a : PO Box 384 Kyabram Vic 3619 p : 03 5851 2100 f : 03 5852 3878 e : kyabram.p12@edumail.vic.gov.au w: www.kyabramp-12.vic.edu.au Student Absence: 5853 2607 Term 4 Issue 33 IMPORTANT DATES OCTOBER 24 Robotics Incursion Grade 3/4 LMR Basketball - Intermediate & Yr 7/8 27 Primary Scholastic Bookclub Orders due Gr 4-6 State Championships in Melbourne 29 Pink Ribbon Breakfast 30 Immunisations for Yr & 9 NOVEMBER 3 Pupil Free Day 4 Melbourne Cup Day 6 Gr 5/6 Interschool Sports 7 Kyabram Bush Market 10 Kinder Visit 10-11 Yr 11 Biology Excursion 13 Yr 7-9 “Pointing at the Moon” Workshop 14-20 Yr 11 Exams 18 Lifeskills Camp 20 Bookstall at Bocce Club Yr7-12 21 Graduation Ball Respect Principal’s Report “Excellence Through Opportunity” Dear Parents and Friends, YEAR 12 ASSEMBLY AND CELEBRATIONS This week saw the formal end to classes for students in Year 12. The Year 12 assembly was outstanding and those who attended would agree that it was very well done. We wish the Year 12 students all the very best as they undertake their exams which begin next week. 2015 ENROLMENT Over the last month or so we have been working on the staffing and classes for 2015. As the effectiveness of grade structures depends heavily on knowing the exact number of children who will be at Kyabram P-12 College next year, it is important to advise the school if any families will not be returning in 2015. I thank those families who have already notified us of this. If you have a prep child commencing next year, or know of a family with a prep child who have not yet completed an enrolment form it would be appreciated if this could be attended to immediately. HATS - REMINDER As we are a sunsmart school in Term 4 we require all students to wear a bucket hat when they are outside. As the new school uniform has been fully implemented all students should be wearing a blue bucket hat from a uniform supply shop, complete with the school logo. Please do not purchase a different style of hat as it may not be worn at school. SECOND HAND UNIFORM Parents’ Club are in the process of starting a second hand uniform shop for all students in the school from Prep to Year 12. If your son or daughter have grown out of their uniform or they are at leaving age, please think about donating any unwanted uniforms to the school. Parents’ Club can then sell them at a much reduced price than they can be bought new. Please drop unwanted uniforms off at any of the offices at our school. STATE SCHOOLS’ RELIEF Growing up is hard enough, yet thousands of Victorian children go to school each year without warm clothing and good quality shoes. Responsibility Resilience Doing Your Best Community Teachers have reported that inappropriate school clothing triggers a range of negative consequences, from bullying through to children not attending school. State Schools’ Relief offers a simple solution. Their practical service ensures that every student, regardless of their background, can fully participate in education. Having a uniform and looking like everyone else ensures that all students feel included and valued. It provides everyone, regardless of background, with the opportunity to participate fully in schooling. State Schools' Relief is unique; no other Australian State has a similar organisation. Their service promotes each childs’ dignity because the service is run anonymously through the schools. It would be almost impossible to find a State School, no matter how prosperous, which has not had at least one student who has received assistance from them in the past 83 years. They have supported tens of thousands of young Victorians and their families, clothing 1 in 60 kids for school each year. They remain the leading agency providing material support to young people in Victorian government schools. Our school will have some collection tins at the primary and the main secondary campus should you wish to donate to this very worthy cause. COMMUNITY FILM NIGHT – DATE FOR YOUR CALENDAR Please keep the evening of Thursday, 27th November free for a Community Film Night. Parents Club is currently organising the finer details around food and a possible Christmas Hamper auction. CYBERSAFETY Cyberbullying is using technology to deliberately and repeatedly bully someone. By reporting it, talking about it and supporting each other, we can stop it. It can include: abusive texts and emails hurtful messages, images or videos imitating others online to set them up excluding others online nasty online gossip and chat Here are some ideas on how to take a STAND against cyber-bullying: Silence – do not respond to abusive messages. The number one rule for dealing with cyberbullying is: don't respond, don't interact and don't engage. Take a copy of all abusive messages- these may be useful legally later on. Create a new folder, called "Abuse", and move hate texts into it in case of future legal action. Accept that bullies don’t think like you do –trying to sort it out with them or asking them to stop won’t work. Recognise that you are not dealing with a person who has the same mindset as yourself. Cyber-bullies are cowards who often try to hide their identity and behave in nasty ways to build themselves up and to put other people down. Cyber-bullying is a pathetic act. Never deal with this problem alone- get help! No one can cope with this alone. Don’t be provoked. Some cyber-bullies play "the baiting game". A provocative comment is made and those who respond in irritation are encouraged to engage in conflict with those who respond assertively. The provoker watches, waits and stirs the pot. If you would like to visit Andrew Fuller’s website to read about this and many other issues please visit www.andrewfuller.com.au/ Stuart Bott College Principal Excellence Through Opportunity P-4 AWARDS AWARDS Doing Your Best: Steph B, Riley H, Liam M, Tait P, Ace W Resilience: Taylan J Community: Kelli S, Kiara C Respect: Francis F, Ashlyn B, Summar J, Trae C Responsibility: Jamie H, Logan G, Liam H, Zeenat I P-6 Assistant Principal Report Kate Whitford It is so good to hear positive feedback about our school and about the achievements of our students. Well done to everyone for representing our school in such a positive and cooperative way. This week we have had many engaging learning opportunities and celebrations for our students : Fauna Park Visits, Robotics Incursion, Kinder Transition, Year 12 Final Assembly and Grade 5/6 Election speeches. Thank you to the staff, parents, volunteers and friends of our college who put in the extra effort to make these opportunities possible. Athletics Good luck to the 26 students from grades 4-6 who compete against the best in Victoria on Monday, 27 th October, at Lakeside Stadium in Albert Park. We will let you know how they go in next week’s newsletter, so stay tuned! Pink Ribbon Breakfast A reminder that our annual Pink Ribbon Breakfast is next Wednesday, 29 th October, starting at 8:00am. Come along and enjoy a cooked breakfast – bacon and egg roll, sausage in bread, toast or pancakes, tea and coffee. Cost : $5 per person or $20 per family. All proceeds go to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Count Us In On Thursday the 30th our Prep-4 students will participate in the ‘Count us In’ Initiative to remind us all of the value and benefits of learning music. Music education has been proven to improve students’ literacy, numeracy, school attendance and confidence. Count Us In brings teachers, parents, students and the music industry together in celebration, as more than half a million people unite to sing the same song at the same time, right across the country. And we are part of it! This will be held in the P-2 Building at 12:30pm (exactly!). Arriving and Leaving School During the School Day A reminder for parents to sign the book at the office if your child is late to school or leaving before the end of the day. Thank you to those parents who call or send a note regarding their child’s absence. This helps ensure our records are up to date and correct. Welcome Back A warm welcome back to Mrs Wilkinson and Mr Mangan who have been on leave. Thank you to Mr Wegmann and Mrs Harrison for looking after their students and keeping the classrooms running smoothly while they were away. Lost Uniform With the recent warm weather we have been overwhelmed by the number of nameless jumpers left out in the yard over recess and lunch times. While teachers remind students to care for their belongings, it is much easier to find an owner if the uniform items are labelled. Please see Judy if you a missing an item in case it has made its way to the office. School Assembly Thank you to our parents and friends who join us each Monday morning for our Prep-4 Assembly in the P-2 Community Building. It is wonderful to have so many people in the audience to hear messages and help celebrate our successes. Excellence Through Opportunity 7-12 Assistant Principal’s Report Danny Walsh Year 9 & 10 Cricket On Tuesday, 12 of our Year 9 and 10 boys played cricket on the Kyabram P-12 College oval against St Mary’s Nathalia. The boys competed well but were narrowly defeated. Congratulations to all involved on their sportsmanship and efforts and a big thank you to Brad Power for his umpiring and coaching role. Year 12 Assembly On Thursday, 23rd October at 11:30am our Year 12 students will be having their final assembly in the College Hall. Students are hard at work organising routines, filming funny clips and preparing many other items. It is sure to be a fun and action packed experience! All family and community members are very welcome to attend. 10-12 Students Army, Navy and Air Force are hosting an ADFA Facebook chat on Thursday, 23 rd October at 6:30pm. Here is a link to the chat page https://www.facebook.com/events/1485699831716414/. Have a chat and get some answers to your questions! Grummitt Scholarship The Neil and Mavis Grummitt Scholarship is now open and application forms with further information can be collected from the General Office or the 10-12 Village Office. Closing date for the scholarship is Friday October 31st. The Annual Grummitt Scholarship has been generously donated by Neil and Mavis Grummitt and the Awardee will receive a $5,000 grant to assist with educational costs. Funds may be used over more than one year. Applicants must be a current student of Kyabram P-12 College. It is preferred that the Awardee will demonstrate an interest in the field of Agriculture, the Arts (Music) or Teaching. However, special consideration may be given to other academic career aspirations, under the guidance of the Selection Panel. Applicants will demonstrate a spirit of community within the College, be willing to help others, will be a role model for other students and participate in College and community activities and also represent the College without necessarily being a champion. To be eligible, students would be studying Year 11 – 12 in the following year and have proven financial hardship. One or more students may be eligible for full or part of the annual scholarship amount. Students wishing to apply should demonstrate an “exemplary attitude and a desire to learn”. Yard Maintenance Work If you are available to assist with clean up/maintenance at the College could you please contact me by email (walsh.daniel.m@edumail.vic.edu.au) or by phoning the College. We have a number of areas that require attention such as painting, pruning, edging and brushcutting. Please see Vivienne Thomas for more information. Excellence Through Opportunity On Friday, 17th October, musically talented students from across the whole college showcased their abilities at the Music Expo. This free show at the Plaza Theatre was enjoyed by all parents, students and staff. Excellence Through Opportunity COLLEGE NEWS CANTEEN SECONDARY CAMPUS PRIMARY CAMPUS OCTOBER OCTOBER Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri 27 28 29 30 31 HELP Sharon Pell Fiona Barnett Terrie-Anne Coburn Tania Porter 10:30-11:45am Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri 27 28 29 30 31 HELP HELP HELP HELP Michelle Collier 1:00-2:15pm HELP Kerri Graves HELP Terrie-Anne Coburn HELP ABSENCE LINE 5853 2607 PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE TO ADVISE IF YOUR CHILD IS, OR WILL BE, ABSENT Open 24 hours 7 days We are required to have verification of all student absences. For your convenience we have an absence hotline where you can leave a recorded message. Or you may choose to write a note or leave a message in your child’s planner. Excellence Through Opportunity Excellence Through Opportunity COMMUNITY MATTERS Grade 6 End of Year Celebration BBQ Where: 78 Fischer Street, Kyabram When: 6th December 2014 Parents welcome to stay and help out - BYO drinks please Boys, Bring something savoury Girls, Bring something sweet Bring along a plain t-shirt and a marker so everyone can sign it! For further details please contact Jules Berry 0431 293 071 or Tabitha Voisey 0413 991 620 For sale Guinea Pigs $7 Please phone for details 0414 690 494 COLLEGE CALENDAR ~ October 2014 ~ Sun 19 Mon 20 Tue 21 22 Kinder Visit 26 27 Wed Thu Fri 23 Sat 24 25 Gr 6 Transition 5-12 Assembly Program Grade 3/4 Robotics Incursion LMR Basketball Intermediate & Yr 7/8 Grade 3/4 Robotics Incursion 28 29 30 31 College Council 7pm Pink Ribbon Breakfast Yr 12 Exams Commence Immunisations Yr 7 and 9 “Shekere Beats” African Drummers Gr 3-6 at 2:20pm Year 10 Work Experience Camp ~ November 2014 ~ Sun 2 9 Mon Tue Wed 6 10 13 11 12 Kinder Visit 9:30-11am 17 18 Fri Sat 7 8 14 15 Gr 5/6 Interschool Sports Pointing at the Year 11 Exams Moon” Workshop Years 7-9 Year 11 Biology Excursion 16 Thu 3 4 5 Pupil Free Melbourne Day Cup Day 19 Lifeskills Camp Parents’ Club Meeting 7pm Primary Staffroom 20 Year 7-12 Bookstall at the Bocce Club 12pm-6:30pm 21 22 Graduation Ball Year 11 Exams 23 24 25 26 27 F1 in Schools Competition F1 in Schools Competition F1 in Schools Competition Domain Activity Days Years 7, 8 & 9 Flying Start commences Year 7-11 28 29 Proud to be a Silver Donor Lou & Angela De Palma Proprietors Ph (03) 5831 1066 www.sheppfresh.com / M & S Group Accounting JAG Plumbing Salter’s Panel Repairs Kyvalley Farms Milk Kyabram Bakery Walker Real Estate Bakers Delight Dunstall Rural Supplies Subway McConnell Real Estate
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