St. Peter’s Parish

Fr. Edward Sutton
Mass Times:
Sat. 5:00pm &
Sun. 10:30am
St. Peter’s Parish
Office Hours:
Mon. & Wed. 8:00-12:30
Tues., Thurs., & Fri.8:00-4:30 (lunch
Office is closed Mon. & Wed.
Parish Office Administrator:
Karen Snelgrove
110 Ashford Drive, Mount Pearl
A1N 3L6
Weekday Masses:
Tues. & Thurs. 7:00 pm
Wed. & Fri. 9:30 am
St. Vincent de Paul:
Emergencies: 699-5701
PH: 364-8606
FAX: 364-8608
Jesus entrusted the mission of the Church to Saint Peter. Rooted in scripture, prayer and sacraments, we, the community
of St. Peter’s Parish, embrace the mission in today’s world. Through proclamation of the Word, the celebration of the
Eucharist, Stewardship, ongoing faith development, and the nurturing of a sense of belonging, we will foster an allinclusive community of love.
Approved December 2005
October 26th, 2014
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION: There is one word or command that summarizes today’s
Gospel – love. For Jesus there is no distinction between these two commands of
loving God and neighbor. One naturally flows from the other. In fact, for Jesus, these
commands constitute a way of life for Christian stewards; a unique approach to life
and to their relationship with others. Our neighbors include everyone with whom we
come into contact: family members, friends, people we don’t like, strangers and
particularly those in most need of our love and compassion. Love is always for doing
well and helping others grow closer to the Lord. What are ways in which we might
do better at following Christ’s love command?
International Catholic Stewardship
ebulletin October 2014
Baptized at St. Peter’s Parish
October 26th, 2014
Elizabeth Laura
to you and your family.
Week of Oct. 28th – Nov. 2nd, 2014
Tuesday 7:00pm:
Wednesday 9:30am
Thursday 7:00pm:
Friday 9:30am:
Saturday 5:00pm:
Sunday 10:30am:
No Mass
Jerome Michael Foley / Gwendolyn Miles / Special Intention: Loretta Gabriel
Kay Watson / Julia Manning / Gerry Flynn
Edward Leonard / Bren Cashin / Kevin Pumphrey
Agnes & Theresa Kavanagh / Gerald & Lucy Howlett / Mike McCarthy and
deceased members of the Hamlyn Family.
Intentions of all Parishioners
If there is a Funeral Mass on a weekday, the regular scheduled Mass for that day will be cancelled.
ANOINTING & VISITATION OF THE SICK: Please call the Parish office at 364-8606.
A Notice from the St. John's Hospital Chaplains Upon admission to one of the St. John's Hospitals please
inform the admitting staff of your Denomination so you will receive a visit from the Roman Catholic Chaplain
during your stay.
“Lord hear our prayers for those who are sick, recovering from surgery, aging, and in need of our
prayers, and for the people who care for them, may they find strength and courage through their
faith.” Brian Mulcahy, Rita Giovannini, Joey Predham, Kevin Putt, Peter Miskell, Louanne Kelly,
Mary Connolly, Debbie Pierce, Carmel Howard, Linda Anderson, Jonah Broderick, Rhonda Whittle,
Karlee Gogol, Mike Dillon, Nancy Walsh, Spencer Guy, John Walsh, Elizabeth Keating, Alvin
Butler, Adele Poynter, Wilson Dale, Elaine Greene & Aubrey Halfyard. (Please remember to keep
this list updated.)
RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: If you or someone you know is interested in becoming
Catholic or would like some more information about the RCIA program please contact the parish office.
Sessions to start this fall!!
RECONCILIATION: Father Ed is available on Saturdays starting at 4:15pm, or anytime upon
VOCATIONS: Could God be inviting you to the priesthood or consecrated life? Contact: Anne
Walsh at 726-3660 or
FAMILY LIFE BUREAU - COUNSELING SERVICES: are available for individual, couple,
family, sexual abuse and groups upon request through the Family Life Bureau. For more information
or to register:, or call 579-0168 Sister Loretta Walsh,
Director, or email
MARRIAGE: Six months’ notice is required. Please make an appointment with Fr. Sutton. Note
that preparation session and courses are obligatory.
MARRIAGE PREPARATION: Takes place at the Family Life Bureau, 200 Military Rd., St.
John’s. Please call 726-3660 or 579-0168 to register. It is recommended that couples register for
the preparation course at least six months prior to their wedding day. Please call the parish office
for further information.
BAPTISMS: will take place during Mass. Preparation for Baptism is a requirement of the
church. Call the parish office for registration. (The next session is Nov. 13th at 8pm). This
session can be done before the baby is born. To register, please call the Parish @ 364-8606.
Saturday, November 1st
Sunday, November 2nd
Hospitality Ministers
Jim Clements, Gerry Corbett, Eric Chris Gushue, David Holden, Mike
Howlett, Jerome Kavanagh, Jim Hussey, Don Kelly
Altar Servers
Eileen Murphy
Noah Jenkins
Youth Group, Bill Brophy
Bernadette Fifield, Gerard Lewis
Presentation of Gifts
Joanne Waddleton
Jeannette & Dave Holden
Communion Ministers
Pat Corbett, Carol Etheridge, Kim Isabel Croke, Betty Dunlop, John
Hull, Ed Meaney, Gary Perry, Mary Fifield, Grace Pike, Gerri Stapleton,
Bob Voisey
Children’s Liturgy
Melanie Critch
Karen Snelgrove
MINISTRY SCHEDULES: You are reminded to update your availability and preferences for
serving in your selected ministry before November 16. Please log on to the ministry scheduler, or
contact your ministry Coordinator – to update your profile and availability. New schedules will be
out towards the end of November, covering the period of Dec 1 to May 31.
From Your Stewardship – Treasure
Offertory Collection Oct. 18th -19th ....................................................... $4,175 .00
Church Mortgage & Maintenance ................................................................... $70.00
Dues ............................................................................................................ $1,440.00
World Mission Sunday ................................................................................. $ 472 .00
If anyone who would like to start Direct/Pre-authorized payments (by Debit or Visa) for donations
please call the parish office. Or if you wish to start using Offering Envelopes, contact Karen at the
Parish office.
Youth Group
- Sunday, October 26 @ 6:30pm
Liturgy Committee Meeting - Tuesday, Dec. 2nd at 7:30pm
Parish Council Meeting
- Tuesday, Nov. 18th at 7:30pm
Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Tuesday, Oct. 28 at 7:30pm
Finance Committee Meeting - ** Thursday, Oct. 30 @ 7:30pm
PARISH DUES: You are reminded that Parish Dues are collected in October. There is an envelope in
your Offering Box; there are also other “special collection” envelopes available in the foyer – simply
mark “Dues” on the front of the envelope with your name and address. Parish dues help pay for the
regular operations of the parish and various parish expenses. Each parishioner/family is asked to
contribute. Traditionally the amount is one day’s pay. (While weekly offerings are traditionally one
hour’s wage.) Please give what you can. You will receive a tax receipt for any donations to the parish in
a marked envelope.
St. Teresa's Parish Hall. Mundy Pond Road. Entertainment by Siochana. Guest speaker Barry Green.
Tickets 35.00 single. Cash bar. Dinner is stuffed chicken breast. Tickets are available at Centre for Life
579-1500, St. Teresa's parish office # 579-0065 and Mary Queen of the World parish office #368-5371.
Tickets will be available after the weekend masses on Oct. 18 and 19th at St. Teresa's and Mary Queen
of the World. Deadline for tickets is Oct. 28th. If you have a new item to donate to the silent
auction your support would be greatly appreciated. Items can be dropped off at St. Teresa's parish office
or at the Centre for Life.
COWAN PLAZA BINGO: Corner of Topsail
Rd. & Burgeo St. - Seven nights a week. Doors
open at 6:45pm. Bingo starting 8:00pm. Profits
received are in aid of the Church Mortgage and
Maintenance Fund.
Council News and upcoming events:
Scholarships available to students who
graduated Level III with honours in June
2014. Applications deadline Oct. 31, info
and applications available on the State
Council Website at:
Chess Club: Students in grades 3-5 are
invited to join. The Club is free of cost
and meets each Saturday from 11am to
noon at the Council home on Greenwood
Crescent. Other games such as cribbage,
checkers, dominos, suduku, and snakes
and ladders are also taught. Please contact
Peter Hackett at 368-9133 or via email at
A BIG THANK YOU to all who helped with the
fall fair: from the donations of crafts and baked
goods, to the set-up of tables and decorations, to
the vendors, to the people who helped in the
kitchen, to the ticket sellers and to all the patrons.
Thank you! The parish cleared about $2,300.00
from the efforts of the Fall Fair. It was made
possible due to the entire community support.
CONGRATULATIONS to the lucky winners:
Door Prize Basket: Carol Medd
Christmas Gift Basket: Shirley Kavanagh
50/50 Draw: Rosena Murphy
PARISH COMMUNITY *Fun & Friendship*
You are invited along for a morning of fun and
friendship, to enjoy a cup of tea, a chat, maybe
have a game of cards or a craft, etc. The first
Friday of each month, next one is November 7 in
the Coady Room of the Parish Center - for more
info call Grace 368-9336 or Mary 747-9832.
NEW YEAR’S EVE DANCE: Tickets will be
available after Mass (in the downstairs foyer) for
the parish’s popular New Year’s Eve Dance.
Tickets are $20 each. Get yours early to avoid
of St. Vincent de Paul is requesting your support
with the ‘Adopt a Family’ Project. This project
consists of completing a Christmas Hamper for a
needy family. A list of items for the hamper and
sign up forms are available in the foyer, and on
our website ( Perhaps to ease
the financial burden, you could share the expense
with a friend, join together at the office, or join
with another family to support this worthwhile
project. If you feel that you are unable to assist in
this way, we would welcome donations of gift
certificates, new toys, or food. Please consider
contributing to this worthwhile project. Last year
there were over 220 hampers prepared for
families in need here in our neighborhood. Forms
are available in the foyer of the Church and on
our website.
have arrived. If you would like to take a box to
fill for a child in a “far-away” country to have a
Christmas gift, please take the box from the
Cloak room after Mass. Boxes need to be
returned on NOVEMBER 1st & 2nd weekend in
order to be in time for shipping for Christmas.
(Please read the material that comes with the
boxes in order to understand what can and cannot
be shipped.)
GIFT SALE: Memorial University Chaplanincy
is hosting a sale of beautiful fairly traded gifts
benefiting artisans from more than 30 developing
countries, Monday, Nov. 3 and Tues. Nov. 4 from
10am to 7pm in the Landing on the 3rd (UC-3018)
floor of the University Center. Admission is free.
be held on Sunday, Nov.9th at the Knights of
Columbus, St. Clare Ave. Usual attractions,
wheels, baked goods, & knitted goods and a silent
MONTH: Think about
signing up for a ministry
within the parish, either as a
family or an individual.
pamphlets available in the
seat pockets in Church. The
Ministry Fair will take place
on Nov. 1&2 weekend.