jxÄvÉÅx àÉ exáâÜÜxvà|ÉÇ Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv{ bvàÉuxÜ EI? ECDG 3201SouthEvergreenRoad, 3201SouthEvergreenRoad, Tempe,AZ85282 Tempe,AZ85282 ParishOf ice:(480)838 ice:(480)838--0207 0207 Fax:(480)756 Fax:(480)756--1501 1501 Email:parishinfo@resurrectionaz.org Webpage:www.resurrectionaz.org Parish office hours Monday-Thursday8:30am-4:30pm Friday8:30am-1:00pm Saturday9:00am-12:00Noon PARISH PRIESTS PRIESTS OURVISION Rev.RomeoDionisio,ParochialAdministrator The ResurrectionCatholic Community sees itself as a family that derives its sense of communion fromthejoyfulcelebrationoftheHolyEucharist andtheSacraments,andthecommitmenttocare foroneanother’sneedsthroughfaithsharingand the willingness to offer each one’s time, talents andtreasureinthespiritoftrueunity. andtreasureinthespiritoftrueunity. Ext.117 Ext.117 Rev.José Cornelia,ParochialVicar Rev.JosephKrynen,InResidence Rev.JosephKrynen,InResidence PARISHDEACONS PARISHDEACONS DeaconBillMalatin DeaconCharlieVoss PARISH STAFF WELCOMENEWPARISHIONERS Thoselivingintheareaandregularparticipantsin theliturgyareaskedtoregisterasmembersofthe parish.SimplyattendingMassdoesnotmakeonea registered member. To register just contact the parishof iceorpickupaforminthechurchentry. iceorpickupaforminthechurchentry. F O Sr.AnneMarieSmith,O.S.F., ,O.S.F., BusinessManager AgnesUmuligirwa Ext.112 Ext.110 Ext.110 Formation TraceySiedinski-Seyler, YouthMinistry(Gr.6-12) Ext.122 LeotaRoeschAdult,Children,RCIA Ext.125 MASSSCHEDULE W : 8am.(Monday (Monday— (Monday—Saturday) Saturday) F F : 6:00pm W : S 5:00pm S :7:30am,9:00am : 7:30am,9:00am, 7:30am,9:00am,10:30am,&5:00pm ,10:30am,&5:00pm W F F 8:30am-6:30pm 8:30am-5:45pm CONFESSIONS CONFESSIONS S F F 4:45pm 3:45pm 3:45pm--4:45pm 5:45pm 5:15pm 5:15pm--5:45pm MinistryofCare MinistryofCare AndrewGilliland Ext.126 Liturgy/Music PenniScott,MusicDirector ShannonNolan—Sunday5:00Mass Sunday5:00Mass Sunday5:00Mass LiturgicalMinistryCoordinator MarieHunter Ext.116 Ext.113 BaptismPreparation LeotaRoesch Annulments;Marriage Annulments;MarriagePreparation DeaconBillMalatin Ext.125 Page1 Page1 30 th S O T O 26, 2014 2014 MYDEARBROTHERSANDSISTERSINCHRIST, MYDEARBROTHERSANDSISTERSINCHRIST he other day as I was walking to the of ice, I found a box full of goodies brought by somebodyandwasleftbytheSVDPof icedoor.Ipickedtheboxupandputitinsidethe of ice(therearesomecatsroaming aroundthegroundsatnight).It was not the irst timeIfoundgroceriesandfoodstuffoutsideourof icedoors.Somepeoplewouldcome during off off--of ice hours and leave bags of donated goods and they would remain anonymous. “Good hearted people”, I would say to myself. “Keep them coming.” Day by day, I still keepgettingamazedbyyourgenerosity.Yes,keepthemcoming. keepgettingamazedbyyourgenerosity.Yes,keepthemcoming. ThewordsofJesusinthisweekend'sGospelwerenotsurprisingforhislisteners.ThePhariseesand thescholarsofthelaw(theScribes)knewtheirScriptures.TheyprobablyweresurprisedthatJesus himselfknewtheScripturesbecauseHequotedthesayings“You shalllovetheLordyourGodwith yourwholeheart,withyourwholesoul,andwithallyourmind.”and“Youshallloveyourneighboras yourself.” from Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18 respectively. (They were surprised because theyneverheardofJesushavinganyscripturaltutoringfromanyRabbi theyneverheardofJesushavinganyscripturaltutoringfromanyRabbi— —andtheywerewondering where He got all his knowledge of scriptures.) More importantly, that was the very irst time they heardsomeoneputtogetherthetwocommandments.Jesusdidsomethingnewtotheirhearing.He linked love of God and love of neighbor as two inseparable commandments. As they say in Latin: “Sinequanon.” “Sinequanon.”— —Onecannotbetruewithouttheother.St.Johnwroteitclearlyinhis irstletter,“If any one says, 'I love God' and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whomhehasseen,cannotloveGodwhomhehasnotseen.Andthiscommandmentwehavefrom Him,thathewholovesGodshouldlovehisbrotheralso.”(1John4:20 Him,thathewholovesGodshouldlovehisbrotheralso.”(1John4:20--21) 21) Thisistheveryessenceofourfaithandourreligion.Jesuspointsoutthatthecoreofreligionistotal relationship:GodtotallygivingHimselftohumansinlove,whiletheperson'sheart,mindandsoulare dedicatedtoGodinloveofHimandtheonesHeloved dedicatedtoGodinloveofHimandtheonesHeloved— —one'sneighbor.ThisurgesusontoaskGod tohelpuslearntounderstandtrueloveandbeabletosaytoHim,“Iamtotallyyours,myGod.”May welearntoloveHimaboveall,andloveallbecauseofHim. welearntoloveHimaboveall,andloveallbecauseofHim. ThisleadsustowhatIspokeaboutlastweekinmybulletinmessage.Wehavewhatittakestobuilda communitybasedonourfaith,ourfaiththatmovesustocareforoneanother.Wehearthevoiceof Godfromwithinus.Wehavethespiritwithinourhearts.Ifwewilljustcontinuebeingopen,thenthat spiritwillspurusontocontinuedoingsomethingtokeepoursenseofcommunityandbrotherhood strong.Rightnow,thespiritisbuzzingsomethinginourears(orinourhearts) strong.Rightnow,thespiritisbuzzingsomethinginourears(orinourhearts)— —“Don'tjuststand there,dosomething.”Bydoingsomethinggood,wedonotonlyhelpothers there,dosomething.”Bydoingsomethinggood,wedonotonlyhelpothers-- weactuallypleaseGod. Whenwedosomethinggood,weshowthatWECARE.Caringforoneanotherandforourcommunity isoneofthebestroadstotruediscipleship. isoneofthebestroadstotruediscipleship. GODLOVESYOUALLVERYDEARLY. GODLOVESYOUALLVERYDEARLY. InChrist, InChrist, FR.ROMY FR.ROMY Page2 Page2 R C -T 26, 26,2014 2014 2014 O PRESIDER’SSCHEDULE Saturday11/1/14 8:00am 8:00am Fr.Krynen Fr.Krynen Fr.Dionisio Fr.Dionisio 5:00pm Sunday11/2/14 7:30am 7:30am Fr.Dionisio Fr.Dionisio 9:00am 9:00am Fr.Cornelia Fr.Cornelia 10:30am 10:30am Fr.Cornelia Fr.Cornelia 5:00pm 5:00pm Fr.Krynen Fr.Krynen MONDAY MONDAYO O 27 27 8:00AngieFlorez† TUESDAY TUESDAYO O 28 28 8:00AlstatleJaimes—forhis18thbirthday WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAYO 29 29 8:00EdLevario† THURSDAY THURSDAYO O 30 30 8:00 8:00EleanorKobak† SaturdayNov.1 st isthe feastofAllSaints. T M — becauseitfallson Saturday . F O 31 31 8:00XuanMaiBui† SATURDAYN 1 1 8:00GladysMarieOff† 5:00ConradM.Nava† SUNDAY SUNDAYN N 2 2 7:30Parishioners 9:00AugustinoToThanh† BORNTOLOVE BORNTOLOVE— —Wewereborn tolove,welivetolove,andwe willdietolovestillmore.—Joseph Cafasso D 10:30 10:30DuaneBensonJr.† 5:00Ed&MarieFredwest† LOVESHOWNINACTION o you receive the word of God with joy as the Thessalonians did? Their faith showed in their actions.Theybecamemodelsforotherbelievers. actions.Theybecamemodelsforotherbelievers. CHARACTER CHARACTER— —Characterismucheasierkeptthan Characterismucheasierkeptthan ThomasPaine recovered recovered..—ThomasPaine The irst reading tells us to put our faith into action. This passage is part of a long list of ordinances God commanded the Israelites to observe. God will judge us by how we treat our neighbors. God will hear the cries of any whom we neglect or mistreat and will cometotheirdefense. cometotheirdefense. The study of inspired scripture is thechiefwayof indingourduty. —St.BasiltheGreat READINGSFORTHEWEEK Monday: Monday: Eph4:32 Eph4:32— —5:8;Ps1:1 5:8;Ps1:1--4,6; 4,6; Lk13:10 Lk13:10--17 17 Tuesday: Tuesday: Eph2:19 Eph2:19--22;Ps19:2 22;Ps19:2--5;Lk6:12 5;Lk6:12--16 16 In today’s Gospel the Pharisees put the question of 9;Ps145:10--14;Lk13:22 14;Lk13:22--30 Wednesday: Wednesday: Eph6:1 Eph6:1--9;Ps145:10 30 God’slawtoJesus. God’slawtoJesus.“Which “Which commandment of the law is Thursday: Eph6:10 Eph6:10--20;Ps144:1b,2,9 20;Ps144:1b,2,9--10; 10; Thursday: thegreatest?” thegreatest?”(Matthew (Matthew 22:36) How Lk13:31 Lk13:31--35 35 could he possibly choose from all Friday: Friday: Phil1:1 Phil1:1--11;Ps111:1 11;Ps111:1--6;Lk14:1 6;Lk14:1--6 the detailed commandments the Saturday: Rv7:2 Rv7:2--4,9 4,9--14;Ps24:1 14;Ps24:1--6;1Jn3:1 6;1Jn3:1--3; 3; Jews observed? He was sure to Saturday: Mt5:1 Mt5:1--12a 12a offendsomebodybyhisanswer!Of Sunday: Sunday: Wis3:1 Wis3:1--9;Ps23:1 9;Ps23:1--6;Rom5:5 6;Rom5:5--11or 11or course,Jesuswentrighttotheheart 6:3 6:3--9;Jn6:37 9;Jn6:37--40, 40, of the matter. Love is the greatest oranyreadingsfromno.668 668orfromMassesfortheDead, 668orfromMassesfortheDead, orfromMassesfortheDead, oranyreadingsfromno. commandment commandment— —love of God and love of neighbor. nos. nos.1011 10111011-1016 1016 Everythingelseisbasedonthis.~Copyright©J.S.PaluchCo. Page3 Page3 R C -T 26, 26, 2014 2014 O C omejointhenewResurrectionChristmasChoirandOrchestraaswesing“Glory toGodinthehighest!”atourMidnightMassonChristmasEve.Thisisagreat opportunity to share your musical gifts with our parish in a seasonal commitment period!Ourrehearsalswilltakeplaceat period!Ourrehearsalswilltakeplaceat11:45am 11:45am— 11:45am—1:45pminShepherd’sDen 1:45pminShepherd’sDenonthefollowingSundays: onthefollowingSundays: onthefollowingSundays: November2:Rehearsalforsoprano/altovocalsonly November2:Rehearsalforsoprano/altovocalsonly November9:Fullchoirandinstruments November9:Fullchoirandinstruments December7:Fullchoirandinstruments December7:Fullchoirandinstruments December21:Fullchoirandinstruments December21:Fullchoirandinstruments PleasecontactPenniScottattheparishof ice ice(extension116) (extension116)orstopbythe (extension116)orstopbythe musicareaafterMasstoletusknowwhichvocalorinstrumentalpartyou willneedsothatwecanhaveyourmusicreadyforyouatrehearsal! P ARISH PICNIC NEWS NEWS:: Thepicniccommitteeisworkingonthedetailsforourpicnic on onNov.16at12noonatDobsonRanchPark. Nov.16at12noonatDobsonRanchPark.ThepicnicMasswillbeginatnoonattheamphitheater Nov.16at12noonatDobsonRanchPark.ThepicnicMasswillbeginatnoonattheamphitheater behindtheDobsonRanchLibrary.Therewillbeplentyofsignsdirectingyou. behindtheDobsonRanchLibrary.Therewillbeplentyofsignsdirectingyou. ThefoodthisyearwillbecateredasawayofsayingThankYoutoallforyoursupportofourparishrestoration fundandtheretirementofourdebt. fundandtheretirementofourdebt. TicketsareavailablestartingthisweekendofOct.26. TicketsareavailablestartingthisweekendofOct.26.Thepicnicwillbefreebutyouneedaticketsowehave anaccurateaccountforthecateringcompany.Againthisyeartherewillbelotsofactivitiesforallages.Asin thepast,wearelookingfordonationsofprizesandbasketsthatcanberaf led.Theraf leticketswillbeonsale thesametimeastheticketdistribution.Donationscanbeleftintheparishof ice. ice. Finally,westillneedafewmorevolunteersforthemanydetailsthatgointoacommunityevent. Finally,westillneedafewmorevolunteersforthemanydetailsthatgointoacommunityevent. Ifyoucanhelp,pleasecalltheparishof ice.Wehaveagreatparish.Comecelebrateourweekendofthanksgiving anniversaryyearlongcelebration. andbepartofour45thanniversaryyearlongcelebration. Therearetwowaysofspreadinglight:tobethecandleorthemirrorthatreflectsit.” — EdithWharton P N 4 4th,2014 ,2014— —May1st,2015 ,2015 TuesdaymorningprayergroupwillstartmeetingNovember4thafter8:00amMass TuesdaymorningprayergroupwillstartmeetingNovember4thafter8:00amMass— —inRm.9. inRm.9. Allarewelcome!FormoreinfopleasecallDoris480 Allarewelcome!FormoreinfopleasecallDoris480--839 839--6692 6692 A A S A !-November'seditionofSentinelSundayswillbehereatResurrection! JoinusonSundayNov. JoinusonSundayNov. 2—9amMass, 9amMass,thenheadonoverto thenheadonoverto thenheadonovertoStarbucksat1653DobsonRd.Mesa(Dobson& 60) W S R , so we’ll all be sure to sit together! For more info contact Krista Cunningham,AlumniRelationsManager Cunningham,AlumniRelationsManager,,480 ,480480-963 963--1900x4100 1900x4100 -- P — SylviaElizabethTilton StephenEldridge AnneMarieTrimingham JimP. So iaFlocco JacobHansen NinaTulumello EddieZavala RebeccaGross RoseJeannette PatriciaWeber MichaelAnthonyLugo DoloresFic RobertE.GrainerJr. DawnJenkins RomelGonzales RalpNava AnthonyWehle StephenDamon AnnaRodriguez RichardGowi MichaelMoses FayeDraper JudySteele RubenPrado HeatherRasmussen RoriLevario JaneCarrasco Page4 Page4 30thSundayinOrdinaryTimeO FAMILYFAITHFORMATIONANDR.C.I.A. FAMILYFAITHFORMATIONANDR.C.I.A. L R --C lroesch@resurrectionaz.org480 480--838 838--0207ext.125 — WehavebegunaseriesofInquirysesB C sions for those considering coming into the Catholic Church. We meetat6:30pm.,Wednesdays,inJohnXXIIIHall. Thisisanopeninvitationtoallwhoareinterested incomingintotheCatholicChurch.Thisisanopen invitation to all who are interested in coming into theCatholicChurch Invite Invite someone who may have questions or desirestobecomeCatholictoattendandcomewith them to support them in this irst step. PleasecontacttheOf PleasecontacttheOf iceof Faith Formation for more information or to refer someone whom youhaveinvited. youhaveinvited. CheckitouttheAdultFaithFormation CheckitouttheAdultFaithFormationWeb: Web:http:// Web: http:// faithformresurrectionaz.weebly.com/ Our site has great information and offers manyopportunitiesforyoutogrowinfaith!Updatedweekly! manyopportunitiesforyoutogrowinfaith!Updatedweekly! —Session4: F .R B ’ C S Session4:T T F H L ––P T L S — XXIII. MondayNight&Thursdaymorning,October20th&23rd,JJXXIII. Can’tmakethemall?Comewhenyoucan! Can’tmakethemall?Comewhenyoucan! F U T @R CHILDREN’SFAITHFORMATION CHILDREN’SFAITHFORMATION —MondayOct.27th,6pmRm ,6pmRm.. Y S 8,Mrs.SmallandMrs.Jamil. 8,Mrs.SmallandMrs.Jamil. —Mon.Oct.27th,,6pm. , 6pm.Rm9 Rm9, , Y F C Ms.CarrilloandMs.Rodriguez. Ms.CarrilloandMs.Rodriguez. Grade--TuesdayOct.28th,6pm. ,6pm. Pre Pre--Kthrough5thGrade Parents,pleasewaitwithyourchildrenoutsideuntilthebell rings,unlessthecatechistinvitesyourchildreninbeforethat. rings,unlessthecatechistinvitesyourchildreninbeforethat. It is also helpful if they use the restroom facilities before class. class.Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou! FamilyDiscussionStarters FamilyDiscussionStarters— —L Key Passage: [Jesus]saidtohim“‘Youshalllovethe Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and irst commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love (Matthew22:37––39) yourneighborasyourself.’”(Matthew22:37 A ::Inapracticalsense,whatisonethingthatwould Inapracticalsense,whatisonethingthatwould changeinyourlifeifyoulovedyourneighborasyourself? changeinyourlifeifyoulovedyourneighborasyourself? C & &Y Y :Whyisithardsometimestoloveyour neighbor? neighbor? I B 26 ,2014 YOUTHMINISTRY YOUTHMINISTRY TraceySiedinski-Seyler480-838-0207Ext.122 COMING ATTRACTIONS IN YOUTH MINISTRY: Edge Retreat: November 21st-23rd Life Teen Retreat: December 5th-7th Thank you to all of our parishioners who have committed to pray for our teens during this school year!! Edge Parents: Our annual fall retreat is coming up next month! We’ll be heading up to the cool pines of Payson for an amazing weekend! PLEASE RETURN YOUR PERMISSION SLIPS WITH YOUR PAYMENTS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Parents of 6th Graders: Tomorrow is the second night of our two-part Safe Environment series. Please have your child come directly to Rm. 2 so we can get started on time!! 7th & 8th Graders: Tomorrow night we’re talking about Grace and the Sacraments! How does Grace work in relationship to the Sacraments? Why do we even use the word Grace when we talk about Sacraments? See you tomorrow at 7 pm to find out!! Parents of High School Teens : Our 45-minute Safe Environment session will be TONIGHT! If your teen is involved in any service in the parish, they MUST attend and sign in when they arrive. The balance of time will be spent doing a service project for SVdP. Your families are all welcome to attend that portion of the night! Random Fact: 1 in every 4 Americans has appeared some way or another on OurnextcelebrationoftheSacramentofBaptism television. willbeduringtheChristmasseason. willbeduringtheChristmasseason. To set up an appointment to discuss your child’s baptism,pleasecontacttheFaithFormationOf ice. ice. Siedinski_Seyler@hotmail.com If your child is 7 years of age or older, please speak www.facebook.com/ResurrectionYM directly with Leota Roesch, as the Church requires your www.instagram.com/ResurrectionYM family to participate in a different process. They are www.LifeTeen.com; required to be enrolled in Faith Formation and participate www.instagram.com/lifeteen intheRCIAforChildren. intheRCIAforChildren.(Children’sCatechumenate) (Children’sCatechumenate) (Children’sCatechumenate) Page5 30 th S O LITURGICAL MINISTRY CORNER - T O 26 , 2014 2014 MarieHunter;mhunter@resurrectionaz.org;tel.480-838-0207ext.113 EMHC LiturgicalMinistryScheduleforNovember1&2,2014 Sat.5:00PM Sun.7:30AM 9:00AM 10:30AM 5:00PM BillFay PaulSant DeniseYunker A.M.Trimingham LorraineAlvarado MarieFay MaryAnnReuter A.VandenBroeck AdelinaAlvarado MaryNoel MatthewBafaro MadelineMorris JerryCirou ChristinaChavez TirschaGomez BillSaunders AnnCasey JudyCirou MyrnaLinares KathleenSchoo MarilynKozak CarlDudro MaryMariscal RonWondrash KenWhite KathyDudro EricSeeger MaryWondrash DeltaWhite Lectors JerryDean KathyHibbits AliceHarris HalWhite MargoChester MaryHahn AnneStehr JohnBrean TheresaAngel MartyLarcabal Servers CoreyCates IsiahJamil SamuelJamil AlanGrif ieth MeganRziha N.Zwemke CameronFlener ThomasZwemke AddieColes SerenityLinares TannerColes Ushers NickNebelsky CharlieMitchell JohnBusch ManuelChavez DavidHovde AraceliNebelsky MarieMitchell GovannaGrif iethGeorgeMeegan RitaHovde JoyceReigelsberger RonSimon JosephineMeegan A S D S N .2 .2 A AP P S willtakeplaceat willtakeplaceat QueenofHeavenCatholicMortuary &Cemeterystartingat4:30pm. t4:30pm. N M therethisyear therethisyear.. . M R Havenoanxietyatall,butineverything, Havenoanxietyatall,butineverything,byprayerandpetition,withthanksgiving, tion,withthanksgiving,makeyourrequestsknowntoGod.---- Philippians4:6 SAFEENVIRONMENTTRAINING SAFEENVIRONMENTTRAINING FOUNDATIONCLASS FOUNDATIONCLASS— —ThursdayOct.30th, PopeJohn.Pleasesignupon--line at6:30 at6:30pm pm— —PopeJohn.Pleasesignupon www.safeenvironmenttraining.org www.safeenvironmenttraining.orgorcallBeverly orcallBeverly Smallat480 Smallat480--838 838--5552/ 5552/ e-mail mail::bsmallone@cox.net :bsmallone@cox.net.Applicationsmaybe bsmallone@cox.net.Applicationsmaybe pickeduppriortoclass pickeduppriortoclass.. . OurannualMassof OurannualMassof Remembrancefordeceased parishionersandfamily memberswilltakeplaceon MondayNov.10that7pm at7pm. . . K C C 13836 13836 Monthlymeetings:Generalmembership 1stTuesday,7pmMcCarthyHall.Of icersmeeting 3rdTuesday7pm,inShepherdsDen.ForinfocallKen Ken White White(GrandKnight)480 480480-720 720--9314 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… SKRobertA.KieseckerAssembly#2742 Meeting4thTues.7pm,McCarthyHall SKMarkMungerFaithfulNavigator ForInfocall602-276-6033 S M G Startbydoingwhatisnecessary,thendowhat the ispossible;suddenlyyouare doing the impossible --St. Francis of Assisi InthisSunday’sGospel InthisSunday’sGospelwe we ind the truth that loving God isn’t merely a matter of fervor in our hearts, but thatitmustbeexpressedindoinggoodforthe sakeofothers. sakeofothers. This month through your gifts, St. Vincent dePaulwasabletoshowthatweindeedlove our neighbors by assisting 175 families families,, providing 531bags 531bagsof of food,and food,and$3,654.20 $3,654.20for $3,654.20for utilityandrent bills,etc.ThankYou! bills,etc.ThankYou! B . . 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