West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Conrpany Limited (A Govemment olWest Bengdt Enteryrise) Office of the Chjef Engineer: procurement & Contracts Oepartment vidyut Bhabani4ttr Froor): Bidhannasore rBtock_Dr, " sec."r, n.tu"il-iooori .-- --phone No. 033-23s9-8397 --:: Fax No. 033-23s9_192i MpmoNo:p&C/ACt _,, t/tM D &ser urir! Depos,i .etease/ | z S L,-;") Dare: _, z j I To, The Zonal Mahager, l{olkata/Midnapur/Burdwan/Baharampore/Sillguri WBSEDCL Sub : Ref : DearSir, Dist. Zone, R€lease of EMD Cum Security Deposit/Securit) P&C/ACE -tV/EMD &security Deposit release/ ln connection to this above iss,e, this is to inform yo,u that Dfferent parties are applied for.eleasing of EMD whrh was s,rbm,r ted by ihem drri"C if," Jr;."r, Airferenr Tender/ Rat-o contract orders' The risr of those parties arong with the a"r,r. ", ,iri"o information rike Rate Contract Order/ purchase Order, BG No. & Date etc. are being given below. Cum sec rrity Deposrt/Security Deposit. .i 5! ! Companv s.qqc!! !?trc arder lsllqder o. t P&S/P lndustries of Bank Guarant 24/2007/rec dltc Amount 85 ofBank P&s/P24/2007 /Tec Guarant P&S/P of Bank 24/2a01/Tec .?psE damaged/de a4J9 100000 29SE damaged/de IV)RC gG NO: 5A114 !t!9. CG.Nq 151q 2!AE 32/5 2!08 Dhtribution z2& 100000 .200a damased/de w/3sa/3/7 P&5/P22/20O8-A9|P- @!c Distribution Guarant Engineeri E-!t Glqe.[I 100000 w/3s814/12 Enterprise item ec 2244 w/3s8/4/4 z "ii". Distribution 0s.s3 2a09 25AOO/- G.l Stay Sets & Earth Spike ES-Nq 26!& 019308 ?B11 !PE89 !31 PgJ 25.o2- !q 2Aa9 qder ztE9g ButIDE before ore releasing releasi EMD cum security from site offices, regarding their performance as well as other jssues like any pending job anv properties execution of such I.:::J:'::::L:"-1"'-,-heth-er order but not yet returned or clelivered, Deporit/s@."tion !iH',"*Jil,ii *,],.n o;;;'';;:I;;"::ffili *"r" no, il":lil; 5o, feedback reports in this regard from your end as well as from the offices under your.iurisdiction /control are urgently required. Feedback report should be as per format which is being enclosed with ihis notice and i I West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (A Govefiment oJ West Bengol Entery se) offiEe ofthe chief Engineer: procutement & contracts Depaftment (olkata-7oo091 vidyut thaba n{4th rloorl: sidhannasore: Block_DJ, Sector_l!' Phone No. 033_2359-4397 :: Fax No- 033-2359'1921 from the issuance of this lelter' You are report to be sdnd to the off;ce of the undersigned by 1s(fifteen daYs) lheir jurisdiction or controltor f"rtlt:l requested to communicate this notice to other offices under release EMD/ Security a.tion. lf no feedback report is received from your end as required, theil we maY l"-**i" DeposiL f.om this end. This notice will be uploaded treated as urgent. to our official website for wide circulation of this requirement This may be Yours faithfullY, s.4,//_ . (D. Basu) chief Englneer Procurement & Contracts Deptt. WSSEDCL 2\ coPY TO: P&C/ACF{IV)/EMD 2 Sl-CURlrY DFPOSIT 1. RtLtast/ 125 (t'il) Date: CHIFF LNCINLTR (DISI,),WBSEDI L -7 it,i, itn,rur* irac.1, wesrocr - *ith a request to upload this document to our official website for widecirculationamongstthevendorsandconcernedsiteengineersthroushoutwestBengal. xh,oio.\P\t" -- \ {D. Basu) chief Engineer Procurement & Contracts DePtt WBSEDCL 1,- sf't'^ /y
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