SUBSTANCE ABUSE Kaitlin Atkinson Family Resource Library Resource List Follow @CHEOfrl Follow @CHEOhospital Adolescent drug & alcohol abuse: how to spot it, stop it, and get help for your family / Babbit, Nikki -- Sabastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2000. This book offers parents clear information, support, and guidance to understand the disease model of drug abuse, and that it's not your fault; overcome family confusion, denial, and excuses to get your child the help he needs; find allies in the community to help your child feel the appropriate consequences of his actions; know what to look for in chemical assessment facilities; see what kind of help can be given your child in treatment; gain serenity and happiness for yourself, apart from the outcome of your child's drug abuse or dependency; listen to the voices of dozens of parents and recovering teens and learn that you are not alone in how this problem profoundly affects your family. FAM HV 5824 .Y68 B27 L'alcool / Sanders, Pete -- Montréal: Éditions École Active, 1998. Ce livre parle des effets de l’alcool, l’aspect social et des attitudes envers l’alcool. Il y a aussi des photos et des bandes dessinées. Pour les enfants de 6 à 12 ans. FAM HV 5125 .S24714 Buzzed: the straight facts about the most used and abused drugs from alcohol to ecstasy / Kuhn, Cynthia -- New York: Norton, 1998. This no-nonsense handbook gives the most balanced, objective information available on the most often used and abused drugs, from alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine to heroin. In both quickreference summaries and in-depth analysis, it reports on how these drugs enter the body, how they manipulate the brain, their short-term and long-term effects, the kinds of “high” they produce, and the circumstances in which they can be deadly. FAM HV 5824 .Y68 K83 Cocaïne: la poudre de l'ennui: inspiré de la série documentaire 'vice caché' / Beaulieu, Jacques -Outrement, QC: Les Éditions Publistar, 2006. Ce livre apporte des informations pertinentes sur ce paradis artificiel qu'est la consommation de cocaïne. On y trouve aussi des pistes de solution basées sur les besoins physiques, psychologiques et sociaux de l'individu, ainsi que des approches de traitement, telle la méthode AA. Un guide de ressources (centres de thérapie et d'entraide) complète le recueil. FAM HV 5810 .B42 2006 Co-dependent no more: how to stop controlling others and start caring for yourself / Beattie, Melody -- Center City, MN: Hazelden, 1992. Helps to understand codependency and keys to unlocking it hold on your life -instructive life stories, personal reflections, exercises and self-test -Inspirational, straight forward. FAM RC 569.5 .C63 B43 Cocktails: facts for youth about mixing medicine, booze, and street drugs / Collin, Kathleen Vancouver: Youth Health Program, 2002. Designed by youth for youth and their health care providers, this booklet describes the effects of mixing street drugs with antidepressants and other medications. FAM HV 5824 .Y68 C64 Drogue: alerte aux parents / Wille, Rolf -- Paris: Éditions Brepols, 1996. Dans cet opuscule qui s'adresse à tous les éducateurs, l'auteur explique : comment empêcher dès le plus jeune âge le développement de la toxicomanie, comment détecter les symptômes de la dépendance, comment aider les toxicomanes à rompre avec la drogue et comment favoriser leur guérison. CHEO - Kaitlin Atkinson Family Resource Library Hearing Impairment and Sign Language Resource List Page 2 FAM HV 5824 .Y68 W5414 Drogues et adolescence: réponses aux questions des parents / Gaudet, Etiénne -- Montréal: Éditions du CHU Sainte-Justine, 2009. Ce livre présente une mise é jour des substances psychotropes aujourd'hui offertes aux adolescentes - qu'il s'agisse de dépresseurs, de stimulants ou de perturbateurs - et contient de nombreux renseignements pratiques, tant pour les parents que leurs adolescents. FAM HV 5824 Y68 G38 2009 Les drogues / Sanders, Pete -- Montréal: Éditions École Active, 1997. Ce livre parle de ce qu’est une drogue, des différentes sortes de drogues, l’abus des drogues et des conséquences. Il y a aussi des photos et des bandes dessinées. Pour les enfants de 6 à 12 ans. FAM HV 5809.5 .S3414 Drogues: savoir plus, risquer moins: édition Québécoise -- Montréal: Les Éditions Internationale Alain Stanke, 2001. FAM HV 5801 .D74 Ecstasy: la pilule de l'enfer: inspiré de la télésérie documentaire 'vice caché' / Beaulieu, Jacques -Outrement, QC: Les Éditions Publistar, 2006. Ce livre est une source d'information sur les risques qu'encourent les consommateurs de ce drogue. En expliquant les effets de l'ecstasy sur le cerveau, les reins, le foie, le cœur et les poumons, il donne une vision claire et vulgarisé de cette pilule. FAM HV 5822 .M38 B42 2006 Helping students overcome substance abuse: effective practices for prevention and intervention / Burrow-Sanchez, Jason J. -- New York: The Guilford Press, 2007. Unique in its coverage of both prevention and intervention, this book provides evidence-based strategies and ready-to-use tools for addressing substance abuse in middle and high school settings. Readers learn ways to identify students at risk and implement programs that meet a broad continuum of needs--from psych educational and support groups to individual intervention and referral to community services. FAM HV 5824 .Y68 B87 2007 How to cope with a teenage drinker: changing adolescent alcohol abuse / Forrest, Gary G. -- North Vale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1997. With sensibility and eloquence, Dr. Forrest helps parents and families face the ugly reality of a teenager's drinking problem and shows that there is a path away from alcohol and its tragic consequences, toward a healthier, more fulfilling life style, not just for the teenage drinker but for the entire family. FAM HV 5135 .F67 1997 Real people: marijuana: the burning truth [VHS] -- Pleasantville, NY: Sunburst Communications, 1999. This program explores the problems associated with pot smoking, including its effect on skills, friendship, and family relationships. In addition, the negative effect marijuana use can have on academic performance, a finding clearly supported by research. The possibility of dependence is discussed, examines the psychological and physiological effects of this so-called “soft drug”. FAM HV 5824 .Y68 R42 VIDEO The truth about drugs [VHS] -- Woodstock, ON: Canadian Learning Company, 1998. CHEO - Kaitlin Atkinson Family Resource Library Hearing Impairment and Sign Language Resource List Page 3 This video explores the lives of several young people who have been forever changed by drug use. It shows the immediate consequences of illegal drugs, and illustrates in vivid detail how easily a life can be changed or destroyed after just one drug use episode. The effects of heroin, cocaine, Ecstasy and other drugs are discussed, as well as techniques for turning away from risky drug-related situations. FAM HV 5824 .Y68 T68 VIDEO Understanding street drugs: a handbook of substance misuse for parents, teachers and other professionals / Emmett, D. -- London: Jessica Kingsley, 2006. Provides an overview of key facts and issues surrounding substance misuse. All commonly used street drugs are discussed in detail. FAM HV 5824 .Y68 E55 2006 Web Sites Alcoholism – MedlinePlus from the U.S. National Library of Medicine Drug Abuse – Medline Plus from the U.S. National Library of Medicine Binge Drinking - Kids Health – Information for Kids, Teens and Parents from the Nemours Foundation Kids Help Phone / Jeunesse j’écoute Teens: Alcohol and Other Drugs – From the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry lcohol_And_Other_Drugs_03.aspx Tobacco Information and Prevention Source – U.S. Centers for Disease Control List of Common Addictions - American Academy of Family Physicians Centre for Addiction and Mental Health / Centre de toxicomanie et de santé mentale ToxQuebec – La référence québécoise en matière de toxicomanie Dépendances – Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux du Québec / Dépendance - Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux du Québec Ten Tips for Prevention for Youth – NCADD National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence CHEO - Kaitlin Atkinson Family Resource Library Hearing Impairment and Sign Language Resource List Page 4 Local Contacts Addictions and Problem Gambling Services of Ottawa / Services en toxicomanie et en jeu problématique d’Ottawa 221 Nelson St. Ottawa, ON K1N 1C7 613-789-8941 Motherisk – The Hospital for Sick Children Helpline – 877-327-4636 Drogue: aide et référence / Drugs: Help and Referral 514-527-2626 Montréal et environs 800-265-2626 ailleurs au Québec 24 heures – 7 jours Kids Help Phone / Jeunesse j’écoute 800-668-6868 This guide provides medical material for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. The information may not always apply to your individual situation. The guide represents material available in the Family Resource Centre collection at CHEO. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list. Your local public library may also be able to provide valuable information. If you require materials in alternative formats, please contact the library at 613-737-7600 ext. 2157 or at Last Updated: February 2013 Links Tested: October 2014 CHEO - Kaitlin Atkinson Family Resource Library Hearing Impairment and Sign Language Resource List Page 5
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