5,000 copies
Tea Gardens - Hawks Nest - Bulahdelah - Karuah - Stroud - Nerong - Pindimar - Bundabah - North Arm Cove
Successful Annual Breast Cancer Drive
ABN: 85 031 406 563
Lady Golfers raised $1,770 for the Jane McGrath Foundation
and $2,150 for The Newcastle Breast Cancer Institute
Edition 15
12th November 2014
Myall Coast Messenger
Shop 4, 209 Myall Street
Tea Gardens 2324
Ph: 02 4997 0749
Fax: 02 4997 0759
Best Dressed Cart - Tracey Burke
On Saturday 25th and continuing Tuesday 28th
October & Thursday 30th October the Hawks Nest
Ladies Golfers and the Lady Veteran Golfers
literally turned the golf course PINK for their
Annual breast cancer drive.
Hanging off each flag on the 18 tees were very
large various coloured bras. Every lady got a pink
golf ball to play with and 9 very brave men
dressed themselves all in pink to hit our balls over
the dam and down the 6th fairway for a gold coin
donation. Pink ribbons were given out for us to
have a bit of fun on the course to be used to get
nearer the tee without counting a shot.
All ladies went to a lot of trouble to Dress in pink
outfits and those with carts were highly
The Winner of the best dressed cart was Tracey
Burke who had ingeniously put several large bras
Best Dressed Team
filled with (?) all over her cart, very fitting for our
breast Cancer drive. Winners best dressed team were L. Coleman, C. Wiggins, M. Pegram, H. Wilton. Inside the club our lovely girls
behind the bar had beautiful pink outfits on and everyone was busy buying raffle tickets for dozens of prizes to be won as well as
tickets in Andrew’s (Pro) raffle.
A lot of fun was had with 2 different Quizzes run by Annette
Benton and Debbie Matheson.
On the Saturday Andrew McCormack ran the day with $1,270
being raised by men & women to go to Jane McGrath
On the Tuesday $2,150 was raised from ladies & Andrew to go
To Newcastle Breast Cancer Institute…
The Ladies committee would like to thank all the generous people (men & women) who donated gifts for the
raffles, helped to organise the day and made the lovely pink cup cakes we had for desert after some lovely
mixed sandwiches.
The Thursday lady vets also had a cancer day with 46 ladies playing, run by J. Bartier & B. Clinch…Andrew the
Pro donated 3 great prizes of balls & free lessons, with a donation of $500 from The lady vet’s committee
which will also go to the Jane McGrath Foundation.
A fantastic week of golf with brilliant weather and much fun and enjoyment had by all.
E. Jones, Publicity
Winners on the Day - J Richardson, P Kelly, D Moore, J Moore
4997 2560
Wacky Wednesday
Free Members
ABN: 30 001 038 660
02 4997 0250
2a Yalinbah Street
Tea Gardens 2324
Introduction to
10:00am Sundays
Includes lunch $12.00
Courtesy Bus Available
6:00pm - 8:00pm
as at
12th November
Chinese Dinner
2 Stuf’d to Jump
Saturday 15th November
Members Badge Draw
Friday & Sunday Raffles
$15.00 per person
Happy Hour
$3.50 Schooners
as at 9th November
See page 13 for
Melbourne Cup photos
By the Community For the Community - published fortnightly
Community Spotlight
Community Spotlight........... P 2
Council & News .................... P 3
Community News .......... P 5 - 11
Poets Corner ......................... P 9
School .................................. P 13
Letters ................................. P 10
Church .................................. P 8
Classifieds ............................ P12
Sport ............................... P 14-16
Sudoku ................................ P 10
Runners & Swimmers........ P 14
Fishing .................................... P5
Gardening ............................. P 5
Golf ..................................... P 15
History.................................. P13
Travel ..................................... P9
Tide Chart ............................ P 5
What’s On ............................. P 6
Our Trove of Local Treasures - a continuing series
Today’s local treasure, now preserved for posterity on
microfilm, is the Hawks Nest Tea Gardens NOTA, first
published by the Hawks Nest Progress Association in
April, 1970.
The Sailing Club’s Easter Regatta was well publicised – members
would sleep on Jimmys Beach the night before the marathon
Sunday morning race. The Ladies Auxiliary would sell soft drinks and
potato chips and the raffle prize was a beautiful beach towel.
We might draw a veil over the limerick and riddles – they can be
read at the CTC, which has a copy of the original paper - but a
Junior Journalist area was suggested, and a recipe for a ginger beer
plant and the drink was given.
The Myall Coast Messenger seeks to
serve the interests of the local
We seek to publish community news
and views while supporting sporting,
publication of relevant information.
We encourage groups or individuals to
provide information about activities,
upcoming events and views on current
issues that influence daily life in the
All submissions must be signed and
must contain no statements or remarks
that may be considered defamatory,
derogatory or discriminatory against
any person on the basis of race,
religion or sexual persuasion and
contain no language that is unlawful,
obscene, indecent or inappropriate.
The decision to publish an article/
story/letter rests with the Editorial
team and the decision is final.
Full names of contributors to the
Myall Coast Messenger who use non
de plumes must be registered with the
Editorial Team and made available to
any reader if requested.
All photos published become the
property of the CTC.
The information provided within the
contents of this Newspaper is the
views of the individuals who provide
the details. These views are not
necessarily those of the CTC or the
Editorial Team.
The introduction to that issue states the aim of advising “the reader
of coming activities and meetings…” ,as well as being a “source of
advertising for everyone who has something to sell, buy, beg,
borrow, swap or hire. Rates for this service will be most reasonable
and the message conveyed will reach every resident”.
News concerned the plans for the erection of a new Community Hall
at Hawks Nest - these were the days when we came under the
jurisdiction of the Stroud Shire Council. The price range was set
within $30000, of which $4000 in cash was to be contributed by the
Progress Association as well as their interest in the land and the
existing hall [the old library building] and furniture.
The Lending Library, run by the Progress Association, advertised that
it was open from 2-3pm on Wednesdays and Saturdays and offering
a stock of over 2000 volumes.
What was on in town? There was a games evening on the 4th
Wednesday of each month (35 cents entry included supper), the
Ambulance Housie, and carpet bowls. Membership of the Progress
Association was set at a nominal 20 cents per year.
We are fortunate that the Progress Association kept
copies of all the issues, which are now in the
possession of the Tea Gardens Hawks Nest Family
History Research Group. They were borrowed by the
NSW State Library, which arranged, and paid, to have
them microfilmed, so that copies are now available at
the State Library and to any other group which wishes
to purchase them.
Our Family History Group does have the microfilms,
but no reader, and the cost of digitisation to have
them on Trove, the National Library newspaper site, is
Times, interests and priorities were different the
1970s,(or were they?) so it is interesting to see just
what was reported in the first NOTA (News Of The
Advertising rate in the For Sale column was 1 cents per word
(minimum 10 cents), while other ads were 25 cents an inch, or a half
a page (foolscap) was $2.20 and a full page $4.
Really dating the copy was the only telephone number given – TG
One statement from the original Nota that applies to the
“We hope that the secretaries and scribes of the various
organisations and clubs in the area will forward particulars of their
coming activities for inclusion in the Monthly Calendar of Events.
Items of local interest would be appreciated by the Editor…”
Microfilming showed that our local collection is not quite complete,
so if you have any old NOTAs, especially from the 1970s and 80s,
the Family History Group would be pleased if they could borrow and
photocopy them. For 1974 we are missing July, 1978 January, 1979
January, February, then April, June, July and October 1984. If you
can help, please phone Shirley on 4997 0254.
Brian Stewart
Over dinner with friends, the subject of Greatness arose:
"What constitutes greatness?" someone
Commonly, we apply greatness to, for example, sporting prowess, diplomatic, political or musical skills, or
ability to readily relate to people: "He or she is a great person!" We often say it.
Our mealtime discussion soon recognised that attributing greatness is very subjective; everyone has different ideas of what
greatness is, and every individual identifies another's greatness from the perspective of their own personal values and ideals.
5pm Friday prior to publishing
Sporting Results:
2pm Sunday prior to publishing
Geoff had remained largely silent: we all thought he was changing the subject when he commented upon modern images of
masculinity: "Society has come to accept that masculinity is about ogling women, sport and heavy drinking."
Phone: 02 4997 0749
Fax: 02 4997 0759
One of them, he told us, has been doing so for ten years: "Because his wife is now in care, Wilf arrives early at the care unit to
dress her for the day and to give her breakfast."
Our thanks also to
Torch Publishing Company for their
"There's nothing great about that," he remarked. "That's not masculinity."
Geoff, being an older man, went on to tell us about three of his contemporaries. Each of their respective stories was similar: each
man's wife suffered dementia, but each man had selflessly devoted himself to his wife's care.
Then, Geoff added, with Wilf pushing her wheelchair they go somewhere together for coffee before returning eventually to the care
unit where Wilf feeds her, her lunch.
"Ten years! Every day! And she can't even remember who he is!" Geoff's passion was evident in his eyes.
"That's masculinity! That's being a man!" said Geoff convincingly. "Greatness isn't about booze, stupidity, shallow self-promotion.
Greatness is selflessly accepting responsibility!
"And it's always within reach."
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 15
By the Community For the Community
12th November 2014
Council & Government Roundup - Special Features
Council Roundup
with Deputy Mayor Len Roberts
Council is upgrading Marine Drive and some people are asking
what is happening. Is it part of the beautification program for
the waterfront? Will there be a loss of parking? What is actually happening?
There are at least 4 issues in play here.
1. Upgrade of the road
The upgrade of the road would occur irrespective of being one way or two and
is required for various reasons such as drainage and pavement life etc. It has
nothing to do with amenity or traffic flow and parking. There is always tension
between amenity and parking. It is a matter of striking the right balance or
having no parking at all. There is minimal change to overall parking along the
street due to the formalisation of the kerb and gutter, and some places may
change opposite particular businesses.
2. One way traffic
One way traffic is supported by council and particularly Cr McCaskie and me.
Unfortunately a decision based on input by the police and others has meant
that one way is not feasible at this time. This was a council decision and one,
despite my preference, we supported after listening to the advice of the police
and other experts. I support the decision to not have one way at this time.
However, it is definitely not off my radar. Furthermore, none of the works
being implemented nor have been implemented preclude one way in the
future. It is council’s intention to have Marine Drive one way as soon as it is
feasible to do so.
3. Coral trees
The coral trees are a menace, noxious and not appropriate to the area and
council is at risk of being sued should someone fall ill. Council wanted to get rid
of them and replace them with more suitable species for the waterfront. There
was some public outcry to keep them. So council acquiesced and allowed them
to stay. It was always known that they have a limited life and that the roots of
some will be impacted by the road upgrade. Council will be spending money on
ensuring they are retained but it is poor economics and public safety to keep
them. I, for one, wish to see them go and be replaced with more appropriate
mature trees. I will be asking council to reconsider keeping them.
4. Waterfront beautification
The road upgrade has not been at the loss of waterfront amenity but is an
enhancement and will, when finished, encourage greater use of the riverfront.
There is a separate waterfront beautification plan in place that is slowly being
implemented as funds become available
Marine drive is a work in progress and one day hopefully sooner than later it
will be one way and be the icon of the town.
Winda Woppa
During the recent storms and the required emergency works, the foredune
between the Boulevarde and the beach was used to protect Winda Woppa. Whilst
the dune needed to go for emergency reasons it was not done as vandalism but a
very measured and approved response. If the government agencies had
met the timetable as they promised a permanent solution would have
been in place and the dune still there. There was a bigger picture and
issue in play than the removal of an aeolian foredune most of
which was manmade. If another storm hits before the solution is in place
we are in trouble as there is no substantial sand source to draw upon.
53 Curlew Crescent Nerong
7 Ringland Close Tea Gardens
11 Marine Drive Tea Gardens
Offers over $720,000
32 Admiralty Ave Tea Gardens
Offers over $450,000
OPEN 7 DAYS - Phone: 02 4997 1300
83 Marine Drive, Tea Gardens
Property Sales - Holiday Accommodation
www.teagardensrealestate.com.au - www.teagardenshawksnest.com
“Someday your prince charming will come. Mine just took a wrong turn,
got lost, and is too stubborn to ask for directions.”
Council thanks Garage Sale Trail supporters
Great Lakes Council has thanked everyone who participated in the
national Garage Sale Trail on Saturday 25 October.
In our local area Council estimates that 25 households were involved; 120
shopping trolleys of stuff was redistributed; $6,954 was made from sales;
and 12 community connections per seller were made on the day.
This equates to less household waste being sent to landfill, which reduces
the NSW Government waste levy liability for Council (and ratepayers)
The National Garage Sale Trail is a nation-wide day where garage sales
are held by individuals, community groups, schools and others. The
organisers provide a website for any seller to list the details of their sale
items and location.
Buyers can check the local sales, select which ones they want to visit and
print off an individual map with their sales selected.
And it's all free to participate! For those eager to start getting ready
early, the next Garage Sale Trail Day will be held in October 2015.
Tea Gardens
Buying or Selling
Wills& Estate Planning
Powers of Attorney
Criminal Law
Dispute Resolutions
Commercial Litigation
Contesting Wills
Commercial Leasing
Buying or Selling a Business
Company Transactions
 Buying/Selling a Business
 Company Transactions
 Leasing
02 4928 7300
Fridays 2pm - 6pm
191 Myall Street, Tea Gardens
A little known ‘trap’ concerning ‘retirement’ payments is
found in section 200B of the Corporations Act 2001
(NSW). It provides, in general terms, that if a person
retires from office and, either at that time or in the
preceding 3 years, held the position of a ‘managerial or
executive office’ as defined, a corporate employer may
not make a retirement payment unless ‘member
approval’ has been obtained. ‘Member approval’
essentially refers to shareholder approval.
The Federal Court considered this provision in
Queensland Mining Corporation Limited v Renshaw &
Others [2014] FCA 365. QMC, a public company, made a
termination payment to Mr Renshaw or companies
controlled by him totalling just over $677,000.00. The
payments were made under the terms of a Deed of
Settlement signed by both the plaintiff and Renshaw at
the time of his resignation in October 2012. QMC later
sued to recover them. Various arguments were raised by
Renshaw as to whether the payments were ‘benefits’ for
the purpose of the section; or if they fell within an
exception to the provision; but the Court ultimately held
that s200 had been breached and ordered the amounts
to be repaid.
Interestingly, it did so despite the fact that QMC had
participated in the breach - because the payments were
made under a Deed which QMC had itself signed.
It is impossible to fairly summarise this complex case in
an article of this length, but it is a salutary lesson to both
employers and employees of companies, that where
there are employment disputes involving executive
employees and it might appear commercially attractive
to resolve the dispute by the payment of a cash sum to
terminate the employment, a settlement of that kind even if in an otherwise legally binding Deed - might be
set aside if the Corporations Act provision has not been
Tony Cavanagh
By the Community For the Community
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 15
12th November 2014
Pindimar Bundabah Annual Market Day
A hot time at the Market Day
Despite the high temperatures experienced on Saturday the 1 st of
November, over 300 people attended the annual Market Day, hosted by
the Pindimar Bundabah Community Association at the Rural Fire Shed in
North Pindimar.
Crowds of people of all ages attended this fantastic community event in
search of a bargain or two at one of the many stalls that were on display.
From Bric-a-Brac, to plants, books, fishing gear and even a pool table was
on offer during the day. Koree Farm Produce were on hand offering their
tasty range of locally grown and produced items like Tamarillos, Honey,
Eggs and Jams etc.
A team of dedicated cooks kept the BBQ going offering crowd favourites
like bacon and eggs rolls and a sausage sizzle, whilst many competitions
were underway including the chocolate wheel, the annual cake baking.
competition and also the ever popular ‘Thong Throwing’ contest had many
visitors to the market day keen to win one of the ‘Trophy Thongs’ on offer.
Being a warm day many chose to keep their fluid intake up by assisting
with the home brew competition with a long line up of keen judges who
signed up to help out.
The Tea Gardens/Pindimar Rural Fire Service crew were on hand with all
three trucks on display and offering timely bushfire advice to local
residents and visitors alike.
Community spirit at the PBCA Market Day was alive and well and it’s a
credit to all involved and to everyone who attended making the day
another success.
The PBC Annual Market Day is always held on the first Saturday of November.
Dave Brazier
Bea Trehane
Luke Brazier
Member for Paterson, Bob Baldwin has welcomed the news that
Castle Personnel Services and Advanced Personnel Management
will help people with a disability find jobs as part of a $300 million
per year Government program. Mr Baldwin said the Government had this year
opened up to competitive tender, the 47 per cent of the Disability Management
Service (DMS) currently delivered by CRS Australia. The DMS provides specialist
assistance to job seekers with a temporary or permanent disability, injury or health
condition. “The non‑government sector has shown it can effectively deliver these
services, which is why it has been opened up to a competitive tender process,” said Mr
Baldwin. “As a result, I am pleased to announce that Castle Personnel Services and
Advanced Personnel Management will receive Commonwealth funding to deliver help
people with a disability in the Hunter region to find and keep a job.” Mr Baldwin said
the tender results across the country are a good outcome for regional Australia, with
more than half of the successful tenderers having their registered address located
outside the capital cities.
“Improving job opportunities for people with a disability is a major priority for the
Australian Government and I am pleased that Castle Personnel Services and Advanced
Personnel Management will be working to do just that in our local community,” said
Mr Baldwin. “This is a great outcome for job seekers with a disability in the Hunter.”
The open tender will give job-seekers with a disability confidence that their DMS
provider has a demonstrated ability to achieve high quality employment outcomes,
and that they therefore have the best chance possible of finding and keeping a job.
The new contracts will take effect from March 2015 and will be offered until March
More information about the successful DES-DMS tenderers can be found
at www.dss.gov.au/DES/DMStender
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 15
Member for Paterson, Bob Baldwin has announced that tourists,
locals and enthusiastic whale watchers in the electorate will
now have a better view of migrating whales as they travel up
and down our coast with $25,000 in funding from the Australian Government’s
Whale Trail initiative. “Fingal Bay will be the first of seven communities around the
country to each receive this funding to build a whale viewing platform,” said Mr
Baldwin. “Port Stephens is known for its dolphins and whales and there is a genuine demand for vantage points along the coastline.” “It is already a popular spot in
Port Stephens to look out for the passing giants, this funding will be well spent, as
it already has a strong following,” said Mr Baldwin.
The Whale Trail initiative provides Commonwealth funding to the local community
to help build whale viewing platforms and interpretive signage to inform and educate visitors about migratory whales. Developing a national whale watching network will encourage knowledge sharing among locals and visitors about whale and
dolphin conservation. The Fingal Bay funding is part of the Whale and Dolphin
Protection Plan, which will establish a National Whale Trail of land based whale
watching sites across the Australian whale migratory route. The Whale Trail initiative will enhance and promote understanding in the community about the importance of protecting whales and dolphins.
Viewing platforms will provide people with the best possible view of whales and
dolphins as they pass off shore. This site will provide people with more information
about these important animals. The Whale Trail initiative is part of a $2 million
investment over the next three years by the Australian Government under our
Whale and Dolphin Protection Plan.
For more information about the Whales and Dolphins Protection Plan go
to www.nrm.gov.au
By the Community For the Community
12th November 2014
Karuah - VIC - Boating - Gardening - Fishing
Spring has well and truly arrived and it is
interesting to see the bush burnt in the
previous year’s burn off in the National Park recovering. We mention this to our visitors
and refer them to the fire trail on the eastern side of the park entry where a carpet of
thousands of Flannel Flowers is there for all to see and enjoy. The busiest October day
at the VIC was the Sunday after the Myall River Festival which means a lot of people
came up for the weekend to enjoy the festivities. VIC volunteers manned a stall at the
festival providing information about our area to the general public.
The final familiarisation visits for 2014 have been held with 16 VIC volunteers and 4
staff from Forster VIC visiting Myall Shores Holiday Park and Bombah Point Eco
Cottages. Garry and Tish, managers of Myall Shores Holiday Park were our hosts. Some
of the “more mature” people may remember this as Legges Camp but a transformation
has occurred with the park now featuring accommodation options that cater to various
budgets, ranging from campsites to spa villas with beach frontage. The park has a 1.5km
of lake frontage, a fully licenced café offering lunch and simple evening meals, a camp
kitchen, Wi-Fi hotspots throughout the park and a boat ramp as well as an excellent
information centre about the National Park and the history of the site. Most striking
however is the natural beauty with giant Angophoras, Melaleucas and Casuarinas
abounding throughout and set alongside the Broadwater.
November Gardening
It is beautiful gardening weather and we have even had some overnight rain.
However, we are drying out so mulching is important. We are now stocking
Majors Mulch which is a pelletised Lucerne mulch, easy to manage, great on
pots, the vege garden, around fruiting trees and flowering plants. The
Lucerne will put nutrient back into the soil - roses will love it.
The NSW Xmas tree is now in flower and will have its bright red calyx creating
colour for the Xmas season.
Another popular Xmas look is bowls, baskets, pots or flower beds of red and
white petunias which will last throughout summer.
Enjoy your garden
Woodwards Building & Garden Centre
Our next stop, Bombah Point Eco Cottages, where owners Jill and Peter Madden
awaited. The six cottages, communal area including pool and games room, are nearly
completely surrounded by the Myall Lakes National Park and are set on a hillside
amongst regrowth forest with some forest giants remaining. Birdcalls and natural
beauty abound and Jill and Peter’s respect for a sustainable environment is on display
for all to see, understand and appreciate.
The Cottages which can sleep up to 5, are nestled amongst trees providing a natural
privacy buffer between each one on the hillside. One of the cottages has full disabled
access and facilities and all have a large open plan living area with wood heater and the
natural beauty of timber on display. Each cottage has spa bath with master crafted
timber surrounds, oven, gas top and fridge freezer. The individual cottages are
surrounded by a veranda with a BBQ and hammock on each where breezes can always
be found.
Bombah Point Eco Cottages are built on ecologically sustainable principles. Most
visible are the large permaculture gardens and the architect designed high rise fowl
quarters (read chook pen). Guests may pick herbs and vegetables and the contented
chooks take care of kitchen waste. Renewable and recyclable products are used where
possible. Sewage is taken care of by worm composting, reed bed filtration and an
evaporation pond. Electricity is provided by large banks of photo- voltaic cells backed
up by the grid as necessary. This really is a unique luxury resort with the neighbouring
Myall Lakes National Park attractions awaiting discovery.
Our Honeycomb Valley Farm products are proving popular with visitors and we now
carry, Aromatic Vanilla Infused Honey, Yellow Box Honey, Hot Habanero Honey, Honey
Dijon Mustard and Strawberry and Rosella (native Hibiscus) Jam. We also carry a full
range of home-made ILILWA Jams from Tea Gardens including Plum, Guava, Muscatel
and a range of marmalades.
Vic De Klerk
By the Community For the Community
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 15
12th November 2014
Community News - What’s On
Music Workshop
Youth Jam Session
Saturday 6th December
5.30pm to 9pm
Monday 10th November 10am to 12 noon
U3A Art Work Shop at Hawks Nest Community
Hall - no bookings necessary
Tea Gardens Baptist Church
115 Myall Street Tea Gardens
 Free Sausage Sizzle
 Enquiries/Registration for
Workshop - 02 4997 2055
Email pfk36@bigpond.net.au
Friday 14th and Saturday 15th November 2014
Bulahdelah Show - for more information go to
Friday 14th November - 11.30am
Ladies View Club Luncheon
Tea Gardens Hotel special Guest Speaker Phil
Long from Manning Health speaking about Mental
Health & Depression also short spiel on Prostate
Support Group - Raising Awareness
New Café in Town
Sunday 16th November - 5 - 7pm Messy Church
What’s Messy Church???? It’s a get together at
Church for families (single parents and carers) who
haven’t been before - At Tea Gardens Anglican
Church, Cnr Ogden & Witt Street
Enquiries phone Michael Birch 0409 221 246
In a superb position on the waterfront at Tea
Gardens overlooking the beautiful Myall River is
the newly opened Mangrove Café. Nathan
Saville, whose parents own the café, is the
Manager and he outlined the new ideas they
have put in place to provide a satisfying dining
Nathan explained that they are featuring a
Breakfast Menu and an exciting Lunch menu
with gourmet sandwiches and for a more
substantial meal there are many a-la-carte
Sunday 16th November 12noon - 3pm
HN Winda Woppa Park Myall U3A BBQ
Wednesday 19th November - TOY FAYRE
A Variety of Toys for Christmas
9am – 12noon - St Andrews Anglican Church
Cnr Witt & Ogden Steets, Tea Gardens.
Enquiries Phone 4997 1869
Friday 21st November - TOY FAYRE
A Variety of Toys for Christmas
9am – 12noon - St Andrews Anglican Church
Cnr Witt & Ogden Steets, Tea Gardens.
Enquiries Phone 4997 1869
Friday 21st November 10am - 12pm HN Old Library
“Three Botanical Ladies" with Barbara Lyle
Tuesday 25th November
Hawks Nest Ladies Final Golf Day 2014
Wednesday 26th November 4:30 - 6:30pm
Messy Church - What’s Messy Church????
It’s a get together at Church for families (single
parents and carers) who haven’t been before.
Bulahdelah Anglican Church on Stroud Street
Enquiries phone Michael Birch 0409 221 246
Also featured are homemade cakes and
biscuits to go with a coffee made from
Newcastle sourced Sprocket Roasters
coffee beans. The staff have undergone
a training course by the bean suppliers
in the best way to treat the beans to
ensure a perfect cup of coffee every
The café, at 83 Marine Drive is open 7
days per week from 7am to 3pm. The
Messenger wishes Nathan and his staff
well in their new venture.
Ros Reynolds
Friday 28th November 10am -12pm HN Old Library
"The Golden Age of Musicals"
with John Fitzgerald & Brian Jones
Saturday 29th November
Hawks Nest Ladies Final Golf Day 2014
Sunday 30th November
Family Fun Day from 10am
Prostate Support Awareness
Enquiries Ph: Howard on 0402 361 272
Wednesday 3rd December 11am - 2pm
Tea Gardens Hotel
Myall U3A AGM & Christmas Lunch
Results from Page 10
Saturday 6th December - Music Workshop
Free Sausage Sizzle - Youth Jam Session at
Tea Gardens Baptist Church 115 Myall Street
5.30 to 9pm
Enquiries/Registration for Workshop
Ph: 02 4997 2055 email pfk36@bigpond.net.au
Saturday 6th December 7.30pm
HN Community Hall
To enter your event - its FREE
phone the CTC on 4997 0749
Email: myallcoastmessenger@gmail.com
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 15
Results from Page 10
By the Community For the Community
12th November 2014
Community News
The Birds and the Bees, well mainly the Bees
Welcome to your new home your Majesty!
Introducing the new Queens to the Nucleus hives I made up on Sunday. As you can see
in the photos the girls got very excited to have the smell of a Queen in the hive again!
When they get excited like that it means they will accept her and not kill her. Need
some luck though when she goes on her mating flight that she doesn't have an
accident and gets back to the hive. Only females in the photo as the boys hang around
together waiting for the virgin queen to go on her mating flight. She isn't promiscuous
but does mate with a few drones before returning (hopefully) to the hive to become a
pampered egg laying machine. She will live and lay eggs for up to two years using the
semen that she has stored in her body. Field workers may only live for a month or so
during a heavy honey flow as they wear out. The Queen’s scent is the hive! All the bees
in the hive carry her scent and can detect an intruder which carries the scent of
different hive. Each year we have to make some new hives to replace the few we
loose during the year to swarming, queens dying or other mishaps.
Helmut Panhuber
Take-away koala food a great success
Creative Talents Light the Way
Many years ago the Myall Community Art and Craft Centre began an Annual Arts and
Craft Show. This show is an outlet for all members to display their talents and to sell
items they have made during the year. In 2015 the long running event will be
celebrated in a very unique way. You will have to attend the show on 9, 10 or 11
January to find out just how!
It is well known at the Craft Centre that
money raised from special events is
regularly donated to support services in
the local community.
The 2014 Arts and Crafts Show was no
exception. In February a donation of
$2,000 was presented to Ray Obrien
Station Officer for the Tea Gardens/
Hawks Nest Ambulance Station. Ray
identified security lighting around the
station as a priority and the MCACC were
delighted that their donation made it
possible for this project to proceed.
To celebrate the completion of the
project Ray Obrien invited past president
Lyn Reid to inspect the new lighting and
with Peter Jackson’s assistance gave Lyn
a tour and explanation of the new
lighting system.
Ray also expressed his sincere
Local Electrician, Peter Jackson, Lyn Reid, appreciation, remarking that the new
lighting will improve security for all staff
and local Ambulance Service Officer,
and the public at the station.
Ray O’Brien under the new lights.
The Myall Community Art and Craft
Show can only be the success it is because of the hard work of Fran Nichols and her
band of happy supporters who work for many weeks prior to the weekend setting up,
gathering and displaying the
works. Plans are well under
way for next January’s show.
Put the dates in your diary
and come along to celebrate
the creative talent in our
Susan Truscott
Volunteers gave away about 300
koala food trees and native
shrubs to people attending the
Myall Lakes Festival. Great Lakes
Council gave Myall Koala and
Environment Group about 400
seedlings of trees liked by koalas
and 150 native bush plants to
attract birds and these were
gratefully received by people
with properties and gardens
mainly in the Tea Gardens and
Hawks Nest area, but some from as far away as Newcastle. The trees ranged from
swamp mahogany and dwarf red gum, the preferred koala food trees plus rainforest
shrubs and native plants.
Myall Koala and Environment Group shared a stall with the local Bitou Busters and
Land for Wildlife. They gave advice, handed out leaflets and encouraged people to
report koala sightings. Kim the Big Koala was a huge success with children and adults
alike, who enjoyed having their photos taken. The group also enrolled a number of
new members. It was a good day for everyone to be more aware of their
environment and to help the bush and wildlife to survive and grow.
Adrienne Ingram
Another Successful Christmas Appeal
Yet again the Myall Community
Arts and Crafts Centre
(MCACC), the Tea Gardens
Lioness Club, the Wednesday
Craft Group and our local
community have joined forces
for another successful Salvation
Army Christmas Appeal. The
generous spirit of the Tea
Gardens/Hawks Nest
Community and members of
the relevant groups was
honoured when Mr Howard
Mole from the Salvation Army
collected the goods at the
recent MCACC Saturday
meeting. This project has been
ongoing since 1996 and the
community is to be thanked for
their continued support.
Susan Truscott
By the Community For the Community
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 15
Howard Mole and Marilyn Stanley
12th November 2014
Church - Community News
Minister — Rev Michael Birch
Phone: 02 4997 1869
Mobile: 0409 221 246
Email: standrewsoffice4@bigpond.com
St Andrews - Turn at the Marine Shop
Corner - Witt & Ogden Streets,
Tea Gardens 2324
Sunday 8.00 am Holy Communion
5:00 pm Family Service
(Messy Church 3rd Sunday)
Both morning services followed by a cuppa
Op shop Wednesday & Friday
8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Saturday 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Christmas services:
 Christmas Eve, 6 pm
 Christmas Day 6 am (Hawks Nest Beach)
 8 am St Andrews
St Johns: Stroud Street
Sunday 10:15 am
Op shop Monday 8:30 am – 3:00 pm
Friday 8:30 am – 12 noon
Christmas services: Christmas Eve, 8 pm
TG/HN Meals on Wheels
Tea Garden Hawks Nest Meals on Wheels is seeking more volunteers to assist in the kitchen.
The kitchen operates on Mondays and
Fridays from 7.30 am until 11.30 am.
If you are unavailable for the whole 4
hours and could only offer 2 hours
assistance during these times that
would still be very helpful.
St Columbas - 7.45am,
except 5th Sunday of the month
We do not operate on Public Holidays
and shutdown for the Christmas
Prior experience is not essential as
Emilie, our kitchen supervisor, will
spend time explaining the routine and
Witt Street Tea Gardens
P.O. Box 46, Tea Gardens 2324
Parish Coordinator — Sr Margaret Valentine
Phone: 02 4997 1822
1st, 3rd and 5th Mass 8.30 am,
Saturday Vigil 2nd and 4th at 5.15pm
2nd and 4th Mass 8:30 am.
1st, 3rd and 5th Saturday Vigil at 7.00pm
If you are able to help us out, please
call our office on 4997 0800. If office is
unattended, please leave a message.
Donna Sanson
Diane Easter - Emilie Tseronis - Andrew Watson - Dan Holmes
2nd and 4th Mass 8.30am
1st, 3rd and 5th Saturday Vigil 5.15pm
Minister: Rev. Stephen de Plater
Phone: 02 4987 2041
120 Myall Street, Tea Gardens 2324
Kirk Hall, Uniting Church
Contact Rev Ray Longmuir Tel: 02 4997 2480
Service: - Each Sunday 9.00 am
Toy Library - Thursday 9;30 - 12:30
Phone: 4997 9095
Sunday 9.30am, contact Thora-Lou Smith
4997 4356
Minister: Rev. Stephen de Plater
Phone: 02 4987 2041
Service: Sunday 10.45 am
Contact: Nancy Gough 02 4997 5378
115 Myall Street,
Tea Gardens NSW 2324
PO Box 89 Tea Gardens
Elder - Len Roberts 4997 1011
Services - 10.00am Sundays
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 15
By the Community For the Community
12th November 2014
Special Features - Poets Corner - Travel Diary
15th October 2014
Poets Corner
By Anne Johnson
Our countrymen so innocent
Were captured by the call,
Needed by king and empire
“Britain must never fall.”
Excited for adventure
Ships took them far away,
Little did they know of war
Or the price that they would pay.
Those who returned brought memories
They kept them deep inside,
Not to burden kith and kin
Their traumas they would hide.
These were our Anzac forebears
We remember them with pride,
Their sacrifice for freedom
Our thanks will ere abide.
Sigiriya (or “The Lions Rock”) is an ancient mountain fortress almost in the centre of Sri
Lanka. It is an enormous volcanic rock rising up from the surrounding plain to a height of
During the 400’s AD, King Kasyapa 1 constructed
a fortress and palace on the top, together with
gardens, pools, etc. and a very impressive
entrance gate. The Entrance Gate was a huge
lion’s head (hence the name) and to enter the
fortress, one had to walk through the lion’s
mouth between two giant paws. Unfortunately
the head and mouth are now long gone but the
paws still remain.
King Kasyapa is variously reported as having
taken over the throne by killing his father and driving his brother into exile. His brother raised an army in India to try and recover his
rights, so King Kasyapa during his reign, 477 to 495 AD, built this fortress and shifted his capital to Sigiriya for protection.
However, when his brother finally did attack him in 495 AD, Kasyapa’s army deserted him and Kasyapa committed suicide rather
than be captured by his brother, who then converted the palace into a Buddhist monastery.
The rock is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, partly on account of the ruins but also because the rock contains some caves with
rock paintings of supposedly the King’s ladies. It is reported that originally there may have been over 500 paintings on the western
face of the rock but today, only a few now remain in the protection of caves halfway up the rock.
Will Travelon.
“Movember” is here. But there is more to come!
30th November is planned to be a very action filled day for residents of Tea
Gardens/Hawks Nest.
A Gala Family Fun Day will happen in Booner St Hawks Nest to highlight Prostate
Cancer a disease which can affect as many as 10% of the men in our community.
Recent actions by Prostate Support Awareness (PSA) have made all sections of
our community aware of a simple blood test in the identification of this disease.
Men have a far less invasive method of detection compared to the women of our
community who have to regularly undergo Breast screening and PAP smears.
Having encouraged members of the community to register for Movember and to
“Gro a Mo” PSA are busy organising a full day event in Booner Street. Plans are
well underway for carnival rides and face painting for children and a car boot sale
for adults in the morning from 10 AM in the car park below the Surf Club. But we
also hope to receive much support for our “Movember Party” to be held from 2
PM at Benchmark on Booner.
This afternoon
Gala Event is
hoping to identify
the “Mo Bros” of
Tea Gardens
Hawks Nest and a
prize of two
accommodation in Nambucca Heads is offered for the best registered mo.
Given the support of local businesses, many of whom do not seek any recognition for their behind the scenes
contributions, there will also be a number of raffles and auctions for quality products including sporting
memorabilia and large photo and canvas prints of our beautiful area.
PSA is organising some fun events during the afternoon including prawn and ice-cream eating competitions as
well as live entertainment and the chance to purchase gourmet finger food and drinks from the bar at
“Benchmark”. Many sections of our community have rallied to support the awareness program.
PSA hope that you will join us on Sunday 30th November in Booner Street Hawks Nest.
By the Community For the Community
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 15
12th November 2014
Letters - Sudoku - Wordoku
We encourage groups or individuals to submit articles/
stories/letters about activities, upcoming events and views on
current issues that influence daily life in the area. Full names
of contributors to the Myall Coast Messenger who use non de
plumes must be registered with the Editorial Team and made
available to any reader if requested.
All opinions expressed are those of the writers - The information
provided within the contents of this Newspaper is the views of the
individuals who provide the details. These views are not
necessarily those of the CTC or the Editorial Team.
To The Editor
Dear Mr Handford, I have serious safety concerns about the decking on the
dedicated Ferry wharf at Tea Gardens. As you can see from the attached photos, the
decking has been laid down from recycled plywood, was in appalling condition from
the start and I believe needs to be re-done without delay. Families with children
frequently play and fish from this public wharf. A major penetrating splinter injury is
certain. Associated serious infection and its sequelae in this environment is high. A
secondary issue is that the first view many tourists see on alighting from the Ferry at
Tea Gardens is this decrepit decking. Far from a good introduction to the town!!
I wonder if you would look into this situation and consider removing the current
plywood and replacing it with appropriate, quality timber planking, if not from an
aesthetic point of view then at least from a safety one.
Thank you
(Dr) Gordon Pullin
In response to our request regarding the letter from Dr Pullin, we thank Ron Hartley,
Director Engineering Surfaces, Great Lakes Council for providing an update on their
application regarding the Ferry Wharf.
These projects require a considerable amount of planning and hopefully the
application will be successful and we can look forward to a new look Ferry Wharf
upgrade in the New Year.
Great Lakes Council are currently waiting on announcement from RMS (Roads and
Maritime Services) in relation to funding from the Regional Boating Strategy, which
Council made several submissions to.
In relation to the Ferry wharf - we applied to resurface the deck area, provide bus
shelter style waiting area and provision for new notice board and inclusion of ferry
blade to tie in with existing Way Finding signs.
We expect an announcement early in December.
Ron Hartley
Director Engineering Services
To the Editor
Thanks for a magnificent job promoting our upcoming Registration & Party for
"Movember" in yesterday's edition of the Messenger.
THANKS HEAPS - you typify the support we have received in the community.
Howard Grant
Sudoku Challenge
Letters and opinion pieces
Short Takes - up to 50 words
Letters - maximum 300 words
Is it a Scam or is it a Hoax
We had a couple of letters in response to our Scam/Hoax article. The writers
were concerned that the item regarding the Victorian Police was an old Hoax
email. This is correct it is a hoax and yes it has been around for many years - like
all scams and hoaxes it recently re surfaced. For those of us who are computer
savy we can very easily check the accuracy of any emails/phone calls we receive
but there are still many people in our community who are not skilled in this way.
We rely on your help to assist those people in identifying a hoax and/or a scam
when it resurfaces.
Letter to the Editor
6 November 2014
For those who don’t already know, we write to tell you that sadly, as from Friday
last, our good friend and extraordinary GP, Dr Kooshyar Karimi, better known as
Sean to his many regular patients, left our Medical Centre.
We understand he and his partner have gone down Sydney way. Sean is a very
clever Doctor and in general practice at Tea Gardens, as far as we are
concerned, was always accurate with his diagnoses. He was always a very caring
I am sure all his former patients will join with us in saying he will be sorely
missed and I guess everyone will also wish him Godspeed and the best of health
in his new endeavour.
Ken and Jan Collins
Tea Gardens
On behalf of the Medical Centre, Practice Manager Elsa Colella wishes to thank
the Tea Gardens Community for their comments - Sean will be sadly missed and
very difficult to replace.
“Life Quotes”
“Sometimes it is better to be kind than to be
right. We do not need an intelligent mind
that speaks but a patient heart that listens.”
Wordoku Challenge
SUDOKU Results see page 6
Letters used: R,A,N,W,M,O,Y,D,E
To Solve Worduko, Every letter for the Wordoku must appear once in:
To Solve Sudoku, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in:
Each of the nine vertical columns
Each of the nine horizontal rows
Each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 15
 In each of the columns,
 in each of the rows,
 in each of the nine boxes.
Hidden Word - You will know when you have successfully completed the puzzle,
as a hidden 9 letter word will appear on the diagonal.
By the Community For the Community
12th November 2014
School News
The Great Debate
Do the right thing
Great Lakes Council Rangers are commending parents and carers for the positive
response to their plea last month to obey parking and stopping laws in school
zones. "We are very happy to report that infringements for illegally
A Monday Rotary Club
meeting held at Tea
Gardens Country Club was
the location of our Annual
“GREAT DEBATE” between
Tea Gardens Primary School
and the Rotary Club of Myall
Coast Inc.
Rotary President Geoff
Latona extended a warm
welcome to all and at the
end of the Debate
presented the Winners
parking and stopping in school and bus zones were down by 64% on last
month" said Council's Manager of Waste, Health and Regulatory Services, Mr John
Cavanagh. "We thank parents and the Great Lakes community for working
cooperatively with Council Rangers and the NSW Police to ensure the safety of our
The NSW Government assists councils in enforcing local regulatory matters and has
made both school zone safety and disabled parking infringements special focus
areas for Councils. "Council has little choice but to issue fines when these offences
are committed and, although our school zone safety is improving, we are not doing
so well on parking in disabled car spaces. Unfortunately this month Rangers had
to issue a whopping $519 fine to 11 people who illegally parked in disabled car
spaces" said Mr Cavanagh. To park in a disabled car space, you must be displaying
your approved mobility label on your windscreen as per the requirements of the
regulations. "These regulations are important to give everyone in our community a
fair go, and to keep our children safe" said Mr Cavanagh. "Our Rangers would be
very happy if there were no infringements of these laws in the Great Lakes."
New “horses” for Tea Gardens/Hawks Nest Preschool.
Keith Chapman from Swan Bay, Hawks Nest recently presented the Preschool with a
number of wooden horses.
Mr. Chapman, who has had 4 great
grandchildren at the preschool in recent times,
made the horses and was assisted with the
painting by Tina Chapman, one of the preschool
Mums. The new toys have been a big hit with
the children, running all around the preschool
playground having fun races and placing them
back in the “stables”.
It is planned to do some further work on the yet
to be completed building extensions during the
Christmas holidays. Pictured is Mr. Chapman
getting into the spirit of the Pirate picnic
adventure with teacher Julie Cabban.
Alacoque Welsh
Preschool publicity
“Wild Animals should not be kept in captivity.”
Tea Gardens Primary School Children were the “Opposition”
Rotary Club Members were the “Government”
Any member who was unable to attend missed a most interesting and enjoyable evening.
The School team was very well prepared by teacher Elizabeth Winney and the three
speakers provided us with well defined speeches and excellent arguments. It was so
refreshing to see the youthful enthusiasm in their bright young faces, resplendent in their
impeccable school uniforms. “Thank You” Hannah Avery, Alex Hinitt, Josh Howarth and
Ben Woolard (Advisor/ Brain).
The Rotarians were headed by Betty Reid and included Ron James, Ray Harrison and Paul
Dewar (Advisor). The Rotarians gave a sterling performance with particularly cogent
arguments. All members present agreed that it was the best team we have entered. The
Rotarians rounded off their presentation by a particularly wonderful, clever and
appropriate poem which was written by Myall Coasts own “Immortal Bard” Ray Harrison.
The school Principal Mark Clemson was in attendance and spoke at the conclusion of the
Debate, stating how proud he was of his pupils and thanked the Rotary Club of Myall
Coast members for their on going support and involvement with his school.
We were indebted to Rotarian Past President Wilma Simmons (Rotary Club of Wallsend/
Maryland) who was again our adjudicator. Wilma in her summation possessed a finesse
that makes all team members feel as is they were all winners.
Our “Congratulations” go to this years’ winners - Tea Gardens Primary School Debating
Pam Sivyer.
One bottle of BYO is allowed per two people
corkage is included in the package
3 Course Menu
Only $40.00 per person
Wednesday and Thursday nights
Open for Breakfast Saturday and Sunday from 8.30am
For Reservations phone
4997 1162
Marine Drive Tea Gardens
By the Community For the Community
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 15
12th November 2014
Classifieds - $15.00/$20.00
Trades and Services
Antenna Services
Marine Services
Andrew Sharp
Outboard Motor Repair &
Service, is now located at
32 Yarrumba St. Tea Gardens
(Rear of Tea Gardens Panel & Paint)
PH: 0412 990 439
Computer - TV
Funeral Notice
9/7/1948 - 5/11/2014
Late of Hawks Nest
Formerly of Greystanes
Wife of Robert
Loved Mother of
Bobby and Darren,
Sister of Kerrie
Computer TV Sales and Service
Fencing Contractor
Rogers Computer Services:
Shop 8 Myall Quays Village
4997 1809
Call the Computer Guy
we come to you
0419 220 354
Home Handyman
The Relatives and
Friends of Robyn are
invited to attend her
funeral to be held on
12th November at 2pm
at the Anglican Church
Witt Street Tea Gardens
Following the service
Afternoon Tea
will be served at 3pm
at Hawks Nest Golf Club
For Sale
For Sale at
Hawks Nest
Make an offer
3 seater lounge
2 single beds
includes Mattress,
Blankets and Quilts
needed/wanted to
 Prune
 Weed
 Blower
 Whipper
 Small lawn mowing
2 Properties at
North Arm Cove
4997 0694
0427 693 643
Public Notices
Myall U3A
Annual General Meeting
and Christmas lunch will be held at the
Tea Gardens Hotel on Wednesday 3rd December
commencing at 11.00 am.
Lunch is planned for 12.00 noon
tickets are available through contacting
a committee member.
Beach Recovery
Public Notices
Beach Recovery
Steve Webb
0418 499 750
Beach Recovery
Darren Rapley
Home Handyman
Fully Insured, Free Quotes
Landscaping – Lawns - Carpentry
Painting and all Odd Jobs
0417 447 034
Tea Gardens Visitor Centre
Council Complex
245 Myall Street
Tea Gardens 2324
Ph: 02 4997 0111
Email: teagardensvic@gmail.com
0439 697 880
Building Supplies
Bricks- Pavers - Building - Materials
Industrial Estate, Tea Gardens
4997 0733
Tea Gardens CTC
Shop 4, 209 Myall Street
Tea Gardens 2324
Ph: 02 4997 0749
Fax: 02 4997 0759
Email: teagardensctc@gmail.com
Boat Hire
4997 0307
BOATSHED: 110 Marine Drive,
Tea Gardens
Glass and Glazing
Small up to 25 words = $15.00
up to 35 words = $20.00
Large up to 50 words = $35.00
Plus Picture add $5.00
Public Notices
Great Lakes Council - Upcoming Community Engagement
On behalf of the General Manager I invite you to participate in the next community
information session to be held in TEA GARDENS at the Baptist Church Hall, Monday 17
November 2014 at 6.00PM.
The General Manager, senior management team and Councillors will be in attendance to
provide the community with an update on Council's activities and long term financial
position as well as other current matters of interest impacting the Great Lakes
community. This session, along with several others scheduled at locations across the
Council area will include discussion on the results of the recent community satisfaction
survey, our current long term financial position, upcoming projects and the NSW State
Government Fit for the Future initiative. - Lynn Duffey Corporate Planning Coordinator
1/24 Wanya Road, Tea Gardens
Where Can I get a copy of the Myall Coast Messenger
Phone 4997 2929
If there are any locations that would like a supply for their customers please let us know.
Phone 02 4997 0749 or Email: myallcoastmessenger@gmail.com
Subscriptions are also available - by email or for the cost of postage we can also mail copies
Mobile 0408 298 519
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 15
By the Community For the Community
12th November 2014
RSL Sub Branch - Historical Society - Melbourne Cup
Mrs Carol Seymour was recently awarded a Certificate of Appreciation by the
Tea Gardens RSL Sub-Branch at a morning tea held at The Boatshed. The
certificate was in appreciation of all the support Carol has given to the RSL over
the years.
Ray Prigg
Barry, Trish, Carol, Gene, Marlene, Ray (behind)
Tea Gardens RSL Sub-Branch
Meets at The Tea Gardens Country Club
Yalinbah Street Tea Gardens
on 3rd Monday of the month at 2.00pm
Enquiries phone: Hon Secretary 02 4997 2002
Horse Racing
On the moors behind Tea Gardens Public School there
was a racing track complete with club house
converted from an old tram.
40th Birthday Celebrations and Award
On Saturday, 1st November, Craig Baumann, MP, presented Elaine Hall of Raymond
Terrace with her award of Woman of the Year in his electorate for her dedicated
service to the Raymond Terrace and District Historical Society where she has been a
research officer for more than 30 years. She also volunteers at Raymond Terrace
This presentation, held in
Elaine Hall and Craig Baumann MP
conjunction with the 40th
anniversary celebrations of
the Historical Society, was
attended by Anne Johnson
and Shirley Cox representing
the Myall Coast Historical
Society and the TGHN Family
History Research Group. The
Raymond Terrace Society is a
volunteer organisation
dedicated to preserving and
promoting the rich heritage of
the area, operating a research
room at the library as well as
maintaining historic Sketchley
Cottage and Museum.
Guest speakers at the
luncheon, which was held in the Raymond Terrace Senior Citizens Hall, were
University of Newcastle Archivist Gionni di Gravio and Newcastle author and
collector, Greg Ray who has published a number of pictorial works on the history of
the area. The birthday celebrations began with a ceremonial welcome to country,
while members provided a delicious morning tea and luncheon, finishing with the
cutting of a huge decorated birthday cake.
Congratulations to the Society for an excellent presentation, and to Elaine for what
is obviously a richly deserved recognition of her work.
Melbourne Cup Takes to Water
All evidence of the track has now gone but it was a
registered track encircled with railing.
There were originally six race horses in the area and other
horses came from around the district, Sydney and
Newcastle for the regularly held meetings.
Records of a meeting on 20th December, 1898, show the
winner received one pound ($2.00)
and second came in at five shillings ($0.50)
The club made a profit of four pounds five shillings
( $8.50)- a successful event!
D. Engel
Early morning swimmers at Tea Gardens Pool had trained hard
for their own Melbourne Cup race and hat parade on the first
Tuesday of November. Not quite the race that stopped the
nation, but much enjoyed by all participants! Congratulations to
our aptly named winner, Dawn, who raced out of the barrier
when starter Kath gave the signal and led the field for the entire
distance. What a stayer! Dawn also arranged some amazing hats
for a photographic parade, although the design award must go
to Joyce for her waterproof effort. Fun was had by all and plans
are already being laid for the 2015 Cup.
Melbourne Cup at the Club
By the Community For the Community
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 15
12th November 2014
Runners - Bridge - Swimmers
Hawks Nest Bridge Club News 2nd November 2014
by Bill Shean
Pairs Championship 2015
The finals of the Pairs Championship were held on Friday 31 October. We had 13 pairs
entered in the Championships, those who had qualified in the top 13 positions of the
The winners of the Open Section of the Pairs Championship were Chez Rands and
Leslie Falla. The winners of the Restricted Section of the Pairs Championships, those
with less than 100 Master points, were Margaret Rowden and Beth Milne.
Congratulations to both pairs.
Have you entered your team details for Tilligerry. Time is about out to do so. Make
sure that you have your team entered for our trip across to Tilligery on Wednesday
19 November
Christmas Party
Plans are under way for our not-to-be-missed Christmas Party on Monday December
8th, be sure to put your name down on the Notice Board. Linda is collecting the
member contributions of $20pp, guests are welcome, cost $35 as previously.
Membership Fees
The annual membership fee of $25 is due by the end of this year, Bea will be placing
envelopes on the tables after the Taree visit for your payments.
Monday 27 October
Five tables. Director: Adrian Ryan
North South
East West
Christine & Gordon Ingate
Neil Alexander & Pam Jones
2nd Chez Rands & Leslie Falla
Sue Bowen & Allan Stewart
3rd Gordon Morrison & Rex Stoessiger John & Lorna Worgan
Friday 31 October
13 tables. Director: Sue Donohoe
North South
East West
Chez Rands & Leslie Falla
Sue Donohoe & Christina La Ponder
2nd Margaret Rowden & Beth Milne Trish & Colin Gratwick
3rd Jo & John Younghusband
Anna & David Barwell
Coming Events from our Calendar
Friday 7 November:
Taree Bridge Club visit. 11.15am start
Wednesday 19 November: Visit to Tilligerry Bridge Club, team competition.
Monday 8 December:
Christmas Bridge Party
Monday 15 December:
Last bridge play for 2014
Monday 5 January:
Restart bridge for 2015
Ten members of the Myall Pedallers cycling group last week enjoyed a 30
kilometre ride along the shores of Lake Macquarie and morning tea at the
historic Awaba House Cafe in Booragul. There are extensive walking/cycle
paths around the shores of Lake Macquarie that provide a safe haven for
recreational cyclists. These pathways also offer some of the most
picturesque scenery in New South Wales.
Myall Pedallers meet every Tuesday morning for a 2 to 3 hour ride and on
Friday mornings for an easy one hour ride. Anyone interested in cycling with
the group, phone Col Bertram on 4997 2191.
Col Bertram
Karl Lackmann, Breton Gibbs, Catriona Hellicar, Hugh Jones,
Graeme Patterson, David Starke, Colin Bertram, Kerry Patterson,
Terry Flynn, Adrian Reynolds
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 15
The Myall Masters 25m Handicap Series commenced last Monday night 3rd
November with some very competitive swims. All heats were very close indeed with
top point scorers and heat winners for the night were as follows; Peter King, Mal
Motum, Chris Mobbs, Ian Felton and Peter Mclennon. The 25m Handicap Series
continues throughout the season and rewards those who swim consistent times and
attend all training sessions and heats. There is also a reward for the individual who
shows the most time improvement throughout the season.
In other club news two of our swimmers, Chris Lock and Chris Mobbs are currently
attending the Pan Pac. Games at Southport on the Gold Coast and early indications
are that they are doing very well, with Chris Lock gaining a gold medal in the 70-74
years 400m Backstroke, silver medal in 400m Freestyle, a 4th in 50m Backstroke with
both Chris Lock and Chris Mobbs combining in the 100m Masters medley relay to gain
a fifth place.
The season is still young and with the excellent coaching each week there is still room
for more members, so if you are keen don’t hesitate to come down to Tea Gardens
pool on Monday evenings starting at 5.30pm.Myall Masters Swimmers have got off to
a flying start for the beginning of the 2014 season. The results from the NSW Short
Course Championships held at Woy Woy resulted in 9 GOLD, 6 SILVER and 2 BRONZE
medals as well as one NATIONAL RECORD which is a fantastic effort for Myall Masters.
Myall Masters Swimmers have got off to a flying start for the beginning of the 2014
season. The results from the NSW Short Course Championships held at Woy Woy
resulted in 9 GOLD, 6 SILVER and 2 BRONZE medals as well as one NATIONAL RECORD
which is a fantastic effort for Myall Masters.
The swimmers were;
 Chris Sefton 40-44 years -200m Freestyle
 Chris Mobbs 65-69 years
 Leon Bobako 65-69 years
 2nd 100m Freestyle
 1st 50m Breaststroke (NATIONAL RECORD)
 3rd 50m Freestyle
 1st 50m Butterfly
 4th 200m Freestyle
 1st 100m Breaststroke
 Chris Lock 70-74 years
 Peter King 80-84 years
 2nd 100 Backstroke
 1st 50m Breaststroke
 3rd 50m Butterfly
 1st 100m Breaststroke
 4th 200m Freestyle
 2nd 50m Freestyle
 2nd 100m Freestyle
This was a great effort by these swimmers who also gained a GOLD MEDAL in the
280+ years 40x 50 m Freestyle relay.
Results for the Lake Macquarie Swim meet held on 25th October saw the Myall
Masters ranked in 8th position out of 20+ clubs with following swimmers achieving:
 Peter King 80-84 years
 1st 50 & 100m Breaststroke
 1st 100m Freestyle
 2nd 50m Freestyle
 Chris Lock 70-74 years
 1st 100 & 200m Freestyle
 1st 100m backstroke
 2nd 50m backstroke
 Leon Bobako 65-69 years
 1st 50&100m Breaststroke
 1st 100m Individual Medley.
Ian Felton - Publicity Officer
Tea Gardens Runners
At the Lookout 26.10.14
1. B Adams 2. D Lowe 3. B Gibbs 4. C Bertram 5. B Markham 6. L Rochester 7. B
Rochester 8. T Bruinsma 9. K McGregor 10. T Rochester.
Fastest 2kms Female: Keira McGregor 14m42 Male: Dixwah Lowe 13m36.
Fastest 4kms Male: Tate Bruinsma, Luke Rochester 20m20.Carl Williams
Fastest 6kms: Male: Breton Gibbs 32m04, Colin Bertram 38m55.
Personal best time 2kms: Dixwah Lowe.
At the Lookout 2.11.14
6kms Handicap:
1. T Rochester 2. B Gibbs 3. L Rochester 4. P Rochester 5. T Bruinsma 6. B Rochester.
6kms: Paul Rochester 25m11, Breton Gibbs 32m40.
4kms: Luke Rochester 19m24, Tate Bruinsma 19m24, Ben Rochester 23m25, Tracey
Rochester 23m33 (PB).
Walkers: Cheryl Patterson, Michael Rose.
Triathlon Club Forster 2.11.14
300m Swim-12kms Bike Ride-3kms Run.
Colin Bertram 54m37
At Medowie Little Athletics 7.11.14
U/15yrs Luke Rochester: 1st 100m 15.87, 1st 200m 36.80, 1st 800m 2m41.
U/17yrs Tate Bruinsma: 2nd 100m 15.21, 2nd 200m 34.37, 1st 800m 2m34.
Our next run at the Lookout will be the Fun Run on Sunday 16th of November.
Walkers, Joggers and Runners are all welcome.
By Charles Ringuet
By the Community For the Community
12th November 2014
Golf Club Social News by Luke Boyd
The nine hole golf afternoon from the start of daylight saving has been very
successful. The winner for the round was Alan Crittenden, great golfing.
Runner up for the day, Steve Howell, also had a very good game of golf. The
nearest to the pin was Warwick Jones and Peter Walters. Great turn out
golfers, you are all welcome for a 3.30 pm staggered tee off.
Darts proved to be very competitive last Thursday night with mixed doubles
team Graeme Lawler and Darby Neville winning the night, with the runner up
team being Di (visitor to the Club) and Bob Ibbotson. The ladies highest score
competition winner was Lyn Pearson and the men’s highest score division
winner was Gene
Darts kick off
about 7 pm.
Annette Benton
warming up
with a few good practice swings
L to R: Winning golfer Alan Crittenden finished
putting as Geoff Lambert holds the flag.
Fishing proved to be a very close competition at the 2/11/2014
weigh in. The ladies all weighed bream for the outing with Lou
Wright the winner and Carol Hunt runner up – great bream ladies!
The men’s division was a different kettle of fish with a few mixed
bags caught for the outing. Luke Boyd won the men’s division
ahead of Matt Everingham. Luke weighed bream, whiting, tailor
and an Australian salmon. Matt showed his angling skills to weigh
a Mulloway and a huge whiting. Fishing outings are held every
three weeks. With summer soon approaching all three
social codes are going to be very busy.
A Grade
John McDonald 41
Stephen Moore 40
Gregory Thomas 40
B Grade
Paul Brunby 39
Daryl Parker 39
Joe Douglas 38
A Grade – Murray Shaw
B Grade – Ross Hewett
Stableford 2BBB
Stephen Moore & Steve Sattler
Ferdinand Gritler & Peter Golsby
Warwick Jones & Les Davies
A Grade
Bobby Lee
Gerard Keegan 69
John Barr
B Grade
Stephen Nicholas 68
Jeffrey Green
Ian Felton
C Grade
John Burton
Chris Stevenson 67
Patrick Nugent 72
NTP – A Grade, Richard Booth
A Grade
James Slater 37
Wayne Montgomery 36
John Burke 36
B Grade
Peter Parrett 38
David Gilbert 38
Don Heffron 38
A Grade – James Slater
B Grade – Frank Ziebell
Stableford 2BBB
Peter Parrett & John Burke
Douglas Jeffrey & David Gilbert
James Slater & John McKenzie
A Grade
1 Peter Bernrdin
2 Bopbby Lee
3 Colin Bagnall
B Grade
1 Brian Calverley 39
2 Peter Gurney
3 John McDonald 38
C Grade
1 Ray Davis
2 Robert Lamont 40
3 Paul Brumby
NTP – 10th Hole
A Grade – Chris Bournon
B Grade - Sam Baldwin
C Grade – James Simcox
Matt Everingham showing off his Mulloway.
E. Gottwaltz/B. Walker
J. Williams/G. Cutler
R. Giannacas/S. Kovacs
T. Burke/D. O’Brien
K. Johnston/J. Perkins
D. Allen/A. Quinn
Balls down to 75.5 c/b
3 X 3 X 3 O/F
1ST J. Moore, D. Moore, P. Kelly, J. Richards
2nd I. Davies, P. Barham, C. Simmons,
E. Nemeth-Laky
Balls down to 98
NTP 16th
Div. 1 S. Kovacs
Div. 2 T. Collins
Special ring around flag on 10th, A. Morris
Stroke Monthly Medal
Div. 1 J. Bartier 71 (medal)
A. Benton 74
Div. 2 L. Baker 70 (medal)
L. Ingram 75
Scratch Div. 1 J. Bartier
Scratch Div. 2 C. Maher
Balls down to 78 c/b
Secret 9 Back 9
J. Bartier 34 c/b
T. Sattler 34
A. Benton 35
L. Ingram 36 c/b
Balls down to 39 c/b
28 October 2014
Final Round Annual Championships
Championship Scores
Tom Lekberg
Scratch 173 Strokes
Stuart Mcleod Nett
156.2 Strokes
A Grade
Clayton, Bruce 38
Bournon, Chris 40
Calverley, Brian 43
B Grade
Dunning, John 47
Sullivan, Ray
Bruce, David
Nearest the Pins
'A' Grade
3rd Hole Lekberg, Tom
5th Hole
10th Hole Pegram, James
16th Hole Bain, Ian
'B' Grade
3rd Hole Johnson, Brian A
5th Hole
10th Hole Gough, Len
16th Hole Peters, Darrell
Saturday 8.ll.14
Single Stableford
1st P. Williams 38
2nd J. Perkins 37
3 x balls to
Secret 9 (back)
1st J. Perkins
B. Walker
18 c/b
3 x balls
A Brooker, S Sattles, R Collins, P Jackson,
B Weston On the 18th Tee
By the Community For the Community
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 15
Thursday, 6 November Stableford
A-1 Noel Shelly 38
A-2 John Beatty 37
A-3 Rodney Austin 37
A-4 Colin J Clinch
A-5 Ronald Hampton 36
B-1 Dennis Ashbridge 40
B-2 John Pegus
B-3 Colin Rapley
B-4 Reginald Munn 38
B-5 Gary Wills
C-1 Paul Dodd
C-2 Robert Voigt
C-3 Ian Lawrence
C-4 Barry Collins
C-5 John Warne
A – Noel Shelly
B – Lee Rankin
C – Barry Collins
A - Gregory Thomas
B – Andrew Watson
C – Len Gough
Hawks Nest
Lady Veterans Golf
30 October 2014
1 Helen Maquire -2
2 Susie Kovacs
-1 C/b
3 Dot Moore
4 Annie Scott
1 C/b
5 Sylvia Bolden
6 Karen Johnston 2
7 Betty Clinch
6 November 2014
1 Annie Scott
2 Lyn Blake
3 Dot Moore
4 Sue Brownrigg -1
5 Di Nummy
6 Cheryl Forster 3
7 Daphne Frew 4
NTP 3rd Hole
Div 1 Di Nummy
Div 3 Di Vercoe
16th Hole
Div 1 Annie Scott
Div 2 Carol Jackson
Div 3 Helen Maguire
12th November 2014
Christmas - Holidays
Christmas - New Year Advertising Specials
10% off normal price
The Messenger will be featuring a dedicated page in each of the following
editions for Christmas Greetings - Christmas Gift Specials - Holiday Activities
Let us know and pre-book your space
Edition 16
Edition 17
Edition 18
Edition 19
Edition 20
Deadline 22nd November - Delivery Date 25th November
Deadline 6th December - Delivery Date 9th December
Deadline 20th December - Delivery Date 23rd December
Deadline 3rd January - Delivery Date 6th January 2015
Deadline 17th January - Delivery Date 20th January 2015
To take advantage of this offer phone us on 02 4997 0749 or
email us on myallcoastmessenger@gmail.com
Over the past 2 years we delivered a Special Local Newsletter for our Community over the holiday season.
We will continue this tradition and have a dedicated page for this purpose in each edition up to Australia Day
Ph.02 49970203
Waterfront Bistro
Dinner 6.00pm
On the Myall River
Dance the night away.
Friday 21st 8.30
Daryl and Scott
Saturday 22nd 8.30pm
Booze Bros
Friday 28th 8.30pm
Karen O’Shea
Saturday 29th 8.30pm
Brew haha
Sunday 30th 2.30pm
OpeN MiC
Members Christmas
Party 3pm
Sunday 21st Dec
Take away available
Take away available
Bistro BUzZ
What’s on Weekly
Tuesday, schnitzel
Wednesday, pizza
Thursday, steak
$12.50 Special Nights
are back
Local Members Draw
Jnr Hawks Raffles
from 6pm
Trivia 6.30pm
Free entertainment from 8pm
Book your
Function today….
Come and see Eve and Brian
about our new Christmas
functions menu
Only 6 weeks till
The big Day
Live Music from 8.30pm
Hawks Rugby League
lunchtime raffles.
Pool Comp
Open Mic
last week of the month
Myall Coast Messenger Edition 15
By the Community For the Community
12th November 2014