Document 367851

During 2013 our Armstrong/Spallumcheen Food
Bank: had 206 households registered; consisting of
323 adults & 181 children under 18 years old. This
represents approx. 5% of households in our area.
Of these 47 were single parent families and 82
were persons with disabilities.
During a recent 6 week period we have seen 12
new Food Bank registrations (most are families
with kids) which is a quite significant increase in
such a short time span. This could be related to
teachers strike and the resulting lack of breakfast/
lunch programs.
These numbers fluctuate from month to month
and from year to year driven by shut-downs, layoffs, strikes & seasonal employment. The only
thing we can predict is the need for the food
bank is always there.
Our clients can access the food bank one time
per month; which differ from surrounding food
banks which are every 2 months. We aim to issue
hampers the same day. A person registering with
the food bank must provide proof of residence
within Armstrong/Spallumcheen, ID for all family
members and fill out a short registration form.
We keep a database of those clients logging
each time they access, thus allowing us to moni-
“From everlasting to everlasting
you are God.”
Readers for November 2—All Saints
1st Reading: Revelations 7. 9-17
Carine Baird / Debbie Brown
2nd Reading: 1 John 3. 1-3
Laura Courtemanche / Ed Clark
Matthew 5. 1-12
Lois Roberts / Ken Chapman
Wilf Fournier / Maureen Karran
Comm. Asst.: Pam Walker / Helen Hall
Eva and Katie Strohm
Lois Roberts / Pat Sheridan
Daphne Bray / Linda Samland
tor the monthly eligibility and any special needs
or circumstances.
The dry goods portion of the hampers are prepackaged by our volunteers and then completed with the fresh/frozen items upon distribution to the client. Clients also receive a voucher
for Askews’ Foods for milk and eggs. We try also
to ‘top-up’ the hampers with extras depending
on the number of kids in household or if number
of adults is greater. (Diapers, Baby formula,
Baby food, Hygiene products, laundry supplies,
dog & cat food, baking items, etc.)
Although the hampers are designed to provide
a minimum 3 days of emergency food, during a
recent survey, many clients noted that the hampers allow them to stretch their food to up to a
week when combined with the odds and ends
they still have on hand.
We are happy to announce…This year we were
able to increase the protein given in our
monthly hampers with the addition of cheese
and we have added a ‘hygiene’ supply station
where clients can help themselves to hygiene
products when needed.
During Christmas last year – 118 households received magnificent Christmas Hampers. This is
possible because of the overwhelming community support.
Christmas is our biggest campaign as well as our
busiest time of year. We rely on this campaign
to carry us through the year. Many food banks
in larger cities hold ‘Christmas in July’ as a way
to keep the food banks supplied through the
year. Here in Armstrong with a smaller population to draw on, we can only ask for so much
from the same people during the year.
Worship Schedule
Nov. 2:
Nov. 9:
Nov. 16
Nov. 23
St. George and St. James: HE
Bishop James Cowan
St. George and St. James: HE
Rev. Ray Bray
St. George and St. James: HE
Bishop James Cowan
St. George: MP—Wilf Fournier
St James: MP-Maureen Karran
The Anglican Church of
Pentecost 20
St. James and St. George
October 26, 2014
The Diocese of Kootenay
The Most Rev. John Privett - Bishop
Living Faith - Proclaiming Christ
Growing Churches - Empowering Mission
If you love me, you will keep my word,
and my Father will love you,
and we will come to you.
John 14.23
Our thanks this week to:
Parish Office Box 21
Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0
1st. Reading: Lois Roberts / Linda Samland
2nd Reading: Daphne Bray / Betty Stratford
St. George, Enderby, 9:30 am
St. James, Armstrong, 11:00 am
Ray Bray / Maureen Karran
Incumbent: The Rt. Rev. J. Cowan
Sandy Fournier / Helen Hall
Morning Prayer
Daphne Bray / Linda Samland
Lois Roberts / Lorraine Cummings
Maureen Karran 250-546-3622
Laura Courtemanche 250-838-7790
Ken Chapman 250-546-6937
Sheila Forster 250-838-6721
Comm. Asst.: Morning Prayer
In Our Prayers:
In the Diocese of Kootenay we pray for John
October 26, 2014
Privett: Archbishop of Kootenay; All Saints’, KimService of Morning Prayer
berley, Kim Staus, Priest in Charge; Christ Church,
Cranbrook: Yme Woensdregt, Incumbent; KatheGathering of the Community
rine Hough, Honorary Assistant.
Welcome & Notices
Opening Hymn
Common Praise 526 In the World Wide Anglican Communion we pray
Penitential Rite ……………………...………. BAS p. 45 for the Church of Ceylon, (Columbo) The Rt Revd
Responsory ……………………………....…….
p. 47 Dhiloraj Ranjit Canagasabey Kurunagala;
CP 94 (Ceylon) The Rt Revd Greg Shantha Kumar Francis.
ACC: The bishop, clergy, and people of the DioProclamation of the Word
1st Reading: Deuteronomy 34. 1-12
OT p. 191 cese of New Westminster.
90. 1-6, 13-17 …………...…….. p. 826 ELCIC: The dean, council, and congregations of
2nd Reading: 1 Thessalonians 2. 1-8
NT p. 203 the Atlantic Conference of the Eastern Synod.
CP 434 ACIP: Pray for the International Theological TrainGospel:
Matthew 22. 34-46
NT p. 25 ing Institute for their work in ministry development
and publication of the First Peoples Theology JourSermon
Creed (said) …………………………………….. p. 52 nal. Amen
Prayers for the sick: We give thanks for the many
Prayers of the People
Offertory Hymn
CP 422 ways in which we are returned to health and
strength in Christ's name. Today, we remember in
Prayer over the gifts:
our prayers: Eleanor, Daphne, Elinor, Evan, Doreen,
God of constant love,
Nancy, Jerri, Anthony and Pauline, Dorothy, Faith,
you have guided your people
Rhianna, Marie, Lois and Alex. We pray for all who
in all times and ages.
are sorrowful in body, mind or spirit, may they
May we who offer you our praise today
know of God's love for them in their difficulties and
always be ready to follow where you lead;
we ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. loss. Amen
In our parish we pray for our James Cowan, InAmen
cumbent; and we give thanks for the work of the
Presentation of Food Bank gifts
Building and Maintenance Committee and ask
Collect of the Day
God to bless each member and their faithful work
Lord God our redeemer,
done to the glory of God. Amen
who heard the cry of your people
We pray: Please pray for the World Health Organiand sent your servant Moses
zation, front line workers and those who have conto lead them out of slavery,
tracted the Ebola virus.
free us from the tyranny of sin and death,
Let us pray for peace makers, for those who are
and by the leading of your Spirit
called into combat and for our Canadian Armed
bring us to our promised land;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
God, the author of peace and lover of concord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
to know you is eternal life, to serve you is perfect
one God, now and for ever. Amen
Lord’s Prayer (said) ……………………………… p. 54 freedom. Defend us your servants from the assaults
Closing Hymn
CP 528 of our enemies, that we may trust in your defense,
vs 1, 2, 6 and not fear the power of any adversaries,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Armstrong-Enderby Parish
The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
and the love of God and the communion of
the Holy Spirit be with us all, evermore.
Thought for the Day
While you are proclaiming peace with your lips,
be careful to have it even more fully in your heart.
- Francis of Assisi
Oct. 27: Armstrong-Enderby Bible Study, St.
George’s, 1:30 pm. A ride will leave St. James’ at
1:00 pm. All are welcome.
Oct. 29: Senior’s Drop-In. See notice.
Nov. 1: St. James ACW Muffin Break, 10-12 noon.
See poster.
Nov. 2: Day Light Savings Time change. Move
your clocks BACK before you go to bed Sat night.
Nov. 4: St. James ACW, 1:30 Parish Hall
Nov. 5: St. George’s ACW, 1:30 Parish Hall.
Nov. 22: Meditation Workshop. See notice.
Nov. 22: St. George’s Fall Tea. 1-3 PM at the Enderby Seniors Complex. $5.00 at the door.
God has called many Canadians to share His love
with children around the world through Operation
Christmas Child -- and He has equipped us "to do
good works, which God prepared in advance for
us to do" (Ephesians 2:10b)
Operation Christmas Child National Collection
Week is Nov. 17 to 23 so it is once again time to
think of this project. Although over 100 million children have joyfully received this gift since 1993
there are still so many children that we could help
put a smile on their faces this year. Please help
once again to make an effort in giving a shoebox
to a child and bring some joy into their lives. it is
time to begin collecting. The deadline for our parish will be Sunday, Nov. 21.
Reminder: for those who are
unable to shop for these boxes,
please speak to Betty Stratford.
She and Maureen Karran will be
“bulk shopping” and can fill a
box for you.
Did you know there are only 59 days until Christmas!?!
Meditation Workshop There will be a workshop on
Nov. 22nd from 9:00 to 3:00 at All Saints Vernon in
the Preschool Building with Nancy Scott to explore
different styles of meditation. If you have always
been wondering about meditation and how to
do it, join us for the morning from 9-12. This time
will be geared to those with no background in
meditation. The afternoon, from about 1-3, will be
for those with some experience in meditation and
will explore different ways of meditating. Nancy
Scott is an oblate with the Sisters of St. John the
Divine with an extensive background in prayer
and meditation. She lives with her family in Sorrento.
For registration or information, please contact
Jane Bourcet at or leave a
message at 250-542-9035. The cost of the workshop is $20 total for full or part day and will include
a simple lunch. Please let Jane know if you wish to
share in the meal as numbers are needed for
lunch supplies
Seniors’ Drop-In
Seniors' Drop In (55 +) is held every Wednesday 12
noon - 3 p.m. in St. James’ Church Hall. Come
and bring your friends and neighbours for board
games, good conversation and fellowship. Please
also bring a bag lunch. Coffee and tea are provided. For further information, contact Betty at
Daily Bible Readings
Oct. 27
Oct. 28
Oct 29
Oct. 30
Oct. 31
Nov. 1
Nov. 2
Matthew 23.1-12
1 John 4.1-12
Joshua 3.1-17
1 Thessalonians 2.9–3.5
John 8.31-47
Revelation 7.1-17
Isaiah 26.1-19
Garage Sale!
St. George’s and St. James will each be holding a
garage sale in the spring. Please think ahead
and set to one side any item(s) you may have to
donate. Dates to be announced.