SPONSORER DANISH SOCIETY FOR ORAL IMPLANTOLOGY G I L E S QUI N C Y DENTIST Giles de Quincey received his dental degree from the University of Nijmegen the Netherlands in 1987 and then successfully completed the post-graduate programme in advanced periodontics at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles (1990). Since 1990 he has a referral practice, limited to periodontics, dental implants and reconstructive dentistry in the city of ‘s-Hertogenbosch. Since 1992 he has been involved as a clinical instructor and in post-graduate training at the University of Nijmegen, from 19922010 in the a that time EFP-accredited post-graduate programme in Periodontology . He was accredited as a specialist in Periodontology (EFP) in 1994 and was a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology from 1994-2009. He is an active member of the Dutch Academy of Esthetic Dentistry and a member of the Scientific Committee of the Dutch Society of Periodontology. DSOI ÅRSMØDE 2014 NYE TRENDS INDENFOR IMPLANTOLOGIEN SOCKET GRAFTING, MADE EASY? Tooth loss and subsequent natural remodeling of the alveolar process presents itself as a major challenge in the age of implant dentistry. Reconstruction of the dento-alveolar ridge is often required for esthetic implant reconstruction and is a major challenge for the surgeon and a burden for the patient. Socket grafting creates a unique opportunity to prevent the loss of the alveolar process and allows the subsequent implant-reconstruction to be much less complicated. Current protocols therefore are aimed at pre-planning extractions thus allowing for preservation of tissue. The course will give a short review of current concepts, focusing on practical and easy approaches for socket grafting in everyday practice: Socket grafting, made easy! Ridge preservation og vævsregeneration Implantatoverfladernes betydning for helingen og for periimplantitis dental Bisfosfonater – hvordan behandler vi patienter som får disse præparater MO R TE N S C H I Ø DT OVERTANDLÆGE, DR. ODONT. OSTEONEKROSER I KÆBERNE – EN NY EPIDEMI Osteoneonekroser i kæberne har været kendt i mange år i form af osteo-radio-nekrose. Siden 2003 har verden oplevet en ny epidemi af osteonekroser (ONJ) fra anti-resorptiv medicin inklusive bisfosfonater og denosumab. Patienterne, der rammes af ONJ, har enten osteoporose eller diverse cancerformer med metastaser i knoglerne. Herudover har vi for nylig konstateret mere sjældne årsager til osteonekroser, bl.a. efter kemoterapi og efter Herpes Zoster-infektioner, der griber over på knoglen. I foredraget gives en oversigt over den sidste udvikling indenfor osteonekroser. Endvidere belyses hvilken viden vi har om implantatindsættelse hos patienter i antiresorptiv behandling, inkl. hvilke risikofaktorer vi skal tage hensyn til. PRAKTISKE OPLYSNINGER UNDER HOLDN MED ING RUNE KLAN Forespørgsler rettes til DSOI v/Eva Busk på mailadressen info@dsoi.dk Tilmeldinger sendes til: Eva Busk (DSOI) Byagervænget 64 8330 Beder Tilmeldingsfrist 11. oktober 2014 Pris i følge vedlagt tilmeldingsblanket. Betaling til selskabets konto: SparNordBank, reg. 9004, kontonummer 457 73 49016 (udland: iban: DK 96 9004 457 73 49016, bic/swift: SPNODK22) HUSK navn på tilmeldte, og at både tilmelding OG betaling skal være fremme før det “tæller”. Munkebjerg Hotel, Munkebjergvej 125, DK-7100 Vejle Tlf.: (+45) 76 42 85 00, Fax.: (+45) 75 72 08 86 E-mail: info@munkebjerg.dk CE-point: 12 Layout: nilshenrik.dk · tryk: Codex Tryk Overtandlæge, dr.odont ved Tand-Mund-Kæbekirurgisk Klinik, Rigshospitalet Morten Schiødt er Tandlæge fra Københavns Tandlægeskole og Specialtandlæge i Tand-Mund-Kæbekirurgi fra Rigshospitalet. Dr. odont 1984 på disputats om Orale Manifestationer af Lupus Erythematosus. Klinikchef for Kæbekirurgisk Afd. Glostrup 2001-2008, herefter for den fusionerede TMK-klinik på Rigshospitalet 2008-2011. ONJ-koordinator for Skandinavien for stort epidemiologisk multicenter project om osteonekrose og for “Scandinavian Database for Osteonecrosis of the Jaws” DSOI DANSK SELSKAB FOR ORAL IMPLANTOLOGI HOTEL MU N KE B JE RG VE JL E 24 . - 25. O K TO B E R 201 4 ÅRSMØDE / Annual meeting Årsmøde DSOI Munkebjerg 24.-25. oktober 2014 Kære medlem af DSOI A NN WENNERBERG S AYA RDOU ST-TA BRIZI SH A RIEL PROFESSOR DENTIST PHD Det er atter lykkedes at sammensætte et spændende og inspirerende program til DSOI´s årsmøde. Temaet er denne gang de nye trends inden for sårheling, ridgepreserva- tion og vævsregeneration. Desuden bliver implantatoverfladernes betydning for helingen og ikke mindst for udviklingen af periimplantitis belyst. Der er også fokus på rygningens indvirkning på helingen ved anvendelse af forskellige implantatoverflader samt på Bisphosphonaters betydning for heling og ikke mindst for det korrekte behandlingsvalg. Der er denne gang ikke DSOI-juniorgruppe arrangement - MEN det vender tilbage til næste år og alle DSOI-junior deltagere opfordres til at deltage i de to spændende dage. Ann Wennerberg became a dentist in 1979, PhD in 1996, a license degree in Prosthodontics in 1997 and became Professor in Prosthodontics 2002 at the Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg University. Since 2008, she is the head of the Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Odontology, Malmö University, Sweden. Her main research is aimed at optimize implant surfaces. At present, her research group includes 13 PhD and one senior researcher. She has received several national and international awards for her research about implant surface topography. Fredag aften vil der traditionen tro være gode muligheder for at udbygge sit faglige og sociale netværk. Der vil atter i år være underholdning under middagen - GLÆD JER !! - og naturligvis fest med dans til god musik. P R O G R A M M E F R I D A Y 9.00-10.30Ann Wennerberg Does Implant surface topography on macro-, micro- and nanolevel influence bone healing and regeneration? 10.30-11.00 DOES IMPLANT SURFACE TOPOGRAPHY ON MACRO-, MICRO- AND NANOLEVEL INFLUENCE BONE HEALING AND REGENERATION? Although implant treatment today is a common and very predictable treatment for partially edentulous and edentulous patients still there is possibilities to improve the implants for an even better clinical out-come. The implant macro-, micro- and nano features have been regarded as important implant related factors for enhanced bone response during healing and loading. The macro aspects relates to the implant design. The micro aspects relates to what commonly is described as surface roughness while the nano features either are deliberately coated on the implant surface or spontaneously formed during manufacturing. Results from experimental and clinical research will be discussed. Coffee break 2011- PhD student, dep. Biomaterial Sciences University of Gothenburg. 2010-2013 Post graduation periodontology, Institute for post grad. dental education Jönköping. 2000-2005 School of dentistry, University of Gothenburg. Shariel Sayardoust, Kerstin Gröndahl, Eva Johansson, Peter Thomsen, and Christer Slotte. Implant Survival and Marginal Bone Loss at Turned and Oxidized Implants in Periodontitis-Susceptible Smokers and Never-Smokers. DOES THE CHOICE OF DENTAL IMPLANTS MATTER IN THE PERIODONTALLY COMPROMISED SMOKING PATIENT? Tobacco smoking is associated with a wide range of well documented health risks including compromised wound healing. Studies on dental implants indicate a higher rate of early and late implant failures in smokers compared to non-smokers. Additionally, smoking is a risk factor for peri-implant marginal bone loss. Nevertheless, knowledge on the mechanisms behind the deteriorating effects of smoking on Osseo-integration. Our study in periodontitis susceptible patients found significantly larger loss of turned implants in smokers compared to never-smokers. Interestingly, no significant difference in implant survival or marginal bone loss was observed at oxidized surface in smokers and never-smokers. This implies that oxidized surface implants are more suitable for periodontitis susceptible smoking patients. 11.00 -12.30Tomas Albrektsson Oral implant surfaces and other matters that may influence periimplantitis around oral implants”. 12.30- 13.30Lunch 13.30-14.00Sayardoust-Tabrizi Shariel Does the choice of dental implants matter in the periodontally compromised smoking patient? 14.00-14.45Joseph Choukroun Part 1 Innovative regenerative therapies approaches. A-RF™ & i-PRF™: 14.45-15.15 Coffee break 15.15-16.00Joseph Choukroun Part 2 Innovative regenerative therapies approaches. A-PRF™ & i-PRF™: 16.00-16.30Henrik Frandsen IT 17.00 Generalforsamling 19.30Drinks og efterfølgende Gallamiddag MED underholdning. S A T U R D A Y 9.30-10.45Joseph Choukroun Part 3 Innovative regenerative therapies approaches. A-PRF™ & i-PRF™ 10.45-11.15 Coffee break 11.15-12.00 Giles Quincy Socket grafting, made easy? 12.00-13.00Morten Schiødt Betydningen af BIsphosponat medicinering i relation til kirurgisk implantatbehandling TOMAS ALBREKTS S O N PROFESSOR EMERITUS Tomas Albrektsson has worked a few (read a lot of) years with oral implants. He is an MD, professor emeritus of Gothenburg University and visiting professor of the department of prosthodontics at Malmö University in Sweden as well as being an Honorary Doctor of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (RCPSG) and of the Buenos Aires University of Argentine. ORAL IMPLANT SURFACES AND MATTERS THAT MAY INFLUENCE PERI-IMPLANTITIS AROUND ORAL IMPLANTS If oral implants are placed between the mental foraminae in the mandible older turned implants display similar success rates as do modern devices. However, if any compromised situations such as patient smoking, placing implants in the maxilla or applying direct loading, then modern implants outperform their predecessors significantly. Changing surface microtopography to a moderately rough one is the only surface alteration with demonstrated clinical improvements, but it is possible that alterations in surface chemistry, physics or nano-roughness may have an impact as well. Previous clinical hypotheses of a great incidence of peri-implantitis around commonly used implant surfaces are incorrect; in fact a summed frequency of implant failure and peri-implantitis of within 5% at 10 years or more of follow up is a much more realistic figure than previously reported data. Having said this, in the light of many millions of oral implants being placed annually, peri-implantitis may still represent an important clinical problem. Osseointegration is but a foreign body reaction and to minimize future problems with peri-implantitis, it is important to realize that this problem of a foreign body nature is quite unreated to a disease of teeth named periodontitis. J OSEPH CH OU K ROU N DENTIST AND ANESTHESIOLOG Joseph Choukroun received his MD diploma in 1979 at Montpellier, France. Specialist in Anesthesiology in 1981, University of Montpellier. Fellowship of Pain Clinic, University of Strasbourg. Chief of staff of the Private Pain Clinic, Nice. President and creator of the SYFAC, international symposium on growth factors, Nice. Inventor of the PRF technique. Author of several scientific and clinical papers for scientific journals. International speaker. INNOVATIVE REGENERATIVE THERAPIES APPROACHES. A-PRF™ & I-PRF™: The main factor for soft and hard tissue healing is the speed and quality of new vascularization. There are numerous factors that are able to stimulate angiogenesis as growth factors, proteins and hormones. The PRF technique (Platelet Rich Fibrin) releases growth factors regularly and constantly during one week and provides also extra cellular matrix proteins as Fibrin, Collagen IV, Elastin, Thrombospondin, and Fibronectin. With a good stimulation of vessels growth. The objective was to induce BMPs production from the white cells. Today we can say that we produce BMPs with the Advanced PRF™. But we collect also endothelial cells and stems cells. We had another objective: It was to find an alternative to the PRP and PRGF injectable, with the white cells concept and with the avoiding of any manipulation or any additive product. It’s the concept of the new i-PRF. Injectable but produced without anticoagulants nor additive product. This i-PRF clots after injection.
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