> OpenOLAT Short Introduction for Students

Short Introduction
for Students
Under the tab „Home“
You find personal information, such as bookmarks,
listings of courses and groups in which you
Under the tab „Lernresourcen (Learning Resources)“
You will find a list of your courses.
The catalogue (Katalog) contains all universities of
Rhineland-Palatinate using OpenOLAT.
University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen
Kompetenz- und Supportcenter for E-Learning
Ernst-Boehe-Strasse 15
Building E (Postbankbuilding)
Room E 25
67059 Ludwigshafen
E-Mail: e-learning@hs-lu.de
Georg Emunds
Phone: +49 (0)621- 5203 203
E-Mail: emunds@hs-lu.de
The Item HS LU is divided into the departments
of Hochschule Ludwigshafen. Courses are then
grouped by course name or teacher.
Lorenz Fehling
Phone: +49 (0)621 - 5203 106
E-Mail: fehling@hs-lu.de
In general, you are prompted for a password for
course which will be given by your lecturer.
Maria-Luise Haag
Phone: +49 (0)621- 5203 425
E-Mail: haag@hs-lu.de
In the right column, in the box „Allgemeines
(General)“, you can bookmark a course, which will
then appear as a link in your home area.
Opening hours: www.hs-lu.de/elearning
Access to OpenOLAT Home
1. Login OpenOLAT via Shibboleth
(with Campusaccount)
User name:
Your student number (eg: 999999)
Password: current individual password!
If you have not already set up an individual
password as described before then, and
only then, take your date of birth (DDMMYYYY).
Two accounts
Upon matriculation in the University of Ludwigshafen
two accounts will be created for each student:
1. University / campus account
Activation in a PC pool of HS-LU with:●§
Username: your student number
(Ex.: 654321)
a: Initial Password: Your date of birth
(Ex.: 01.02.1993)
b: Choose a new, individual Password = individuelles Password
= campus password.
hs-lu -> Service -> OpenOLAT (right column)
(with OpenOLAT Account)
This individual university / campus password, must be changed every 150 days.
You now have access to:
● ▪ Wifi
▪ PC-Pool
▪ OpenOLAT via Shibboleth
2. OpenOLAT Account
2. OpenOLAT Login Direkt
Your OpenOLAT your user name consists
of the abbreviation (fhl) and your student
number, separated by a dot.
Ex .: fhl.999999
Your OpenOLAT password is a capital A followed
by your 8-digit date of birth (DDMMYYYY).
Ex .: A01011990
1.Login with University / campus account via
2. Login directly via „OpenOLAT Login direkt“
with your OpenOLAT-access data.
Please note the subtile differences between
User names and passwords of both Login‘s!