Embracing the worshipping communities of CHILDERS * BIGGENDEN * GIN GIN * MT.PERRY * WOODGATE Fr. Sunny Mathew CMI - CHILDERS 4126 1256 PO Box 45, CHILDERS QLD 4660 FAX 41263716 Parish Office 4126 1256; Secretary Maureen McCarthy. For urgent matters contact Fr Sunny 0428 235 783 St Joseph’s Primary School: Principal Mr John Hinton – Ph 4126 1866 St Vincent de Paul – Ph 4126 1822 PARISH WEBSITE: www.childerscatholic.com Email: childers@bne.catholic.net.au 9th NOVEMBER 2014 SACRED HEART CHILDERS WEEKDAY MASS – MON, WED, FRI 9am ADORATION & ROSARY WED 8-9am SATURDAY VIGIL 6.00 pm SUNDAY 6.30 am Reconciliation: Sat. 5.00 pm ST PATRICK’S MT. PERRY 1st SUNDAY OF MONTH 10.30 am THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA ST MICHAEL’S GIN GIN SUNDAY 8.30am TUESDAY 5pm Rosary 9am Fridays YEAR A ST PETER’S BIGGENDEN SUNDAY 10.30 am st (1 Sunday Liturgy of the Word and Communion) Rosary before Mass 10.05am WOODGATE BEACH SUNDAY 6.15pm Please pray for those who are ill in our families and communities especially Fr Sunny’s dad, Olivia Greci, Adela & Robert Richardson, Martyn Jones, Marietta Ricciardi, Ann Sutherland, Julie Green, Amy Pointing, Baby George, Josh Ruane, Bailey Sykes, Leanne Crooks, Charlie Ricciardi, Bill Peters, Renzo Campanini, Susan Von Richter, Veronica Saunders, Elizabeth Rayner. (Please contact the office if someone is well again and can be removed from the list). ANNIVERSARIES: Cherryl Byrne, George Douglas Clutterbuck. May they rest in peace. Amen. FEAST DAYS THIS WEEK: Monday St Leo the Great; Tuesday St Martin of Tours, Wed St Josaphat MESSAGE FOR THE WEEK: "Don't you realise that you were God's Temple?" Good day everyone! Today, the Church celebrates the feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica. The three readings today are all connected to this feast. The first reading from the prophet Ezekiel (47:1-2,8-9,12), recounts a splendid vision to the prophet (Ezekiel). He is shown a stream of water flowing out from the sanctuary of the Temple. The further it goes the deeper it gets and more life-giving it effects. The water themselves teem with fish, and on the banks of the river fruit trees flourish. Life and healing abounds. The point Ezekiel wants to make here is about the source of these wonderful waters. They spring from the sanctuary of the Temple. From here the divine presence blesses and renews the life of Israel. Starting from within the Temple the transforming power of God extends to the boundaries of the land. Today's passage from the first chapter of St. Paul's first letter to the Corinthians forms part of Paul's attempt to deal with division in the community. This reading will make more meaning to us if we go to the trouble of perusing the whole chapter. The Corinthians have divided into factions on the basis of their preferred preacher, Paul or Apollos. In the process of condemning this rivalry Paul defends his own role in laying the foundation of the community's faith. The metaphor that Paul seizes on is that of a building. He describes the Corinthians as "God's building" and later on as "God's Temple". He has laid the foundation of the building, and that foundation is Jesus Christ. Built on that foundation, the Corinthians are the Church of God; likewise us. Paul is alluding to a fundamental theological truth, that the word 'church' refers in the first place to the people of God and only secondly to the building in which they gather and worship. In essence, or in relation to the feast we are celebrating today, it is not the bricks and mortar of St. John Lateral that matter today, rather what the basilica signifies for the universal church; God's Temple. Like the first and second reading, the gospel reading relativises the importance of buildings and places. Their real value lies in their being signs of the universal presence of God in the world and his people. The question for us here is: What can keep us from the presence of God? Jesus' dramatic cleansing of the temple was seen by his disciples as a prophetic sign of Gods action. The temple was understood as the dwelling place of God among his people. When God delivered his people from slavery in Egypt, he brought them through the sea, and finally to Mount Sinai where he made a covenant with them and gave them a new way of life embodied in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17). God gave Moses instruction for worship and for making the Tabernacle, or tent of meeting, which was later replaced by the temple. The New Testament tells us that these "serve as a copy and shadow of the heavenly sanctuary" - Gods Temple in heaven (Hebrews 8:5). Jesus' cleansing of the temple is also a prophetic sign of what he wants to do with each of us. He ever seeks to cleanse us of sin and make us living temples of his Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). Do you want to be holy as God is holy? As we reflect on this, may God continue to bless us, Amen. Odinaka. WELCOME FR BAVIN CLARKE We welcome and thank Fr Clarke for filling in for Fr Sunny this weekend. Please keep Fr Sunny, his father, who is very ill, and his family in your prayers during this time. CHANGES TO MASS SCHEDULE There will be no weekday Masses at Childers this week. There will be a LITURGY OF THE WORD with COMMUNION AT WOODGATE BEACH THIS SUNDAY AT 6.15PM. NOVEMBER MONTH OF THE HOLY SOULS November is traditionally the time Catholics remember and pray for the Holy Souls. If you wish to offer a Mass for a departed loved one or friend, please use the Mass for the Holy Souls Envelope in your Planned Giving envelope box or envelopes are available at the door of the church or pious goods stall. This week we especially remember and pray for Henryk Chrzanowski, Rex Styles, Benjamin Capistrano, Benjamin Capistrano Jnr, Leo Murray, Aileen Moloney, Rupert Moloney, Joe Ellis, Gaudencio Sabuero, Paciencia Sabuero, Boy Sabuero, deceased members and friends of Bonanno, French, Davenport, Davis, Higgins, O’Brien, Flanders, Goggi, Lynn, Van Lievenogen, Dempster, James, Quinn and Nuttall families. INVITATION TO ODINAKA’S ORDINATION TO THE DIACONATE The Rector, Monsignor Anthony Randazzo, on behalf of the Seminary Community, invites parishioners to join in celebrating the Ordination to the Diaconate of Paul Eloagu, Odinaka Nwadike and Dominic Orih by Most Rev. Bishop Brian Finnigan DD, Auxiliary Bishop of Brisbane at Holy Spirit Chapel, ACU,Nudgee Road Banyo on Friday 21st November at 11am. RSVP by 17 Nov. If you wish to attend the Ordination ceremony, please put your name on the clipboard or leave your name with the contact person in your Mass centre. Please indicate if you are willing to take your car and passengers so car pooling can be organised. It would be great to show our support for Odinaka and his fellow seminarians as they continue on their journey to priesthood. POSITION VACANT – PARISH SECRETARY The position of Childers parish secretary has become vacant. If you (or someone you know) is interested and would like more information and a job description, please contact Alf Bonanno (41261538h) or Bill Kingston (41261133w) as soon as possible. Thank you. CATHOLIC LEADER PROMOTION THIS WEEKEND The Biggenden Jubilee celebration story is in this week’s Catholic Leader which the Childers CWL is handing out for free and promoting this weekend in the hope more people will buy it each week. The Leader is usually $2 and a great way of keeping up with Catholic local and world news. If you would like to order one each week, please contact Helen Bonanno (Childers) or your local contact person. CWL AT FOREST VIEW THIS MONDAY CWL Ladies will meet for Morning Tea this Monday 10 November at 9.30am at Forest View, Broadhurst Street Childers. A presentation of mind expanding puzzles and games will be presented to Forest View for the use of Alzheimer residents. Please bring a ready to serve Christmas theme plate of food to share. CHOIR NEWS - DO YOU LOVE TO SING? PPC member, Tanya Maroney, is keen to get a choir going at Childers and anyone interested is invited to contact her on 41261789 or see her at Mass. The idea is to come along ½ hour before Mass on Saturday nights to have a run through the hymns for that night. Children welcome. ST JOSEPHS SCHOOL NEWS P&F Golf Event: St Joseph’s Parent & Friends are hosting an afternoon of golf on Friday, 14th November from 4pm. Details are contained in a flyer which is available from the school office. Nominations are due by 7th November. All welcome. ADVENT RETREAT DAY Christ Church Anglican Church, Childers, invites you to an Advent Retreat Day SAT 29TH NOVEMBER. A time for quiet preparation and stillness to carry through Advent. To book a place contact Dilys 0421733394 or email dilysg@me.com Suggested donation is $20 to cover hand out material, morning and afternoon tea. BYO lunch, notebook & pen. Why not get a group together? TRUTH JUSTICE AND HEALING COUNCIL Francis Sullivan, CEO of the Truth Justice and Healing Council, has called on all Catholic communities and agencies to stay in touch with the reforms which are starting to take place in the Church as the Royal Commission into child sex abuse continues its work. Visit www.tjhcouncil.org.au or http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/ G20 Week—Monday 10th to Sunday 16th November changes to Mass Schedule at St Stephen’s Cathedral Just in case anyone is in Brisbane during the G20 and might be thinking of attending Mass or Reconciliation at the Cathedral, we have been notified of the following changes to the regular times: Monday 10 to Thursday 13 Mass 8.00am & 12.30pm Reconciliation 1.00-1.30pm Friday 14 & Saturday 15 NO Masses or Reconciliation Sunday 16 Mass 8am & 10am NO 12 NOON or 7.30pm Mass St Patrick’s, Fortitude Valley Sun Mass 9am & 12 noon ROSTERS FOR NEXT WEEK 15/16th NOVEMBER CHILDERS: Offertory/Greeters: T Mammino, I Reilly Readers: M Davis, J Hinton, E Freeman Ministers of Communion:M McCarthy. C Gelsomino Monitor: Altar Servers: Charley-Jayne & Josh Sunday: Greeters/Offertory: S Russo, D French Readers: T McDonnell, B Larter, A Russo Ministers of Communion: Odinaka, Alf Bonanno Monitor: Helen; Linen: NOV: Small – Monina; Large Denise GIN GIN: Greeters & Offertory: Schulke Family Readers: Toni, Robyn, Sony; Min of Communion: Lawrence & Carmel; Flowers & Cleaning: - Music: Margaret
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