Indian Forester, 140 (10) : 965-969, 2014 htt p:/ / w w ISSN No. 0019-4816 (Print ) ISSN No. 2321-094X (Online) BIRDS OF BALIPADAR- BHETNOI COM M UNITY CONSERVED BLACKBUCK HABITAT, GANJAM , ODISHA, INDIA 1 2 SUBRAT DEBATA, S.D. ROUT, H.K. SAHU AND C.S. KAR P.G. Dept . of Wildlife & Biodiversit y Conservat ion, Nort h Orissa Universit y, Takat pur,Baripada-757003 srust i_d_rout @ ABSTRACT Birds of Blackbuck Community Conserved Area w ere studied from M arch 2012 to February 2013. A total 104 species belonging to 84 genera and 47 families w ere recorded of w hich family Ardeidae w as the most diverse comprising 7 species. Resident birds constituted major part of the diversity (81.74%) follow ed by w inter visitors (17.3%) and summer visitor (0.96%). Highest (95 species) w as recorded in the month of December and w inter w as the most diverged season in terms of number of species (101 species) follow ed by summer (84 species) and monsoon (71 species). Key w ords: Bird diversit y, Prot ected areas, Communit y conserved areas, Balipadar-Bhet noi blackbuck habitat Introduction Birds play a crucial role in forest ecosystem as potent ial pollinators, seed dispersers and scavengers (Palei et al., 2012). They are viable indicators of biological diversit y (Sinhaa et al., 2011) and changes in environmental condit ions Furness and Greenwood, 1993; Gregory et al ., 2004). The avian diversit y of Odisha is w ell endowed w it h 473 species (M ishra et al., 1996) due to it s st rategic locat ion in t he east coast of India and ranged over in 19 w ildlife sanct uaries, 1 biosphere reserve and 1 nat ional park. Apart from t hat a number of w ild species are cult urally protected and conserved in 26 communit y conserved areas in Odisha (Anonymous, 2012). Alt hough ext ensive w orks have been done to explore bird diversit y from t he protected areas, scant y attempt has been made to understand birds from communit y conserved areas in Odisha. During present st udy an attempt was made to prepare t he first preliminary avian checklist of t he communit y conserved area. M aterial and M ethod St udy area The st udy was conducted in Ballipadar -Bhet noi backbuck habitat of Ghumusar Sout h Forest Division, Odisha (Fig. 1). The area lies w it hin 19°35'-19°55'N Fig. 1 : Balipadar- Bhet noi communit y conserved area Blackbuck Community Conserved Area was found harbour rich avian fauna w ith 104 species, majority of them are resident birds (81.74%) followed by w inter visitors (17.3%) and only 0.96% summer visitor. 1 2 P.G. Depart ment of Zoology, Nort h Orissa Universit y Office of t he PCCF (Wildlife), Prakrut i Bhawan, Odisha The Indian Forester 966 lat it ude and 84°35'-84°50'E longit ude covering an area of 2 64.21 km interspersed w it h sett lement s, agricult ural lands, grass lands, past ure lands, sm all hillocks, commercial plantat ions, water bodies and various road net works (Kar, 2000 a,b). The area experiences all t hree dist inct seasons i.e. summer (M ar- Jun), monsoon (JulOct ) and w inter (Nov- Feb) w it h maximum temperat ure 0 0 of 42 C in summer and minimum 8 C during w inter. Humidit y of t he area recorded from 65 to 94% w it h an average 72%. The st udy area was visited at middle of each mont h for one year from M ar 2012 to February 2013 covering all t hree seasons. Birds w ere observed w hen encountered w it h a Nikon make 8×10 power prismat ic field binocular and ident ified w it h t he help of various field guides (Ali and Ripeley, 1983; Grimmett et al ., 2011). Nomenclat ure and classificat ion of t he species followed M anakadan and Pitt ie (2001). Only t he species w it h confirmed ident it y w ere taken in t he checklist . [October St r i gi d ae, Ram p h ast i d ae, Di cr u r i d ae, Or i o l i d ae, Pycnonot idae, Sylvidae, Nect ariniidae and Est rildidae (2 species each) and only single species was recorded from each of t he families of Podicipedidae, Ciconiidae, Threskior nit hidae, Anhingidae, Phalacrocoracidae, Scolopacidae, Laridae, Psit t acidae, Caprim ulgidae, Ap o d i d ae , U p u p i d ae , Co r aci i d ae , M e r o p i d ae , Bu cer o t id ae, Picid ae, Cam p ep h agid ae, Lan iid ae, Hirundinidae, Chloropseidae, Nectariniidae, Passeridae, Ploceidae. From all, resident birds const it uted major part of t he diversit y by 85 species (81.74%) followed by w inter visitors (18 species, 17.3%) and summer visitor (1 species, 0.96%). Highest number of bird species (95 species) was recorded in t he mont hs of December (Fig. 2). Winter season was t he most diverged season in terms of t he number of species (101 species) followed by summer (84 species) and monsoon by 71 species. Results and Discussion A total 104 species belonging to 84 genera and 47 families w ere recorded during st udy (Table 1). Ardeidae was t he most diverse family comprising 7 species fo llow ed by Phasianidae (6 species), Anat idae, Falconidae, Columbidae, M uscicapidae (5 species each), Rallidae, Cuculidae, Alaudidae, St urnidae (4 species each), Alcedinidae, Corvidae, Cist icolidae, M otacillidae (3 species each), Accipit ridae, Jacanidae, Charadriidae, Fig. 2: Diversit y of different bird species in different mont hs Table 1 : Preliminary checklist of birds of Balipadar-Bhet noi blackbuck conservat ion area, Ganjam Sl No Common name I. FAM ILY: PHASIANIDAE 1. Painted Francolin 2. Grey Francolin 3. Common Quail 4. Rain Quail 5. Jungle Bush Quail 6. Indian Peafow l II. FAM IY- ANATIDAE 7. Lesser Whist ling Duck 8. Cott on Pygmy Goose 9. Gadw all 10. Indian Spot-billed duck 11. Nort hern Pintail III. FAM ILY - PODICIPEDIDAE 12. Litt le Grebe IV. FAM ILY - CICONIIDAE 13. Asian Openbill V. FAM ILY - THRESKIORNITHIDAE 14. Red-naped Ibis VI. FAM ILY- ARDEIDAE 15. Cinnamon Bitt ern 16. Black-crow ned Night Heron 17. Indian Pond Heron 18. Purple Heron Scientific name Residential status Francolinuspict us R Francolinuspondicerianus Cot urnixcot urnix Cot urnixcoromandelica Perdiculaasiat ica Pavocristat us R WV WV R R Dendrocygnajavanica Nettapuscoromandelianus Anasst repera Anaspoecilorhyncha Anasacuta R R WV R WV Tachybapt usruficollis R Anastomusoscitans R Pseudibispapillosa WV Ixobrychuscinnamomeus Nyct icoraxnyct icorax Ardeolagrayii Ardeapurpurea R R R R 2014] Birds of Balipadar- Bhet noi communit y conserved blackbuck habitat , Ganjam, Odisha, India Sl No Common name Catt le Egret 19. 20. Intermediate Egret 21. Litt le Egret VII. FAM ILY - ANHINGIDAE 22. Dart er VIII. FAM ILY- PHALACROCORACIDAE 23 . Litt le Cormorant IX. FAM ILY- FALCONIDAE 24 . Common Kest rel 25 . Peregrine Falcon 26 . Black-w inged Kite 27 . Black Kite 28 . Brahminey Kite X. FAM ILY - ACCIPITRIDAE 29 . Eurasian M arsh Harrier 30 . Shikra XI. FAM ILY- RALLIDAE 31 . White-breast ed Waterhen 32 . Purple Swamphen 33 . Common M oorhen 34 . Eurasian Coot XII. FAM ILY- JACANIDAE 35 . Pheasant-tailed Jacana 36 . Bronze-w inged Jacana XIII. FAM ILY- CHARADRIIDAE 37 . Yellow watt led Lapw ing 38 . Red watt led Lapw ing XIV. FAM ILY - SCOLOPACIDAE 39 . Wood Sandpiper XV. FAM ILY - LARIDAE 40 . River Tern XVI. FAM ILY- COLUM BIDAE 41 . Common Pigeon 42 . Oriental Turt le Dove 43 . Eurasian Collard Dove 44 . Spott ed Dove 45 . Laughing Dove XVII. FAM ILY- PSITTACIDAE 46 . Rose-ringed Parakeet XVIII. FAM ILY- CUCULIDAE 47 . Jacobin Cuckoo 48 . Common Haw k Cuckoo 49 . Asian Koel 50 . Sout hern Coucal XIX. FAM ILY- STRIGIDAE 51 . Jungle Ow let 52 . Spott ed Ow let XX. FAM ILY- CAPRIM ULGIDAE 53 . Indian Night jar XXI. FAM ILY- APODIDAE 54 . Asian Palm Sw ift XXII. FAM ILY- UPUPIDAE 55 . Common Hoopoe XXIII. FAM ILY- CORACIIDAE 56 . Indian Roller XXIV. FAM ILY - ALCEDINIDAE 57 . White-t hroated Kingfisher 58 . Common Kingfisher 59 . Pied Kingfisher Scientific name Residential status Bubulcus ibis M esophoyxint ermedia Egrettagarzetta R R R Anhinga melanogaster WV Phalacrocoraxniger R Falco naumanni Falco peregrines Elanuscaeruleus M ilvusmigrans Haliast ur Indus WV WV R R R Circus aeruginosus Accipiter badius WV R Amaurornisphoenicurus Porphyrioporphyrio Gallinulachloropus Fulicaat ra R R R R Hydrophasianuschirurgus M etopidiusindicus R R Vanellusmalabaricus Vanellusindicus R R Tringaglareola WV St erna aurant ia R Columba livia St reptopeliaorientalis St reptopeliadecaocto St igmatopeliachinensis R R R R St igmatopeliasenegalensis R Psit taculakrameri R Clamatorjacobinus Hierococcyxvarius Eudynamysscolopaceus Cent ro puss.parrot i SV R R R Glaucidiumradiat um At henebrama R R Caprimulgusasiat icus R Cypsiurusbalasiensis R Upupaepops R Coraciasbenghalensis R Halcyon smyrnensisi Alcedoatt his Ceryler udis R R R 967 The Indian Forester 968 Sl No Common name XXV. FAM ILY - M EROPIDAE Green Bee Eater 60. XXVI. FAM ILY - BUCEROTIDAE 61. Indian Grey Hornbill XXVII. FAM ILY- RAM PHASTIDAE 62. Brow n-headed Barbet 63. Coppersmit h Barbet XXVIII. FAM ILY- PICIDAE 64. Lesser Goldenback XXIX. FAM ILY- CAM PEPHAGIDAE 65 . Large Cockoo Shrike XXX. FAM ILY- LANIIDAE 66 . Brow n Shrike XXXI. FAM ILY- DICRURIDAE 67 . Black Drongo 68 . White-bellied Drongo XXXII. FAM ILY- ORIOLIDAE 69 . Black-naped Oriole 70 . Black-hooded Oriole XXXIII. FAM ILY - CORVIDAE 71 . RufousTreepie 72 . Indian Jungle Crow 73 . House Crow XXXIV. FAM ILY - HIRUNDINIDAE 74 . Red-rumped Swallow XXXV. FAM ILY - ALAUDIDAE 75 . Jerdon’sBushlark 76 . Indian Bushlark 77 . Ashy-crow ned Sparrow Lark 78 . Oriental Skylark XXXVI. FAM ILY- PYCNONOTIDAE 79 . Red-w hiskered Bulbul 80 . Red-vent ed Bulbul XXXVII. FAM ILY - CISTICOLIDAE 81 . Plain Prinia 82 . Zitt ingCist icola 83 . Common Tailorbird XXXVIII. FAM ILY- SYLVIIDAE 84 . Blyt h’s Reed Warbler 85 . Jungle Babbler XXXIX. FAM ILY- STURNIDAE 86 . Jungle M yna 87 . Common M yna 88 . Asian Pied Starling 89 . Brahminey Starling XL. FAM ILY- M USCICAPIDAE 90 . Oriental M agpie Robin 91 . Indian Robin 92 . Pied Bushchat 93 . Asian Brow n Flycatcher 94 . Verdit er Flycatcher XLI. FAM ILY - CHLOROPSEIDAE 95 . Jerdon’sLeafbird XLII. FAM ILY- NECTARINIIDAE 96 . Purple-rumped Sunbird 97 . Purple Sunbird XLIII. FAM ILY- PASSERIDAE 98 . House Sparrow XLIV. FAM ILY - PLOCEIDAE 99 . Baya Weaver Scientific name [October Residential status M eropsorientalis R Ocycerosbirost ris R M egalaimazeylanica M egalaimahaemacephala R R Dinopiumbenghalense R Coracinamacei R Laniuscristat us WV Dicrurusm acrocercus Dicruruscaerulescens R R Orioluschinensis Oriolusxant hornus WV R Dendrocit tavagabunda Corvus m. culminat us Corvussplendens R R R Cecropisdaurica WV M irafraaffinis M irafraeryt hropt era Eremopt erixgriseus Alaudagulgula R R R R Pycnonot usjocosus Pycnonot uscafer R R Priniainornata R Cist icolajuncidis Ort hotomussutorius R R Acrocephalusdumetorum Turdoidesst riata WV R Acridot heresfuscus Acridot herest rist is Gracupica cont ra St urniapagodarum R R R R Copsychussaularis Saxicoloidesfulicat us Saxicolacaprata M uscicapadauurica Eumyiast halassinus R R R WV WV Chloropsisjerdoni R Leptocomazeylonica Cinnyrisasiat icus R R Passer domest icus R Ploceusphilippinus R 2014] Birds of Balipadar- Bhet noi communit y conserved blackbuck habitat , Ganjam, Odisha, India Sl No Common name Scientific name XLV. FAM ILY - ESTRILDIDAE Scaly-breast ed M unia 100. 101. Chest nut M unia XLVI. FAM ILY - M OTACILLIDAE 102. Yellow Wagtail 103. White Wagtail 104. Paddy field Pipit 969 Residential status Lonchurapunct ulata Lonchura m. at ricapilla R R M otacillaflava M otacilla alba Ant husrufulus WV WV R R- Resident , WV- Winter Visit or, SV- Summer Visit or Conclusion Alt hough t he area is facing biot ic interference like set t lem ent s, agr icult ural pract ices, m onocult ur e plant at ion, heavy livest ock grazing.; Schedule –I species like Indian peafow l and Indian grey hornbill are com m on in t his area. To m aint ain t he avian diversit y rich and long t erm conservat ion it is very much crucial to aware t he communit y t o maintain t he habitat intact for long term conservat ion of it s biological diversit y. Acknow ledgements We are t hankful to GoI-UNDP NRCOPA Project for providing st udy opport unit y in t he blackbuck habitat . We express our sincere t hanks to t he forest officials and field staffs for t heir support and help in t he field. We are also t hankful to t he local communit y for being a part of t he st udy. cSyhin~nkj ds i{kh&HksVuksbZ leqnk; }kjk lajf{kr dkys fgju ds izkd`frd okl LFky xate] mM+hlk] Hkkjr lqozr nsokrk] ,l-Mh- jkSr] ,p-ds- lkgw rFkk lh-,l- dkj lkjka'k ekpZ 2012 ls iQjojh 2013 rd CySdcd leqnk; lajf{kr {ks=k ds if{k;ksa dk vè;;u fd;k x;kA dqy feykdj 84 oa'kksa vkSj 47 dqyksa dh 104 iztkfr;ka fjdkMZ dh xbZ ftuesa vkfMZvkMkbZ dqy ds if{k;ksa dk oSfoè; lokZf/d ¼7 iztkfr;ka½FkkA LFkkbZokl djus okys if{k;ksa dk oSfoè; lokZf/d ¼81-74%½ Fkk ftlds ckn lfnZ;ksa esa vkus okys if{k;ksa dk LFkku ¼0-96%½ jgkA fnlEcj esa lokZf/d 95 iztkfr;ka fjdkMZ dh xbZ vkSj iztkfr;ksa dh la[;k ds ekeys esa lfnZ;ksa dk ekSle vR;ar oSfoè;iw.kZ ¼101 iztkfr;ka½jgkA xfeZ;ksa esa ¼84 iztkfr;ka½rFkk ekulwu esa 71 iztkfr;ka fjdkMZ dh xbZA Reference Ali S. and Ripley S.D. 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