Document 365857

WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 19th - 25th OCTOBER 2014 Eucharistic Community of Saints Francis de Sales and Mary Magdalene 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Year A St Francis de Sales Weekdays open 9am­ 7pm St Mary Magdalene SUNDAY 8.45am Rosary (Green) 9.15am Mass 19th October Mass Intentions Weekdays open 9am­7pm PHIL & ANIA SINNETT & FAMILY 10.30am Rosary 11.00am Mass 12.15pm Divine Mercy 5.00pm Rosary 5.30pm Mass PARISHIONERS 29th Week in Ordinary Time MONDAY 11.30am Rosary (Green) 20th October 12 noon Mass 7.30 ­ 8.30pm Confessions TUESDAY (Green) 21st October (Green) 22nd October Adoration 7am to 7pm 8.30am Rosary 11.30am Rosary (Green) 12 noon Mass 23rd October FRIDAY 12 noon Mass 24th October 25th October 1) TATE & DREW FAMILIES 2) THANKSGIVING FOR OUR GUARDIAN ANGELS 11.30am Rosary (Green) (Blue) LUCIA HOTTINGER (birthday) 09.00am Mass THURSDAY SATURDAY 1) WILLIAM CLARK IN ANTARCTICA 2) CHRISTOPHER MEERE RIP 1) RUSSEL & ROS PENN & FAMILY 2) HARRY CLARKE RIP 9.30am Rosary 10.00am Mass WEDNESDAY Psalter week 1 OUR LADY ON SATURDAY JOANNA CORK RIP 1) ANNE GARNER 2) GERRY CONNOR RIP 09.30am Rosary 3) PAULINE HART & family 10.00am Mass 10.45­11.30am Confessions 4) THANKSGIVING FOR FR BERNARD & FR RICHARD 5) NOREEN MUNNELLY'S INTENTIONS 6) THANKSGIVING TO ST MICHAEL 3rd Weekend of Parish Mass Count 2nd Collection today for “World Mission Sunday”
P a r i s h W e b s i t e s & E ­ M a i l h t t p : / / w w w . s a i n t s ­ f r a n c i s ­ a n d ­ m a r y . o r g . u k h t t p : / / w w w . d i g i n e t 2 . c o . u k b e r n a r d . b a r r e t t @ d i g i n e t 2 . c o . u k P A R I S H P R I E S T : F R . B E R N A R D B A R R E T T 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Reflection by Dr Scott Hahn
“Caesar and King”
READINGS: Isaiah 45:1,4­6 1 Thessalonians 1:1­5 Psalm 96:1,3­5, 7­10 Matthew 22:15­21 The Lord is king over all the earth, as we sing in today’s Psalm. Governments rise and fall by His permission, with no authority but that given from above (see John 19:11; Romans 13:1). In effect, God says to every ruler what he tells King Cyrus in today’s First Reading: “I have called you . . . though you knew me not.” The Lord raised up Cyrus to restore the Israelites from exile, and to rebuild Jerusalem (see Ezra 1:1­4). Throughout salvation history, God has used foreign rulers for the sake of His chosen people. Pharaoh’s heart was hardened to reveal God’s power (see Romans 9:17). Invading armies were used to punish Israel’s sins (see 2 Maccabees 6:7­16). The Roman occupation during Jesus’ time was, in a similar way, a judgment on Israel’s unfaithfulness. Jesus’ famous words in today’s Gospel: “Repay to Caesar” are a pointed reminder of this. And they call us, too, to keep our allegiances straight. The Lord alone is our king. His kingdom is not of this world (see John 18:36) but it begins here in His Church, which tells of His glory among all peoples. Citizens of heaven (see Philippians 3:20), we are called to be a light to the world (see Matthew 5:14) ­ working in faith, labouring in love, and enduring in hope, as today’s Epistle counsels. We owe the government a concern for the common good, and obedience to laws ­ unless they conflict with God’s commandments as interpreted by the Church (see Acts 5:29). But we owe God everything. The coin bears Caesar’s image. But we bear God’s own image (see Genesis 1:27). We owe Him our very lives ­ all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, offered as a living sacrifice of love (see Romans 12:1­2). We should pray for our leaders, that like Cyrus they do God’s will (see 1 Timothy 2:1­2) ­ until from the rising of the sun to its setting, all humanity knows that Jesus is Lord.
SPIRITUAL COMMUNION: for those unable to receive Holy Communion at Mass. My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things: I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot receive you sacramentally, come at least into my heart. I embrace You, and I unite myself entirely, to You, as if You had already come. Do not permit me to be ever separated from you. P a r i s h D e t a i l s : C h u r c h o f S t F r a n c i s d e S a l e s , R a d c l i f f e S t r e e t , W o l v e r t o n . T e l : 3 1 3 1 6 2 P r ies t’ s Re sid en c e: 2 2 S tr at fo r d Ro a d, W o lv er t o n , MK 1 2 5 LJ
GROUP GATHERINGS, MEETINGS AND INFORMATION OCCASIONAL If anyone has a moment, from time to time, to help make the strip of GARDENING HELP garden at the front of St Mary's look attractive, please contact the office, so your details can be given to the gardening team for when small jobs need to be done (mainly in spring and autumn). Many thanks. DIVINE MERCY Departing from Gatwick on Friday, 14th November and returning Tuesday PILGRIMAGE TO 18th November. Cost £365 per person half board, including flights and KNOCK £10kg hand luggage. For more details, see the notice in the porch. “QUICK JOURNEY This 8 session course continues on Wednesday 22nd October in the parish THROUGH THE hall at Stony, 7.30pm to 9.30pm. BIBLE” ­ HOUSE ROSARIES The Legion of Mary are offering house rosaries during October, so if you FOR OCTOBER would like them to come to your house to pray the rosary, call Jo (01908 564586), Mary (07921 480027) or Christine (01908 225840) “FRIDAY Friday, 28th November at the Braai Shack in Wolverton. Tickets £5 FELLOWSHIP” FISH available after Mass or from the parish office. & CHIP SUPPER NOVEMBER ­ MONTH OF HOLY SOULS All weekday Masses in November will be offered for the Holy Souls gathered at the altar. Holy Souls envelopes will shortly be available at the back of the churches ­ write the name of the deceased you would like to pray for on a piece of paper and place this into the envelope, together with your donation as an offering for the Holy Souls Masses and put this into the box which will be in front of the altar at all Masses in November. “LEARNING TO A new training session open to all parishioners, run in conjunction with LISTEN” Citizens:mk. Saturday, 1st November, from 1.30am to 12.30pm at the parish hall at St Mary’s. Session on ‘how to lead a listening campaign’ ­ learn how to conduct effective one­to­one conversations, introducing yourself, asking open questions, active listening, noting key issues from a conversation and communicating to others what you have learned. Full details on the posters in the porch. OFFERING YOUR There are forms at the back of the Church for you to sign up if you have a TALENTS FOR skill or ability, which you are willing to use to raise funds for the Church. If FUNDRAISING FOR you can iron, mend or alter clothes, mow lawns, give music, dance or THE CHURCH academic tuition (or anything else which you can offer!) please sign up, or DECORATION speak to any member of the admin / sacristy team who can explain what is involved! Many thanks! NOVEMBER During November, Fr Bernard or Fr Richard will bless graves in each of BLESSING OF THE the four cemeteries which lie within our parish boundary. This will take GRAVES place on Saturdays at 12 noon. You are encouraged to come along and pray for the souls of deceased family, friends, parishioners and neigh­ bours. Dates and locations are as follows: Saturday, 1st November: Calverton Rd Cemetery Saturday, 8th November: London Rd Cemetery Saturday, 15th November: New Bradwell Cemetery Saturday, 22nd November: Wolverton Cemetery SILENCE IN CHURCH To encourage silence and prayerful thanksgiving after Mass, Fr Bernard & Fr Richard invite you to pray St Thomas Aquinas’s “Prayer of thanksgiving after Mass”. Copies are available at the back of both churches. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THESE AWAY ­ they are for use after Mass in Church! P a r i s h D e t a i l s : C h u r c h o f S t M a r y M a g d a l e n e , H i g h S t r e e t , S t o n y S t r a t f o r d . T e l : 5 6 4 3 6 3 PARISH MEETINGS AND EVENTS GROUP GATHERINGS, MEETINGS AND INFORMATION BAPTISM COURSE If you would like your child baptised, call Pauline (511897) or Chris (371896). Next course starts on 4th November . To register for the next course, call one of the catechists on the above numbers. MARRIAGE COURSE or tel. Janet (510216).One year’s notice required. SVP CONTACT Tel: 07500 917328 or email: RCIA Thinking of joining the RCIA? Or do you know of someone who might be interested? A new course starts soon, for those interested in finding out more about becoming a Catholic. Session Dates available shortly. NET MEETING Fellowship after 9.15am Mass 25th October 2.15pm in the Parish meeting room, Stony Stratford. Please do remember to come and join us for refreshments after 9.15am Mass on Sunday in the Hall. All welcome! … and 11am Mass ALL SAINTS FIREWORKS After 11am Mass, there are refreshments at the Braai Shack ­all welcome! Saturday 1st November from 5.00pm to 7.30pm at St Mary Magdalene Hall and Garden. Refreshments include hot dogs, jacket potatoes, mulled wine & hot chocolate. Games & tombola. We provide the fireworks. All welcome! VOCATIONS WEEKEND 14­16 NOVEMBER 1ST HOLY COMMUNION PARENTS … If any young man would like more information on Vocations to the Priesthood in the Diocese of Northampton, please either call Fr Mark Floody (Vocations Director) on 01604 714556 or speak with Fr Bernard Please note that if your child is in the preparation program for 1st Confession and 1st Holy Communion in 2015, the structure of the course for parents has been changed. The parents sessions on Saturdays in the parish hall in November and February will not take place ­ instead, you are asked to attend the Anchor course on the following Monday evenings: 13th, 20th and 27th April, 11th and 18th May and 1st June. ANCHOR COURSE 1ST HOLY COMMUNION CHILDREN Sessions for children remain unchanged ­ see below for the next children's session. The next session for children enrolled in the course is Saturday, 22nd November from 10am to 1pm at the parish hall in Stony Stratford. This is for those children who attended the session in May. Please note that children must attend all sessions to be able to continue on the course. NOVEMBER HEALING MAS FOR THE BEREAVED The November healing Mass is for those who are bereaved and for the souls of departed parishioners. Saturday, 29th November at 12 noon. Mass will be followec by Exposition and Benediction. All very welcome ­ please feel free to invite others along whom you know, who are bereaved and might find comfort and healing from this Mass. MASS INTENTIONS To have Mass offered, fill out a request form and hand it, with your money for the stipend, to the parish office at St Mary’s, or put it in an envelope, clearly marked, in the collection basket & it will be taken to the office. Mass cards cost 60p ­ please include money for a stamp if you need it posted to you. NB: All dates are provisional until published in the newsletter. All Mass slots are full until December. There are plenty of weekday slots available in December, although Sundays are full until nearly the end of the month. All weekday Masses in November are for holy souls. SACRAMENT OF THE If you are going into hospital for an operation, or are about to receive some SICK treatment, please do think about receiving the Sacrament of the Sick from one of the priests. Just contact the parish office to arrange this. GOING INTO MK HOSPITAL? If you are going into hospital call Daphne on 243700. This is VERY important as the hospital CANNOT contact us under Data Protection Law. Fr Allan Jones visits Fridays and a lay team brings Holy Communion Sundays. Do not ring Fr Allan for Holy Communion ­ call the lay team (243700). EMERGENCY CONTACTS: Need a priest urgently? Call: Dawn (07761 583307), Derick (265819), Janet (510216) or Mary Barker (312171)