SMS Gateway (MPG) handover Technical Requirements Introduction The purpose of this letter is to define the technical changes required for all existing Nashua Mobile subscribers moving onto the Cellfind Messaging Gateway. The changes referred to herein are specific to the technical requirements that will guide subscribers around what changes need to be made to connect to Cellfind’s Messaging Gateway in order to facilitate a smooth and seamless handover. Each section defines the required changes per submission method. Subscribers can refer to the relevant section that pertains to their existing Nashua Mobile Solution and configurations. Important Notice All configurations over to the Cellfind Messaging Gateway needs to be completed by 1 November 2014. This will ensure that you will not experience any down time on your services. Should your IT team require any technical assistance with your configurations, please refer to the Support Details on the last page of this document. Cellfind Messaging Gateway URL Both Cellfind and Nashua Mobile subscribers can browse Cellfind’s Messaging Portal and gain more insight into our communication offerings and capabilities. Subscribers can access the Cellfind Messaging Portal via the following URL: SDK & Web service Subscribers Direct Web Service integration: Should you be connecting directly to the Nashua Mobile MPG web service, you would need to change your application to no longer connect to , but rather to when sending and receiving messages. SDK integration: If your organisation is making use of the SDK component, provided by Nashua Mobile, you would need to implement the following change in your configuration file; Open the MPGCLIENTSDK.ini file (situated in the either your C:\WINNT or C:\WINDOWS directory) and ensure that the URL property is changed to point to: as will no longer be supported going forward. Website: Contact us: +27 11 848 8200 e-mail: CSV Sender Subscribers Customers making use of this component, supplied by Nashua Mobile, should take note of the following configuration changes required for the service. This service will have to point to as will no longer be supported going forward. To make the configuration changes; stop the service, open the NMCSVSenderConfig.xml file (located in the C:\BULK directory) and change the XML file to look as follows: <BulkCSVSender> <OperationalTime Enabled="True" StartTime="08:00" EndTime="17:00"/> <MPG URL="" Username="MyUsername" Password="MyPassword"> <Sender Name="ZeroCool" CellNo="0828092776" EmailAdress="" FaxNo="01120" TelNo="0118488200"/> </MPG> <Settings PollInterval="10000" ReplyInterval="13000" StatusInterval="17000" ValidSACellExtensions="082;083;084;072;073;074" Priority="3" Format="Combined" > <Mail Host="" FromAddress="" Port="25" MailAgent="Cellfind Gateway" Subject="Cellfind Bulk SMS Confirmation" FromName="Cellfind Multi Protocol Gateway" SendConfirmation="False" SendStatus="False" SendReply="False"> <BodyText> <BodyTextItem Text="Confirmation from Cellfind"/> <BodyTextItem Text="Attached please find a copy of the responses of messages"/> </BodyText> <ErrorText> <BodyTextItem Text="Confirmation from Cellfind"/> <BodyTextItem Text="There was an error processing your file. Please contact Cellfind."/> </ErrorText> </Mail> <Protocols> <Protocol Name="SMS" PollDirectory="c:\Bulk\SMS\Outgoing" ReplyDirectory="c:\Bulk\SMS\Status" StatusDirectory="C:\Bulk\SMS\Status" PollFileType="*.CSV" Enabled="True"/> </Protocols> <Submissions Split="1" MaxMessages="500" /> </Settings> </BulkCSVSender> Once you have made the changes, save the file and the service should be ready to go. Website: Contact us: +27 11 848 8200 e-mail: Outlook (email to SMS) Subscribers Cellfind provides this simplified Email2SMS method of sending SMS messages directly from your email box that will replace the SmartMail system provided by Nashua Mobile. SINGLE messages can be submitted in the following format: TO: <msisdn> FROM: user@anydomain (has to be the email address of a registered user on Cellfind SMS gateway.) SUBJECT: Password (the password provided by Cellfind for the user that was created.) MESSAGE Body: (Plain text message without any HTML formatting or HTML signatures applied.) Example To: From: Subject: MyPassword12345 Message Body: This is a test message from Email to SMS SmartMail Subscribers Cellfind has developed a similar SmartMail service whereby subscribers can send SMS messages from their Outlook email. This Cellfind solution has been defined in the Outlook (email to SMS) section above. Should any existing Nashua Mobile SmartMail subscribers require to setup and configure their existing SmartMail solution, these subscribers should contact Cellfind via the Support Contact Details provided below. Website: Contact us: +27 11 848 8200 e-mail: Support Details Technical Support Should you require any technical assistance in relation to your configurations, please contact our support team: Helpdesk: Brent Wantenaar: Theo Lategan: Or Call: +27 11 848 8200 Commercial and Account Management Support Renier Venter: Mobile Number: Carla Leggatt: Mobile Number: +27 11 848 8200 +27 11 848 8200 Credit Control Support Annette Oosthuizen: Mobile Number: +27 82 278 8331 Website: Contact us: +27 11 848 8200 e-mail:
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