5,000 copies
Tea Gardens - Hawks Nest - Bulahdelah - Karuah - Stroud - Nerong - Pindimar - Bundabah - North Arm Cove
Hawks Nest Boy becomes Oxford Don
ABN: 85 031 406 563
Edition 13
15th October 2014
Congratulations to Tea Gardens Primary School and
Merewether High School in Newcastle.
Myall Coast Messenger
Thank you to all our Teachers
and Congratulations and well done
Dr Samuel Wills
Shop 4, 209 Myall Street
Tea Gardens 2324
Ph: 02 4997 0749
Fax: 02 4997 0759
Tea Gardens Visitor Centre
Council Complex
245 Myall Street
Tea Gardens 2324
Ph: 02 4997 0111
Email: teagardensvic@gmail.com
Tea Gardens CTC
Shop 4, 209 Myall Street
Tea Gardens 2324
Ph: 02 4997 0749 - Fax: 02 4997 0759
Email: teagardensctc@gmail.com
Hawks Nest lad Dr Samuel Wills has recently been
awarded a prestigious Future Research Leaders fellowship
in Economics at Pembroke College, Oxford University. Sam
grew up in Hawks Nest, his parents Gary and Carol are local
school teachers and his roots in the Myall Lakes go back
five generations. Sam began his academic career at Tea
Gardens Primary School where he was a Prefect and
eventually Dux. He then braved a daily four-hour bus
journey to attend Merewether High in Newcastle, where
he graduated in the top 500 students nationally. Sam says,
“I’ll always be grateful for the quality of public education in
Australia. Lots of kids at Oxford went to very expensive
schools, castles really, but ultimately it all comes down to the
teachers. We’re very lucky because in Tea Gardens,
Merewether and public schools around Australia we have
some of the best teachers in the world looking after our kids”.
After school Sam received a scholarship to study Actuarial
Studies at UNSW. There Sam received the University Medal
for his work designing ways to make pensions safer, which
was awarded prizes internationally. After working in Sydney
Sam received full funding to study at Oxford, which he
combined with rowing, AFL and being the President of his
College. Sam completed his PhD earlier this year, earning the
prize for the top student in his field with a thesis titled,
“Macroeconomic policy in resource-rich economies”. “I’ve
tried to focus on topics that are important to Australia:
pensions because of our aging population, and natural
resources because of their importance to our economy”.
Sam’s job now involves researching, lecturing and advising
countries on managing resource wealth - including Libya, Iraq,
Ghana and Uganda. When asked about the future Sam says,
“Eventually I’d love to make a contribution at home in
By Carol Wills
4997 2560
Wacky Wednesday
ABN: 30 001 038 660
02 4997 0250
2a Yalinbah Street
Tea Gardens 2324
Introduction to
10:00am Sundays
Includes lunch $12.00
6:00pm - 8:00pm
as at
15th October
$16,000 won 15/10/2014
Free Members
Saturday 18th October
Rockin’ All Over Abba Tribute
Courtesy Bus Available
Members Badge
Chinese Dinner
$15.00 per person
Friday & Sunday Raffles
Happy Hour
$3.50 Schooners
as at 12th October
Melbourne Cup
Luncheon &
Fashion Parade
Tickets $35 per head
Numbers Limited
“Crack the
For a chance to win
happens every
Wednesday, Friday and
Sunday night
By the Community For the Community - published fortnightly
Community Spotlight
Community Spotlight........... P 2
Council & News ........... P 1, 3 - 4
Community News .......... P 5 - 11
Poets Corner ......................... P 9
Doggy News .......................... P 9
School ............................. P 12-13
Letters ................................. P 10
Church .................................. P 8
Classifieds ............................ P12
Sport ............................... P 14-16
Sudoku ................................ P 12
Bowls and Croquet............. P 14
Fishing .................................... P5
Gardening ............................. P 5
Golf and Bridge .................. P 15
History.................................. P13
Travel ..................................... P9
Tide Chart ............................ P 5
What’s On ............................. P 6
Our Trove of Local Treasures - a continuing series
The Myall Coast Messenger seeks to
serve the interests of the local
We seek to publish community news
and views while supporting sporting,
publication of relevant information.
We encourage groups or individuals to
provide information about activities,
upcoming events and views on current
issues that influence daily life in the
All submissions must be signed and
must contain no statements or remarks
that may be considered defamatory,
derogatory or discriminatory against
any person on the basis of race,
religion or sexual persuasion and
contain no language that is unlawful,
obscene, indecent or inappropriate.
The decision to publish an article/
story/letter rests with the Editorial
team and the decision is final.
Full names of contributors to the
Myall Coast Messenger who use non
de plumes must be registered with the
Editorial Team and made available to
any reader if requested.
All photos published become the
property of the CTC.
The information provided within the
contents of this Newspaper is the
views of the individuals who provide
the details. These views are not
necessarily those of the CTC or the
Editorial Team.
5pm Friday prior to publishing
Sporting Results:
2pm Sunday prior to publishing
Externally it may not be as imposing as some of the beautiful heritage houses in Tea Gardens but the weatherboard cottage that
has stood for ninety years in 11 Hough Street has its own story to tell. That story starts with red mahogany logs felled where the
Bulahdelah Golf Course now is. They were then snigged by horse team to the river and loaded on to the drogher Myall River by
Dooley (James Edward) Worth, who was a crew member at the time. The logs were milled at Tea Gardens into frame timbers and
weatherboards. Internal trim came from five cedar logs taken as payment for a debt of five pounds and also milled at Tea
Gardens. Dooley and his father James Worth Snr. built the house on land purchased from George Peter Engel in 1924. The house
still appears very much as it did in photos from the 1940s and, thanks to the sturdy hardwood frame, has the potential to last
another ninety years.
In Australia it is not particularly common for an urban house to stay in the possession of one family for long periods but over the
years the occupants have been Dooley and his daughter Jewel, grandson Garry, great-grandson Mungo and now, with the birth of
Livia Emily Worth in July, she becomes the fifth generation of Worths to live in the cottage!
Gary Worth
A Community Memorial Service was held to farewell Ron Franks OAM on
Saturday 11th October at Anzac Park, the Memorial Park he worked so hard
to achieve for our community. Ron’s idea was that Anzac Day Services
should be for all the community and with the new Memorial came the huge
numbers of people attending the services on Anzac Day.
The memorial Service was conducted by Pastor Matt Lucas, Ron’s grandson.
Ron’s daughters spoke of their father and his achievements during his War
Service and his life until he moved to Hawks Nest on his retirement. Rear
Admiral Peter Sinclair (AS.AO.KSU) and Deputy Mayor, Len Roberts gave
tributes to Ron. Ted Mowbray, Vice-President of Tea Gardens RSL SubBranch, spoke of Ron who saw a “touch and tell” at Townsville and thought
it would be good for our Anzac Park to have one to enable people to see and
hear the history of our country’s involvement in the World Wars. There
were other tributes from organisations to which Ron had belonged. Lions by
Past President, Bruce Everett, spoke on Ron being the moving force in seeing
the Lions Park updated while he was President of the Club. John Sharp
spoke of his friendship with Ron through the Vintage Motor Car Club. Ron
was also heavily involved with U3A and the Myall Entertainers.
All those who attended enjoyed the stories told of Ron’s adventures during
his long life and were moved by the music of the Salvation Army Brass Band,
of which Ron had been a member. His love of music was evident to all that
were there. Farwell Ron, our twin towns will miss
you and your constant example. RIP
SANDYB - Photos: Courtesy Brian Jones
Salvation Army Band
Ron’s Daughters Tribute
Ron’s Son - Gary Franks
Brian and Elsa Jones
Phone: 02 4997 0749
Fax: 02 4997 0759
Our thanks also to
Torch Publishing Company for their
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 13
Ron’s Friends
Ted Mowbray
RSL Sub Branch
Stan Johnson
By the Community For the Community
15th October 2014
Special Features
Have your say on beach management
83 Marine Drive, Tea Gardens
Property Sales
Holiday Accommodation
02 4997 1300
Historical records online
Land and Property Information (LPI) is undertaking a major digitisation and conversion
program to deliver more land records online, enhancing access to many historical
documents. The program is converting titles into an electronically delivered Torrens
Title system and digitising one of the largest government holdings of archival records.
By imaging records and transferring the originals to State archives LPI is also ensuring
the long-term preservation of valuable historical documents, some of the oldest of the
State of NSW.
Photo: Seal Rocks coastline will be included in the new
Coastal Zone Management Plan.
Great Lakes Council, with assistance from the NSW Office of Environment
and Heritage (OEH), is preparing a Coastal Zone Management Plan for all
Great Lakes beaches which do not currently have Plans being completed.
Council is asking residents for their input via an online survey to make the
Plans as practical as possible. Blueys, Boomerang and Jimmys Beaches
are not included in this Plan because separate Plans are already underway
for these beaches.
Following from an earlier Coastal Hazards Study, the Plan will seek
practical actions to address the risks to the beach and nearby assets. The
coastline from Nine Mile (Tuncurry) Beach in the north to Bennetts
Beach at Hawks Nest in the south are included in this Plan, including
One Mile Beach, the beaches of Seal Rocks, and Forster Main Beach.
"All of Great Lakes’ beaches are impacted by hazards from the ocean.
This Plan will focus on ways to address erosion and inundation of creeks
and drains by the ocean during storms. These hazards are also very likely
to become worse in the future. Community input is needed to develop a
clearer picture of beach users, their concerns and values relating to these
important natural assets. At this stage of the project, we are interested in
what beaches you visit and how you use and enjoy the beaches" said Mr
Have your say via the online survey available on Council’s website (or visit
The survey is open until Friday 17 October 2014. The
next stage of the Plan will seek community input to how hazards like
erosion can be managed at Great Lakes’ beaches. Further opportunities
for community involvement will be advertised as the Plan progresses.
Council contact: Geoff Love, 6591 7237
Elite Energy will stage the 2015 Challenge Triathlon in the Great Lakes
on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 November. Saturday will see minor road
closures in the Forster Keys area, while The Lakes Way will remain
open all day, with minor delays expected between Forster Keys and
Tiona from 7am until 9.30am. On Sunday The Lakes Way will be
closed from 7am until 10.45am, with the road progressively reopening from the south starting at 8.20am at Tarbuck Bay.
Tea Gardens Hawks Nest Antenna Services
Shop 8 of 205-207 Myall Street Tea Gardens NSW 2324
What is being converted?
LPI is digitising and conserving many different types of land records. More than 20
million records have been digitised including plans dated from 1792 and aerial photos
going back to 1947.We are also converting a large number of titles into our
computerised Torrens Title system including Old System land which was granted from
1792 to 1862.The following records are part of the digitisation and conversion
Tea Gardens
Buying or Selling
Wills& Estate Planning
Powers of Attorney
Criminal Law
Dispute Resolutions
Commercial Litigation
Contesting Wills
Commercial Leasing
Buying or Selling a Business
Company Transactions
 Buying/Selling a Business
 Company Transactions
 Leasing
02 4928 7300
Fridays 2pm - 6pm
191 Myall Street, Tea Gardens
Last week we looked at the power in Section 12(2) of the
Powers of Attorney Act (the Act) which allows an
attorney to benefit themselves.
There is also a power contained in Section 13(2) of the
Act which authorises an attorney to confer benefits on a
third party to meet their reasonable living and medical
expenses. Using the example from last week, say the wife
(before being able to buy another home) also develops
dementia and requires significant care. If the Power of
Attorney by the husband has an alternative appointment
clause, which appoints another person to act as his
attorney if the wife is unable to, then inclusion of a
clause under Section 13(2) may allow the alternate
attorney to use the husband’s share of the sale proceeds
to benefit his wife and pay for her care.
While the operation of a clause pursuant to Section 13(2)
may seem complex, it can have significant practical
benefits and may be important in certain family
situations. The power contained in such a clause is
limited to those third parties who are named specifically
in the clause, meaning benefits cannot be conferred
generally on all third parties.
A Power of Attorney is an important document and, in
some circumstances, a powerful document.
By Lana Black
Myall Bits and Bytes has come about from customer demand. While doing mostly antenna related work I have
compiled a large list of little extras that customers would like. In most cases it takes several trips for people to
collect the items for their system and sometimes more than one call out to setup the items. Customers are
often sold the wrong part for their system or a product that is overpriced and does not suit their needs. Many
online shops can offer low prices and next day delivery but there is an extra fee to connect all the devices and if
something doesn’t work another fee again.
Myall Bits and Bytes provides support to our Antenna services so we can install the antenna, supply and install
all technical systems from the antenna to the new wall mounted customer preferred brand of TV. For holiday
rentals there is now the option of a having a TV installed and setup all in one cost, then if any fault or issue
occurs a solution is provided within the day giving the owner, real estates and tenants a new level of customer
Other little things from the kitchen to the computer room, we have them too. We are the little guy/under dog
and although being unable to buy in bulk to give a better price, in the areas of customer service and product
support I believe we have no competition. Most businesses provide sales and a service as the add-on with peak
profit in the sales pitch but we are the opposite with service at the core and products as the add-on - the most
sustainable in the long term.
Adam Males - (02) 4997 0542
http://www.tgantennas.com.au ABN: 15 712 512 062 INS: 04A627635BPK Gov:11343
By the Community For the Community
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 13
15th October 2014
Local News
Federal Member for Paterson, Bob Baldwin has welcomed delivery of the Australian
Government’s $2.1 billion Roads to Recovery programme, announcing that councils in
the electorate of Paterson will receive $13.8 million for local road construction and
street repairs.
The Government announced it was doubling Roads to Recovery payments to councils
next year (2015-16) to $700 million, in the 2014 Federal Budget.
The programme will allow councils to make road spending decisions based on local
needs – without interference from Canberra – to ensure that funding is truly directed
to where it is most needed in the community.
Four local councils in Paterson will be receiving their funding allocations in November.
The breakdown follows:
Dungog Shire Council $2,408,822
Great Lakes Council $4,514,033
Maitland City Council $3,556,948
Port Stephens Council $3,322,368
“Labor and The Greens’ five-month delay in passing the legislation meant that the
August payment was delayed. However, the Government will make up the delayed
allocation to councils this financial year. “I have always maintained that good roads are
a pathway to prosperity for communities. Each council's Roads to Recovery allocation is
fixed for the life of the program, so they are guaranteed a source of funding. In other
words councils can plan, prepare and initiate works with a guaranteed source of
funding,” said Mr Baldwin.
Contact: The Honourable Bob Baldwin MP on 0419 694 620
Council welcomes Federal funding for roads
Great Lakes Council has welcomed Federal Member for Paterson, Mr Bob Baldwin's
announcement of $4.5 million in Roads to Recovery funding for Great Lakes.
"The funding equates to roughly $750,000 per annum for the next five years and
will be allocated to Council's Urban and Rural Road Construction Program"
"Council has identified priority rural and urban gravel roads which will be sealed under
this funding" The rural roads are
stages of Wattley Hill Road, Wootton
Bombah Point Road, Bulahdelah
The Branch Lane, The Branch
Willina Road, Coolongolook
Amongst the urban roads to benefit from the funding will be
Hinton Street, Stroud
Cowper Street, Nabiac
Central Avenue, Bundabah
Church Street, Carrington
Cook Street, Pindimar
Wye Street, Stroud
The Esplanade, North Arm Cove
Cove Avenue, Bundabah
Wharf Street, Nabiac
Warri Street, Pindimar
Second Avenue, Bundabah
Peace Parade, Pindimar
Prince / Jackson Streets, Bulahdelah.
"The Roads to Recovery funding has been recurrent over the past eight years and
Council has been able to upgrade many roads thanks to this Federal funding"
Mr Hartley - Great Lakes Council
Alcohol was involved with 18 per cent of all drowning deaths and in those deaths,
almost half of the people who drowned (49 per cent) had a blood alcohol reading four
times the legal limit or higher. Member for Paterson, Bob Baldwin attended the launch
of the Royal Life Saving National Drowning Report at Parliament House this week and
learnt this as well as other alarming statistics from the report. The report reveals 266
lives were lost to drowning between 1 July 2013 and 30 June 2014 and shows inland
waterways including rivers, lakes and dams, are the leading location for drowning
deaths. It also states that males are four times more likely to drown than females.
“As a boatie, I take every opportunity to get out on the water. I was surprised to find
out the rate of drowning deaths in Australia was so high, especially those involving
alcohol. The messages from Royal Life Saving are critical. We need to reduce drownings
in Australia. Wear a lifejacket. Supervise children. Learn lifesaving skills. Ensure there
is no alcohol around water. Learn CPR and first aid,” said Mr Baldwin.
Royal Life Saving CEO, Justin Scarr said he welcomes the support of the Federal
Government who are backing a Royal Life Saving plan to target drowning prevention in
rivers across Australia, educate swimmers, boaters and fishers, and reduce the impacts
of alcohol. The Federal Government has committed $15 million in new funding over
the next four years to the nation’s three peak water safety bodies: Royal Life Saving;
Surf Life Saving and AUSTSWIM.
“Royal Life Saving does amazing work educating people about water safety. It is terrific
to see UNCLE TOBYS and Royal Life Saving working together towards this goal,” said Mr
Baldwin. A copy of the report can be found at www.royallifesaving.com.au
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 13
Australia’s most successful
koala breeding program has
been given a boost with the
opening of a newly built
enclosure for birthing.
The construction of the ‘Koala
Country’ enclosure at Oakvale
Farm and Fauna World at Salt
Ash is important because it
ensured the survival of koalas
and continued to play a large
part in the region’s ability to
draw tourists.
“The completion of ‘Koala
Country’ ensures the Farm
continues to be an exciting
tourist attraction for many years
to come, and is also another
example of the Government’s
commitment to investing in the
tourism sector and into small
and medium business,” Mr
Baldwin said.
“The farm has already seen the
birth of 24 koala joeys over the
past 10 years, to enhance
genetic diversity with the
captive population. I congratulate Leanne and Kent Sansom on the amazing
work they’ve done to date.”
The breeding program aims to address declining numbers of koalas that are
estimated to have slumped to under 80,000 nationally.
A 2012 report to the Federal government’s threatened species committee
found in the 20-year period between 1990 and 2010 the number of koalas in
New South Wales had dropped by a third, and in Queensland the numbers
were down by as much as 43 per cent,
It concluded that across Victoria koala numbers had dropped between 5 and
15 per cent and in South Australia by 39 per cent.
Owners of Oakvale Farm and Fauna World, Leanne and Kent Sansom, said
they were excited that the Government saw value in the farm’s operations to
save a great Australian icon and were willing to match their own funds to
create a project worth $220,000.
“The facility delivers an interactive, under cover area for small and large
groups to experience koalas first hand, learn about their natural environment
and discover their uncertain future in the wild,” Mr Sansom said.
“We are really proud of our Koala Country enclosure. It provides a great
environment for our koalas as well as highlights their vulnerability to our local,
interstate and international visitors.”
The Government provided $110,000 towards the construction project.
Contact: The Honourable Bob Baldwin MP on 0419 694 620
Nominate someone special for the
2015 Australia Day Awards
Great Lakes Council is making 2015 Australia Day plans already and we need your
Do you know someone living in the Great Lakes area who makes a difference to the
community in which you live? There are many quiet achievers within our local
communities and region who never ask for acknowledgement. Now is the time to
nominate them!
Nominations open on Tuesday 7 October 2014 and close on Monday 24 November
2014 for the 2015 Great Lakes Council Australia Day Awards.
These awards have been established to recognise outstanding achievements or
invaluable service to the community by individuals in three categories:
 Young Citizen of the Year (over 16 and under 28 years of age as at 26 January
 Citizen of the Year (28 years of age or over as at 26 January 2015);
 Sportsperson of the Year (open age).
Open to all residents of the Great Lakes area, this is an ideal chance to recognise the
achievements and services of some of our outstanding individuals. It is a unique
opportunity for residents, community and sporting groups to acknowledge the hard
work of colleagues, family or friends who publicly deserve our thanks.
On Australia Day, let's really commit to making Australia an even better place by
acknowledging those in our community who do so much for so little by presenting
them with an Australia Day Award. These awards will be presented at a ceremony
on Australia Day, Monday, 26 January 2015 at Club Forster and eligible nominees
will be encouraged to attend the Awards Ceremony.
Applications and guidelines are available by contacting Sue Bookallil at Great Lakes
Council on telephone 6591 7295 or on Council's website at
By the Community For the Community
15th October 2014
News - Boating - Gardening - Fishing
Karuah News
Have you had a fall …
or are you fearful of falling
Attend the FREE Stepping On
program and learn about falls
injury prevention,
strength and balance
Venue: Karuah Community Hall Engel Ave – opposite Police Station
Date: Mon 27/10/14
Time: 10am - 12 or 1 - 3pm
Weekly for 7 weeks
For more information contact:
Jenny Battrick
Rural Primary Health Nurse
Mob 0407 404 236
To enrol phone:
Angela on 4016 4685
Telephone Scams
Please read below and pass on to your family & friends.
Got a call last night from an individual identifying himself as a Telstra
Service technician who was conducting a test on our Telephone lines.
He stated that to complete the test I should touch nine(9),zero ( 0), hash
(#) and then hang up. Luckily, I was suspicious and refused.
Upon contacting the telephone company, I was informed that by pushing 90#,
you give the requesting individual full access to your telephone line, which
allows them to place long distance telephone calls billed to your home phone
number. I was further informed that this scam has been originating from many of the
local Jails/prisons.
October Gardening
We now have in stock the new yellow pelargonium which has been developed by
PAC of Dresden. It will flower all year round and tolerate heat and drought. Plant it
in a well drained sunny location, but protect from frost.
Calibrachoas are now available again for the warm weather. They are great in
hanging baskets, ground covers and in pots. There is a great range of colours. They
don't like to be too wet so a little water often is a good thing with the addition of
seaweed extract.
In our warm temperate climate we are planting beans, capsicum, celery, egg plant,
lettuce, beet root, carrots, herbs, tomatoes and more.
Enjoy your garden
Woodwards Building and Gardens Centre
DO NOT press 90# for ANYONE. PLEASE pass this on to your friends.
If you have mailing lists and/or newsletters from organizations you are
connected with, I encourage you to pass this on.
Stephen Cooper
Detective Senior Constable 29748 - Victoria Police State Crime Squads
Over the past 12 months, there has been a four-fold increase in Telstra telephone
scams. In most cases, they are calls on home telephones by a scammer. The scammer
advises you need to pay for technical support to fix a problem on your computer. The
caller falsely claims they are from Telstra and asks for remote access to the computer.
The criminals operating these scams are trying to sell customers fake software
updates, or trick them into disclosing their personal details over the telephone so
those details can then be used illegally.
Any attempt to deceive our customers with false information over the telephone is
very concerning for Telstra. The fact that most of these scam calls originate from
overseas makes it difficult to prevent the calls from being made, so we are likely to
see them continue.
Customers need to protect their personal information at all times and be
particularly wary of telephone calls from numbers they don’t recognise.
What do I do if you receive a call?
 Hang up.
 NEVER give a stranger remote access to your computer.
 Do not give out your personal, credit card or online account details over the
phone unless you made the call and the phone number came from a trusted
 Make sure your computer is protected with anti-virus and anti-spyware software,
and a good firewall - but only purchase the software from a source that you know
and trust.
If you suspect or have been scammed by an organisation misrepresenting Telstra or
BigPond, please report it to us via the BigPond Misuse of Service form.
By the Community For the Community
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 13
15th October 2014
Community News - What’s On
Spring was in the air recently at the annual Lioness Fashion
Parade. The event saw the Hawks Nest Community Hall
decorated with stunning spring flowers and filled with
ladies (and a few men) anxious to see what the summer
trends would be.
Wednesday 15th October at 7pm at Karuah RSL
Free Film “SHINE” Starring Geoffrey Rush
Come and join us as we watch Geoffrey Rush in his
Academy Award winning role - For information Jenny –
Rural Primary Health Nurse 0407 404 236
Wednesday 15th October - “The Taxpayer’s Waltz”
5:30 for 6:00pm - Hawks Nest Community Hall
$15 tickets at Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest Pharmacies
BYO drinks and nibbles - Myall Coast Entertainers
Friday 17th October - 11:00am for 12noon and 5:30 for
6:00pm - Saturday 18th October - 11:00am for
12noon -and 5:30 for 6:00pm - Enquiries contact
Elizabeth Deane 4997 3258 / Liz Swane 0416 167 370
The clothes were supplied by Ellas
Boutique in Tea Gardens and the parade
was ably compared by the owner, Janice
Taylor. Models featured were from the
Lioness Club, Tea Gardens Hawks Nest
Pre School and a brave male, James who
proved to be popular with the ladies.
The parade was followed by a lovely supper provided by the ladies of the
Lioness Club and all proceeds from the night will benefit the Tea Gardens
Hawks Nest Pre School who are endeavouring to fit out their new
Ros Reynolds - Secretary
Friday 17th October 10am - 12.00pm
HN Old Library MYALL U3A presentation
The Age of Exploration" by Ray Keipert
Saturday 18th October 1.45pm
“The Pioneers and History of Myall River and Lakes”
Jann Winn Book Launch - At the Baptist Church
Another successful day out for twenty ladies at our monthly luncheon held at
Benchmark on Booner on Friday 26 September. Our host showed us some
lovely photos of his new baby son which made all the nannas there very clucky.
We welcomed another lady to our group for the first time, Robyn Matthews,
and it was very nice to have another member come along for a lovely day’s
outing. Our next lunch will be at Mumms in Tea Gardens on Friday October
24th at noon for a 12.30pm ordering of our meal. Please, if you are coming
along, don’t forget to telephone me
on 4997 1614 or leave a message
by late Thursday, so I can advise
the venue how many will be
attending. This is very important as
with our group growing I need to
know how many to reserve for by
Thursday night.
Margaret McClaren.
Saturday 1st November – 9.30am to 4.30pm
Sausages/Egg and Bacon Sandwiches,
Home Brewing and Cake Baking competitions,
Cappuccino, Morning Tea, Car Boot Sales,
Thong Throwing, Vintage Cars, Stalls
Plenty of prizes on the Chocolate Wheel
Saturday 18th October
Karuah Oyster and Timber Festival
Longworth Park Karuah
Saturday 25th October - Myall River Festival
Exciting new Format - www.myallcoast.org.au
Monday 27th October 10am
FREE Stepping On program. Learn about falls
injury prevention, strength and balance
Venue: Karuah Community Hall Engel Ave
Weekly for 7 weeks Contact: Jenny Battrick
Rural Primary Health Nurse 0407 404 236
To enrol phone: Angela on 4016 4685
All ladies with a handicap are invited to play in this
special day where we hope to make the course & Pro
Shop “Pink”
For a fun Day, for a good cause, contact
Carol Jackson on 4997 2040
Saturday 1st November - Market Day
9:30am to 4:30pm - Pindimar Community Centre
Koree Street North Pindimar
For further information or to book a space ($10 per car/trailer/stall)
contact: Ian/Bea Treharne on 4997 7171 or 0419 273 124
Betty Economos on 4997 2081 or 0488 997 027
Bob Bertram on 4997 0922 or 0419 404 343
Saturday 1st November at 10am
AGM Winda Woppa Association Inc.
At Hawks Nest Community Centre
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 13
With its festive air, The Walk of Pride is an enjoyable
event presenting an ideal opportunity for people to learn
more about mental health. Phone 02 4961 2842
Tuesday 28th October
Hawks Nest Ladies Golf Cancer Charity Day
Enjoy a day with plenty of fun with family and friends
Saturday 18th October - The Mental Health
Walk of Pride - 10am Pacific Park Newcastle
Monday 27th October at 2.30pm
Enquiries Phone Chris 0427 490 887
Koree Street, North Pindimar
The Solos will be in Bulahdelah from Wednesday,
22nd October till Tuesday, 28th! Their vans will be
camped at the Showground and they will be
enjoying a range of activities from B (Belly Dancing)
to W (Walks) with a huge variety of fun and/or
educational things to do in between – Rock & Roll
Dancing, Laughter Yoga, Local History, Meditation
and GeoWiki to name just a few.
Who are they?
Their network, with over 700 members, is a Special
Interest Group under the banner of the Campervan
and Motorhome Club of Australia, LTD, to support
CMCA members who travel alone, so that they
could meet others and travel or camp together, “to
have fun in a safe and supportive environment,
discover new places, try new things and meet new
Saturday 18th October - Tea Gardens Grange
OPEN DAY from 10am enjoy a sausage sizzle
and a tour - further information Phone: 4997 2262
Their original plan had been to visit Bulahdelah before
the annual CMCA meeting in Newcastle, but rain put a
stop to that idea and the visit was postponed till now.
The Solos will be taking over the Showground and the
pavilions for their program and many locals will also be
involved with feeding and entertaining them.
Everyone is invited to join them at the Poets Breakfast
on Saturday. (See ad. in Poets Corner in this paper Page 9)
To quote from their website, www.cmca.net.au ,
“ultimately, travelling solo, or with a group of other
solos, can be an uplifting, life enriching, eye-opening
experience, occasionally lonely, sometimes tough, but
never, ever dull. ” Enjoy the stay at Bulahdelah!
1st and 2nd November - Bulahdelah Men’s Shed
Antique “Road Show” style Valuations Fundraiser
School of Arts Hall - $2 per item valued
1st and 2nd November - Rock Rattle and Roll
Classic Autofest - Market stalls available
$30 for one day, $50 for both days
Contact Bulahdelah RTC – 4997 4764
Email – rockrattleroll@hotmail.com
Tuesday 25th November
Hawks Nest Ladies Final Golf Day 2014
Saturday 29th November
Hawks Nest Ladies Final Golf Day 2014
To enter your event - its FREE
phone the CTC on 4997 0749
or Fax: 4997 0759
Email: myallcoastmessenger@gmail.com
By the Community For the Community
15th October 2014
Community News
Saturday 25th October 2014 10:00am – 8:30pm
Preparations for this month’s Myall River Festival are well underway for the one day
event on Saturday 25th October on the Tea Gardens Riverfront.
Thanks to the wonderful support of our Presenting Partner Coles, this year activity
will be continuous from 10:00am through to the Fireworks display at approximately
Residents in the area are reminded to make arrangements to secure their pets on
the evening whilst the fireworks display is conducted.
Tea Gardens Public School pupils spent last week working on designing and
assembling large aquatic themed lanterns that will be paraded along Marine Drive
accompanied by fire performers and drummers at sunset whilst other illuminated
elements float by on the river.
The school will again be conducting the Duck Derby at midday as a fundraising
activity and the whole community is encouraged to
support this initiative.
The traditional Sail Past is scheduled for 11:00am
providing our proud boat owners with the opportunity
to decorate and show off their on water obsession….any
interested boaties are welcome to contact Kerry
McIntosh from the Myall Tourer 0408 561 796 to
become involved in this celebration.
A program of entertainment and activities both on and
off the water will also include:
a great array of wonderful music and stage
street performers and fun roving characters
water craft demonstrations
market stalls and community information stalls
amusement rides and free Kidz Play Zone
For further details please go to www.myallcoast.org.au
Festival Coordinators:
Craig Foot 0428 685 232 or Gererd Wilson 0412 010 852
Email: myallriverfestival@myallcoast.org.au
Allan Robinson or “Robbo” as he is
affectionately known, has held every
NSW & Australian record you can
think of including 111 suspensions &
224 ½ winners in a season. For
those of you not familiar with the
‘races’ Allan was a top Newcastle
Jockey awarded an Australian Sports
Medal in year 2000 and also
received a letter from the Queen of
A good description of him is “an
Australian larrikin” who you can just
not only laugh at but laugh
with. On Friday 10th October at the
Tea Gardens Hotel he entertained
the ladies of Myall River View Club with a rough and sometimes spicy view of his life
since being kicked out (his own words) of school at 14 up to his present day at aged 47
and owning his own plane.
Allan has a beautiful wife and 2 children whom he adores. His first words were that
he promised not to use any “bad” language as we were all ladies, he then kept us well
entertained with lots of laughs & wonderment from everyone on his adventures as a
jockey, running his own pubs, being on a council, doing advertisements etc. A true
down to earth Aussie who has worked hard all his life & made good, but importantly
never forgotten those who helped him along the way, does not believe in “dressing
up” though he did wear long trousers for our luncheon (as we were older ladies)!! But
casual well worn sports shoes completed the outfit. A very endearing character, we
loved every minute Allan and may you never stop being “yourself”.
Elsa Jones Publicity
The recent U3A Art Show was well attended with Peter Lewis, Newcastle Herald
cartoonist, as special guest. Pictured here
are Committee members Robyn Vaughan,
Jan James and Sheryl Johnson thanking
Mr Lewis for sharing his time and talent with
the community."
By the Community For the Community
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 13
Results from Page 12
15th October 2014
Church - Community News - Police Round-up
Pre School Raffle - First Prize was won by Clare Hudson from Dungog
Minister — Rev Michael Birch
Phone: 02 4997 1869
Mobile: 0409 221 246
Email: standrewsoffice4@bigpond.com
St Andrews - Turn at the Marine Shop
Corner - Witt & Ogden Streets,
Tea Gardens 2324
Sunday 8.00 am Holy Communion
5:00 pm Family Service
(Messy Church 3rd Sunday)
Both morning services followed by a cuppa
Op shop Wednesday & Friday
8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Saturday 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Christmas services:
 Christmas Eve, 6 pm
 Christmas Day 6 am (Hawks Nest Beach)
See page 12 for the ticket and winners list
 8 am St Andrews
St Johns: Stroud Street
Sunday 10:15 am
Op shop Monday 8:30 am – 3:00 pm
Friday 8:30 am – 12 noon
Christmas services: Christmas Eve, 8 pm
St Columbas - 7.45am,
except 5th Sunday of the month
Witt Street Tea Gardens
P.O. Box 46, Tea Gardens 2324
Parish Coordinator — Sr Margaret Valentine
Phone: 02 4997 1822
1st, 3rd and 5th Mass 8.30 am,
Saturday Vigil 2nd and 4th at 5.15pm
2nd and 4th Mass 8:30 am.
1st, 3rd and 5th Saturday Vigil at 7.00pm
2nd and 4th Mass 8.30am
1st, 3rd and 5th Saturday Vigil 5.15pm
Minister: Rev. Stephen de Plater
Phone: 02 4987 2041
120 Myall Street, Tea Gardens 2324
Kirk Hall, Uniting Church
Contact Rev Ray Longmuir Tel: 02 4997 2480
Service: - Each Sunday 9.00 am
Toy Library - Thursday 9;30 - 12:30
Phone: 4997 9095
Sunday 9.30am, contact Thora-Lou Smith
4997 4356
The members of the Myall
Community Arts and Crafts
Centre, the Lioness Club and the
CTC Centre joined together to run
a raffle to support the local PreSchool. On Saturday October 11
the raffle was drawn at the Myall
Community Arts and Crafts
Mrs Anita Howarth joined Mrs
Sue Rappell, president of the
Centre to draw the winning
Residents at the Grange scored a
win for 2nd, 3rd and 4th prizes.
Pam Gilchrist - third Prize
Mrs Howarth was joined at the
drawing by her four children who delighted members during the Mad
Margot Auction. All the children enjoyed bidding on items that caught
their eye and amused the meeting attendees with their quick observations.
News from the Station
Tea Gardens Police
On Sunday 5 October 2014, police and emergency services
responded to a boating incident at the mouth of Myall River at
Pindimar. A male had fallen from his runabout and was hanging
on to the side of the vessel as it circled out of control. He was
assisted by vessels in the area and conveyed to the Tea Gardens
Public wharf suffering numerous lacerations. He was treated by
ambulance staff before being conveyed to the John Hunter by
the Westpac Rescue Helicopter. A police inspection of the vessel
revealed it to be lacking in numerous safety items and the vessel
appeared to be unregistered. It acts as a warning to all boaters
for the upcoming summer holiday period to ensure their boat is
water ready.
On 28 September 2014, police responded to the Tea Gardens
public boat ramp near the singing bridge in relation to an
altercation which alleged the skipper of a vessel being launched
at the boat ramp threatened a family fishing nearby with a knife.
Upon arrival police spoke with a 30 year old male from
Bulahdelah and a 50 year old male from Sydney. It was
confirmed the 30 year old was fishing near the boat ramp and
refused to wind in his fishing rod preventing the boat from being
launched. As a result the 50 year old cut the fishing line and
launched his boat. The 30 year old was never threatened with a
knife. Once again it is a timely reminder with the busy summer
period fast approaching the need to be patient and respect
everyone's right to use the facilities together.
included not be intoxicated in a public place and not to
enter the Myall Lakes National Park.
On Saturday 4 October 2014, a 35 year old male from the
Cessnock area was walking over the singing bridge when he
jumped in front of an approaching vehicle waving his arms
and screaming loudly in an attempt to scare the driver.
Unfortunately for the male the vehicle was a police vehicle.
He apologised for his actions and was issued with an
infringement notice for "Pedestrian move into driver’s
path" before being allowed to continue on his way.
On Friday, 3rd October, 2014 while patrolling Mungo Brush
Road, police stopped a vehicle to subject the driver to a
road side breath test. The 49 year old male returned a
positive reading and was conveyed to Tea Gardens Police
Station where he returned a second positive reading. He
was charged with Low Range drink driving to appear at
Raymond Terrace Local Court later this month.
Police are investigating an incident at a local licenced
premise on Saturday 4 October which saw 4 young males
involved in an ugly incident with staff members. The young
males are known to local police and investigations are
continuing into the incident.
About 11.45 am Thursday 2 October 2014, police and
emergency services from Tea Gardens responded to an
accident on the Pacific Hwy about 1km north of the Browns
flat rest area between a B double truck and a 4WD towing a
caravan. A 70 year old female was remained trapped in the
4WD vehicle before freed by Tea Gardens Fire & Rescue and
the VRA from Bulahdelah and being conveyed to the John
Hunter Hospital by the Westpac Rescue Helicopter. Traffic
On Sunday 6th October 2014, police attended the Mungo Brush
was delayed and interrupted for about three hours.
camp ground in relation to an intoxicated male threatening to
kill other campers with a knife. Police
located the male, near a camp site that was
not his, threatening a male and carrying a
knife. After a short struggle he was arrested
and conveyed to Tea Gardens Police Station
before being transferred to Raymond
Terrace Police Station. The 33 year old
male from Dungog was charged with a
number of offences including affray, and
intimidation including a number of offences
under National Park legislation and was
bailed to appear before Raymond Terrace
Court later this month. Bail conditions
Minister: Rev. Stephen de Plater
Phone: 02 4987 2041
Service: Sunday 10.45 am
Contact: Nancy Gough 02 4997 5378
“Life Quotes”
“Sometimes it is better to be kind
than to be right. We do not need an
intelligent mind that speaks but a
patient heart that listens.”
115 Myall Street,
Tea Gardens NSW 2324
PO Box 89 Tea Gardens
Elder - Len Roberts 4997 1011
Services - 10.00am Sundays
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 13
By the Community For the Community
15th October 2014
Special Features - Poets Corner - Travel Diary
15th October 2014
Poets Corner
Roll up, roll up for the special Poets
Breakfast to be held in conjunction
with the Solos Network visit to
Bulahdelah. Everyone is welcome to
be at the stage area of the
Bulahdelah Showground on
Saturday 25th October
from 9 – 10 am to join
Lynne and the visitors’ poetry group
and showcase what
the locals can offer.
For further details phone
Irene on 4997 4437
Poets Corner
Morning waves roll with timeless ease upon the Pindimar shore
Unique peace gently springs to mind as I look there and wonder
Break of dawn on white sand where land and sea life occupy
Mystery over the millennium has stayed there as time has passed by
With delight I gaze upon this mystery give thought and ponder
Two ways of life, a zone a border neither side can squander
Suspended with unrelenting patience from lands end to waterline
Everything that moves can use this place though only for a time
What pleasure and security it brings this remarkable boundary
It stands alone between as a referee it will not stand treachery
Wind wave sun salt tide and time combined can give a fatal blow
It must be all of these that keep this pristine place in tow
Art Walk Update
Is there anyone in town [or even nearby] who has some spare Tallow-wood
planks? The "Flannel Flower" poem
September welcomes back birds from far off lands to Pindimar Bay
frame on the corner opposite Hugo's is
Sandpipers Greenshanks Herons Curlews content with natures buffet
in need of some TLC. The present
They comeback to breed and feed in weed and fossick in the sand
timber frame is gently falling to pieces
It is here I love to listen watch observe the wild the grand
but there is a kind gentleman in town
Mystic calls startling cries of alert instant sound of beating wings
who will 'make it all better' if some
Swallows Swifts with jerky skimming flight eat other flying things
Tallowwood [or other hard wood] can
She-oaks Melaleuca and Mangrove trees grow in harmony of green delight
be found. About three metres [or
Sea Eagles majestically glide above this treasure trove on daily flight
thereabouts] will be needed to create
Much splendor much intrigue so peaceful then extreme to nature bestowed
the frame and save the work. If you can
Savage storms torrential rain falls huge waves pound fierce winds blow
help please ring the number at the bottom of this report.
Birds retreat bugs scramble to the grass soldier crabs dig down in contrast
Maintenance concerns are being addressed at the moment and hopefully some paint
The circle of life nature evolved so mystic with the future and the past
around the Petrel Wall at the beach will make it look tidier. The historical people poles
have been a worry lately but an idea has been put forward by a member of the public
so that is being investigated.
A couple of ideas for the bus stop have
been received - thank you for those
The Annual Salvation Army Christmas Gift Appeal held by the Myall Community Arts and Crafts Centre
began taking gifts from the Community in the last week of September.
Please remember we appreciate
Please bring your gift unwrapped to the shop which is open 7 days a week from 10am until 4pm. The
suggestions and advice.
Salvation Army Annual Christmas GIFT APPEAL
Leigh Allen
gifts will be collected by Howard Mole from the Salvation Army at our monthly meeting
on Saturday 8th November at 2pm.
All contributions from the general public are most welcome.
calm, well balanced little boy that he is. I see other dogs like Teddy who are not
exercised or mentally stimulated enough and they are very frustrated, destructive and
often noisy dogs.
There has a been a lot of information and
The level of exercise a dog needs depends on its breed, age and physical capabilities.
talk lately about the legalities of responsible Dogs are social creatures and take such joy in the small things in life, like sniffing a
dog ownership so I thought it was timely
lamp post! If you think of it this way, imagine, that you never got to leave your house,
that I could talk about other important
just the same old boring 4 walls day in day out, you could possibly go a little bit mad,
aspects of being a responsible dog owner.
so do dogs, they get frustrated and bored and then all kind of problems arise. Simple
These things are very important for the
solution is to get them out and about, also being a great motivator to get yourself up
happiness and wellbeing of our dogs.
and out to exercise with your dog.
EXERCISE: All dogs need exercise regardless For those dogs that are trained and come when they are called, the ultimate
of their breed. It is important for them to
experience is some free time to run off lead. We are very lucky we have a wonderful
get out of the house and their environment leash free beach in Hawks Nest so they can have a good run, dogs love this and all
to stimulate their minds and exercise their
dogs deserve this freedom.
bodies. Obviously some dogs need more
Please always remember another RESPONSIBLE thing to do, is to ALWAYS take doggy
exercise than others. For instance my own
bags and pick up the poop. Doing this ensures we keep our dog friendly beaches
little Teddy who is a Border Collie X Kelpie,
available to us.
runs from sun up to sundown. If Teddy didn’t live on a farm and get all of the mental written by Sharon
stimulation that he gets helping me on the dog wash run he wouldn’t be the happy,
www.greenpaws.com.au providing services locally to meet all of your dog’s needs.
By the Community For the Community
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 13
15th October 2014
Letters - Opinion
All opinions expressed are those of the writers - The information
provided within the contents of this Newspaper is the views of the
individuals who provide the details. These views are not
necessarily those of the CTC or the Editorial Team.
Well-known events were ignored in Port Stephens for many
years and they have now unfolded with a devastating effect
causing an ecosystem disaster. Zostera Capricorna seagrass
has disappeared off the shoreline and rivers of Port
Stephens, taking with it the ecosystem that lived within the
Among the vast marine life that has disappeared include the
Razor fish, green weed crabs, periwinkles, blood worms,
green nippers, drift oysters, mussels, fledgling fish and small
fish reaching nearly legal size, the fish of the future. These
fish are conspicuous with their absence, verified by the
Fishermen of the area this year.
The dominant sea-grass is Posidonia known as ribbon weed
and in the shallower regions is Zostera Capricorna. A healthy
beach environment is one with seagrass on the beach.
Seagrass traps and holds sediment on the sea floor and plays
an important role in the marine eco-system.
In my lay opinion, developments on the southern side of
Port Stephens which occurred around 1990 started to
change the water hydrology. The satellite map in 2010
shows a large sand bar across the entrance into Port
We encourage groups or individuals to submit articles/
stories/letters about activities, upcoming events and views on
current issues that influence daily life in the area. Full names
of contributors to the Myall Coast Messenger who use non de
plumes must be registered with the Editorial Team and made
available to any reader if requested.
Stephens. The sand bar is now
virtually gone allowing large swells in
a south easterly direction to go
unheeded towards the Boulevard at
Jimmy’s Beach.
During 2004 - 2010 there was a large
area that was dredged at the bottom
of Yacaaba Headland for the
replenishment of sand at the
Boulevard at Jimmy’s Beach. The
Council dredged 800 metres long by
200 yards wide down to a depth of 6
feet below the water surface. This
situation caused the movement of
sand from the sand bar back towards
the dredging area.
Even though the replacing of sand at
the Boulevard has been going on
since the 1980’s it is in the last three
years that disaster has really come
The 1977 gauging data shows that the
shortcut channel provided four times
the ebb flow volume and over two
times the flood volume, compared to
the navigational channel.
In 2014, nearly all water goes down
the navigational channel into
Pindimar bay. Pindimar bay tide
flushing takes 30 days to reach the
Heads. Shortcut flushing if dredged
would only take 1to 2 days to go
through the Heads.
It has now come about that the
Posidonia grass is now in distress,
there is far less seaweed on our
shoreline with patches of sand now
appearing throughout the region.
We have lost all of the short sea
grass and now there is the possibility
To the Editor
From our Myall River Action Group (MRAG) perspective - we are tired of the
unbelievable delays, whether through pure inefficiencies by the various Government
Departments, or more insidiously, a deliberate sabotage by the opponents to the
dredging program.
In the shades of “Yes Minister”, we are confronted by blockage after blockage - we can’t
dredge because of disturbance to birds, noise evaluation, now an aboriginal land claim.
We have confusion on responsibility or authority within Crown Lands and we have yet to
have confirmation that State funds are available. This despite announcement from the
Deputy Premier’s Office in May 2013 of the provision of $1M for the dredging program.
Now we have learned the responsible Minister, the Honourable Mr. Humphreys still has
not signed off on the funds.
Our sympathy goes to the staff members of Great Lakes Council, which has taken on the
management of the project and continually being frustrated by the intervention, or
more often the pure inefficiency within these bureaucratic ranks and yes - we believe a
single authority will assist in the future direction.
Gordon Grainger
Myall River Action Group
Letters and opinion pieces
Short Takes - up to 50 words
Letters - maximum 300 words
we could lose the Posidonia.
Posidonia must be saved as Fishermen,
Oystermen, Tourism and Port Stephens as we
know it, is all at risk!
Action must be taken by the State Government re
dumping of sand at the Boulevarde, with a far
more permanent barrier erected. All concerned
parties need to get together as one, along with all
caring people to demand something be done by
State Government and Council.
Please note, in October 2014 the sand is going
back into the Isthmas at Yacaaba heads and the
sand bar is returning, though too late for our
See Page 9 - Poets Corner
Letter to editor
Can anyone help identify a bird seen in Hawks Nest?
Back in July a bird described as of goose size, short billed duck head, long slender
neck and duck shaped body was seen in the upper branches of the blackbutts
opposite the HN chemist. As it was only seen in silhouette little else could be
Then this week a similar bird was spotted down on Swan Bay park area. Same
description but this one was on the ground. When it took flight the wing span was
Searches were made to identify it in Graham Pizzy's book, 'What Bird is That? and
on line but to no avail.
Could we have an unknown species among us? From far away? Space? Or has it
been here all along!
Is there someone who can help identify our mystery bird?
PS In case you are wondering, each sighting was made by different people - both
stable of mind and very responsible types!
Leigh Allen
Thoughts on ongoing challenges in the knowledge that the solution
needs to be flexible to accommodate our natural environment.
The Weather - Nature - whatever we call it, it is a fact of life particularly living on the
coast - we choose to live here and to accept the consequences. Yes our world today
does have an expectation that Councils/Governments will look after and repair storm
damage. The difficulty for the government is how to please all of the people who have
different points of view and agendas. As Gordon Grainger has identified, we have a
wide range of interest groups that all put their requests to the government and
government has the difficult choice of choosing a direction that pleases most of the
people most of the time.
Hopefully this time we will have solutions that take into account the ebb and flow of the
coastal and inland water ways and also bearing in mind the knowledge that there will be
another storm one day. Hopefully the government will find a solution to streamline the
process so we don’t have further disappointments and frustrations when plans are
Hindsight is a wonderful thing - perhaps allowing homes to be built on a sand spit was
not a wise choice however they were built and now have to be protected - we need a
solution to protect the vulnerability of Winda Woppa.
In the 1880’s a severe storm completely removed the Myall Point - gradually nature
rebuilt the sand spit to the position on the 1922 map. In 1927 another severe storm
removed the spit again. Watch this space - when is the next 1927 storm due?
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 13
By the Community For the Community
15th October 2014
Community News
Liz Swane - The Myall Coast Entertainers
Liz’s theatrical career began when an English GP recommended ballet
classes for her knock knees when she was three. She was found to
have an aptitude for ballet, tap and several other forms of dancing, so
continued studying until she grew to be over 167.6 cm, the then
maximum height for admission to the Royal Academy of Dance. Like
many children, she organised her friends to perform recitations,
improvised plays, songs and dances for their parents, using whatever
they could find to act as a stage. Based on the popularity of these little
shows, Liz’s parents started a children’s theatre in Kingston, Jamaica.
Over several years, Liz was joined by well over 100 other children,
ranging in age from six to 18. The shows were basically revues,
incorporating singing, dancing and sketches.
Having started singing and speech lessons when she was about eight,
Liz continued to study singing and dancing when she went to boarding
school and was cast in leading roles in school productions. She started
voice training when she was selected by the then top singing teacher in
New Zealand, under whose tutelage she gained top marks in the
country for Grade VIII and was offered a scholarship to the Royal
Schools of Music in London but was unable to take it up for financial
reasons. Liz worked in several areas of theatre after leaving school—
musical comedy, light opera, pantomime, drama—while continuing her
voice and drama training. Her stagecraft education continued as she
did sound and lighting and stage management and made props and
costumes. Her directorial debut was with “The Importance of Being
Earnest” in a theatre restaurant environment; a few years later, she
had the thrill of seeing her more traditional production play to sold-out
houses and an extended season.
All this came to an abrupt end when she moved to Sydney to enter
professional theatre: despite her portfolio and introductions, there
was no work available, so she had to find work to supplement the $100
she’d arrived with. She was seduced into the corporate world, which
was too unpredictable to allow her to undertake any work in theatre.
Forty years later, Liz found herself retired and living in Hawks Nest,
looking for somewhere she could perform. She discovered the Myall
Coast Entertainers last year and played a part in the company’s Trilogy.
This year she’s directing “The Taxpayer’s Waltz at the Hawks Nest
Community Centre.
Never fear, four performances are left: matinees and evening shows
on Friday and Saturday, October 17 and 18. Tea Gardens and Hawks
Nest Pharmacies have some tickets left.
Visitor Information Centre
The wild flowers are out heralding the arrival of
spring and visitors have responded accordingly
with a 5% increase in visitors compared to
September 2013. The glorious weather
experienced over the October long weekend
resulted in the VIC at times having customers
queued out onto the veranda! Many enquiries
were answered about what the Myall Lakes
National Parks have to offer and an abundance
of information was handed out on the bush
walks available in the general area, other local
attractions and where to eat.
The attraction of our beautiful area continues
with people from Canada, China, France,
Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New
Zealand, Singapore, South Americas, Sweden,
Switzerland, United Kingdom (including
Scotland), USA and others visiting our shores.
A particularly interesting retired Frenchman
who arrived at the VIC doors was Marc Delval
who began a series of cycling adventures in 2005 and has cycled to or through Canada, USA, Mexico,
the Caribbean, Hong Kong to Beijing, and Beijing to London via Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Romania
and European countries.
In 2013 he started in Hong Kong and rode through southern China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia,
Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. He is currently on the final leg of his world adventures
and will travel from Australia to New Zealand via Polynesia to Vancouver in Canada which will
complete this great adventure. He estimates that when he arrives in Vancouver he will have travelled
over 90,000km since 2005 on these epic journeys.
Marc’s bicycle and baggage weighs in at around the 65kg mark. Marc’s English was poor but we were
able to communicate very well by means of that universal language called Google! (Attributed to
personal interview plus additional information from Alan Grant’s Facebook Blog July 2014).
The VIC also made its first appearance at the recent Wildside Festival at Hawks Nest recently. Further
promotions are planned with the next one being the Myall River Festival on the 25th October.
Like honey and honey products? In addition to our usual range of gifts and souvenirs the VIC now
carries a range of honeys and products from the Honeycomb Valley Farm at Nabiac. We also carry
homemade jams from a local producer.
Vic Beaze
One bottle of BYO is allowed per two people
corkage is included in the package
3 Course Menu
Only $40.00 per person
Wednesday and Thursday nights
Open for Breakfast Saturday and Sunday from 8.30am
For Reservations phone
4997 1162
Marine Drive Tea Gardens
By the Community For the Community
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 13
15th October 2014
Sudoku - School Pictures
Sudoku Challenge
SUDOKU Results see page 7
L to R Mitchell Barr,
Cole Johnson and Lucas Barry
Makai Dvorik, Lilly-Ann White,
Hannah Avery and
Braiven Megallon gluing tissue
paper onto the fish
To Solve Sudoku, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in:
Each of the nine vertical columns
Each of the nine horizontal rows
Each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes
Classifieds - $15.00/$20.00
Trades and Services
Antenna Services
Marine Services
PH: 0412 990 439
Prescription Sun Glasses
Found at Bus Stop
Opposite Bi-Lo
25th September
found by
Josephine Throda
34 The Grange
PH: 4997 0311
Computer - TV
Public Notices
Computer TV Sales and Service
Pre-School Raffle
Andrew Sharp
Outboard Motor Repair &
Service, is now located at
32 Yarrumba St. Tea Gardens
(Rear of Tea Gardens Panel & Paint)
Home Handyman
Rogers Computer Services:
Shop 8 Myall Quays Village
Fully Insured, Free Quotes
Landscaping – Lawns - Carpentry
Painting and all Odd Jobs
0439 697 880
Boat Hire
4997 1809
BOATSHED: 110 Marine Drive,
Tea Gardens
Call the Computer Guy
we come to you
1/24 Wanya Road, Tea Gardens
Phone 4997 2929
Mobile 0408 298 519
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 13
Friday, Saturday, Sunday,
24 to 27th October
8.30am to 4pm
 Tables
 Outdoor settings
 Paintings
 Surf ski
 Household items
 Clothing
All in A1 condition
New and used goods
295 Markwell Road
First Prize
Green ticket C90
Re Draw Purple Ticket
D64 Clare Hudson
2nd Prize
Green ticket A52 - Kay
Third Prize
Purple ticket F11
Pam Gilchrist
Fourth Prize
Green Ticket A96 Lyn Day
Beach Recovery
3 seater lounge
2 single beds includes
Blankets, Quilts
$25.00 each ONO
4997 0694
Positions Vacant
 Licensee’s name (individual company or business
 Licence number with correct category of work
 Business phone number
Bricks- Pavers - Building - Materials
0418 499 750
4997 0733
0417 447 034
For Sale
Beach Recovery
Steve Webb
Beach Recovery
Darren Rapley
For Sale
Building Supplies
Glass and Glazing
(Please re Draw written on ticket)
0419 220 354
4997 0307
Garage Sale
Industrial Estate, Tea Gardens
Small 4.5cm x 4cm = $15.00
(up to and including 25 words)
Large 4.5cm x 7cm = $20.00 (over 25 words)
Plus Picture add $5.00
Now is the time to mark Saturday 25 October in your calendar and prepare for
Garage Sale Trail 2014. Join all the fun by either hosting your own garage sale or
visiting some in your neighbourhood. Australia’s fastest-growing sustainability and
reuse event is a great chance to spring clean, declutter, make some money and meet
the locals. To register a sale for free or to see what’s on offer at other local sales visit
By the Community For the Community
15th October 2014
School News - Historical
Tea Gardens Public School
Don’t be a Chicken…..
Buy a Duck!
Tea Gardens Public School P&C Myall River Festival Duck Derby
Top Left: Jessica Page putting the final touches of paint
on the Sea Horse
Top Right: Sea Turtle
A major fundraiser for Tea Gardens Public School and P&C
each year is the Myall Duck Derby. The race is held as part
of the Myall River Festival on Saturday 25 October 2014.
We release 500 plastic numbered ducks on the Myall
River and the first 3 past the post win the prizes:
Come along and buy a Duck for $5…..
We greatly appreciate your support with the fund raiser this year. The
school P&C is fundraising for fixed playground equipment. Anticipated
total cost of this venture is $30 000! Numbered ducks are on sale from
the school office or down at the waterfront on the morning of the
Thank you to Tea Gardens Hawks Nest Surf Lifesaving Club
Tea Gardens RSL Sub-Branch
Meets at The Tea Gardens Country Club
Yalinbah Street Tea Gardens
on 3rd Monday of the month at 2.00pm
Enquiries phone: Hon Secretary 02 4997 2002
The Tea Gardens Sub-Branch of the Returned and Services League of Australia has
produced a Programme of Events involving the communities and organisations of the
Tea Gardens area in celebrating the Centenary of ANZAC.
Sub-Branch President Barry Whiteman has announced that the programme will consist
of 5 major events:
1. An exhibition honouring those from our area who enlisted in the Great War and
those families and friends who supported them on the Home Front. This will be
held at the Tea Gardens Library from the 13th April 2015 until 8th May 2015.
2. The unveiling of a memorial Plaque at ANZAC Park on Friday 24th April 2015,
honouring those who served and sacrificed together with those who supported
them from home.
3. The Centenary ANZAC Day march and celebrations that will continue in the
traditional order and the full details will be announced closer to that date in
keeping our normal protocols.
4. An Art Competition with the subject being The Dawn Service, ANZAC Park, 2015.
This will carry a major Prize of $1000 and a further $250 for a “People’s Choice”
prize. The format and conditions are being drafted with the help of eminent local
artists and will be announced in February 2015.
5. Anzac Golf Day planned for Friday 17th April 2015 (to be confirmed)
The President has stated certain local organisations have already been co-opted in
researching items for the Exhibition including personal histories and military service by
the Family Research, CTC and Myall Coast Historical groups involving a huge amount of
time and effort that is much appreciated.
A meeting with Mayor Jan McWilliams and Senior Management of the Great Lakes
Council has produced a high level of co-operation to ensure the success of the
Celebrations and the efforts of Carol Johnson and Chris Shelley at the Library has been
Expert advice has also been given on the Celebrations in an interview with Jane Murray,
Director of Exhibitions, Australian War Memorial and will be put to good use.
As planning advances then other local organisations and groups will be invited to
participate in this important series of events.
The Sub-Branch will also provide regular updates to the community and thanks the
local media for their assistance in this regard.
Local resident, Norman Webber, has been appointed Co-ordinator of our Programme.
Norman has had ongoing experience in organising exhibitions since the Police
Centenary of 1962.
Barry Whiteman JP
Ray Prigg JP
Hon. Secretary
Saturday, 8th November
RSL Scanning, photographing and collecting information day
for World War 1 local memorabilia at
Tea Gardens Library 10a.m. to 2p.m.
Lodge Port Stephens No 522
Meets at the Tea Gardens Masonic Centre
209 Myall Street Tea Gardens
on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7.00pm
Enquiries Phone 0415 143 172
ANZAC DAY – Saturday 25th April 2015
Dawn Service – 6.00 am Anzac Park
Anzac March – 10.00 am
Hopefully a brilliant sunny day is forecast. The Sub Branch invites all members of
our community and visitors to support and attend this very important Anzac
Centenary Celebration in 2015.
It is early days however we take this opportunity to thank all who are currently
assisting the Tea Gardens RSL Sub Branch with this very important project.
Program to be published in February 2015.
Barry Whiteman JP
Ray Prigg JP
Hon. Secretary
By the Community For the Community
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 13
15th October 2014
Bowls - Croquet
The highlight of the month on
September 27th was our
Croquet Probus social day with
over 30 happy satisfied croquet
players who enjoyed a midday
barbecue. This was an occasion
to use our newly refurbished
clubhouse. Also this month Bev
Latona, Sara James, Kath
Winterbottom, Ann Willings
and Maz Jeacle all played well
on the courts especially Geoff
Moran and Ron Winters. We
had visitors, Ray and Cherry
Hughes on several occasions
who hopefully will join our club.
JoyO. Publicity
Tea Gardens Women’s Bowling Club held their Annual Mixed Oncology Day on
Friday 10th October 2014. It was a very successful day for us as we were able to
present to Margaret Dougherty, Secretary of the Mater Calvary Newcastle Hospital
Ladies Auxiliary, and Auxiliary member, Elaine Weaver, a cheque for an amazing
amount of $6,000. This far exceeded the wonderful efforts of previous years.
This day was only possible due to the wonderful generosity from our local
businesses and Clubs within the Community. Many donated gift vouchers and
products which were used for our massive tombola and raffles. To our Committee
and Members of both Bowling Clubs who contributed cash donations and gifts
during the past year and on the day, and to all those who worked so hard prior to
the big day a heartfelt thank you. There are too many to thank individually.
It was such a well-supported day by everyone, including the bingo group, with
many happy players winning raffle prizes. Everyone enjoyed their game of bowls in
such beautiful weather followed by a scrumptious lunch prepared by Christine
Fossey and her team. We thank the Board of Directors of the Tea Gardens Country
Club, General Manager Warren Gooley and all the staff for their support of this
special day. At the conclusion of the day, our very own “auctioneer
extraordinaire”, Max Stephens entertained everyone with a quick-fire auction of
various donated items to add more to the coffers. Thanks Max! This event would
not be so successful without the support and participation of so many within our
small Community and we hope to continue this day for many years to come. The
Tea Gardens Women’s Bowling Club would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to all
the local businesses, Clubs and Community Groups who contributed to a most
successful Oncology Day:
Social bowls was a bit of an anti-climax this week, with all efforts directed to the
Oncology Day. In the competition held on 7 October, the winners with the highest
margin were; Pat Wilson, Carolyn Bywater, Lily Smith and Mayne Roberts. On
Thursday 9 October the lucky winners were; Liz Kelly and Pat Baker.
Tea Gardens Women’s Bowling Club is proudly sponsored by Pelican Pest
Lily Smith
With spring the popular house hunting season, many
investors are hoping to capitalise on the capital
growth still evident in most of Australia’s capitals and
local marketplaces. However, despite high levels of
confidence in Australian real estate, investors should
exercise due caution according to First National Real
Estate Hawks Nest principal, Mick Rumble.
With interest rates likely to move upwards in the next
12 months, and capital growth expected to slow, Mick
Rumble offers this advice for researching a property
to make sure you get the most for your money, and
that you’re able to meet your mortgage repayments.
‘Whether a person is purchasing for investment
purposes, to upgrade or downsize, or buying their first
home, they need to make sure the property is the
right one to suit their purposes,’ Mick Rumble says.
Investing in real estate is one of the biggest financial
decisions a person will make in their life, and getting it
right is crucial.
‘While affordability remains high and interest rates
remain low, the worst thing an investor can do is rush
their decision, or come under pressure because of a
turn in the market’ Mick Rumble says.
‘They need to take their time and do the research so
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 13
Hawks Nest Tea Gardens Probus Club - Men’s Bowls
The Hawks Nest/Tea Gardens Probus Club are proud to boast that it has in its
membership a great number of dedicated lawn bowlers. The number of Gala
days offered by the various Probus Clubs in the Newcastle District means that
our local club is in the position to field 2 -3 teams in the various events. This
year 14 Gala Days have been held in which The Hawks Nest/Tea Gardens
Probus Club was represented. The Gala Day hosted by our club in August this
year was a huge success.
In a recent tournament in Dungog the Hawks Nest/Tea Gardens Probus Club
were very successful in scooping the day and bringing home the Dungog Byron
Perpetual Trophy. The team of Ron Green, Karen Green and Gary Wynne won both
their games in spectacular fashion with a total of 47 shots (for) to just 9 shots against in
the two games played. A great team effort ensured they were the clear winners.
The Hawks Nest / Tea Gardens Probus Club are always on the lookout for new members
to join them in
promoting fun,
fellowship and
friendship. Only
one male
membership is
required, lady
partners are
included at all of
our functions. If
you are a bowler,
or otherwise, you
are more than
welcome to join in
the fun and meet
new friends.
John Slater
4997 9137
they can reap the rewards.’
According to Mick Rumble, the top five things to watch
out for when researching a property are:
Houses that have been sold multiple times over a short
period. This may signal a problem with the home
that new owners are looking to offload
Any easements that could affect what you would like to
do with the property. Disappointment can result
when a much desired pool, or extension, is unable to
be built because there is an easement in the way.
Overhead wires or stormwater drains that could affect
the value of the property and prove restrictive or
Zoning and regulations. Homes that are in areas
susceptible to ‘forces of nature’ such as floods, or
fires, can add costs to a property, especially
insurance and may impact on any future plans.
Geography of the property’s location. Check to see if it is
on the high side of the street, better side of the
highway or close to transport. Check if it is under a
flight path or near a ‘rat run’. All of these may affect
the property’s value.
Mick Rumble, says there are plenty of resources where
homebuyers and investors can gather information.
‘The Internet is an excellent source of information from
looking at past prices for nearby properties to
researching future local development and infrastructure
potential,’ Mick Rumble said.
‘The local council also provides a wealth of
information, especially on planning, zoning and
regulation matters. But one of the most underutilised
yet valuable sources will be word of mouth. Talking
to neighbours is a good place to start, but local real
estate agents are the best’.
First National Real Estate offers considerable
resources on its National Website too –
firstnational.com.au. Investors, in particular, will find
comprehensive information, even about buying
property with Self-Managed Superannuation Funds.
‘Our promise is to put you first, and that is something
we take very seriously. We put a great deal of time
and effort into keeping our clients up to date in the
most appropriate and convenient manner.
Sometimes that is face to face, and sometimes it is
through technology such as the web, Twitter, SMS
and facebook.’ Mick Rumble said.
Tuesday, 07 October 2014
First National Real Estate
Mick Rumble, Principal,
First National Real Estate Hawks Nest,
on 02 4997 0262
By the Community For the Community
15th October 2014
Golf - Bridge
Hawks Nest Social Golf Club
by Luke Boyd
Every Thursday afternoon for the duration of
daylight savings social golf is held. The first round
for the new season started on the 9th of October.
Great weather held for the occasion with the golfers
very happy with their efforts.
Trent Lamborn was the outright champion for the
day with Richard Lee runner up. Sue Brownrigg was
in fine form to win the ladies "nearest to the pin"
competition, as was Dave Evans to win the men's.
Congratulations to all the golfers for competing, it
looks like we are in for a great year of golfing.
Steve "Bunny" West - RIP
Steve west sadly passed away recently leaving a
big space to fill within the social club.
Bunny joined the club in 1988 & never looked
back.He was president, vice-president, treasurer,
weigh master and secretary during his 26 years of
participation. His wife and he organised and ran
the darts night every Thursday with great success.
He will be greatly missed.
2nd October 1014 Versus Par
A Grade
9 +2
2 Peter NEALON
18 +2
13 +1
4 Ronald HAMPTON
18 +1
18 +1
B Grade
26 +6
2 Graham KELLY
27 +5
21 +4
4 Gordon MORRISON 26 +4
24 +3
C Grade
1 Erik LINDSTROM 29 +5
2 Roger RICHARDS 29 +4
3 Peter KELLAWAY 29 +4
4 Barry WHITEMAN 35 +4
5 Kevin SKELTON 32 +3
NTP. 10th
A, Colin Bagnall
B, Larry Campton
C, Robert Long
NTP 16th
A, Stephen Nicholas
B, Richard Frew
C, David Bruce
9th October 2014
18 Hole Stableford
A Grade
1 Lyle Hudson 39
2 Terry Hoolahan 37
3 Mark Hill 36c/b
4 Joe James 36 c/b
5 Bob Peters 36
B Grade
1 Brian Bloom 43
2 Alec Balaschow 41
3 Bernard Smith 40
4 David Mereweather 39 c/b
5 Steven Blain 39
C Grade
1 Darrell Scott 40
2 Rodney Toohey 39
3 Joe Kennelly 37 c/b
4 Geoff Crockett 37 c/b
5 Bruce Richards 37
10th A. Tony Ward. B. Hans
Schmedling C. Darrell Scott
16th A. Mark Hill, B. Peter Sinclair,
C. Chris Lock
Balls to A. 26, B. 33, C. 32
Hawks Nest Lady Veterans Golf
2nd October 2014
1 Pat Dodd
2 Wilma Munn
3 Annie Scott
4 Karen Johnston 0C/B
5 Dot Moore
6 Di Vercoe
7 Robyn West
8 Kaye Toohey
NTP 3rd
Div 1 Donna O’Brien
Div 2 Carol Jackson
NTP 16th
Div 1 Pam Keegan
Div 2 Daphne Frew
Div 3 Pam Gibbs
Social men’s golfers retiring after nine holes
Hawks Nest Veterans
30th September
A' Grade
Scratch Net
Brailey, David
Pegram, Jim
Amos, Col
'B' Grade
Della, John
Ryan, Adrian
Beards, Keith
Nearest the Pins
3rd Hole
A Grade Bruce Clayton
B Grade Grahame Brydon
5th Hole
A Grade Terry Hoolahan
B Grade Ron Leatham
10th Hole
A Grade Sean Mullins
B Grade Graham Chapman
16th Hole
A Grade Graham Russell
B Grade Peter Newall
7 October 2014
A Grade
Scratch Net
Brailey, David
Mcleod, Stuart 45
Hamilton, Bill
B Grade
Bloom, Brian
Rimmer, David 50
Lawrence, Ian
3rd Hole A Grade Stephens, Max
B Grade Leary, Tony
5th Hole A Grade Gibbs, Breton
B Grade Peters, Darrell
10th Hole A Grade Brailey, David
B Grade Newall, Peter
16th Hole A Grade Vandenberg, Bill
B Grade Voigt, Bob
Regards, Alan.
Tuesday 28th October
Hawks Nest Golf Ladies
Cancer Charity Day
All ladies with a handicap are
invited to play in this special day
where we hope to make the course
& Pro shop “Pink” For a fun day for
a good cause, contact: Carol
Jackson on 4997 2040
9th October 2014
1 Di Vercoe
2 Susie Kovacs -1
3 Annie Scott
4 Wilma Munn 0
5 Sue Brownrigg 0
6 Betty Clinch
7 Janet Moore 1
8 Dot Moore
9 Noela Hickey 2
Wed 1 October – 2BBB Stableford
1 Ziebell, Frank & Parrett, Peter 48
2 Curran, Tommy & Dunning, John 45
3 Bournon, Chris & Rutter, James 45
Single Stableford
Grade A
1 Rutter, James 39
2 Howard, Peter 38
3 Morris, Bob 36
Grade B
1 Frew, Richard 40
2 Curran, Tommy 39
3 DAY, Robert 36
NTP – 10th Hole
Rutter, James A GDE
Miller, Les B GDE
Sat 4 October – Stableford
Grade A
1 Clayton, Bruce 41
2 Rutter, James 40
3 Bayliss, Christopher 40
Grade B
1 Gibbs, Breton 38
2 Nicholas, Stephen 38
3 Simmer, Richard 37
Grade C
1 Willing, Ronald 39
2 Davis, Ray 39
3 Rankin, Lee 38
NTP 10th Hole
A Grade - Lee, Richard
B Grade - Nicholas, Stephen
C Grade - Willing, Ronald
Wed - 8 Oct 2014 - Stableford
1 Felton, Ian 34
2 Walker, Scott 33
3 Douglas, Joe 33
NTP 10th Hole
Jones, Warwick A GDE
Douglas, Joe B GDE
Saturday 11 Oct – Stroke
A Grade
1 Peter Jackson 69
2 Bobby Lee 69
3 Warwick Jones 70
B Grade
1 Allan Davey 71
2 Richard Simmer 71
3 Lyle Hudson 71
C Grade
1 Geoff Bartier 71
2 Dennis Poole 71
3 Kevin Marr 72
NTP 10th Hole
A Fred Bennett
B Peter Jackson
C Brian
Medal of Medal
winner for 2014
Robyn Hall
HNBC Week Ending 11th October 2014
Friday saw a huge turn-up of sixteen tables playing two
board rounds. This was also the first round of the Club Pairs
Championship. The Championships consist of three rounds,
of which each team must play two rounds to qualify. Your
best two rounds are counted and the worst score
discarded. The next two qualifying rounds will happen on
Fridays 17 and 24 October with the finals on Friday 31
October. Please note that in November, the planned Teams
Championship has been dropped following feedback in the
member survey. Instead, we will concentrate on getting a
full team to the Tilligerry visit we are making on Wednesday
12 November. Please note that the Taree visit on Friday 7
November will start at 11.30am for lunch with a bridge start
at 12.00 sharp.
HNBC programme:
Friday 17 October Round 2 Pairs Championships
Friday 24 October Round 3 Pairs Championships
Friday 31 October Pairs Championships Final - Open and
Restricted Sections
Friday 7 November Taree Bridge Club visit. 11.30am start
Wednesday 12 November Visit to Tilligerry Bridge Club,
Friday 14 November Round 1 of the Teams Shield – usual
session just in teams format. In time a form for team names
will be on the notice board. And …
Friday 28 November Round 2 of the Teams Shield – normal
session; teams format
Monday 6 October, Labour Day Six and a half tables
North South
1st Trish & Jim Thatcher
2nd Carol Richards & Sue Matheson
3rd Linda & Glen Conroy
East West
1st Gordon Morrison & Rex Stoesseiger
2nd John & Lorna Worgan
3rd Alacoque Welsh & Margaret Burfield
Friday 10 October
Sixteen tables
North South
1st Gordon Morrison & Liz Caro
2nd Jim Thatcher & Carolyn Seymour
3rd Bill Taylor & Marcia Dane
East West
1st Trish Thatcher & Mike Parfait
2nd Nancy McDonnell & Sue Bowen
3rd Sue Matheson & Bea Treharne
Ann Morris Div. 1 Medal winner, Patricia Collins Div. 2
Medal winner Cheryl Patterson Div. 3 medal winner
Saturday 4 October
Single Stableford
Div. 1 M. Miller
E. Jones
Div. 2
M. Newton (Moree) 39
C. Patterson 38
Balls down to 32
NTP 16th
Div. 1
J. Collins (card)
Div. 2
S. Hargraves
Secret 9 (front)
1st C. Patterson 23
D. Pearce
3rd M. Miller
B. Nelmes 18
Balls down to 17
By the Community For the Community
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 13
Tuesday 7th October
Monthly Medal & Medal of
Div. 1 A. Morris 74,
S. Kovacs 75 c/b,
D. O’Brien 75
Scratch A. Morris 89 plus Medal
Div. 2 P. Collins 71 c/b,
R. Hall
T. Ireland 74
Scratch P. Collins 97 plus Medal
Div. 3 C. Patterson 66,
S. Campton
J. Richardson 69
S. Campton 102,
Medal C. Patterson
Medal of Medals goes to R. Hall
for best score from years medal
NTP 3rd
Div. 1 E. Bramma,
Div. 2 D. Davis,
Div. 3 T. Sattler
15th October 2014
Moths over the Myall
It was a wonderful sight last Sunday to see up to 50 Tiger Moths fly over our area. The planes were taking part in
The Great Tiger Moth Air Race which was a two day event run primarily along the East Coast of NSW.
Day 1 saw the planes travel from Luskintyre to Camden and return and Day 2 was from Luskintyre to Taree and
return via Hawks Nest and Tea Gardens.
The distinctive drone of Tiger Moth engines shattered the midday peace as entrants in the Great Tiger Moth Air
Race flew over Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest on the return leg of their trip from Luskintyre to Taree. Locals were
treated to the rare sight of a “swarm” of these vintage planes flying directly overhead as part of a tradition which
began in 1976, bringing together pilots and machines from all over Australia and from overseas, to honour pilots
who didn’t return from war and to support two charities, LIFT Youth Development and Soldier On.
In 1975, worried that Tiger Moths were leaving Australia for the American market, a group from the Royal
Newcastle Aero Club decided to form the Australian Tiger Club with the aim of keeping the Tiger Moth flying in
Australian skies so that the public and pilots could experience open cockpit, helmet and goggles ‘wind in the
wires’ flying and stop the overseas export of historic Flying Machines.
In 1977 land was purchased at Luskintyre to provide a grass airfield: it
became a leading restoration centre and “home” to a number of Moths.
The Boyd Munro Tiger Air Race Trophy is a spectacular looking trophy
commissioned by Boyd Munro for the purpose of being a perpetual
trophy for the Tiger Moth Air Races, it is made of solid silver and
cost £100,000 at the time of its production. Needless to say the trophy
is one of a kind and invaluable today.
Story has it, that when Boyd tried to bring the Trophy back to Australia
from England, the airline insisted that it was to be checked and place
in the cargo hold. Naturally, Boyd was reluctant to let it leave his sights
for fear of it going “missing” and damage to some of the intricate
hand made parts on the Tiger Moth on top of the trophy. In order to
bypass this demand, he placed it underneath a wheelchair and advised
that it was his oxygen which he may require mid-flight.
The last air race was held in 2003 and the next one will probably not be
for ten years, so we have been really privileged to enjoy this one!
The Royal Newcastle Aero Club was formed in 1928 and the club
introduced the first Tiger Moth to Australia in 1935. In WW11 civilian Tiger Moths were used by the RAAF as elementary trainers. After the war Club Members Bill Hitchcock,
Kerry Schiemer and Allan Wilson noted the demise of the Tiger Moth and in 1975 they decided to organise an Australian Tiger Club under the auspices of the Royal Newcastle
Aero Club. The inaugural Air Show was held in 1976 and in 1977 the first Great Tiger Moth Air Race was held with 37 planes competing. The race has become a famous event on
the Aviation Calendar.
Shirley Cox and Ros Reynolds
Ph.02 49970203
Waterfront Bistro
Dinner .00pm
On the Myall River
Dance the night
Take away available
Take away available
What’s on Weekly
Local Members Draw
from 6pm
Friday 8.30pm
Stunned Mullet Duo
Saturday 8.30pm
No Control
Friday 8.30pm
Free Jukebox
Trivia 6.30pm
Pool Comp 7pm
Sunday 2.30pm
Open Mic
Saturday 8.30pm
Free Entertainment
Live Music from 8.30pm
Hawks Rugby League
lunchtime raffles.
Every 2nd week
Live Entertainment
from 2.30pm
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 13
By the Community For the Community
15th October 2014