Parish of Our Lady and St David, Cwmbran (Registered Charity No. 242380) Website: Email: Parish Priest: Canon John Griffiths Tel: 01633 482346 Parish Deacon: Rev. Peter McLaren Tel: 01633 770754 Parish Sister: Sr Thecla Tel: 01633 483232 Safeguarding Officer: John Metcalfe Tel: 07977108478 26th October 2014 30th SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME YEAR A PSALTER WEEK 2 First Reading: Exodus 22:20-‐26 Second Reading: Thessalonians 1:5-‐10 Gospel: Matthew 22:34-‐40 Psalm (All) I l ove you Lord, my strength, my rock, my fortress, my saviour. My God is the rock where I take refuge; my shield, my mighty help, my stronghold. The Lord is worthy of all praise: when I call I am saved from my foes. Long life to the Lord, my rock! Praised be the God who saves me. has given great victories to his king He and shown his love for his anointed. You must love the Lord your God, and your neighbour as yourself When you look at something like the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and see its 691 pages, or look at the 2,000 pages of the big Jerusalem Bible, you can be forgiven for thinking that Christianity is a complicated affair. But Jesus reminds us today that it is essentially very simple: everything can be summed up in two basic rules: love God, love your neighbour. Exodus backs this up, by talking about the simple love that we must show to each other. Not that this is easy -‐ love is always costly, and involves some degree of sacrifice. We will have to change, to become perfect in love; but it is possible, and when we do, like the people of Thessalonica, we become a great example to people everywhere. Piety Stalls at Our Lady’s and St David’s Christmas cards, diaries and calendars are now on sale PARISH LITURGY AND DEVOTIONS THIS WEEK TEA, COFFEE, BISCUITS and a CHAT in St Anne’s room after 9.30am Mass today and every Sunday Morning Prayer: Mon, Tues & Thurs 9.10am Evening Prayer: Fri 4.40pm Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 4.30pm 6.00pm 9.30am 11.15am 9.30am 9.30am 2.45pm 9.30am 9.30am 9.00am 4.30pm 6.00pm 9.30am 11.15am St David’s Our Lady’s Our Lady’s St David’s Our Lady’s St David’s Our Lady’s Our Lady’s St David’s Our Lady’s St David’s Our Lady’s Our Lady’s St David’s th Patrick Cunningham (JC) 30 Sunday in Ordinary Time Margaret Metcalfe (JM) Mary Power (P&JM) Olwyn Szymanski (M&DC) The People of the Parish Settimo Trilarelli (JT) Sts Simon and Jude, Apostles (Feast) Funeral Mass for Bryan Kennedy Betty Fitzgerald (D&M&G) Laura (J&KD) Pat and Terry Richards (S&EG) Leslie Rawson (P&ML) All Saints (Solemnity) Margaret King (B&DC) Holy Day of The People of the Parish Obligation Jim and Joyce Sheehy’s Ints (PP) Food Bank The Food Bank collection will take place next weekend. OF SACRAMENT RECONCILIATION SATURDAY Our Lady’s Church 12noon -‐12.30pm St David’s Church 3.45pm – 4.15pm The Rosary will be recited after week day Masses during the month of October ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Tuesday: St David’s Church -‐12pm Friday: Our Lady’s Church 9.30am – 5pm Annual Service of Memories The Parish Annual Service of Memories will take place on Wednesday, 12th November at 7pm in Our Lady of the Angels Church followed by light refreshments. Every one welcome Your giving to your Parish: many thanks Gift Aid £446.50 Non Gift Aid £696.23 Gift Aid Standing Order £121.73 Total giving this week £1264.46 Mass Count: 547 What’s on this week Tues 2.00pm Our Lady’s: Social Club Wed 10.00am St David’s: Choir Practice Thurs 10.00am St David’s: Legion of Mary 7.00pm Our Lady’s: RCIA Course CATECHESIS RCIA Course Continues in St Anne’s room at Our Lady’s at 7pm every Thursday. Our Lady’s Church The Choir meet on the first and third Thursday of the month, anyone interested in joining the choir please see Louise after Mass on Sundays. St David’s Hall A volunteer is needed to be a key holder for St David’s Hall if you can help please contact Canon John NOVEMBER – THE MONTH OF REMEMBRANCE Envelopes for the November Dead lists are available in the church porch All Saints (Solemnity) next weekend is a Holy Day of Obligation All Souls Day will be celebrated on Monday 3rd November with two Masses, 9.30am at Our Lady’s Church and 7pm at St David’s. Service of Memories: Wednesday 12th November at 7pm in Our Lady’s Church. We remember especially at this service parishioners who have died during the past year, and if you are a parishioner who has suffered from a bereavement in the past 12 months and the deceased lives outside of the parish please give their names to Beth Smith ASAP On the following Tuesdays: Oct. 28th, Nov. 4th, Nov. 11th and Nov. 25th, there will be a series of half-‐hour talks at the Cornerstone in Charles Street, (opposite St. David’s Cathedral), at 12.30pm, on subjects related to Life and Death. Refreshments will be served after the talks. On Tuesday, November 18th, at 3 pm, there will be a Mass in St. David’s Cathedral, which is the annual Mass offered for the deceased clergy of the Archdiocese of Cardiff A Workshop for Men At Llansor Mill on Saturday 1st November 9.30am – 5.15pm For more details contact Stphen Ashton 07816847386 or See poster on the notice board for further details St David’s School. The Governors of St David’s School have unanimously appointed Joanne Weightman as Deputy Head Teacher of the school. We wish her every happiness in her new appointment which she will begin in January. SVP The SVP meeting will take place every other Tuesday in St Non’s room at St David’s Church from 4th November. UCM The UCM are holding a cake sale after Mass on Saturday 13th December and Sunday 14th December. Christmas Draw The UCM will be selling raffle tickets on 7th December at £1 per strip for a food hamper and other prizes. Christmas Shoe Boxes Last Christmas, between both churches and schools, over 180 shoeboxes went to the children who have been orphaned as a result of war, famine and drought. It is my target this year to make that 200 boxes. This year’s campaign will be supporting the children of Syria. Please could you start collecting items suitable to go into the boxes and bring them into church? Further details are available on the website at: http://www.samaritans-‐‐we-‐do/operation-‐christmas-‐child/ or from Sheila Spokes Mobile 07817 544036 or landline 01633 489122. Thank you in anticipation of your generous support. Day of Renewal Saturday 8th November at St Brigid’s Cardiff Mass at 9.30am and ends at 4.30pm. Please see poster for further details. Plenary Indulgence A plenary indulgence, applicable to all souls in Purgatory, is granted to any of the Faithful who (1) on one of the days from 1-‐8 November visit devoutly a cemetery or simply pray mentally for the dead: (2) on All Souls Day visit a chapel or church with devotion and there recite the Our Father and the Creed. A partial indulgence, applicable only to the souls in Purgatory, is granted to any of the faithful who (1) visit devoutly a cemetery or who simply pray mentally for the dead: (2) recite devoutly Morning Prayer or Evening Prayer of the Office of the Dead, or the invocation “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord” Parish Directory PAC Chairman: Mrs. Paddy Landers 01633 868352 Mrs S McCool, Head Teacher, Our Lady of the Angels School Tel: 484673 Mrs J Bates, Head Teacher, St David’s School Tel: 482580 Dave Stroud 01633 838542 SVP Leigh Awcock 01633 670932 SVP
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