RAJASTHAN SKILL AND LIVELIHOODS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION EMI Campus, J-8-A, Jhalana Institutional Area, Jaipur - 302 004 Telephone No. : 0141-5103164, 5103249, 5104136, E-mail : info@rajasthanlivelihoods.org EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS TO UNDERTAKE THE PROJECT OF LIVELIHOOD ENHANCEMENT (WAGE OR SELF EMPLOYMENT) OF WOMEN THROUGH SKILL TRAINING PROGRAMMES. Background: RMoL has been revived to undertake skill and livelihoods programmes. It has been strengthened by way of creation of Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods Development Corporation (RSLDC) to upscale the skill development programme in the State. It has been observed that the participation of women is low in Skill Training Programme, specially because of low literacy rate amongst them. In view of this, RSLDC is launching a project - Livelihood Enhancement of Women through Short Duration Skill Training Programmes. To promote livelihoods amongst women through skill training, RSLDC is inviting proposals for setting up Skill Development Centers (SDC). This EOI is issued for inviting proposals for setting up SDCs in the State for Women. S.No. Parameters Conditions/Provisions 1 Eligibility Criteria The Training Provider should be a not for profit Registered Society / Trust / Association or and Other Government/ University/ Bank run Institute/section 25 company, etc. and should have been Requirements active and operational continuously anywhere in the country for the last three years on the date of application. Document Required: A self-certificate must be submitted as per Annexure-1 & 2. The average annual turnover of Training Provider from skill development & placement linked programs operation in the past two consecutive years (2012-13, 2013-14) shall not be less than Rs. 2.5 lakh or the average total turnover in the past two consecutive years (201213, 2013-14) shall not be less than Rs. 10.0 lakh. Note: Audited financial statements for the past two years (2012-13, 2013-14) should be submitted by the Applicant. In case of unavailability of audited financial statements for the FY 2013-14, Applicant may submit unaudited financial statement. However, the Applicant will be required to submit audited financial statements for FY 2013-14, by 31st October 2014. Document Required: A self-certificate must be submitted as per Annexure-3. Document Required: A copy of TIN number /PAN card and bank balance status as on 31/03/2013 The Training Provider should have trained not less than 100 numbers of women candidates during each of last 2 years (2012-13, 2013-14) in any one or more skill training programmes. The duration of training organized should not be less than 30 days or 180 hours. Document Required: A self-certificate must be submitted as per Annexure-4. The Training Provider should be ready to arrange sufficient space, furniture, equipment, tools, training aids, electrical and/or water connection required for imparting training to women in the selected course or courses mentioned at Sl. No. 6. Document Required: A self-certificate must be submitted. The Training Provider should hire trainers, in the area/vocation in which it intends to undertake training, who has the required hands-on experience and who will impart training to unemployed female youth. Document Required: A self-certificate must be submitted The Training provider should instal GPRS enabled biometric thumb impression machine for daily attendance (coming & going) and is willing to assist in establishment of micro enterprise to at least 50% of women trained. Document Required: A self-certificate must be submitted. The Training Provider shall not have been blacklisted by any donor agency/ State Government/ Central Government. Document Required: A self-certificate must be submitted as per Annexure-5. 2 Proposal Processing Fee 3 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Training Providers have to pay a non-refundable Proposal Processing Fee of Rs.5,000/(Rupees Five Thousands only). This will be paid in the form of a Demand Draft Payable to ‘Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods Development Corporation' payable at Jaipur, drawn on any scheduled commercial bank and must accompany with Covering Letter in cover of the Proposal Document. Proposals that are not accompanied by the Proposal Processing Fee shall be rejected by RSLDC. Training Providers are requested to submit a refundable Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh only). This will be paid in the form of a Demand Draft Payable to ‘Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods Development Corporation' payable at Jaipur, drawn on any scheduled commercial bank and must accompany with Covering Letter in Cover of the Proposal Document. Proposals that are not accompanied by the above Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) shall not be considered. The EMD of the unsuccessful Training Provider would be returned (without interest) within 30 days of decision of rejection. In case of shortlisted Training Provider, the demand draft would remain with RSLDC till signing of MoU. The EMD will be forfeited on account of one or more of the following reasons: a. In case, Training Provider withdraws from an EoI during the period of validity of EoI (EoI shall be valid for 180 days from date of submission of proposal); b. In case, Training Provider does not participate in the subsequent EoI process (Signing of MoU) after having been shortlisted. 4 5 6 Duration of the Project Date of Launch of the Project Economic Sectorwise Courses for Training (The list of sectors and Courses are illustrative one and not the exhaustive list and subject to change from time to time. Five years 15th October, 2014 As per RSLDC's approved list of courses (as amended from time to time) Agriculture: Mushroom Cultivation, Vermiculturing and Vermicomposting, Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables Allied Health Care: Domestic Assistant -Elderly Care, Yoga and Naturopathy Animal Husbandry and Allied: Dairy Management Apiculture: Bee keeping Assistant Bamboo Fabrication: Bamboo Processing, Mat Weaving Beauty Culture and Hair Dressing: Basics of Beauty and Hair Dressing, Massage Therapist, Make-up Artist, Facial Therapist, Hair Stylist, Hair Colorist , Hair Cutting Specialist, Beauty therapy and hair styling -level-1, Beauty therapy and hair styling -level-2 , Integrated course in hair, Skin and Make-up and Bridal Makeup Artist. Fashion Design- Batik printing Specialist, Tie and Dye Specialist and Block Printer Food Processing and Preservation: Basic Food Preservation Garment Making: Hand Embroider, Machine Embroidery Operator, Tailor(Basic Sewing Operator), Ornamentalist- Bead work for garment, Ornamentalist-Kashidakari Designer, Ornamentalist-Zardosi Specialist-Zari, Ornamentalist-Zardosi Specialist-Sequence, Ornamentalist-Zardosi Specialist-Glass, Ornamentalist-Zardosi Specialist-Metal Zardosi, Ornamentalist-Zardosi Specialist-Woolen/Pique, Ornamentalist-Zardosi Specialist-Mirror, Ornamentalist-Hand Work Specialist-Applique,Ornamentalist-Hand Work Specialist-Patch Work, Ornamentalist-Hand Work Specialist Combination of different skills, Tailor Children and Tailor ladies. Home Décor-Art Jewellery: Imitation Jewellery Kit Maker, Kundan Jewellery Maker, Kundan Jewellery Set Maker, Temple Jewellery Set Maker, Bridal Jewellery Set Maker Toy Making: General Sewing Machine Operator (Soft Toy), Stuffer and Willower (Soft Toy), Finisher and Painter(Soft Toy), Packer (Soft Toy) 7 8 9 Organization of Skill Training Programmes Funding Pattern Submission of Proposal As per RSLDC Guidelines of Regular Skill Training Programme for Women (as amended from time to time) As per RSLDC Guidelines (as amended from time to time) Interested Companies/Agencies/Organizations fulfilling eligibility conditions as mentioned above can submit their detailed proposal for undertaking LIVELIHOOD ENHANCEMENT (WAGE OR SELF EMPLOYMENT) OF WOMEN THROUGH SKILL TRAINING PROGRAMMES in the State to the Managing Director, Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods Development Corporation (RSLDC) on or before 31.03.2015. The proposal should carry: a) Covering Letter-Annexure I b) Company/Agency/Organization Profile along with Annexure 2 c) Copy of audited financials for the last two years along with Annexure 3 d) Documentary proof of employment arranged and livelihoods status of youth trained in major skill training projects related to sectors/courses undertaken during the last three years along with Annexure 4 e) Training Infrastructure f) An affidavit for not being blacklisted-Annexure 5 g) Information about infrastructure in terms of space, equipment, tools and trainer for organizing skill training etc h) Action plan in terms of number of centers and courses and likely number of youth to be trained and time needed for setting up the centers. The Managing Director, RSLDC reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal without assigning any reasons, what so ever. The decision of RSLDC shall be final and binding on the Company/Agency/Organization. For further details, interested Corporates/Agencies may contact RSLDC on the below mentioned address. 10 Mechanism for approval of the Project For further details, interested Corporates/Agencies may contact RSLDC on the above mentioned address, contact number 0141-5103164, 5103249, 5104136,. Email: info@rajasthanlivelihoods.org. 1. Evaluation of the proposal by committee constituted by RSLDC. 2. Presentation of the shortlisted applicant 3. Signing of MoU Note: 1. The Sectors, Courses and Guidelines may vary from year to year. 2. The RSLDC has full powers to decide about the number of women to be trained in a particular sector/course. Its decisions will be binding on all organizations submitting the proposals. Checklist for Proposal to be submitted in response to Expression of Interest (EoI) to undertake the project of Livelihoods Enhancement (Wage & Self Employment) of Women Through Skill Training Programme of RSLDC S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Document Description Covering Letter as per Annexure 1 of EoI document Proposal Processing Fee (non-refundable) – Demand Draft (Copy and Original) of Rs. 5000 drawn in favor of ‘Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods Development Corporation' payable at Jaipur Earnest Money Deposit (refundable as per terms and conditions of EoI document)– Demand Draft (Copy and Original) of Rs. 1,00,000 drawn in favor of ‘Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods Development Corporation' payable at Jaipur Training Provider’s Details as per Annexure 2 of EoI document Certificate of the Proprietorship/ Partnership Deed/ Incorporation of Company and Memorandum and Articles of Association / Registration of Society / Trust / Association (Copy) Pan Card (Copy) Income Tax Return Acknowledgment (copy) Trade license/ Sales tax registration/IT registration (Copy) Training Provider’s Financial Details as per Annexure 3 (Original) Training Provider’s Training and Placement Details along with supporting document as mentioned in Annexure 4 of EoI Document (Original) An affidavit for not being blacklisted as per Annexure 5 of EoI Document(Original) Copy of EoI Document with sign and seal of Company Secretary/ Authorized Representative and Signatory on each page of EoI document For and on behalf of: Signature: Name: Designation: (Company Seal) (Authorized Representative and Signatory) Date: Page Number Annexure -1: Format of the Covering Letter << The Covering Letter is to be submitted by Company Secretary/ Authorized Representative and Signatory on Company’s Letterhead with his/her dated Sign and Seal>> To Managing Director Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods Development Corporation EMI Campus, J-8A, Jhalana Institutional Area, Jaipur- 302004 Phone: +91-(0141) 5103164/5104136 Fax: +91-141-5103246 Dear Sir, Sub: Empanelment for the project of Livelihoods Enhancement (Wage & Self Employment) of Women through Skill Training Programme of RSLDC Please find enclosed one (1) Original + one (1) Copy of our Proposal in respect of the Empanelment for the project of Livelihoods Enhancement (Wage & Self Employment) of Women Through Skill Training Programme of RSLDC, in response to the Expression of Interest (EOI) Document issued by the Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods Development Corporation (RSLDC), dated__________________. We hereby confirm that: 1. The proposal is being submitted by ___________________________ (name of the Training Provider) who is the Training Provider, in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the EOI. 2. We have examined in detail and have understood the terms and conditions stipulated in the EOI Document issued by RSLDC and in any subsequent communication sent by RSLDC. We agree and undertake to abide by all these terms and conditions. Our Proposal is consistent with all the requirements of submission as stated in the EOI or in any of the subsequent communications from RSLDC. 3. The information submitted in our Proposal is complete, is strictly as per the requirements as stipulated in the EOI, and is correct to the best of our knowledge and understanding. We would be solely responsible for any errors or omissions in our Proposal. We acknowledge that RSLDC will be relying on the information provided in the Proposal and the documents accompanying such Proposal for empanelment of the Training Provider for the aforesaid programme, and we certify that all information provided in the application is true and correct; nothing has been omitted which renders such information misleading; and all documents accompanying such Proposal are true copies of their respective originals. 4. We acknowledge the right of RSLDC to reject our Proposal without assigning any reason or otherwise and hereby waive, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, our right to challenge the same on any account whatsoever. 5. We satisfy the legal requirements and meet all the eligibility criteria laid down in the EOI. 6. This Proposal is unconditional and we hereby undertake to abide by the terms and conditions of the EOI. 7. We have not directly or indirectly or through an agent engaged or indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice. This Proposal is made for the express purpose of empanelment under Livelihoods Enhancement (Wage & Self Employment) of Women through Skill Training Programme of RSLDC for the following Course under Sector: S.No Name of Sector Name of Course In witness thereof, we submit this Proposal under and in accordance with the terms of the EOI document For and on behalf of: Signature: Name: Designation: (Company Seal) (Authorized Representative and Signatory) Date: Annexure -2: Training Provider’s Details << Declaration by Company Secretary/ Authorized Representative and Signatory on Company’s Letterhead with his/her dated Sign and Seal >> S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Description Name of Legal Constitution of Training Provider Status / Constitution of the Firm Name of Registering Authority Registration Number Date of Registration Place of Registration PAN Card Number Details For and on behalf of: Signature: Name: Designation: (Company Seal) (Authorized Representative and Signatory) Date: Note: Please provide copy of the registration certificate from the appropriate Registering Authority as given below: If Proprietorship Firm o Copy of Certificate of the Proprietorship duly certified by a Chartered Accountant. o copy of trade license/sales tax registration/IT registration If Partnership Firm o Copy of Registered Partnership Deed / Certificate of the Partnership duly certified by a Chartered Accountant. If Public/ Private Limited Company o Copy of Registration/Incorporation Certificate and Memorandum and Articles of Association. If Society / Trust / Association o Copy of Registration Certificate and Bylaws of Society / Trust / Association. Note: In addition to above registration certificate, Training Provider needs to submit the copy of PAN Card. Annexure -3: Financial Details << Declaration by Chartered Accountant on Letterhead with his/her dated Sign and Seal >> To whomsoever it may concern On the basis of audited financial statements, we hereby certify that <<M/s Entity name>>, having registered office at <<Office address>>, have an average annual turnover from skill development and placement linked programs operation in past two consecutive financial years (2012-13, 2013-14) is not less than Rs 2.50 lakh, or average total annual turnover in the past two consecutive years (2012-13, 2013-14) is not less than 10.0 lakh. The details of annual turnover are mentioned below: Note: Audited financial statements for the past two years (2012-13, 2013-14) should be submitted by the Training Provider. In case of unavailability of audited financial statements for the FY 2013-14, Training Provider may submit unaudited financial statement. However the Training Provider will be required to submit audited financial statements for FY 2013-14, by 31st October 2014. S. No. Financial Year 1 2012-2013 2 2013-2014 << Chartered Accountant: Signature Name Registration No Contact No. Seal >> Date: Annual Turnover (INR) Annual Turnover from skill development and placement linked programs operation only (INR) Annexure -4: Training and Placement Details << Declaration by Company Secretary/ Authorized Representative and Signatory on Company’s Letterhead with his/her dated Sign and Seal>> Name of Financial Total No. of Details of Sector Candidate Year Trained Total Placement Details of provided supporting to Supporting proof proof number of provided provided candidate got trained 2012-13 2013-14 2012-13 2013-14 2012-13 2013-14 2012-13 2013-14 For and on behalf of: Signature: Name: Designation: (Company Seal) (Authorized Representative and Signatory) Date: Notes: Please provide Supporting proof as given below: For Trainings conducted, self-attested copies of any of the following documents: Certificate from Government bodies or international funding agencies indicating experience in conducting similar ‘Placement Linked Training Programme’ in the related field of Sector with number of youths trained (self-attested printouts of verifiable information from Government or agency Office/websites or from the funding agencies will be accepted) Copies of relevant pages of the fee register attested by a Chartered Accountant. For Placements conducted, self-attested copies of any of the following documents: Certificate from Government bodies indicating experience in conducting ‘Placement Linked Training Programme’ in the related field of Sector with number of youths placed (self-attested printouts of verifiable information from Government websites will be accepted) Letter from the employer confirming employment of Trainees from the institute or agency clearly indicating the date of recruitment, numbers recruited and sector/category of work. Original Certificate by a Chartered Accountant defining the number of youth placed by the Training Provider during each last three (3) yrs. Annexure -5: An affidavit for not being blacklisted << An affidavit on a non-judicial stamp paper of INR 10/- by Company Secretary/ Authorized Representative and Signatory of the Training Provider with his/her dated Sign and Seal >> AFFIDAVIT We, <<M/s Company name>>, having its registered office at <<Office address>>, do hereby declare that the Training Provider hasn’t been blacklisted/ debarred by any donor agency/ State Government/ Central Government authority for breach on our part. For and on behalf of: Signature: Name: Designation: (Company Seal) (Authorized Representative and Signatory) Date
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