Embracing the worshipping communities of CHILDERS * BIGGENDEN * GIN GIN * MT.PERRY * WOODGATE Fr. Sunny Mathew CMI - CHILDERS 4126 1256 PO Box 45, CHILDERS QLD 4660 FAX 41263716 Parish Office 4126 1256; Secretary Maureen McCarthy. For urgent matters contact Fr Sunny 0428 235 783 St Joseph’s Primary School: Principal Mr John Hinton – Ph 4126 1866 St Vincent de Paul – Ph 4126 1822 PARISH WEBSITE: www.childerscatholic.com Email: childers@bne.catholic.net.au 26th October 2014 SACRED HEART CHILDERS WEEKDAY MASS – MON, WED, FRI 9am ADORATION & ROSARY WED 8-9am SATURDAY VIGIL 6.00 pm SUNDAY 6.30 am Reconciliation: Sat. 5.00 pm ST PATRICK’S MT. PERRY 1st SUNDAY OF MONTH 10.30 am 30th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ST MICHAEL’S GIN GIN SUNDAY 8.30am TUESDAY 5pm Rosary 9am Fridays YEAR A ST PETER’S BIGGENDEN SUNDAY 10.30 am st (1 Sunday Liturgy of the Word and Communion) Rosary before Mass 10.05am WOODGATE BEACH SUNDAY 6.15pm Please pray for those who are ill in our families and communities especially Olivia Greci, Adela & Robert Richardson, Martyn Jones, Marietta Ricciardi, Ann Sutherland, Julie Green, Amy Pointing, Baby George, Josh Ruane, Bailey Sykes, Leanne Crooks, Charlie Ricciardi, Bill Peters, Renzo Campanini, Susan Von Richter, Veronica Saunders, Elizabeth Rayner. (Please contact the office if someone is well again and can be removed from the list). RECENTLY DECEASED: Wanda Molony (Fr Pat Molony’s mum) May she rest in peace. Amen ANNIVERSARIES: Coralie Francis FEAST DAYS THIS WEEK: Tuesday – Sts Simon & Jude, Saturday All Souls MESSAGE FOR THE WEEK: Jubilee Celebration and Parish Picnic day. I am writings this week’s message for you on behalf of the St Peter’s parish community Biggenden. First of all I thank the St Peter’s Parish council and all parishioners for their great job that they have done for the great success of the Platinum Jubilee (75 years Anniversary of the present church and our parish picnic celebrations. It was great, memorable and you all can be proud of it. And also I would like to thank Sharon and Anthony Russo and the catering department for their hard work and great contributions on the Jubilee and Annual picnic day celebrations at Biggenden. Sincerely I thank Maureen McCarthy, our parish secretary, for her great work of cocoordinating and arranging everything perfect and ideal on the occasion. And again, as we all know that it was our parish picnic day so also I thank all the parish communities, Childers, Gin Gin, Woodgate Beach and Mt Perry for their time and presence for the events and that made it a memorable and great day. Our Archbishop was happy and as he mentioned in his speech he very much appreciated our efforts and hard works. Therefore, I sincerely thank one and all for your contribution, presence, and time for the day made it great. Once again a big thanks to the Biggenden Parish community. You have done a great and wonderful job. God bless us all Fr Sunny NOVEMBER MONTH OF THE HOLY SOULS November is traditionally the time Catholics remember and pray for the Holy Souls. The Feast of All Saints Day is next Saturday 1st November and the Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed is next Sunday 2nd November. If you wish to offer a Mass for a loved one or friend, please use the Mass for the Holy Souls Envelope in your Planned Giving envelope box or envelopes are available at the door of the church or pious goods stall. HOLY SOULS CEMETERY MASS A special Mass for the Holy Souls will be celebrated at the Childers Lawn Cemetery at 7am on MONDAY 3rd NOVEMBER. This is a wonderful opportunity to visit the cemetery where many of our loved ones have been laid to rest and pray for them and ask their prayers for us. LITURGY COMMITTEE MEETING Childers Liturgy Committee meets this Monday 27th October at 5.15pm at the Presbytery. Planning for Advent and Christmas will be on the agenda. PLEASE NOTE THERE IS NO 9am MASS at Childers THIS WEDNESDAY 29TH OCTOBER, ROSARY WILL STILL BE PRAYED IN THE CHURCH. CHILDREN’S LITURGY AND BIRTHDAYS NEXT WEEKEND - CHILDERS The first Saturday of the month is our Children’s Liturgy time at 6pm Mass. Birthdays and wedding anniversaries are also celebrated next weekend so come along, bring the kids and join together to celebrate these occasions in our parish family life. Refreshments after Mass. ATTENTION READERS – BREAK OPEN THE WORD ORDERS NOW BEING TAKEN The new liturgical year (B) starts with Advent on 30 th November (just over a month away) so we ask that Readers put their name on the clipboard so an order can be put in. Each reader should have a book at home to prepare for the readings when rostered. This year the books will cost $17.00 which can be paid at the time of ordering if possible. Thank you! CATHOLIC MISSION APPEAL – THANK YOU! Thank you for helping Jamaicans turn away from violence and crime through your kind gifts and prayers. Your generosity is making it possible for local priests and sisters, like Sister Teresia Tinanisolo, to continue to offer life-saving practical, spiritual and emotional support to the people of Jamaica. Please consider becoming a ‘Friends of Faith’ partner with a regular monthly gift to continue your support of our vital work. Please return any envelopes so your donation can be forwarded to Catholic Mission. Thank you! OCTOBER - A SPIRITUAL BOUQUET FOR MARY Walking Rosary – Tuesdays in October at 5.30pm in the Sacred Heart church grounds, the Image of Mary has been visiting homes during the month. Thanks to those who have supported these events. SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN REPRESENTATIVE Tanya Maroney is our Local Safeguarding Children Representative. Tanya is a member of our Childers PPC and her photo is displayed on the board in the alcove of Sacred Heart Church. Tanya will be working with the parish office and the Archdiocese of Brisbane Safeguarding Officer, Michelle Vuleta, to implement this policy over the coming weeks and months and will be introducing and explaining the policy to the various committees and groups within the parish. Tanya’s contact number is 41261789. CATHOLIC LEADER COMMUNITY LEADER AWARDS CATHOLICS who have displayed exemplary leadership in the community will be honoured with a new award hosted by The Catholic Leader. Nominate yourself or another Catholic living in Australia for Professional of the Year, Young Leader of the Year, School Leader of the Year, Volunteer of the Year or Community Leader of the Year. The official presentation ceremony with His Grace Archbishop Mark Coleridge will be on November 19 at the Francis Rush Centre, Brisbane. Visit www.catholicleader.com.au/awards2014 for more details and to nominate by 30th October. ST JOSEPHS SCHOOL NEWS On Friday our year four five students participated in a NET Ministry Australia leadership day. We welcomed Lachie, Peter, Pia, Kate and Neive who are a National Evangelisation Team based in Brisbane. The students had a fantastic day, building their leadership skills through the “Steppin Up Junior Leadership Program”. The focus for the day was values driven leadership embracing Jesus as our ultimate example. The team helped our upcoming leaders to look at how God has gifted them as a leader (both as individuals and as a class), reflect on ways that they can have a positive influence on others and engage in activities to build confidence and teamwork skills. This day was a perfect end to a leadership focused week for our Year 4/5 Class! The school will be organising the All Souls Mass on Friday 31st October at 9am. ROSTERS FOR NEXT WEEK 1st and 2nd 2014 CHILDERS: Offertory/Greeters: T Clutterbuck, M Davis Readers: Anna Bonanno, K Hinton, M Cochrane Ministers of Communion: B Cochrane, P Russo Monitor: C Harper Altar Servers: Emily, Josh & Sofie Sunday: Greeters/Offertory: S & A Russo Readers: S Jones, T McDonnell, G Peters Ministers of Communion: Odinaka, B McKenzie Monitor: Helen; Linen: NOV: Small – Monina; Large Denise GIN GIN: Greeters & Offertory: Wherrit Family Readers: Carmel, Jessica, Lorraine; Min of Communion: Jim & Tegan; Flowers & Cleaning: - Music: Gail
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