Document 368992

Rockingham Church of Christ Inc.
“A Place to Believe, Belong, Become”
26th October 2014
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As you will be aware, we have been praying for more Elders for our church
leadership. This is an ongoing process of seeking suitable and willing Elders.
The current Eldership are now pleased to recommend the consideraon of
Chris Hill and Jim Gibbon to the role of Elder. If you have any reservaons
about the suitability of either person for this role, please speak to one of
the Pastors or Elders no later than Sunday, 2nd November.
The Eldership will then formally nominate the suitable candidates to the
church on the 9th November, and a secret ballot will be held on Sunday
morning 16th November for all church members to rafy the nominaon(s)
with a special meeng convened over morning tea to announce the result.
A short summary of the biblical requirements for Eldership is available in
the foyer to assist you in prayerfully considering these nominaons.
Ps Cohen Watson, Ps Tim Nsair, Jim Kester & Victor Young
(the exisng Eldership)
… R
Halloween is celebrated by our culture this Friday, 31st October. It is
thought to have its origins in a fesval connected to inving good spirits
into homes and wearing costumes to disguise yourself for protecon
against evil spirits that might also turn up.
Current day images associated with Halloween include death, evil and
the occult. It is important for us to remember that the spirit world is a
serious reality, and not harmless fun, and to teach this to our children and
grandchildren. Jesus is Lord of all.
Why not have some appropriate gospel tracts on hand to offer to
anyone who comes trick or treang at your place on Friday night? AVer all,
the gospel is the best giV you can offer to anyone!
And why not celebrate Reformaon Day on the 31st October instead.
This is the anniversary of Marn Luther nailing to the church door in
WiSenberg his 95 objecons to the pracce of selling indulgences. Luther
was rightly convinced that forgiveness for sin was not something the
church could sell for a price, but was God’s alone to grant through faith in
Jesus Christ’s death and resurrecon for our sin.
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S Rodney Olsen from Compassion Australia will be sharing with us next
Sunday morning about the work of Compassion, and he will also share with
us from God’s Word. Please make him welcome.
– B
We are exploring hosng a small team of Perth Chrisan Uni students from
26—30th November to experience gospel ministry in Rockingham and
share in the life of our church and we would like to billet them in pairs with
church folk. They will be involved in ministry around the church during the
day, so all they need as a minimum is a place to sleep and a meal. If you are
able to host a pair of students for these few days, please let Ps Cohen know
ASAP. We need to find accommodaon for 5 to 6 pairs of students.
Do you have a passion for sharing Jesus with young people, enjoy having
fun with them, and willing to serve within a team? The Friday Night Youth
Group is seeking addional helpers to join their team. Helpers are needed
for co-ordinang and supervising age appropriate games/acvies, or
giving a Bible-based gospel talk as part of a teaching program. If you are a
commiSed follower of Jesus Christ and are interested in serving, Pastor
Cohen would like to hear from you.
For those suffering due to health or age, including: Lois Keys (scheduled
for surgery this Thursday), Merelda Nsair (not well), Jim Kester, Rae
Mustard, Lorraine McDonnell, Clem Johnston, Norma Mearns, May
Williams & son Brad, Trevor Booth, Handley Davies and others.
For those grieving, including Brenda Brereton and Grace Coulter.
For God to raise up workers for the harvest, parcularly for us here in
the ministries of Missions, PlayGroup, Friday night youth and Garden
maintenance where addional servants are needed.
For wisdom as we consider the appointment and elecon of addional
Elders; for wisdom as we begin planning for a second Sunday service to
accommodate our growing needs.
For those suffering as a result of persecuon, conflict and displacement
in places like Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Sudan and the Israel-Palesne conflict,
and especially for brothers and sisters in Christ.
Thank God for the grace He has given you in Christ Jesus, and how He
has given you everything you need for life and godliness.
- M T
Please submit your reports for the next Board meeng to Elsie
by this Wednesday, 29th October.
C) F
Violet Kipsiana has kindly offered to cut the hair of anyone in the church
family who needs their hair cut but cannot afford to go to a hairdresser or
is unable to due to mobility reasons. Violet will travel to your place and
does not expect payment, but offers this as part of her service of worship
to God. You can contact Violet on 0403 217 839. (If you are able to afford
a haircut and would like Violet to cut your hair, she is also willing to do so
for a suitable donaon.)
C) K)
There is a collecon of plates and dishes that have accumulated in the
kitchen from “bring & share” events. Please collect yours today or during
the week. Any items that are not collected by next Sunday will be accepted
as a donaon and sold at Op Shop on Tuesday, 4th November.
’ M
PG& C-
We are sll seeking a church member who is willing to co-ordinate and
oversee the PlayGroup ministry. If you are able and willing, please speak
with Karin Hanicke.
The Missions CommiSee would like to invite church members to
prayerfully consider joining the Missions team to promote and assist in
organising mission acvies for our church fellowship. Please speak to Les
McDonnell, Barbara Mitchell or Ps Cohen if you are interested.
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If you would like to make a donaon towards improving the acouscs in
the hall and reducing the echo, please place your giV in the offering and
mark it “Hall Improvement”. For further informaon please speak to Alan
Mitchell. $2,745 has been received towards this project so far - thank you!
Saturday, 6th December @ 2pm at the Perth Concert Hall.
BBQ & drinks
Chaplaincy bucket
Friendlies (Toys)
Op Shop & Books
Silent Auction
Take-a-Break (Craft)
For further details and to be
part of a group booking
(discounted price) see Hudson
Holland ( 9500 9877).
Join the West Australian
Symphony Orchestra, the WASO
Chorus and an internaonal cast
of soloists for Handel's Messiah.
Handel's masterpiece depicts
Christ's birth, passion and
resurrecon through meless
and inspiring music, including
the famous 'Hallelujah Chorus'.
S – S
C) L - R
This morning the choir will present to us a new song which we will learn
as a congregaon over the next couple of weeks. If it’s helpful, you
can use the words below to become familiar with it at home.
Do you want to see our church lawns green
this summer? The reculaon needs to be
checked weekly. Please see Roger Kingdon if
you are available to
go on a roster to
monitor the rec.
Training is
available and you
can work in pairs.
The card cupboard,
located in the passage
opposite the kitchen
door, contains greeting
cards for all occasions.
Please note that cards are
now $1.20 each and all
proceeds go toward
helping support a Pastor
and his family in Bali.
1. Glory and power to the One who loves us
Honour and praise Him forever
Come Lord Jesus, Come Lord Jesus.
2. Glory and power to the One who freed us
From all our sins by His blood
Come Lord Jesus, Come Lord Jesus.
Every eye behold Him now
He’s the Living One the first and last
Who once was dead, but now He lives
For-e-ver and ev-er.
3. Glory and power to the One who made us
A kingdom and priests for God’s service
Come Lord Jesus, Come Lord Jesus
Chorus: See Him coming on the clouds of heaven
Every eye behold Him now
He’s the Living One the first and last
Who once was dead, but now He lives
For-e-ver and ev-er.
Bridge: x 2:
is the living one
died and came alive.
is Almighty Lord
was, and is to come!
Chorus: See Him coming on the clouds of heaven
Every eye behold Him now
He’s the Living One the first and last
Who once was dead, but now He lives
For-e-ver and ev-er.
For-e-ver and ev-er.
© 2003 Mark Peterson. Administered worldwide by Emu Music Australia Inc. •
Used by Permission CCL Licence 66218.
Chorus: See Him coming on the clouds of heaven
The latest edition of the Challenge Paper is
available in the foyer. These are free — take
several copies and distribute them to your friends
and neighbours, and use them to promote the
gospel of God’s grace around our community. Speak to Tim Pearce for more information.
2nd N(
Message: Rodney Olsen
Leading: Ps Cohen
Communion: E. Peterson
Comm Prep: J & S Holmes
Helpers: J. Holmes, J & M Saw, S. Hicks,
A. Howard, M. Tassicker
Reading: M. Fricker
Music: M. Hicks, E. Earley, Ps Cohen,
Ps Tim, I. Spence
Sound: T. Winter
Overhead: B. Coulter
Hospitality: D & R Penfold
Teas: B & M Bailey
Kids Church: D. Johnson, R. Watson,
M. Belton & S. May
Crèche: M. Nsair, N. LiSle
Church Lock-Up: I & B Spence
Birthdays this week:
B r en d a B u r g a r
I r e ne B y r o n
R a y P a r k er
C o u r t n ey Fi s h er ( 9 ! )
D D Thursday, 13th November
Board Meeng
Thursday, 20th November
Prayer Together @ 4—5pm
Cnr Rae Rd & Frederick St, (PO Box 7128), SAFETY BAY, WA 6169 Tel: (08) 9592 2495
Pastor Cohen: Assoc. Pastor Tim: