PPT: the Parish Church of St Peter, St Paul & St Thomas of Canterbury, Bovey Tracey and St Mary’s, Hennock Church Bulletin October 2014 Ruth Willis visits our link parish of Kame in Kenya; Left, their new vicar Opposite: church family gathered at Heatree Activity Centre Sun 21 Sep Jonathan Watts & Devon Baroque take a bow at the Nourish Festival 50p Contents: 1.Cover: Church away day At Heatree 2.Who’s Who at PPT 3. Letter from the Vicar 4. Rota PPT 5. Bovey Notes/Events 6-7.Bovey Calendar 8. Missions Update. Any copy for the November Bulletin to reach the Church Office by 17th October please. 9. Article 10. Who’s Who at Hennock 11. What’s on this Month in Hennock 12. P i c t u r e s : R u t h i n K a m e , D e v o n Baroque ‘Our mission is to enable all people to know Jesus and to enjoy his rule in their lives’ Who’s Who at PPT Vicar: The Rev. Graham Hamilton, St Peter’s Vicarage, Coombe Cross, TQ13 9EP. 833813 Assistant Curate Rev Chris Murphy Orchard Meadow, Coombe Cross: 833487 Associate Minister The Rev. Becky Totterdell 9, Crokers Meadow, 833084 Youth Outreach Worker: Miss Pippa Shemwell: 07532 445769 Church Office Manager: Miss Sarah Margetts Church Office 834835 email: pptadmin@mac.com ! Tuesdays & Fridays 9.00am-5.00pm Family Worker: Mrs Carolyn Laycock, 2 Wallfield Rd 832335 Organist emeritus Mr Michael Adams, 01803 315056 Churchwardens: Mrs Sally Simmons, Pinehaven, Bradley Road, Bovey Tracey TQ13 9EU 830676 Mr Peter Thomson, 5 Churchfields Drive, Bovey Tracey TQ13 9QU 830810 P.C.C. Secretary Mrs Wendy Coombes, 01647 277580 Child Protection Officer Mr David Risdon, 832018 Reader: Mrs Veronica Dell, 2 Devon House Drive, 834994 P.C.C. Hon. Treasurer: Mr Colin Turner, Leat, Lowerdown, 832266 Men’s Group: Mr Arthur Mann, Smithays Cottage, Old Orchard, 833916 Captain of the Ringers Mr Robert Brown 834461 Servers’ Co-ordinator: Mrs Katrina Walton, 835874 Transport Co-ordinator: What’s on this Month at St Mary’s P.C.C.Members: Rev G Hamilton Chair Rev B Totterdell 833084 Rev C Murphy 833487 Mr M Alexander 854635 Mrs J Bailey 834502 Mr C Beauchamp 01647 277313 Mrs V Dell 834994 Miss K Ennor 832621 Mrs D Hamilton 833813 Mrs B Hawkins 821142 Mr K Jones 836450 Mr S Matheson 01364 661195 Dr H Murkin 830509 Mr S Plumley 01647 221672 Mr D Risdon 832018 Mrs S Simmons 830676 Mrs M Steele 832137 Mr T Stephens 07876 662138 Mr P Thomson 830810 Mr C Turner 832266 Deanery Synod Reps Mr Charlie Beauchamp Mrs Dawn Hamilton Mr Steve Matheson Sunday Club Co-ordinator: Mr Johnny Walker, 22 St Peter’s Close, 833188 First Steps Toddler Group: Mrs Camilla Matheson, 3 Town Meadow Ilsington 01364 661195 Sick Visiting Co-ordinator: Mrs Sylvia Francis, Torsmead, Shewte Cross Mothers’ Union: Mrs Todd Fredericks, 14 Mannings Meadow, 836560 Hon. Asst. Treasurer & Gift Aid Hon. Secretary: Mr Charlie Beauchamp 01647 277313 Church Room Secretary: Mrs Jane Midgley, Summerfield East Street, 832751 Mrs Margeret Steele: 832137 October 1 Wed 7.30pm 5 Sun! ! ! ! 10am Hennock Fellowship at Littlemead Sowing and reaping (16th Sunday after Trinity)! Readings: 2 Corinthians 9.1-15, Luke 19.11-27 Holy Communion: Rev Chris Murphy 12 Sun 10am 17th Sunday after Trinity Readings : Proverbs 3.1-18, 1 John 3:1-15 Morning Worship: Mr Anthony Goodman 19 Sun 10am Life under the sun: Any Satisfaction? Readings: Ecclesiastes 1.1-2.26, Philippians 4.4-11 Holy Communion: Rev Graham Hamilton 26 Sun 10am Life under the sun: Any Progress? Readings: Ecclesiastes 3.16-4.15, Matthew 6.19-34 Morning Worship: Rev Graham Hamilton November 2 Sun 10am Life under the sun: Any Answer? Readings: Ecclesiastes 7.1-29, Romans 8.18-25 Holy Communion: Rev Graham Hamilton Rotas October ! ! Sidesman! ! Reader! Intercessor! 5th 12th 19th 26th Ann English Libby Marnham June Brown Ann English Service Leader Lorraine Brian Marnham Lorraine John Butcher Lorraine Richard and Christine Linda Libby Marnham Service Leader Pat Savage-Jones Harold Joll John Butcher Pat Savage-Jones Flowers! November 2nd Harold Joll Linda For further details check our website at http://www.pptbovey.org.uk/hennock.php The energy of Hope Dear friends, Who’s Who at Hennock Churchwardens: Mrs Libby Marnham, Warmhill Farm, Hennock 833229 Mrs Joan Wonnacott, Mizpah, 4 Butt Park, Hennock 834289 P.C.C. Minutes Secretary: John Butcher, the Stables, 5 Warwick Mill, Pottery Road, Bovey Tracey 830638 P.C.C. Treasurer: Mrs June Brown, West Hele,Hennock Road, Bovey Tracey, 832108 Electoral Roll Officer & Sacristan: Mrs Diana Wiles, Warm Lodge, Hennock, 832530 Deanery Synod Representative: Mr Brian Marnham, 833229 Churchyard: Hennock Volunteers Hennock Notes: Apple Day Sunday 5th October -Our annual apple day is here again. Things to see and do on the day Cider apple pressing demonstration Apple games, food and other stalls. All day BBQ , Palk Arms Cider Bar Delicious Apple cake teas and refreshments in the Barn Live music Famous ‘Apple Pudding’Competition - Bake an Apple Pudding/Pie and bring along for judging by noon on the day. For the Children -1. Make an animal from fruit/vegetables to include apple. 2. Country garden on a plate. Classes 5yrs and under, 6-8yrs, 9-12 yrs. be in place for judging by noon on the day. Apple Day open from 11am. Adults £2 accompanied children FREE. West Hele Barn & Field Hennock. TQ13 9PP.More details www.hennock.org.uk Linda Harvey 01626 833256 A2er a long and delightful Indian summer, the autumn season has arrived, and a lot starts happening. I could fill this page with details of many eventsHarvest Festival on Sunday 5 October,, Mission Gi2 Day on 12 October, the Devon Bible Conference in Exeter on 18 October, the presentation of plans for reordering PPT on Sunday 19 October, or the special event for Families on Friday 31 October- Lightbusters. Please do read the various leaflets carefully, and give generously at Harvest as we seek to support housebound members of the congregation with small gi2s, provide Homeless in Teignbridge with goods for their foodbank, and then give money to the Christian mission agencies we support year by year. This bulletin contains encouraging reports from Ruth in Kenya, and the w o r k o f Te a r f u n d . L a s t m o n t h Christianity Explored started, and we have 15 people attending regularly. The PPT Church Away day at Heatree Activity Centre was a lovely time together, eating, talking, relaxing with the paper or a puzzle, or climbing and shooting if you had the energy. Over 60 people came: you missed a great day if you didn’t. There are many good things happening in our churches, but activity is no substitute for faith and prayer. The theme I want to emphasise this month is Hope. Proverbs says: Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. (Proverbs 13.12) There are many reasons to look at the world and worry, but we must learn to set our hope on Jesus Christ. He died, is risen and will return to establish his Kingdom. If we set our hope on anything less, we will be bitterly disappointed. That is the theme of a series of talks through the book of Ecclesiastes that I will be giving at Hennock in October, and in Bovey during November. “Life under the sun”, as the Teacher calls it, is doomed to dissatisfaction and frustration- ‘vanity of vanities’. But we do not need to limit our perspective to what happens under the sun, if we set our hope on Christ, who is risen and will return. We have a hope that the world cannot find, We will also be working through the final chapters of Luke’s gospel, as Jesus teaches his generation not to trust in their own strength, their institutions of Temple and city, but turn to him, their King. We have a hope that the world cannot find, and my prayer is that we will take hold of this hope with renewed confidence and share it with our friends and neighbours. That hope is the spring of all that we are seeking to do, as we teach our children, care for the housebound, give to work locally, nationally and internationally and invest in the future of our buildings. We toil and strive,because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe. (1 Timothy 4.10) yours in Christ, Graham Christmas Bazaar 2014 will be on 6th December in the church rooms from 1.30 p.m. until 4.p.m. Volunteers would be really welcome to help with stalls and Children’s activities Please contact Cilla Turner (01626 832266) or Peter Francis ( 01626 835041) 9 ways to undermine Christianity Rota 5 October 8am Holy Communion Assistant Warden:John Marsden Server: Barbara Hawkins 10am All Age Worship Assistant Warden: Peter Thomson Reader: Reg Richer Intercessor: Veronica Dell Sidesmen: David Winckles Sheila Winckles Arthur Mann Welcomer: Lorna Richer Coffees: Lorna Richer Jackie Perriment 12 October 10am Holy Communion Assistant Warden:Wendy Coombes Server: Jo Marsden Reader: John Awcock Intercessor: Olive Bradburn Sidesmen Colin Coombes Jill Rickett John Rickett Welcomer: Sylvia Francis Coffees: Pam Awcock Theresa Samuels 19 October 10 am Morning Worship Assistant Warden:John Marsden Reader: Francis Gilbert Intercessor: Hazel Murkin Sidesmen Graham Downing Francis Gilbert Kathleen Ennor Welcomer: Cilla Turner Coffees: Penny Martin Jill Hosford 26 October 10am Holy Communion Assistant Warden:David Risdon Server: Katrina Walton Reader: Jane Midgley Intercessor: John Midgley Sidesmen Elizabeth Weddon David Weddon David Winckles Welcomer: Sheila Winckles Coffees: Julia Brown Sheila Winckles 2 November 8am Holy Communion Assistant Warden:John Marsden Server: Jenny Huxtable 10am All Age Worship Assistant Warden:Peter Thomson Reader: Pam Awcock Intercessor: Hazel Murkin Sidesmen: Reg Richer Lorna Richer Brian Huxtable Welcomer: Joan Marsden Coffees: Joan Marsden Ann Gillingham From the Registers: Our sympathy to the family of Pauline White, aged 58, whose funeral took place on Thu 25 Sep Congratulations to the family of Skye Osborne, baptised on Sun 28 September by Revd Canon J John I had been pondering how the media –and the BBC in particular –treat Christianity both in this country and worldwide and shortly afterwards a slightly bizarre question came to me: how would the devil use the media to undermine the Christian faith? Then, rather in the manner of CS Lewis’s Screwtape Letters I found myself imagining the following memo of advice from the devil to the particular demon responsible for influencing the BBC on some guidelines for how to influence the media in undermining Christianity. 1) Try to ensure that people ignore Christianity altogether. This is not as easy as it sounds. The Christian faith is a matter of profound importance for many people. Some 70 per cent of the British population still believe it is the faith that they hold to and most of the values that people respect come from it. Nevertheless, try to avoid any mention of it. Remember, there is always something else more important to talk about: a footballer who has broken an ankle or a dog that has learned to surf. 2) If any aspect of the Christian faith must be discussed then a number of strategies are useful. Make sure you treat the faith negatively. Highlight disagreement and disputes, especially over trivia. It is absolutely vital that people are persuaded that Christianity is no more than some sort of series of intellectual beliefs that are good for nothing except argument. Suppress absolutely any hint that the faith might have been a force for good over centuries. 3) When matters to do with the faith are presented, make sure that the tone is gently patronising. A weak smile of condescension can work wonders. Audiences need to be gently persuaded that whatever Christianity is about, it is of no real importance and that it reflects something that has been completely and utterly discredited. 4) Try to ensure that utterly inappropriate people are found to present the case for the faith. Lamentably, from our point of view, there are many bishops and scholars who are capable of presenting an informed, reasoned and powerful argument for Christian beliefs. Make sure they are never contacted for an opinion. Try to get people who don’t believe what they are defending, or are rambling. If you can’t do that, then –for television at least – try to ensure that whoever defends Christianity has nasal hair, a bizarre dress sense or a speech impediment. It is important that it is universally believed that the only people who believe in the faith are the elderly and the intellectually challenged. 5) If you must –and please try not to –display church gatherings on television please be sensitive. Please avoid dynamic, lively and youthful congregations. Remember we must portray the Church as obsolete and irrelevant. Remember this year’s marketing slogan: ‘Christianity: it’s yesterday’s thing’. 6) If some sort of Christian input is expected, at Christmas or Easter for example, try to find someone with an odd view and make sure that they are allowed to present their position. Let irrelevancy rule. Make people think that Christianity is all about Mary Magdalene, the location of the tomb, the number of the wise men or the true date of Christmas. Do not on any account let them consider the possibility that it might all be true and of vital importance. 7) Try to avoid questions of right and wrong in any form except at the simplest possible level. What we want is for people to think that it is society alone that makes moral standards. As you are aware, the grand strategy of hell is to bring about a situation in which television and the media have completely replaced the church as the source of moral guidance. 8) If these approaches are challenged, just have our people utter the words ‘political correctness’. Make sure that everybody understands that because Christianity is the traditional and majority view in Britain it cannot, by definition, be defended. Make people feel guilty about defending the truth. 9) In the meantime, continue promoting the production of more and more programmes which are mindless and devoid of any ethical basis. Dulling minds is a very helpful step towards damning souls. Having sketched out this letter of advice, I realised that it was ridiculously hypothetical. Or was it? Bovey Events Missions Mission Focus - Tearfund The major relief and development agency, Tearfund, tackles poverty by providing immediate disaster relief, where needed and then supporting longer-term development to enable communities to defeat poverty and become self-reliant. They also campaign for economic justice and act to tackle the underlying causes of poverty. In the last year Tearfund has provided food, education & shelter to people fleeing conflict in Syria; rainwater harvesting tanks and seeds & agricultural training to people fleeing their homes in the Democratic Republic of Congo and emergency support to Ruth Willis’ Visit to Thika Last weekend I was privileged to visit Kame Parish in the Thika Diocese for four days.It was a busy schedule. I was made to feel very welcome. Everyone was so kind and generous. I was given a tour of the three churches in the parish and it was a delight to visit several of the parishioners in their homes. I was able to visit a local school, it was great to meet the children and encourage them. The area is mainly agricultural, I was shown round a farm (Shamba) which grew fruit, vegetables and coffee.I was invited to speak at ACK Kabeti Flyover. This service is in English but I managed to typhoon victims in the Philippines. This relief is delivered via Tearfund partners, usually local churches, who are best-placed to know what is needed on the ground. Tearfund’s current campaign, No Child Taken, aims to ensure the protection of 50,000 vulnerable children at risk of trafficking. Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal activity in the world. The exploitation involved includes forced labour, slavery & prostitution. Tearfund partners also work with victims of trafficking, offering safety, love, education and rehabilitation from trauma. Further information at www.tearfund.org/nochildtaken introduce myself in Kiswhili! I also attended the Kikuyu service at St Peter’s. This was led by the youth who decided I needed a Kikuyu surname so renamed me Ruth Wambui! The visit ended with a tour of Thika Cathedral. It was a very rich experience. I would like to say a big Thankyou to everyone at Kame for their amazing hospitality, friendliness and kindness. May The Lord bless you all. We are looking for FRIENDLY, CARING people to join our team of DEDICATED VOLUNTEERS Just an hour or two of your time can make all the difference to someone’s quality of life What you give: Your friendship and help Your time A listening ear What we give you: Full training and support Your necessary expenses We are a local charity providing friendly help to elderly or isolated people in Bovey Tracey, Heathfield, Hennock, Liverton and Ilsington. www.boveycommunitycare.org.uk For further information please contact the coordinator Ros Pugsley by calling 07794 599 206 or emailing boveycommunitycare@gmail.com 1280 Superlative Surprise Major was rung by the Bath & Wells Diocesan Association at PPT Bovey Tracey on Friday, 22 August 2014 in 43 minutes (14 cwt) in honour of the marriage of Terry Westwood of Bovey Tracey and Venerable Nicola Sullivan on 29th August at Wells Cathedral. The ringers were: 1Preb Christopher Marshall, 2Jane Spencer 3Roy Shallish, 4Revd Jon Rose, 5Charles Pipe-Wolferstan ©, 6Revd Tim Hawkings 7Robert Brown, 8Michael Spencer Following the success of Easter’s TGIFriday event for families. We will be running another event on Friday 31 October. The event begins with craft activities in the church, followed by a short talk and a hot meal. Please take a flyer from church and advertise this event to friends and family you think enjoy it. DEF Bible Conference ‘Encountering Jesus in the Old Testament’. Sat 18 October 2014 from 10am to 4pm at St Leonard’s Exeter, EX2 4NG Following the success of last year’s conference on Luke, we look at the Old Testament. Our speakers are leading local ministers- Karl Freeman of Emmanuel, Simon Austen of St Leonard’s and Graham Herbert from Chudleigh. Cost £15 including lunch. Book online at www.exeterdef.org.uk Bovey Tracey Calendar 1 Weds 2pm 7.30pm 2 Thurs 7am 9.45am 1pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 3 Fri 9.45am 6pm 4 Sat 7.15pm 7pm ! ! 8am 10am 5pm 6 Mon 9.15am 7 Tues 10 am 8 Weds 2pm 7.30pm 9 Thurs 7am 9.45am 7.30pm 7.30pm 10 Fri 9.45am 11 Sat 8.30am 5.45pm Jack in a box Baby Group in the Church Room Young Adults at 26 Priory Men’s Prayer Breakfast in the Church Room First Steps in the Church Room Little Stars in the Church Christianity Explored at Cafe 64 Mission Community Council meet at the Methodist church First Steps in the Church Room Choir Practice Acoustic Cafe Chillout (11-18s) Cra2 Night at Baptist Church Worthy Offerings (Harvest Festival) Readings: Deuteronomy 8, Lk 19.1-10 Holy Communion: Rev Graham Hamilton All Age Worship: Rev Graham Hamilton Celebration: Rev Graham Hamilton Morning Prayer Tuesday fellowship: Rev Chris Murphy Jack in a box Baby Group in the Church Room Monthly Prayer Meeting in the Church Room Men’s Prayer Breakfast in the Church Room First Steps in the Church Room Christianity Explored at Cafe 64 Deanery Synod meeting at St Catherine’s, Heathfield First Steps in the Church Room Girl’s Night: Breakfast with speaker Kids Club - Uni-hock 12 Sun! Getting and Giving (Mission Gift Day)! 5 Sun! ! ! ! ! 10am 5pm 13 Mon 9.15am 14 Tues 10 am 12.30pm 15 Weds 11am 2pm 7.30pm 16 Thurs 7am 9.45am 7.30pm 17 Fri 9.45am Readings: 2 Cor 9.1-15, Lk 19.11-27 Holy Communion: Rev Graham Hamilton Celebration: Rev Graham Hamilton Morning Prayer Tuesday fellowship: Rev Chris Murphy Friendship lunch at the Edgemoor Hotel Cross-stitch at Tamar Jack in a box Baby Group in the Church Room Young Adults Men’s Prayer Breakfast in the Church Room First Steps in the Church Room Christianity Explored at Cafe 64 First Steps in the Church Room 18 Sat 19 Sun! 12noon 10am 11am 4pm ! Hour of Prayer in the Church Room Exeter Bible Conference at St Leonard’s Exeter- see article Pippa’s Prayer walk - Meet in the information centre car park Chillout (11-18s) Cycling meet outside Library The King who cried ! ! ! 10am 5pm 20 Mon 9.15am 21 Tues 10 am 2pm 22 Weds 2pm 7.30pm 23 Thurs 7am 9.45am 7.30pm 24 Fri 9.45am 12noon Readings: Zechariah 9.9-17, Lk 19.28-44 Morning Worship: Preb Becky Totterdell Lord’s Supper: Rev Chris Murphy Morning Prayer Tuesday fellowship: Rev Graham Hamilton Mother’s Union Meeting Jack in a box Baby Group in the Church Room Young Adults Men’s Prayer Breakfast in the Church Room First Steps in the Church Room Christianity Explored at Cafe 64 First Steps in the Church Room Hour of Prayer in the Church Room 26 Sun! Trouble in the Temple ! ! ! ! 10am 5pm 27 Mon 9.15am 28 Tues 10 am 29 Weds 2pm 30Thurs 7am 31 Fri 4pm 1 Sat 10am 7pm Readings: Isaiah 5.1-7, Lk 19.45-20.19 Holy Communion: Rev Chris Murphy Celebration: Rev Chris Murphy Morning Prayer Tuesday fellowship: Rev Chris Murphy Jack in a box Baby Group in the Church Room Men’s Prayer Breakfast in the Church Room TGI Friday - Lightbusters- see article Christianity Explored away day at Rora House Chillout (11-18s) Games, Pizza and Chips at Baptist Church 2 Sun! For God or Caesar?! Readings: 2 Corinthians 4.1-12, Lk 20.20-26 Holy Communion: Rev Chris Murphy All Age Worship: Rev Chris Murphy Celebration: Rev Chris Murphy ! ! ! 8am 10am 5pm Pippa’s Prayer Walks Please note the below prayer walk dates in your diaries. Those participating meet at 11am in the information car park, finishing at 12:15pm, some stay and eat lunch together at the Dolphin. All are welcome, and will take place regardless of the weather! 18th October, 29th November, 20th December, 17th January, 14th Feb, 14th March, 25th April, 30th May, 4th July
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