NEWSLETTER Summer/Fall 2014 Volume 9 Issue 2 Vol. 9 Issue 2 “Summer/Fall” 2014 President’s Message Next Meeting Be a voice… Welcome to another exciting NC Chapter year! Your Chapter’s executive committee has developed a dynamic program for you. As always, our meetings are on the second Thursday of the month, please see the web site, for location and time. Date: November 13 11:30 a —1:30 p Topic: NFPA 70E— Lessons Learned Joint Meeting with AHMP Meetings. Yet another meeting in our busy schedules. I get it: we all get it. So, as your new Chapter President, my question to you is “How can I serve the Chapter membership?” I want to hear your voice. Speaker: ASSE is a membership driven organization. Membership driven – that’s you – us – the Chad Stansbury and W. Jon Wallace safety profession. As a safety professional, we have to be an integral part of the job. Be it with industry, consulting or academia, we merge our profession into our work and dare I say into our lives. Don’t we live our profession? Venue: BD Technologies ASSE is the safety professional’s backbone. It supports, standardizes, educates, stimulates, 21 Davis Drive and motivates. However, ASSE, whether at the National level or the Chapter level, cannot RTP NC function without you. I encourage you to seek out the support you need for your professional development. It may not be attending a meeting, but maybe a webinar will get you We would love to have the information you need. Or your practice specialty can support your needs and provide your input regarding future meeting topics or you with the tools you want. Maybe it is networking with a group of like individuals. newsletter/webpage conIf you would like support from your Chapter, please let me know how we can serve you. I tent. Please send your suggestions to any of the want to hear your voice. officers listed on last page. Alicia Mitchell, CSP, CHMM Roundup from your Governmental Affairs Inside this issue: Bob Andrews and Tom Cecich Government Affairs Update 1 Membership Update 1 Out & About 2 Technical Meeting Calendar 3 News to Know 3 Feature Article 4 EC Officers 4 OSHA NEWS: Major changes are being made, specifically to record keeping and reporting that will be effective January 1, 2015. Please look to the website for more information. This will be the Lunch and Learn topic for February 2015, presented by David Coble, CSP. Membership Update Kim Sebastiani Please welcome our new members since June 2014 Stephanie Driscoll Anthony Allen John Collins Frank Cameron Elizabeth Lawrence Elyse Bernstein Steven West Anthony Allen Alexandria Moseley Jaime Bauerle Ronald Sessoms Adam Kelly Jeremy Jernigen Tracy Hunt VOLUME 9, ISSUE 2 Page 2 ASSE OUT AND ABOUT She stepped up when we needed her most! Erin will be the first to admit that she never saw herself as Chapter President, but many of us saw a true leader in her. Warm thanks to Erin Hite for her dedicated service as NC ASSE Chapter President for 2013-2014. Erin now becomes our Delegate for 2014-2015. IN CASE YOU MISSED IT...David Coble has been awarded the SPY by the manufacturing division. David has been a member of our chapter for years and years. Congratulation David! SPY AWARD NOMINATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED! Please submit your nominations to Tom Werner ( by November 15, 2014. For more information, please click the following link: ASSE Chapter SPY Legality v Liability: What Every Safety Professional Should Know We were very lucky to have John Ormand join us for our second Lunch and Learn for this year. Atty. Ormand, a NC civil litigator with extensive experience in personal injury, wrongful death, products liability, and FELA among other claims. His presentation specifically discussed Tort litigation in North Carolina, focusing on negligence, duty to ordinary care, proximate causation and ultra hazardous jobs versus inherently dangerous jobs. John discussed Woodson v. Rowland extensively and the importance of OSHA “willful violations” issued against companies and how they affect outcomes. John encouraged companies to clarify liability and worker’s compensation coverage for businesses that hire both general contractors and subcontractors so that you are protected. It was a great presentation on claims from a legal perspective and one that we as safety professionals should become well versed in. Congratulations to the following Members who are receiving Long Service Certificates: Karen A Messana (25 years) James J Elia (25 years) Richard G Raymer (25 years) Jerry N Garner (25 years) Edward L Moore (40 years) CHAPTER Earns Gold Recognition on Appeal: After pointing out a discrepancy in how points could be awarded under old and new award application submissions, NC ASSE Chapter was awarded the Gold Star—Congrats to Erin and Arlene for identifying the error and being persistent in the application submission process. VOL. 9, ISSUE 3 Page 3 Technical Meeting Calendar 2014-2015 NC ASSE Technical Meetings We will meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month, offering lunch, dinner and breakfast meetings, to maximize your ability to participate in topics important to our field. HURRAH! Chapter meetings are now 1 hour, which will credit one contact hour. Please contact Erin Hite ( for your participation certificate. Date & Time November 13, 2014 11:30 am —1:30 pm (please note that this meeting may run long due to extensive content to be discussed) December 11, 2014 5—9 pm January 8, 2015 Topic Presenter Location NFPA 70E—Lessons Learned & Regulatory Update (This will be a joint meeting with CHMM) Chad Stansbury and W Jon Wallace BD Technologies 21 Davis Drive, RTP NC NC ASSE Chapter Social (Spouses, Partners and significant others welcome) An RSVP will be sent out Silica—Sponsored by EI Group Lindsay Cook, CIH Alicia Mithcell‘s home BD Technologies 21 Davis Drive, RTP NC Note: Your Executive Committee meets 1-1/2 hours prior to the scheduled technical meetings to discuss Chapter initiatives and other business. This meeting is open to all members, and we encourage you to attend. Your input and feedback are always welcome. News You Should Know: The NC ASSE Chapter is please to inform you that we are introducing new opportunities for other organizations to become more integrated with services and resources. ° The first major change is the addition of a Local EH & S Consultants Directory on the NCASSE website. This will allow local businesses to list themselves as resources for EH & S professionals. Should you or a business you know be interested in posting on this tab, please contact Steve Crooks, at ° The second exiting change is the ability for businesses to sponsor our lunch and learns. As you know, we are a not for profit, and while we would like to be able to provide more resources for our members, that costs money. Sponsorships information will be available on the Chapter webpage soon. Please stay posted for more information. Page 4 VOL. 9, ISSUE 2 FEATURED ARTICLE: B-Corps: Is it the right decision for your business? In 2013, Dimensions in OH&S became a certified B-Corp. The process took approximately 6 months. I’d like to take an opportunity to explain what a B-Corp is, what the concept may mean for EHS&S professionals, and why our company decided to go through the certification process. The U.S. Dept of Labor Newsletter recently highlighted B-corps, and we believe it is a step in the direction of advocating a more sustainable business model. Dimensions became interested in B-corps because we believed that if we wanted to help our clients develop core values focused on workers, suppliers, community, consumers, and the environment, then we should hold ourselves to those values as well. The B-lab (certifying agency) is currently developing an assessment tool for larger corporations who may be interested in seeing how they are doing in these areas of focus (workers, suppliers, community, consumers, and the environment). A B-Corp is a new kind of company that uses the power of business to solve social and environmental problems. There are currently over 1,000 certified B-Corps from more than 60 industries and 34 countries with the unified goal of redefining “success” in business. One of the driving efforts of B Corps is to inspire all businesses to compete not only to be the best in the world, but to be the best for the world. B-Corps have to meet higher standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. It’s much like Fair Trade certification, but for the entire business, not just a bag of coffee (or USDA Organic certification, but not just a carton of milk, or LEED certification). The performance standards are comprehensive and transparent. They measure a company’s impact on all its stakeholders including workers, suppliers, community, and the environment. Unlike traditional corporations, Certified B Corporations are legally required to consider the impact of their decisions not only on their shareholders, but also these stakeholders (workers, suppliers, community, and the environment). Some of the better known B Corporations include: Patagonia, Seventh Generation, Method Products, Ben and Jerry’s, and Dansko Shoes. David Machles, Principal, Dimensions in Occupational Health and Safety (Raleigh/Durham, NC) NC Chapter Executive Committee for 2014-2015 Think Safe / Act Safe It’s Contagious w.nchttp://ww / President Alicia Mitchell, CSP, CHMM President-Elect Matt Wilcox, CSP Treasurer Jay Sprankle, CSP Secretary Elizabeth Dillon Delegate Erin Hite Government Affairs Bob Andrews, CSP Program W. Jon Wallace, CSP Membership Kim Sebastiani Career Opportunities and Website Steve Crooks, CSP, CIH
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