Document 36151

The Community Association for Riding for the Disabled
is dedicated to improving the lives of children and
adults with disabilities through quality
therapeutic riding programs.
A Magical Connection
4777 Dufferin St.
Toronto, Ontario
M3H 5T3
Tel: 416-667-8600
Fax: 416-739-7520
Connect With CARD
Spring 2014
Happy Anniversary CARD!
It’s a year long party at CARD and we want everyone
to help celebrate.
Throughout 2014 CARD will be holding events such as our recent
bowling night which was a huge success. All events will have a 45th
anniversary theme.
Chairperson’s Message
Bowling For CARD
Volunteers of the Month
Seana’s World
Horse Psychology
Facility Upgrades
2014 Golf Tournament
You Asked Us
Board of Directors
Mr. Donald Buckley
Ms. Katherine Bontje
Mr. Steve Wanless
Mr. Andrew Macdonald
Mr. Joseph Ferrari
(Human Resources)
Mr. Conrad Cohen
Mr. Michael Goldman
Dr. Rafael Gomez
Welcome to Our New Fundraiser
”Walk On for CARD”
Sunday June 22, 2014. Walk to support our horses, 1 km and 5 km walk,
minimum pledge of $45 , celebrating our 45 years. Breakfast, lunch. Walk for
your favourite horse….ie Team Oreo, Team Maggie, etc.
Please join us in this inaugural fundraiser.
CARD 10th Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Ink the date of Tuesday August 12 in your calendars. It’s
CARD’s 10th annual golf tournament at BraeBen Golf Club.
(See details within this issue).
We welcome everyone to attend and if you are in a
capacity where you can sponsor a hole or other options
during the tourney, please don’t hesitate to contact our
tournament convener at or the
CARD office.
A Magical Connection
Still “Walking On” After 45 Years
New Facility Changes!
Washroom Renovation
We are thrilled to announce that we have secured funding to
renovate our Men's' Washroom into a Family Washroom.
This accommodation will enable families who require special
toileting to have a private and accessible Washroom.
Message From The Chair
Dear members of the CARD family.
I trust that everyone survived this treacherous and bone- chilling winter. For everyone –riders,
instructors and volunteers, who managed to come for their classes may I congratulate you for
keeping up your enthusiasm and dedication to our wonderful riding lessons. I know trying to get
around and getting to CARD must have been quite challenging because of the horrible winter
At this time, I would like to welcome our new Board member Andrew Macdonald to our board.
Thank you Andrew for you willingness to join us and share your expertise.
I would like to thank everyone who came out to our annual bowling night, including the many
sponsors and people who donated their time and items for the event. As well, I would also like to
thank our staff for all their hard work. Without everyone's support the event would not have
happened. We managed to raise approximately $ 4500.00 which will help maintain our fantastic
riding facility. We are always looking for financial support either donations or products in order
that our precious riders may continue to fulfill their goals and ambitions at CARD.
One thing is certain, as long as they don't ban 2-handed bowling I won't have to “hang-em up”. We
had a lot of fun and I can hardly wait until next year's event.
I know that spring officially is just around the corner and that can only mean some warmer nicer
weather and as well the spring classes which will start very soon. May we all take the time to
enjoy the nicer weather and the long holiday weekend in April with family and friends.
It is an honor, as the Chair, to work with such an outstanding group of people, the staff the
instructors, the board and of course the many wonderful volunteers. It's because of you that the
dream stays alive.
Thank you for being who you are and what you do for this great organization CARD. This is the
very best therapeutic riding facility because of your dedication and hard work.
Kindest regards
Don Buckley
Chair, CARD Board of Directors.
To make contributions of articles and/or photos to CARD’s
newsletter, please e-mail submissions to Michael Goldman,
Editor at
So Much More Than Fun And Games
Often, when you watch a class at CARD you'll see riders of all ages working on mounted activities
and/or games. What you may not realize is that the majority of the time, we are not doing so just
for the enjoyment value.
Many of the activities/games have tremendous therapeutic benefits in a riding setting, and one of
the best parts- particularly for younger students or those clients who are 'burnt out' from clinical
forms of therapy- is that the therapeutic benefits are often happening “under the radar” or outside
of the rider's conscious thought process. This radically decreases issues with motivation or
compliance, which often challenges in traditional clinic-based therapies.
Did you know that a simple object transfer has as many as 15 different therapeutic benefits? Or
that negotiating an obstacle course helps with motor planning, direction following, memory and
non-repetitive problem solving?
So if you've ever looked through the lounge windows and wondered why we do what we do, here's
a brief outline of some of the benefits of our class activities:
· Rolling halts and pace changes- trigger balance and righting reactions, improve core
strength and postural alignment
· Weaving pylons-balance and recognition of left/right, repetitive motor skills/planning and
· Hunting and matching games- environmental awareness, asymmetrical motor skills and
planning through guiding the horse, reaching outside base of support, midline recognition,
fine and gross motor coordination, multi-step processing
· Jeopardy, Eye Spy- facilitate speaking, group participation, motor planning and balance,
environmental awareness
· Letter halts/search/spelling- sharp turns across the arena provide increased proprioceptive
and vestibular input, as well as facilitate early learning skills regarding reading, cause and
effect, motor planning if using reins
Many of these games and activities are also laying a foundation of riding skills in terms such as
spatial awareness and planning, understanding how the horse responds to directions, how to speak
to the horse in their terms (verbal or via rein and leg aids) and also beginning to familiarize riders
with basic riding figures and exercises.
Therefore, instructors will often use obstacle and game-based class work as a prelude to the more
theoretical elements of riding, helping riders to travel from concrete to abstract thinking as a result.
So when you're looking through those lounge windows, we do hope you are seeing a lot of fun
going on; and we hope that you are now also seeing a lot more than games.
Seana Waldon
Program Director
The Wednesday Evening group is very lucky to have Trish
as a part of their team. She is dependable, patient, and can
be counted on to think quickly in tough situations. She
loves a challenge and often sidewalks with riders who
benefit from her firm, but fair methods. Trish is there for
the CARD riders and always puts their needs first. She
consults regularly with her team to ensure that the riders get
the most out of the program. Many individuals have been
able to achieve their goals thanks to Trish and CARD is
very fortunate that she gives so much of herself each and
every week.
(Written by: Julia Burke)
I chose to volunteer at CARD because of the riders, the
horses, and my fellow volunteers. Back in the 80's I
volunteered for CARD for over 5 years. I made great
friends and was even a "mother" (trainer) of a great horse
named Cutter. Then life took over in the form of marriage,
kids, etc. and time became scarce. I am so glad to now have
the time again to devote to CARD.
Trish & her Sweetie Ronan
Trish Anderson
Check Out Our New Web Site!
Our new web site is finally up and running. After a bumpy start and lots of angst and
anguish…we went live with our new communication tool earlier this season.
With much help and advice from two wonderful volunteers (Anne Thomas -Web Design and
Lloyd Speyer - IT), we survived the changeover. To all of you who sent us feedback and
suggestions on the new look, and the contents – thank you.
We are very proud of this accomplishment, and look forward to many years of sharing our
programs, news and events with you.
Do you know a fellow volunteer that has gone above and beyond their regular duties or has done a good
deed to assist another volunteer, rider, instructor or a staff member of CARD? We want to hear about it.
Don’t let their good deeds go unnoticed. Send your stories in.
Bowling For CARD
CARD's annual bowling fundraiser “Bowling for CARD” was held at the Parkway Bowl on
Saturday February 15th.
Although it was cold outside, the weather was nice and toasty in the alley. 135 keglers took to the
lanes to show off their bowling talents.
Thank you to the following sponsors:
Dignity Transportation Inc. and the Toronto East Detention Centre for being co-sponsors of the
Lane Sponsors: Loaded Dog Pub - D & G Trophies - Appel Dental Centre - Queen Victoria Pub Benjamin's Park Memorial Chapel - Draglam Waste - Nobleton Feed Mill - Horses for Courses Muckish Irish Pub - Triple Crown Bar & Grill - Sam Samivand – Re/Max - Diana's Seafood - Print
Dessert Table Sponsors: Tina Baird - Tori's Bakeshop - St. Urbain Bagel - Ken Holt - Judy Wanless
- Yummy Market - Mamma's Pizza - Costco - and Meredith Wiens for their donations of pizza and
Thank you as well to the companies and individuals who donated items for door prizes and a big
thank you to Steve, Daniel and Cathy for donating their time and to the staff at Parkway.
Congratulations to CARD's own Scot Stewart who had the high 10 pin single game score and
Donna Halliday who had the high 5 pin single game score.
This event raised over $4500 for CARD!
Sonia has been a long-time volunteer with the CARD
program. She is hardworking, kind, and shows a lot of
patience with the riders she works with every week. As a
reliable Wednesday Evening volunteer, Sonia often works
with some of CARD's quietest riders. Her gentleness
allows these riders to open up and feel confident trying
new things. Many riders have benefitted from Sonia's
consistency and encouragement. As a result, they have
been able to achieve their goals and begin working on
more challenging ones. CARD is very lucky to have Sonia
as a volunteer and recognizes all she has done to benefit
the program.
(Written by: Julia Burke)
Sonia with Colonel
I have been lucky enough to be a part of CARD for about 4
years now after noticing the facilities one day while out in
the park. Although I'm not much of a horseman myself,
I have always loved horses and was excited to find this
opportunity. I consider myself very lucky to be able to work with these beautiful animals and more
importantly to work with the great riders and volunteers. I know that it sounds cliché but I really do feel that
I get more out of volunteering than I am ever able to give, so for that I say thank you to all the wonderful
people at CARD.
Sonia Chorafakis
The Monster Ride Adopts CARD
On Saturday, May 31, 2014 a group of 15 men (the Innerweb Riders), who ride recreationally on a
weekly basis, will be riding the Lake Ontario Waterfront trail from Niagara Falls to Toronto, in
support of CARD.
Each year a Grand Marshall is appointed to organize the ride and raise funds. That person this year,
is Arthur Kaminsky, husband of one of our long standing volunteers, Linda . They complete this
ride in one day.
If you would like to sponsor any of the riders, please go to our web site “How you can help”, and
follow the link. Thank you to Arthur and his team for doing this, and thank you to Linda for sharing
her passion about CARD to her husband!
Thinking Like a Horse
Horse Psychology
CARD was delighted to
host over 60 attendees
on March 21st at our
first Seminar with
Lindsay. We laughed
with her wonderful
personality and we
learned a great deal
about how horses think
and act due to body
language and touch.
We can’t wait for our
next session with
Here is Just Some of the Feedback we Received.
Just wanted to say THANK YOU for organizing a superb clinic!! Lindsey Grice was a joy
to listen to and I learned so much!! I hope that last night was the first of many and I eagerly
look forward to the next event!! BB
Thank you so much for arranging for Lindsay Grice to speak at CARD. I learned so much
from her about horses and how horses think and react. Lindsay is an excellent speaker and
so informative about horses. I hope CARD will continue to have more excellent Seminars
like this. LH
Just wanted to say that I thoroughly enjoyed Lindsay's presentation last night, as did
everyone else I spoke with. Thanks for setting that up! It's nice to see riders as well as
volunteers attend.
More, please : ) MLS
She's amazing! Bonnie is there almost every
single week without fail. On the odd time
something comes up where she can't make it, she
gives me ample notice, making sure I'm covered.
As well as being reliable, she is incredibly
personable, and well liked by everyone.
Bonnie supervises the barn for me before lessons,
helping other volunteers, and ensuring everything
is covered and running smoothly. This frees me up
to float about getting the arena set up, checking
volunteer numbers, talking to Seana, etc. Bonnie
basically runs things behind the scenes, and I have
no concerns when she is in the barn. As well, she
assists with all of the mounting and dismounting,
and is happy to side-walk or lead with anyone at
Bonnie Barry
all. She is also not afraid to speak up if there are
any concerns from volunteers I should know about, acting as the go-between for those volunteers who
might not feel comfortable approaching me themselves. This has been really helpful, as it gives me more
of an insight as to the other volunteers and their comfort levels with certain situations, riders, and horses.
(Written by: Jenny McDermott)
Being a CARD Volunteer:
For me being a CARD volunteer is all about fulfilling a life-long passion to be around horses!
My love of horses is genetic as my grandfather was a Captain in the cavalry during WWI and I began riding
when I was about 6 yrs old. I rode for about 15 yrs and then moved on to other things that took me away
from horses but always hoped that someday I would be able to return to my first love. My riding days are
behind me (except for the odd trail ride) but I am so fortunate to have found CARD about 6 yrs ago.
I love working in the barn and have learned a great deal from the incredible barn staff. I have also been
fortunate to have worked with some very skilled and supportive instructors. The Tuesday morning
volunteers are a wonderful group and I am proud to call them my friends.
But, it is the CARD horses that touch my heart and energize my soul!!
THANK YOU CARD for all that you have given me!!
Bonnie L. Barry
2014 Charity Golf Tournament
A Magical Connection
Community Association For Riding For The Disabled
Join the Community Association for Riding for the Disabled (CARD)
for the 10th Annual CARD Charity Golf Tournament
supporting children and adults with disabilities.
Tuesday August 12, 2014 at BraeBen Golf Club
5700 Terry Fox Way, Mississauga Ontario
12:00 Noon Registration - Lunch - Putting Green
Driving Range
1:00 pm
Shotgun Start
5:30 pm
Networking & Cocktail Reception
6:30 pm
Dinner, Awards, Silent Auction
Tournament Fees are
$200.00 / person
$750.00 / 4-some
Fees Include:
Valet Bag Drop, Locker
Room w/ Towel Service,
Course Competition,
Shared Power Cart,
Dinner, Prizes, 50/50
Draw, Silent Auction
Additional guests are welcome to join us
for dinner for $75.00
All proceeds raised at the CARD Charity Golf Tournament support CARD’s mission to improve the lives of children
and adults with disabilities through quality therapeutic horseback riding programs. CARD’s unique therapy
combines the motion of the horse with specifically designed activities and tasks to improve mobility, core strength,
communication, focus, confidence, self esteem and more. Since 1969, CARD’s program has had a direct and positive
impact on the lives of thousands of children and adults with disabilities across the GTA, helping them gain greater
physical, cognitive, psychological and social skills and significantly improving their quality of life.
Tax Receipts will be provided for the portion allowed by CCRA: 11887 0138 RR0001