ST. ALOYSIUS GONZAGA CATHOLIC CHURCH 22800 Washington Street, P.O. Box 310, Leonardtown, MD 20650 OCTOBER 19, 2014 Rectory (301) 475-8064 • Fax (301) 475-8762 FATHER ANDREW WHITE SCHOOL Tel: (301) 475-9795 • Fax: (301) 475-3537 SACRAMENTAL LIFE NEW PARISHIONERS…St. Aloysius extends a warm welcome to all who are joining us for prayer, worship, or instruction. If you are new to the area or returning home to the Church, we invite you to register and make St. Aloysius your parish. Registration forms can be obtained at the church or by calling the rectory. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA)... The RCIA is the process of welcoming new members to the Catholic Church. It is intended for adults who have never been baptized, or for adults who have been baptized Christian and now wish to practice the faith in the Catholic tradition. It is an ongoing process of formation, catechesis and liturgical rites. Anyone interested is asked to call the rectory for an appointment to discuss the process. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM…Parents are asked to call the parish office to register for the Baptismal Preparation Meeting and for the baptism of their child. SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION… Any youth or their parent seeking the Sacrament of Confirmation and not registered in the school is asked to contact the Director of Religious Education. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE…In order to facilitate marriage preparation, couples seeking to be married in the Church are to make arrangements with the pastor six months to one year in advance of their intended wedding date. At least one of the engaged must be a registered and practicing member of the parish. ANOINTING OF THE SICK…The Sacrament of the Sick is for the spiritual comfort, strength and healing of the ill. If there is a need for the sacrament in your family or household, please contact the rectory as soon as possible. FATHER ANDREW WHITE SCHOOL… Pre-K-8th Grade. If interested, please contact Mrs. Helen Bowles in the school office Monday through Friday 8:00am - 3:00pm 301 -475-9795 for space availability. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION…Pre-K-8th Grade, Sunday 9:15am - 10:30am. For registration please contact Leonard Wathen at the Rectory. STAFF Pastor ............................................... Rev. David W. Beaubien, ext. 14 Deacon ................................................................. Deacon Andy Geisz Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper ............................. Denise Becher, ext.10 Receptionist/Bulletin Editor .............................. Betty Williams, ext.11 Religious Education/Youth Minister............... Leonard Wathen, ext.16 Director, Music Ministry ............................................. Georgia Harvey Coordinator, Natural Family Planning .......Jane Burke, 301-866-2056 Principal, Father Andrew White School....................... Linda Maloney Secretary, FAW School .................................................. Helen Bowles SCHEDULE OF SERVICES MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am and 11:00 am Daily: 12:15 pm Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 am Wednesday & Friday 7:30 am Saturday HOLY DAY MASSES: As Announced inside the Bulletin. FIRST FRIDAYS: Masses at 9:00 am (September through June) and 7:00 pm. Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 10:30 am till 6:45 pm followed by Benediction. Confessions from 6:00 - 6:30 pm. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Thursday: 11:30-12 Noon Saturday: 3:30-4:30 pm Parish Mission Statement We, the faithful of the Roman Catholic Church of St. Aloysius, in communion with the Holy Father, commit ourselves to know, love and serve God and worship Him together. This challenges us to know God through sacred Scripture and personal prayer; to love God in His Eucharistic Presence and to love one another; to serve Him by educating our children, by ministering to the sick, the elderly and the poor by proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ and by hospitably reaching out to others. We commit to this with the grace of God and through the intercession of Mary, the Mother of God and patroness of St. Mary's County. ST. ALOYSIUS GONZAGA CATHOLIC CHURCH, LEONARDTOWN, MARYLAND Scripture Corner AN ATTEMPT TO TRAP JESUS The Pharisees and Herodians in today’s Gospel (Matthew 22: 15 – 21) present Jesus with a question, which they see as a trap for our Lord. “Is it lawful to pay the census tax to Caesar or not?” (vs. 17) To appreciate that this is meant to be a trap, recall a text that occurs early in the Gospel of Mark: “The Pharisees went out and immediately took counsel with the Herodians against him [Jesus] to put him to death.” (3: 6) The enemies of our Lord realize that if he says that they should not pay the tax, he will be pursued by the Roman officials. The Romans had imposed this tax, equivalent to a day’s work on the adult men, women and slaves of the Jewish people. Roman coinage had to be used. The coin at that time in Christ’s life would have the image of the emperor, Tiberius Caesar (AD 14 – 37). The wording on the coin was, “Tiberius Caesar, august son of the divine Augustus, high priest.” Clearly such a coin was very offensive to the Jewish people with the exception of the Herodians. They were connected with Herod Antipas, who owed his position to the power of Rome. The enemies of Jesus also realize that if our Lord says to pay the tax, he will lose support from his own people. So Christ with true wisdom replies, “Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” (Matthew 22: 21) Jesus not only avoids the trap set by his enemies, but makes an extremely important religious point. Response to God must always be the first priority for every person, a payment manifest by acts of justice, by good deeds. The words of the prophet Jeremiah are a great guide: “Do what is right and just. Rescue the victims from the hand of their oppressors. Do not wrong or oppress the resident alien, the orphan and the widow.” (Jeremiah 22: 3) Jesus gives guidance for how his followers should relate to the political authorities. He says to Pilate, “You would have no power over me if it had not been given to you from above.” (John 19: 11) There is a place for government, but the ultimate source of all power is God. Paul expresses the attitude of the early church, “Let every person be subordinate to the higher authorities, for there is no authority except from God.” (Romans 13: 1) PRAYER & WORSHIP MASS INTENTIONS this WEEK Tuesday, Oct. 21: 8:30 am Wednesday, Oct. 22: 8:30 am Thursday, Oct. 23: 12:15 pm Friday, Oct. 24: 8:30 am Saturday, Oct. 25: 7:30 am 5:00 pm Sunday, Oct. 26: 8:00 am 11:00 am Frank Phillips, Jr. St. John Paul II, Pope John Harney St. John of Capistrano, Priest Clinton B. Duke, Sr. St. Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop Stephen Dolan Peter Curry Ralph Bowles 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Steven Fenwick Pro populo PLEASE NOTE MASS TIME FOR OCTOBER 21ST WILL BE AT 8:30 AM. TUESDAY PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER the Sick and Homebound in our Community: Ethel Anderson, Joan Bolden, Bob Combs, Susan Colon, Teresa Cusic, Anne Davis, Charles Davis,Sr., Elizabeth Ann Davis, Debra Dean, Irene Dixon, John Dougherty, Jan Esler, Rosalie Gibbons, Melanie Gibson, Thomas R. Gissy, Howard Hensley, St. Clair Hill, Jim McDonald, Ben Moore, Brittany Nwadike, Frank Percell, Ernest Pfeiff, Agnes Plater, Anne Rullman, Anita Russell, Mary Saunders, Rita Solimani, Angela Stead, Anne Tennison, C.W. Thompson, Ronnie Thompson and Donna Walker. BORN TO ETERNAL LIFE: The community of St. Aloysius would like to extend our condolences to the families of John Burke and Mary Ann Mattingly who passed away recently. May the angels lead them into paradise; may the martyrs come and welcome them to the holy city, the new and eternal Jerusalem; and may the peace of Christ which is beyond all understanding give their families comfort and peace. ~Msgr. Ralph J. Kuehner, Archdiocese of Washington THE PATRIOTIC ROSARY is recited on Wednesdays after the 8:30 am Mass. Come pray with Mother Mary, Patron Saint of the Americas; our country needs our prayers. Please join us. Questions call Gerda at 301-4750009 or 860-558-6476. 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY VOCATIONS CROSS Sign-up The Vocations Cross is presented to a family at one of the three weekend Masses after Communion and it is asked that it be returned to the rectory by the following Saturday morning. Jim Hoffman, the parish’s Vocations Liaison, is in the process of calling all homes that signed up to have the Vocations Cross in their home to schedule your week. Please pray for Vocations this week with Pat & Teresa Leard EVANGELIZATION & PARISH LIFE “Like” us on Facebook! Go to staloysiusleonardtown today! MEALS FOR FRIENDS: We have set up a Meal Train schedule to help Josh & Becky Guerre as they welcome Lucas Michael into their family The link is below. Just log on and sign up to deliver a meal at your convenience also Maria Dean is at home in Breton Bay recovering from hip surgery. She and Kenneth can use some help with meals. Please use the following link to access the Meal Train for Maria & Kenneth Dean.! If you have questions or know another family who can use help with meals please contact Mary Jo Geisz 443-6044278 or DID YOU KNOW? Did you know that our parish offers a mass that is signed by an American Sign Language professional on the fourth Saturday of the month, at 5 PM. STEWARDSHIP TIME OUR BLUE RIBBON SCHOOL WE’RE COLLECTING COATS– FAW will begin this week to collect coats for the Diocesan “Coats of Many Colors” Drive. Together with parishes and schools across the diocese we can help thousands of our neighbors stay warm this winter. Coats in good condition and clean will be collected at our school now through Nov.14. Please check your closets for children or adult size coats! The Tyson Foods Project A+ program is one of the simplest ways to support Father Andrew White School. For every label that we turn in, we earn 24¢ to use for art supplies, enrichment activities, athletics, special events, etc...! These labels can really add up and be of great benefit to our school. Thank you for keeping an eye out for them. They can be submitted to the school or in the box in the church vestibule. MD EDUCATION CREDIT: Maryland’s Bishops have asked that you “pledge” to participate in asking your state legislators to pass the Maryland Education Credit. Unlike most “pledges,” you’re not being asked for money, but merely a few brief moments of your time. By “pledging”, we’re asking you to complete the quick and easy steps below during the January-April legislative session of the Maryland General Assembly: Take the pledge at, giving your name, address and email contact information. Please note that your information will not be used for any purpose other than this pledge. RELIGIOUS ED & YOUTH MINISTRY SHARING OUR TREASURE Weekly Offertory Contributions October 11/12, 2014 1st Collection: Offertory Basket: $5,112.00 Direct Debit: $1,061.00 Total: $6,173.00 2nd Collection: Bld. Fund Offertory Basket:: $1,365.00 Direct Debit: $ 508.00 Total: $1,873.00 2nd COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND will be for the Propagation of Faith. Thank you for your generosity! PATRON OF THE WEEK: True Value. Please remember to patronize our bulletin sponsors. CONNECT GROUPS are here! All adult parishioners are invited and encouraged to participate in a five part small group video and discussion entitled “Connect: Becoming the Church we were Made to Be.” In this series, you’ll discover why Christ established the Church and what you and I can do to more fully become the Church were made to be! Registration will be available this weekend. Sign up online at OCTOBER 19, 2014 IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO HOST A CONNECT GROUP in your home. New groups can be launched at any time. If you’re interested in learning how to become a Connect Host, contact Leonard Wathen. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL NEWLY CONFIRMED HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS! On Thursday, October 16th, 42 students from our parish received the sacrament of Confirmation. Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, may each of them live as missionary disciples in the world today. YOUR AMAZON.COM PURCHASES can support St. Aloysius Church’s Religious Education program! Go to and search for “St. Aloysius Parish” (Leonardtown, MD). Once you choose us as your charity, 0.5% of every eligible purchase that you make will support our Religious Education program! CHILDREN’S RELIGIOUS EDUCATION has begun! Join us on Sunday mornings from 9:15 to 10:30 am. Registration forms are available on our parish website. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC or learning about becoming Catholic? RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) will be offered on Monday nights in FAW School beginning Monday, September 8th. Contact Andy Geisz for more information. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION LIBRARY—Thank you to those who have donated so many resources for Religious Ed’s library. We are grateful - please keep them coming! COMMUNITY WOMEN OF FAITH PRAYER BREAKFAST -- Saturday, November 1, beginning at 8:30am at Café des Artistes, 41655 Fenwick St., Leonardtown, MD. Our speaker, Colleen Galli, was strangled by a serial killer at the age of 17. At the hour of her death, Jesus showed her an escape plan! Don't miss her story! Please register by Thursday, October 30th, the cost is only $15. Space is limited, reserve your space now! WOMEN’S DAY OF REFLECTION, on November 8th at St. John Francis Regis Catholic Church. The day will begin with Mass at 8:00 am followed by continental breakfast. Father Charles Gallagher will be giving two talks. Priests will be available to hear confessions from 10 am-12 noon. The morning will finish up by noon. RSVP to Catherine (228)365-0657. No registration fee. LITTLE FLOWER SCHOOL is hosting its first annual ‘OKTOBERFEST’ event on Friday Oct. 24th, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Ages 21 and older are welcome for a fun night of Authentic German Food, Beer, Music, and more. $12 Dinner plates, $25 souvenir beer mugs with unlimited free refills. SACRED HEART CHURCH in Bushwood is sponsoring its annual fall dinner on Sunday, Oct. 26th from 12 noon until 4 pm. Menu includes fried oysters, stuffed ham, turkey w/stuffing, sweet and parsley potatoes, cole slaw, green beans. All you can eat, served buffet style. Adults $25, Children 12 and under $6. Drive-thru carry-outs $25 THEOLOGY ON TAP is bringing together good company and great guest speakers, every Wednesday in October at 7 pm at DB McMillan's. Don't be shy - invite a friend or co-worker. Come early to socialize before the talk. Email with any questions. WORLD PRIEST DAY—Please join us in celebrating and affirming the men who commit their lives to the Lord and the Church in the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Worldwide Marriage Encounter, concurrently with Serra Club’s Priesthood Sunday, honors our priests on World Priest Day, October 26, 2014. Please take this opportunity to thank and affirm your priests who live out their call to serve as Jesus does, in self-giving love for all. GIVE A WEEKEND TO GOD! Ignatian Weekend Retreat – “Behold the Face of God” The men of the St. Mary’s County Parishes go on retreat each year at Loyola on the Potomac – A Jesuit Retreat House in Faulkner, MD. This retreat is conducted in an atmosphere of prayer and silence and is based on the essence of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola. It is open to anyone who desires to grow in their relationship with God through prayer. The retreat includes generous amounts of time for prayer and personal reflection. The retreat begins Friday evening October 24th and concludes with lunch on Sunday, October 26th. For more info or to make reservations contact: Al Gough at 301-475-5449; A deposit of $115 is required. The retreat fee for the weekend is $235. ($185 for first time retreatants and/or young adults up to age 30) You can also reserve online at: “Come away and rest awhile.” Dry Cleaning • Shirts Laundry • Household Draperies • Suede & Leather • Wedding Gowns Alterations & Repairs • Shoe Repair Now Available! “ For All Your Dry Clean & Launder Needs” 41650 Fenwick Street Leonardtown, MD Tel: 301-475-2522 • Fax: 301-475-2633 HOURS: Monday- Friday 6am - 6pm Saturday 8am - 2pm MONDAY THRU FRIDAY SAME DAY SERVICE IN BY 8AM OUT BY 2PM SERVING WE SERVICE ALL 3 YR/30,000 MILES SOUTHERN MD LIMITED PARTS MAKES & MODELS SINCE 1990 & LABOR WARRANTY WE BUY CARS AFFORDABLE AUTOS Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A. Crematory For Peace of Mind..When it Matters Most 41590 Fenwick St., P.O. 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Box 707 Leonardtown, MD 20650 Olde Town Insurance LEXINGTON PARK / CALIFORNIA, MARYLAND 23428 Three Notch Road, California, Maryland RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL Sales/Service/Install • Serving Southern Maryland 240-298-5985 !!!"#$!%&'%()%*%("($+ FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 23470 Budds Creek Rd., Clements Please use promo code 534528 when making reservations to receive the special local church discount rate Free Local Calls • Fitness Center • Indoor Pool/Whirlpool Spa • Business Center Financing Available Automatic Standby Generators Tel. 301.737.0000 • Fax: 301.737.4426 GUY BROTHERS MARINE INC. High Speed Internet • Free Deluxe Continental Breakfast • Discount rates: AAA/AARP/Gov’t © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. SEPTEMBER 22, 2014 3:05 PM 301-475-9774 ST. ALOYSIUS, LEONARDTOWN, MD 04-0378 BRINSFIELD FUNERAL HOMES Traditional Funerals, Cremation Services & Memorial Services Pre-Need Arrangements Counseling with personalized service Options Cremation Facilities on Premise Brinsfield Funeral Home: 22955 Hollywood Road, Leonardtown, MD 20650 • 301-475-5588 Brinsfield-Echols Funeral Home: 30195 Three Notch Road, Charlotte Hall, MD 20622 • 301-472-4400 On Line Obituaries: Buy Local * Support Independent Business * Dine Local Café des Artistes • Classic Country French Dining • Lunch: Dinner: Tues - Fri Tues - Sat Sunday Closed Mondays 11 am - 2 pm 5 pm - 9 pm 11 am - 8 pm 301-862-5157 3-Course Prix-Fixe Menu Only $24.95 (5-6 daily / 11-6 pm Sun) Sunday Brunch/Lunch/Dinner • Brochures • Flyers • Booklets • Banners • Raffle Tickets • Signs • Business Cards ...and more! • Funeral Programs (Brunch a la carte 11-3 / Dinner 11-8) • Private Room - ‘Le Salon’ 41655 Fenwick Street, Leonardtown, MD 301-997-0500 • 21585 Peabody Street Leonardtown, MD 20650 301-475-8000 • Josh Frauenfelder • Parishioner Serving Lunch Monday - Saturday 11am - 2pm Dinner Served Thursday - Saturday 5pm - 9pm (Dine-In or Take-Out) Available for Private Parties & Catered Events 301-475-8989 • Rt. 5 Leonardtown (behind Ledo’s in Breton Marketplace) Leonardtown, MD 20650 Knights of Columbus ST. Mary’s Council 1470 Over 100 Years of Catholic, Family, and Fraternal Service in St. Mary’s County Heating Oils / Home Comfort Service Looking for Good Catholic Men! Contact Grand Knight Jim Wilt 240-925-1239 Today is a great day to be a Burch customer! 301-373-2131 • Hollywood Ye Old Towne Cafe Home Cooking 22685 Washington Street Leonardtown, MD 20653 301-475-5151 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 ALLERGY + DERMATOLOGY Dr. K. P. Verghese MD, FAAAAI Dr. Annie Verghese MD, FAAD Dr. George Verghese MD, FAAD Dr. Carl Ling MD, FAAD, FACS Leonardtown • 301-475-8091 Hollywood • 301-373-7730 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. This Space Available For Information On Advertising, Please Call Our Representative Michael Schiavone at 800-888-4574 x3453 or E-Mail: SEPTEMBER 22, 2014 3:05 PM ST. ALOYSIUS, LEONARDTOWN, MD 04-0378
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