No.ITBP/348n/Engr/Tenderl2lr4-Office ofthe commandant 34 Bn Indo Tibetan Border Police Force MHA/ (Govt. of India) Po- Lalkuan, Halduchaur, Distt- Nainital (U.K.) 566 Dated-\&\-\e\ftt TENDER NOTICE Commandant 34th Bn I.T.B.Police, Halduchaur, Distt.- Nainital (UKD), invites tender in 02 Bid system for supply of material on the behalf of president of India from approved and registered firm/Suppliers with sale tax department:E^ c4 Name of SN (r) 1 Work (2) Supply of material for Construction of02 Cook houses including dining hall andstore ofsize 18.35x6.23 Mtr Each for JAWANS of 34th Bn ITBP at Halduchor Distt Nainital .EY tIv .a I0eco t od r-\ - (3) (4) { {.I o\ [a ra F- F- $ oo (s) bo -. j c lph E €=.EE .= E !=etrE= =EE E CE Eg9 ^'5sEI aE (6) (7) q -\ E 6 lD 8.9 o.! o , q E b=, ,Y o.E .- (8) (e) 500/ 22-10-14 to 30-10-14 1000t{rs to 1600 Hrs l-10-14 3l-10-14 1500 hrs 1600 hrs 3 (UKD) +l3.sYo Vat Total Rs568t- The Eamest Money will be accepted at the time of submission of tender documents in Receipt Treasury Challan/Deposit at Call Receipt of a scheduled Band/Fixed Deposit Receipt of a Scheduled Bank issued in favour of Commandant 34th BN I.T.B.Police Halduchaur, Distt- Nainital (U.K.D), payable at Haldwani. The tender and earnest rlroney in appropriate from shall be placed in separate sealed envelopes each marked "Tender" and "Earnest Money & Registration document" respectively. These two envelopes shall be submitted together in a sealed envelope with the name of work and due date of opening written on envelop. The envelop marked "Earnest Money & Registration document" will be opened first and the envelop marked "Tender" of only those tenders shall be opened, whose earnest money and document is found in order The complete Tender enquiry will also be available on I.T.B.P website'(www.itbp & which can be down loaded by the interested firms. The cost of this downloaded tender document has to be deposited in the form of a separate BD drawn in favour of commandant 34th I.T.B.P of Rs payable at S.B.I. Haldwani. Tenber document can also be seen in the office of undersigned between 10.00 Am to 05.00 Pm on any working day. Tender should also submit their attested copy of valid VAT.TIN number and PAN card along with their appl ication. Tender will be opened by a board of officers detailed by Commandant 34rh VN in presence of Tenderers or their authorized representative. Competent authority of ITBP reserves all right with him to accept or part whole or without assigning any reason. t I.T.B. 'l i() trtoh\oit}r$r,/ :r+dl. nro 7orfl}rr.lil,/ftf.I,ll,/ orqlorq d=rrft saff ?nlB,fl !01 4- E tb ?Trqr*1t6qo rft-n gfuq q-d, rF qaFo-q/qrro q.rfiY u;ntrq- c-d$-s 66pffis6n (vmvruu-s ) ftqr"dt-\ rr{ir ir) rrHrrl0 ilil ,I (rrtl(tteu.e) Ut'il fiqlillej ,l llrqfeRs-d l'ifisrq onits.'a ftBEr-spn $,ils i\ d-;r.ti Jqdl .nft.f} rirofhotflo gfhri a-o, rqdtv flren 'tfrqrr*r q-x friTrqi ffifiqfl o ermq+.EqT /Hcf,r+ii il dr fus tg-frfrl at ufu * r t--- E ln I B\ \S\\\ rr'tS F v Es rS bE \lr d. f #u EE E q'r{ tm;rm ttrt lv I I rlr (2) (e) ;l t*]":rr",r truiri o n o f 0? (lxrh lrousur irruludlrrg dining hall S',,pi ; t y,, l' ;,.r u te;l slole ol'slzc lll.llSx(r.23 Mtr. liur:lr lirr,lAWAl{l; ol' l,lllr lln l'l'ltl' artrl rrt Illlrirrr"rlrr.rr frr *C) €l: 3?:l-0:14 trr E l{)00tlrs to (:) I)tntr lJulrrllul {l lKl)) -li:rc:-l{ 1600 3!LL 3l-r0-14 I t4 500 hrs 1 fils 600 hrs 500t +t3.5yo Vat Totol Its" 5684 t'qlt ,1'; qltu; l'h{rfro qtrdq qftt ElF rft srerTq ,z argqhg ttn ;h1 Rc}|fi-d znrd wfl-( qrfl T+1t{ /ty srt" d sq t i)_crfr 34 ff srBft, qrofrorffo ffi ea, c;rorq- E_dqdg ftml-+fi-flr{ (s-cnrurrs) d ceT t rrql or+ frrn ,)'i.ll{) .h) ./\TtT{rdfsl t Ilfil;lt etpn s.tilst qlir e,];'il slc.TrT-3lilrr lftf, sq ft.r,r] t rd an$il, &ir$ s.r{ m'o{10- ftl; i{{t rt'ilrrt ttltt q,i vfiit{lvt;t iiqflTi}ir, F'rs{r Srrr t 'ti}* {h,nr* t+ q1}a q-"q {h5t$ S smr w} ,nrr)i !.i!'{t,ti it,,Ft rplrl ;111 ;111 qii {q)o{"\ qt} ltlOr sll},fl *fi tr{qetrt rit,t Etft q d@riq flTriu{ qtcl i'irrl)rrt,r ,,rrldt nitirn t ,ttrll qr$"qri rN fllkdl qTGT ftwTsT dar wtnl [i]i-]ilr ttrql.]fit ryl uirrod] utoflfrorfrogfr-g Me, qr tsq'flel t ftR\ qagf, ffiqTq/wd ar,ri srsq-drs ft,ql rrr s-fi-dT t fu{{d faq d.dflT^rd En tqo-500/-- +- 13.5% oI t6 grve S Ec t lffi 34 dl qrFfr, qroftorfto gft-tr vo, qrrrf,q* 6F$S Rr,rt*i-.trn,s (wmwu's) , SBI Flaldwani main branch d qer t qqr znqcr drfl Frft;r rlLt',,r'qi] qdH ira ft qrBfr, qTofttotfto gftm ca, d ?DTqffiq t fi E.r trfi-dl * I d-flr fh ,rlf,I{ cio. 06 q 07 t EsTtqr rrqr t ffi th} ftB-qT crrr qTqT st{+ BE arrilfi q .} $r?d ttr qkif y,i VA'l'/l'ls1v iaqr oq.t *.fr I frfu{r S-flfr sq tfi ,, srqr rrfuf, i,Afi E{d sl ffiqrRf, ulrlinltrt) ,t',t ,{rlrllil ijr{r itilqrtTnrarrn{ 'ff .s.i$ grur Frgsf, fad .rj} cftAftrdi sfi sq"Rqh t q}cff r r,rt4if} ,1,r1,,r1 I nlillrl l.l',1t,;t ,1,,.1,1 {l,l ,ltttiliIJt it,(|fifl Slltt t r+fi rnlt,.t;
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