by the Sea in Ocean Bluff 591 Ocean Street Marshfield, MA 02050 781-834-4953 Rev. John F. Carmichael, Pastor Assisting: Rev. Jos. Connolly, Rev. Jerry Shea Mrs. Catherine Rein, Pastoral Associate & CCD Director MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Evening Mass: 5:00 p.m. Summer, 4:00 p.m. Winter Sunday: 7:30, 10:00, 11:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Weekdays: Monday-Saturday 7:30 a.m. Chapel CONFESSIONS: Fall : Saturday 3:00-3:30 p.m. Every Wednesday in Advent & Lent 6:30-8:00 p.m. BAPTISMS: 1st Sunday of the Month at 1:00 p.m. WEDDINGS: By Appointment: 6 mos. in advance. PARISH OFFICE: Phone: 781-834-4953 Parish Coordinator: Donna Coppenrath, ext. 12 Parish Accountant: Michael Seyffert Business Coordinator: Michael Garcia x16 CATCH THE WAVE OF FAITH MUSIC MINISTRY: Music Director: Joe Kodzis Phone: 781-837-1417 CLUSTER MASS SCHEDULE: Holy Family, Duxbury: Sat. 5:00 p.m., Sun. 7:30a.m., 9:00a.m., and 10:30 a.m. St. Christine, Marshfield Hills: Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 7:00, 9:00, 11:30 a.m. (Summer 7:00, 11:00 a.m.) St. Theresa’s Chapel: Summer only (July & August) Business Coordinator: Michael Garcia x16 Pastoral Associate: Catherine Rein x10 Mission Coordinator: William Rein x18 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Director: Catherine Rein,ext.10 St. Theresa’s Chapel: Summer only (July & August) Sun. 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Our Lady of The Assumption, Green Harbor: Sat. 4:00 p.m. (Summer 5:00 p.m.) Sun. 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 a.m. Parish Council: Elizabeth O'Reilly, Vice Chair, Casey Rein, Robert Donovan, Ed Neary, Kathleen Smith, Ed Burke, Carmel Sullivan, Al Burns, Jr., Jim Ryan, Nicole Bianchi and Jean Reardon Parish Finance Council: Agnes Sill, Vice Chair, James Donovan, Kevin O'Connor, Michael DaPonte, Michael Garcia We, at St. Ann by the Sea, strive to worship the Lord more fully through the sacraments, recognize God more clearly in all people and serve Him more generously in the world. ST. ANN BY THE SEA October 26, 2014 October 26th, 2014 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday, October 25 7:30am Agnes T. Cosby (10th Anniversary) 4:00pm Mitchell James Shugrue (Baby Boy) Sunday, October 26 7:30am Sandy Campbell & Neil Campbell 10:00am Steve and Mary Feeney 11:30am Tony Friel 7:00 pm Albert Drake Monday, October 27 7:30am Father Benedict Groechel Tuesday, October 28 7:30am Gladys & John O’Shea Wednesday, October 29 7:30am Reverend John M. Toomey Thursday, October 30 7:30am Rosemary DeCoste Friday, October 31 7:30am Reverend Edward Gavin Saturday, November 1 All Saints Day 7:30am Catholic Appeals Contributions 4:00pm Annual Mass of Remembrance Sunday, November 2 7:30am Bob Durling & Deceased choir members 10:00am Ann Butera 11:30am Sacrament o f Confirmation Mass 7:00 pm Barbara Seyffert Please continue to pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, and for our Armed Forces in harms way. YOU ARE INVITED….. DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL CHRISTMAS CONCERT I would like to thank everyone who contributed to last week’s second collection for WORLD MISSION SUNDAY. We received a total of $719.00. This week’s 2ND COLLECTION is for the BUILDING AND GROUNDS FUND and will be allocated to cover the expense for the winter cleanup by SPM Enterprise Landscape. Upcoming expenses will focus on industrial Christmas Decorations for the exterior. I would like to thank Mike and Bernadette White for the continued gift of the parish irrigation system; each year they open the system in the spring and drain and close the system in the fall...all of this for free. I also want to thank Tom and Mary Burke for their many contributions; recently a word of thanks to Tom and one of his employees for moving the Baptismal Font, and for his many other hours of volunteer service in making various repairs to the parish systems. While I am at it, thanks should also go out to Steve Drake and his apprentice and son, Steven, who have been undertaking the maintenance to our electrical systems. I want to thank Joe “Honey” Presley, who much of last winter plowed the snow on the parish parking lots for free! Unfortunately, Joe’s older truck has been traded in for a crossover automobile, which does not have a snowplow. Doesn’t his wife realize how much he needs a plow hitch on the crossover? We will have to return to hiring a private contractor, which will be funded through the Building & Renovation Fund. None-the-less I remain indebted to Joe for volunteering, and was so inspired when he plowed the lot despite having a 101 temperature! This coming Sunday we host the Most Reverend John Dooher at the 11:30 Mass where he will confer the Sacrament of Confirmation on 13 Confirmandi. Please extend the warmest of welcomes to him. The COOKIE WALK FUNDRAISER is coming the Saturday before THANKSGIVING DAY. Would you Friday, December 12th 7pm Tickets on Sale Today! Adults $10 Children under 12 Free Saturday before THANKSGIVING DAY. Would you consider making a few dozen cookies and donating them for drop off the night before or early morning of the event. Please call the office or email us at to let us know how many and what kind of cookies, you’ll be able to donate. This year’s GIVING TREE will include gifts for HOMELESS VETERANS as well as PARISH FAMILIES and those who we help with the St. Vincent DePaul Society. If you’d like to help in this endeavor please contact Catherine Rein at the parish office. ST. ANN BY THE SEA CCD NEWS THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION SUNDAY NOVEMBER 2ND 11:30AM MASS IN MAIN CHURCH. SOUTH REGIONAL BISHOP MOST REVEREND JOHN DOOHER. October 26, 2014 WEEKLY SCRIPTURE READINGS 10/26 10/27 10/28 10/29 10/30 10/31 11/1 Ex 22:20-26; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 Eph 4:32-5:8; Lk 13:10-17 Eph 2:19-22; Lk 6:12-16 Eph 6:1-9; Lk 13:22-30 Eph 6:10-20; Lk 13:31-35 Phil 1:1-11; Lk 14:1-6 Rv 7:2-4; 1Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a PLEASE PRAY SICK OF OUR PARISH FOR THE ALL SOULS DAY PROCESSION Sunday, November 2nd 10AM Mass ATTENTION 2ND GRADE PARENTS!!! 1ST PENANCE PARENT MEETING Sunday November 23rd after the 10AM Mass Reminder of Future Donut Socials November 23 December 21 Please join us for coffee, tea, donuts and wonderful raffle gifts. PRIESTHOOD SUNDAY O Jesus, I pray for Your faithful and fervent priests; for Your unfaithful and tepid priests; for Your priests laboring at home or abroad in distant mission fields; for Your tempted priests; for Your lonely and desolate priests; for Your young priests; for Your dying priests; for the souls of Your priests in purgatory. But above all I recommend to You the priests dearest to me: the priest who baptized me; Kathryn Murphy Andrew John Davis Eleanor McFarland Jacquelyn Dunn Joan McQuire Rita Callahan Jack Murphy Virginia Boyd Doug Reilly Maureen Valkanas Donald Nee Marie Connolly Elizabeth Mollison Regina MacKinnon Marion Donahue Anna Corcoran Gertrude Paul Daniel Miele Marilyn Birnie Katherine Burke Steven McDonnell Dan Humphrey Mr. Monahan Ken Butera Leo Marchioni Would you like us to pray for you? Contact us at the parish office at 781-834-4953. The Bread, Wine & Candles in the Church and the Chapel are available for the months of November, December and January. We are preparing for our the priest who baptized me; the priest who absolved me from my sins; the priests at whose Masses I assisted and who gave me Your Body and Blood in Holy Communion; the priests who taught and instructed me; all the priests to whom I am indebted in any other way. O Jesus, keep them all close to Your heart, and bless them abundantly in time and in eternity. Amen——St. Therese of Lisieux We are preparing for our 2014 Giving Tree. This is a wonderful opportunity to give to those in need. Our wish list this year includes: Gift Cards Gas Cards Toys for Catholic Charities in Brockton ST. ANN BY THE SEA PLANNING AHEAD… ST. ANN BY THE SEA FALL EVENTS MASS OF REMEMBRANCE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1st 4:00PM THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION SUNDAY NOVEMBER 2ND 11:30AM MASS THE COOKIE WALK SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22ND 10AM-2PM DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL CONCERT FRIDAY DECEMBER 12TH 7PM SOWING SEEDS INVITES YOU TO VOLUNTEER! If you would like to experience the joy of wrapping someone in a warm coat, outfitting a baby, or handing a new backpack to a child, the Sowing Seeds Clothing Bank invites you to volunteer. The commitment is for 2 and one half hours just one Thursday or Saturday morning a month beginning in January. Please call 781-837-3337 to make a difference in the life of a Marshfield neighbor in need. Thank you! BC High Open House Boston College High School will host its annual Open House on Sunday, October 26th from 12:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. The event provides prospective families the opportunity to meet faculty, administrators and coaches, to tour the school, October 26, 2014 OCTOBER IS RESPECT FOR LIFE MONTH WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT HOSPICE CARE For many seriously ill patients, hospice care offers a dignified and comfortable alternative to spending one’s final months in the impersonal environment of a hospital. Hospice care focuses on all aspects of a patient’s life and well-being: physical, social, emotional, and spiritual. There is no age restriction; anyone in the late stages of life is eligible for hospice services. While specific hospice services around the world differ in the amenities they provide, most include a hospice interdisciplinary team, or IDT, that includes the patient’s physician, a hospice doctor, a case manager, registered nurses and licensed practical nurses, a counselor, a dietician, therapist pharmacologist, social workers, a minister, and various trained volunteers. The hospice team develops a care plan tailored to a patient's individual need for pain management and symptom relief, and provides all the necessary palliative drugs and therapies, medical supplies, and equipment. Typically, hospice care is provided at home and a family member acts as the primary caregiver, supervised by professional medical staff. Hospice IDT members make regular visits to assess the patient and provide additional care and services, such as speech and physical therapy, therapeutic massage, or dietary assistance. Certified home health aides may also be deployed for help with bathing and other personal care services. Hospice staff remains on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. faculty, administrators and coaches, to tour the school, and to learn more about all aspects of school life. All interested families are invited to attend and may register online by visiting admissions. CALLING ALL COOKIE BAKERS Please help bake cookies for our Annual Cookie Walk scheduled for Saturday, November 22nd from 10am-2pm. Cookie drop off will be Friday November 21, 2014 after 3pm. THANK YOU!!! A hospice IDT also provides emotional and spiritual support according to the needs, wishes, and beliefs of the patient. Emotional and spiritual support, including grief counseling, are provided to the person's loved ones. The Archdiocese of Boston Respect Life Month - October 2014 END OF BULLETIN ANY TEXT OR GRAPHICS ON THIS PAGE WILL NOT APPEAR IN THE PRINTED BULLETIN Church Name: St. Ann Church City: Marshfield, Ma Routing Code: o Run Number: File Name: 4482 Phone Number: 781-834-4953 Fax Number: Editor/Contact: Susan Comments:
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