagonblast from his wife, Doris.
The Fourth Flower Arrangement on the Altar is presented in loving memory of Gail Hartzell from Tom, Dale, Keith,
Kevin and families
The Yellow Flower on the Altar is to honor all service men and women and their families.
You are welcome to take your donated Altar Flower Arrangement with you after the 11 am service.
Any arrangements remaining on Monday will be taken to nursing homes, shut-ins, or hospitals.
Budget Needs
Weekly Year to Date
Ahead/Behind Budget
Sunday School Attendance
Worship Attendance
“The world is my parish.”
—John Wesley
All Bulletin Announcements must be submitted to the church office no later than 12 pm each
Wednesday. You can email announcements to
available for those who need them at the Welcome Center. Please feel free to request them from your usher.
Assisting in Worship Today
8:00 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
John Essex
Larry & Bean Miller
Rich & Connie Sines
Cheryl Kalshan
Floyd & Brenda Mowry, David
& Bev Rhodes
Hospitality Time
Chuck Bailey
Rick Lloyd, John Cotton,
Elwood Canady, Jeff
Polacek, Paul Sandilla
Connie Jenkins
Our Mission Statement
We choose to place our energy into showing our love for God by
accepting each other as we are. We choose to seek the good in a
broken world as we discover who Christ would have us be.
Sunday Worship Times
8:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Traditional Service
Contemporary Service
Traditional Service
Sunday School Hour
9:30 a.m.*
Len Madsen, Marian Sadler, Sharon
Sylvie, Harry Biehr
Classes for Children, ages 3 through Jr. High & Adults
10:30 a.m.
Jr. and Sr. High Class
*Children, grades K - 5 join us in our 9:30 a.m. worship service on the
first Sunday of each month.
8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Children are welcome in any of our services. We also offer professional childcare for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers ages 0-3.
Hospitality Time
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Please join us for coffee & donuts in our Fellowship Hall.
Please visit our Welcome Center or ask a member. We also encourage you to visit our website.
Ministry Contacts
Senior Pastor
Reverend Mark Wilkins
Associate Pastor
Reverend Tom Shanahan
Youth Ministries
Danno Lambert
Outreach Ministries
Bonnie Meyer
Associate Director of Visitation Ministries
Marilyn Cantrall
Kimberly Smith
Music Ministries
Cheryl Lucas
Praise Team Director
Karen Piercy
Church Secretary
Nancy Rubarts
Church Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Telephone 219.663.1515
Fax 219.662.2714