Sung-Jin Oh Contact Information Employment Miller Research Fellow Department of Mathematics 887 Evans Hall University of California Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720 USA Updated: October 22, 2014. E-mail: Homepage:∼sjoh Miller Research Fellow (Aug. 2013 ∼) UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA USA • Host: Professor Daniel Tataru Education Ph.D. in Mathematics (Sep. 2008 ∼ Jun. 2013) Princeton University, Princeton, NJ USA • Ph.D. Adviser: Professor Sergiu Klainerman • Ph.D. Thesis on Finite energy global well-posedness of the (3+1)-dimensional Yang-Mills equations using a Yang-Mills heat flow gauge Visiting Student at DMA (Feb. 2011 ∼ Jun. 2011, May 2012) ´ Ecole Normale Sup´ erieure, Paris, France B.S. in Mathematical Sciences (Sep. 2006 ∼ Aug. 2008) KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea • Summa cum Laude with 4.24/4.30 GPA • Senior Thesis Adviser : Professor Hong Oh Kim • Senior Thesis on An algebra of holomorphic functions on the disk. Research Interests Nonlinear wave and dispersive equations, general relativity, fluid mechanics, mathematical physics, geometric flows. Grants and Fellowships Miller Research Fellowship (2013 ∼ 2016) • Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science Travel Grant for ICM 2014 • American Mathematical Society Research in Paris Fellowship (Jun. 2014) • Institut Henri Poincar´e Samsung Scholarship (Sep. 2008 ∼ Aug. 2013) • Samsung Scholarship Presidential Scholarship (Sep. 2006 ∼ Aug. 2008) • Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (Now changed to National Research Foundation) 1 of 4 Papers & Preprints 1. Profile decomposition for wave equations on hyperbolic space with applications, with A. Lawrie and S. Shahshahani. arXiv:1410.5847 [math.AP] 2. Stability of stationary equivariant wave maps from the hyperbolic plane, with A. Lawrie and S. Shahshahani. arXiv:1402.5981 [math.AP] 3. Quantitative decay rates for dispersive solutions to the Einstein-scalar-field system in spherical symmetry, with J. Luk. arXiv:1402.2984 [gr-qc] 4. H¨ older Continuous Euler flows with Compact Support and the Conservation of Angular Momentum, with P. Isett. arXiv:1402.2305 [math.AP] 5. Decay and scattering for the Chern-Simons-Schr¨ odinger Equations, with F. Pusateri. arXiv:1311.2088 [math.AP] 6. A heat flow approach to Onsager’s conjecture for the Euler equations on manifolds, with P. Isett, to appear in Transactions of the AMS. arXiv:1310.7947 [math.AP] 7. Finite energy global well-posedness of the Chern-Simons-Higgs equations in the Coulomb gauge. arXiv:1310.3955 [math.AP] 8. Gauge choice for the Yang-Mills equations using the Yang-Mills heat flow and local well-posedness in H 1 , Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations Vol. 11, No. 01, pp. 1-108. arXiv:1210.1558 [math.AP]. 9. Finite energy global well-posedness of the Yang-Mills equations on R1+3 : An approach using the Yang-Mills Heat Flow, to appear in the Duke Mathematical Journal. arXiv:1210.1557 [math.AP]. 10. Low regularity solutions to the Chern-Simons-Dirac and the Chern-SimonsHiggs equations in the Lorenz gauge, with H. Huh. arXiv:1209.3841 [math.AP]. Invited Conference Talks 1. AMS Sectional Meeting. Oct. 25th ∼ Oct. 26, 2014. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, USA 2. Dynamics in Geometric Dispersive Equations and the Effects of Trapping, Scattering and Weak Turbulence. May 4th ∼ May 9th, 2014. BIRS, Banff, Alberta, Canada. 3. Inaugural Conference. Jun. 20th ∼ Jun. 22nd, 2013. IBS Center for Geometry and Physics, Pohang, Korea. 4. Conference on Nonlinear Wave Equations. May 21st ∼ May 24th, 2013. Intitut Henri Poincar´e, Paris, France Invited Seminar Talks 1. Analysis and PDE Seminar. Nov. 10th, 2014. UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA. 2. Student Harmonic Analysis and Differential Equations Seminar (HADES). Nov. 4th, 2014. UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA. 3. PDE and Applied Math Seminar. Oct 16th, 2014. UC Davis, Davis, CA, USA. 4. Diff. Geom, Math. Phys., PDE Seminar. May 12th, 2014. UBC, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 2 of 4 5. Analysis and PDE Seminar. Mar. 11th, 2014. MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA. 6. Analysis and PDE Seminar. Feb. 24th, 2014. UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA. 7. Paris-Berkeley-Bonn-Z¨ urich Analysis Seminar. Jan. 30th, 2014. 8. Student Harmonic Analysis and Differential Equations Seminar (HADES). Dec. 10th, 2013. UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA. 9. Analysis and PDE Seminar (Joint with Caltech). Dec. 6th, 2013. UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 10. Seminar in Mathematics. Jun. 24th, 2013. Chung Ang University, Seoul, Korea. 11. PDE Seminar. Jun. 19th, 2013. KAIST, Daejeon, Korea 12. Analysis Seminar. Apr. 23rd, 2013. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 13. Analysis Seminar. Mar. 25th, 2013. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA. 14. Open House Graduate Student Talk. Mar. 22nd, 2013. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ USA. 15. PDE Seminar. Jan. 15th, 2013. KAIST, Daejeon, Korea 16. PDE Group Seminar. Oct. 25th, 2012. EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. 17. Applied Math Seminar. Jul. 5th, 2012. KAIST, Daejeon, Korea. 18. Seminar in Mathematics. Jul. 3rd, 2012. Chung Ang University, Seoul, Korea. 19. Seminar. May 30th, 2012. AEI (Max-Planck-Institut f¨ ur Gravitationsphysik), Potsdam, Germany. 20. Analysis Seminar. Jul. 6th, 2011. KAIST, Daejeon, Korea. Other conferences attended as a participant 1. Harmonic Analysis & PDEs: Recent Developments & Future Directions. A conference in honor of C.E. Kenig. Sep. 19th ∼ Sep. 21st, 2014. University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA. 2. International Congress of Mathematics. Aug. 13th ∼ Aug. 21st, 2014. COEX, Seoul, Korea 3. Oberwolfach Workshop: Nonlinear Waves and Dispersive Equations. Aug. 11th ∼ 17th, 2013. MFO, Oberwolfach-Walke, Germany. 4. Oberwolfach Seminar: Dispersive equations. Oct. 14th ∼ 20th, 2012. MFO, Oberwolfach-Walke, Germany. 3 of 4 Teaching Experiences Instructor • Princeton University, Princeton, NJ USA • Calculus and Analytic Geometry (MAT101) Sep. 2010 ∼ Jan. 2011 Grader • Princeton University, Princeton, NJ USA • Calculus and Analytic Geometry (MAT101) Sep. 2010 ∼ Jan. 2011 • Special Topics in Analysis (MAT433) Sep. 2009 ∼ Jan. 2010 • Introduction to Real Analysis (MAT314) Sep. 2009 ∼ Jan. 2010 4 of 4
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