Newsletter - First Baptist Church :: Milton, Florida

We Believe That God’s Plan For Our
Church Is That We Become . . .
A Church of
God and His family,
March 26, 2015
His Word,
Dr. David W. Spencer
Shining the Light of Christ for Over 150 Years
First Baptist Church
6797 Caroline Street
Milton, FL 32570
Office/Prayer Line FAX
On the Web
The Morning Worship service is recorded and broadcast on
WEGS-91.7 FM at 12:00 p.m. every Sunday.
SUNDAY – Mar 29, 2015
Palm Sunday
First Cup Opens
Sunday School
Morning Worship (Sanctuary)
First Cup Open
Easter Celebration (Camp Koinonia)
MONDAY – Mar 30, 2015
Senior Aerobics (Gym)
TUESDAY – Mar 31, 2015
Bible Study (Bamberg Chapel)
XYZ Jerusalem Exhibit
WEDNESDAY – Apr 1, 2015
Senior Aerobics (Gym)
Wednesday Night Supper with Super Supper Club (FLC)
First Cup Opens
Church Nursery Open/Worship Quest (The Way, Preschool Bldg)
GA Easter Party
Prayer Meeting (Sanctuary)
Youth Activities (FLC)/Adult Bible Studies (Bldg. E)
Marketing Committee Meeting (Bride’s Room)
Celebrate Recovery (Prayer Room)
Childcare for Celebration Choir (Bldg. C)
Celebration Choir & Orchestra Rehearsal
THURSDAY – Apr 2, 2015
Ladies’ Bible Study (First Cup)
Maundy Thursday Service (Sanctuary)
FRIDAY – Apr 3, 2015
Good Friday - Office Closed
Good Friday Service (Sanctuary)
SUNDAY – Apr 5, 2015
Flowering of the Cross
First Cup Opens
Sunday School
Morning Worship (Sanctuary)
First Cup Opens
First Cup Opens
Evening Worship (Sanctuary)
MONDAY – Apr 6, 2015
Senior Aerobics (Gym)
TUESDAY – Apr 7, 2015
Bible Study (Bamberg Chapel)
WEDNESDAY – Apr 8, 2015
WMU Meeting (Bamberg Chapel)
Senior Aerobics (Gym)
Wednesday Night Supper with Super Supper Club (FLC)
First Cup Opens
Church Nursery Open/Worship Quest (The Way, Preschool Bldg)
Prayer Meeting (Sanctuary)
FBC Bible Drill (Sanctuary)
Youth Activities (FLC)/Adult Bible Studies (Bldg. E)
Celebrate Recovery (Prayer Room)
Childcare for Celebration Choir (Bldg. C)
Celebration Choir & Orchestra Rehearsal
THURSDAY – Apr 9, 2015
Ladies’ Bible Study (First Cup)
FRIDAY – Apr 10, 2015
Senior Adult Aerobics (Gym)
SATURDAY – Apr 11, 2015
Association Bible Drill (Immanuel Baptist Church)
His Kingdom.
Read Acts 17:16-34 and you’ll find Paul preaching to a very skeptical audience
in the great city of Athens, Greece. Athens was full of philosophers who studied
every new idea that passed through the city. Paul noticed that the city was also
full of idols, temples, and statues of various gods. It bothered him as he stared at
each new idol. He even found one that said “To an Unknown God.” Apparently
they placed that idol in the city just in case they had somehow missed a god
along the way. They certainly did not want to make any of the gods mad! Paul
used that idol and image as a launching pad for his sermon about Jesus Christ.
Standing in the middle of a place called the Areopagus where the philosophers of
Athens listened to speakers with new ideas, Paul said that he had come there to
tell them about this “Unknown God.” He began with an account of creation by
the Lord of heaven and earth. He moved on to tell about how this God gave life
and breath to all. He moved on to the subject of how God was close to us all,
how we live and move and have our being in Him, and how God’s divine nature
is not something that can be represented by silver and gold.
It probably got a little more touchy when Paul said that although God had
overlooked the times of ignorance (“OUCH” to a bunch of learned
philosophers!), but that now God was calling on all men to repent. A day of
judgment was coming and everyone needed to be
prepared by repentance. One had already come
Who would do the judging of all mankind.
Apparently, all were listening carefully and
probably agreeing that God would judge all
mankind. Then Paul mentioned one word that
stopped everybody cold in their tracks! What was
that one word? It was Resurrection! Paul said that
God had raised up One from the dead! The
mention of Resurrection blew the lid off this
meeting. Many of those learned professors began
to ridicule Paul, some said we need to find out
more, but a few believed what Paul preached.
Why did they laugh at Paul? Because the Resurrection was not a part of their
worldly philosophy. The Greek and Roman world was a hopeless one. Paul
would say to the Ephesians that you were once without hope in the world.
Greeks and Romans had no hope for the body. Actually, they said it was a prison
house of the soul and that the soul would come out at the last breath or through a
wound. Then you would enter Hades. A few of the favorites of the gods might
enter Elysian Fields. Those condemned would go to Tartarus. Many of their
great stories like The Iliad ended with a funeral. There was nothing else for the
The Stoic philosophers doubted that there was any future state of being. There
might be a temporary or conditional state of the soul until it was swallowed up in
the fire of deity. The Epicurean philosophers said that at death we no longer
exist. You see, nobody had any hope for the body. Except for Christianity there
was no solid basis for hope in life after death.
So you can see that when Paul preached the Resurrection at Athens, it was
against ignorance and hopelessness. For hundreds of years Greek philosophers
had taught that there was nothing much, if anything at all, after death. You can
see what a radical concept Resurrection was when Christianity was first
preached. Where is your stance on Resurrection? As the days of your life pass
by, are you hopeful or hopeless? Join us on Easter Sunday as we proclaim HOPE
The Pastor, the Staff and the Church Family extend Christian
sympathy to Georgia Swayne and family in the death of her brother,
Rev. Clemen Smith.
The Pastor, the Staff and the Church Family extend Christian
sympathy to Pat Downs and family in the death of her son, Billy
The Pastor, the Staff and the Church Family extend Christian
sympathy to Rick and Marian Hunsucker and family in the death of
Rick’s mother and our sister-in-Christ, Hazel Hunsucker.
The Pastor, the Staff and the church family extends Christian sympathy
to Clayton and Charlotte Perry and family in the death of Charlotte's
brother, Carroll Best, of Pensacola.
1st Student Ministry
Administrator’s Article
Minister of Education
Children’s Ministry
Student Ministry
Minister of Education and Outreach
Director of Children’s Ministry
Mission Opportunities:
Mark Your Calendars
Helpful Resources
Rev. Bo Mills
High School
Daytona, Florida
June 14-20
Middle School
Jackson, Mississippi
June 28-July 3
Rev. Bob Lowe
Congratulations to Philip Warr for
4 years of service as our church’s
Maintenance Technician on March
28. Thanks Philip for all you do!
Congratulations to Toni Perry for
one year of service as our church’s
Front Office Secretary on March
28. Thanks Toni for all you do!
Congratulations to Gene Clark for
one year of service as our church’s
Financial Assistant on March
31. Thanks Gene for all you do!
Dr. Gary Nichols
3 Circles Life
Conversation Guide
“Life Conversations” uses three
circles to turn everyday
conversations into Gospel
conversations. Download the free
app for your iPhone or Droid. View
a demonstration video by author/
creator Jimmy Scroggins at
New in First Cup
Media Center
Creation Videos. Learn the biblical
view of how He created the
universe, including mankind, as
compared to the theory of
evolution. Suitable for children and
For the Easter Celebration
at Camp Koinonia
we need every family to bring
desserts to go with the meal.
Attention families
and children of all ages:
The annual egg hunt, worship service,
and cookout will be held at
Camp Koinonia of Sunday afternoon,
March 29 at 3:30 pm.
Candy filled plastic eggs are needed.
Please bring your eggs
and “hide” them on the table
in the Lower Gallery.
Senior Adult Events
Fellowship Breakfast
March 28, 9:00 am at Ryan’s
Billy Graham Library
May 13-16, Charlotte, NC
Approximate cost is $180/person
for accommodations only in double
occupancy rooms. Itinerary
includes the Billy Graham Library
and one day in Atlanta. Travel on
church bus.
Elaine Gillis
Children’s Calendar of
***Mark these special dates on
your calendars now;
Vacation Bible School
June 22-26, 2015
King’s Kids
July 27-31, 2015
28 R.A. Racer
Meet @ Pine Terrace
Celebration/Koinonia @ 3:30-6:00
Blue Wahoos
Baseball Fame and Fireworks
June 9, $9, depart church at
4:30 pm, return late.
Holy Land Experience
September 29-October 1
$510/person, double occupancy
rooms, includes: Round-trip in
deluxe motor coach, 3 nights
lodging, 6 meals, 1-day Holy Land
Experience, Bok Tower, Tiffany
exhibit @ Morse Museum, Park
Avenue @ Winter Park. $50 deposit
due with reservation, final payment
due July 28. Travel and tours
arranged by Trinity Travel & Tours,
Enjoying life as we worship
together, play together, live life
together, carry our burdens
Jerusalem IMAX and Exhibits
March 31, 2015
Exploreum in Mobile
Call Church Office
to Add Your Name
Departure 10:30 am
Lunch at Eastern Shore
Return by 6:00 pm
Flowering of the Cross
Easter Sunday, April 5
See link at
Scene for Last Year’s Easter Celebration at Camp Koinonia
Wednesday Night
Supper Menu
Sunday, March 29
April 1st
Breakfast @ Suppertime
Scrambled Eggs
Bacon, Sausage
Gravy & Biscuits
French Toast Sticks
Palm Sunday
Easter Celebration
Camp Koinonia
3:30 pm
Profession of faith
Trent Abercrombie
Kinley Abercrombie
Lindsey Lawly
Matthew Ellrick
Brittany Ellrick
Kaden Ellrick
Kayla Willis
Wednesday, April 1
April 8th
Pizza Pasta Bake
Steamed Broccoli
Garlic Bread
Salad Bar
Apple Pie & Whipped Cream
Special Bible Study
The Passion of Christ
5:45 pm
Kellcy Bramel
Thursday, April 2
April 15th
Pulled Pork Sandwiches
Baked Beans
Buttered Corn
Cole Slaw & Salad
Maundy Thursday
Silent Lord’s Supper
6:30 pm
Friday, April 3
April 22nd
Mexican Night
Hard & Soft Tacos (with all Fixings)
Pinto Beans
Mexican Rice
Nachos & Cheese
Good Friday
Good Friday Service
6:30 pm
Sunday, April 5
April 29th
Chicken & Rice
Green Butterbeans, Carrots
Creamy Tomato Soup
Salad Bar
Strawberry Trifle
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Easter Sunday
flowering of the Cross
Sunday School 9:15 am
Morning Worship 10:30 am
Evening Worship 6:00 pm
The Food Pantry at First
April Greeters
Beverly Bassett
Ann Callaway
Larametta Harvell
Carolyn Jones
Sandra McFall
Clayton Perry
Pat Walters
Glenda Weekley
Ernestine Williams
Mission Opportunity
Through the generous financial gifts and volunteer service of the members of First Baptist
Church, our food pantry served 15,994 people in 2014. As the problem of hunger increases,
we have the opportunity to serve Christ and share the Gospel by meeting the most basic
physical needs of the poorest among us.
How Can You Help?
It seems so simple that we often overlook the importance of prayer to our ministry, but if we
want our service to be more than handing out a bag of food, we must pray for God to use us
as his instruments of peace. Dozens of prayer requests come from clients each week. Would
you commit to praying for God to work on their behalf and meet their needs? Would you
April Cart Drivers
Apr 5
Apr 12
Apr 19
Apr 26
Max Williams
Zane Lowe
Hunter Lindsay
Jacob Jordan
pray for open doors for the food pantry team to share the Gospel with those who have never
The food pantry operates on the freewill offerings of the members
of First Baptist Church. Financial contributions are always welcome. In addition to financial support, collection bins will be
placed for food donations across the church campus on the second Sunday of each month. Food items needed regularly are:
canned fruit, canned vegetables, peanut butter, cereal, instant
potatoes, Raman noodles, small packages of macaroni and
cheese, rice, and beans.
Volunteers are always needed. You can serve the food pantry in two ways. First, we need
drivers for about two hours on Tuesday and Thursday mornings beginning at 7:45 to purchase
and load food at the Bay Area Food Bank and deliver and unload it at the church. Second,
Romanian American Mission Team 2015
we need volunteers to serve in the food pantry on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from
12:00 to 2:00 PM.
 Sight & Sound
 Bamberg Chapel
In MEMORY of: Jim McDaniel
In MEMORY of: Gertrude Wolfe
Given by: Betsy Brown
Given by: Ed & Kathy Jordan
 Summer Construction
In MEMORY of: Ted Childers
Given by: Wayne & Sandy Forbush
In MEMORY of: Ted Childers
Given by: Ted & Hilda Waters
In MEMORY of: George Prine
Given by: Betsy Brown
In MEMORY of: Randy Brown
Given by: Betsy Brown
In MEMORY of: Gertrude Wolfe
Given by: David Wolfe
In MEMORY of: Gertrude Wolfe
Given by: Elaine Hanna
In MEMORY of: Ted Childers
Given by: Lemerle Birdsong
In MEMORY of: Ted Childers
Given by: Richard & Susan Coe
 Benevolence
In MEMORY of: Dixie Weaver
Given by: J.D. & Louise Gillman
In MEMORY of: Ted Childers
Given by: Max & Sharon Williams
 Lottie Moon
In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith
Given by: Scott & Vikki Jordan
In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith
Given by: Carolyn Jones
In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith
Given by: John & Martha Graham
 Food Pantry
In MEMORY of: Jack Plowman
Given by: Betsy Brown
In MEMORY of: George Prine
Given by: Ted & Hilda Waters
 Summer Construction
In MEMORY of: Ted Childers
Given by: Patti Beyer
 Men’s Ministry
In HONOR of: Pat Lunsford
Given by: Dora Thrash
 Romanian Mission
In Honor of: Lamar & Sissy Faulkner and
all who go to minister
Given by: Patti Beyer
Given by: Ted & Hilda Waters
In MEMORY of: James Earl Barnes
In MEMORY of: George Prine
Given by: J.D. & Louise Gillman
In MEMORY of: Jack Plowman
Given by: J.D. & Louise Gillman
In HONOR of: Hazel Hunsucker
Given by: Betsy Brown
Given by: Fisher, Brown, Fischer SS
 Summer Construction
In MEMORY of: Ted Childers
Given by: Gordon & Elaine Speer
 Men’s Ministry
In MEMORY of: Marion Steele
Given by: Ted & Hilda Waters
 Sight & Sound
In MEMORY of: Ted Childers
Given by: Doug & Hilda Worley
In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith
Given by: Doug & Hilda Worley
In MEMORY of: Joan Timmons
Given by: J.D. & Louise Gillman
In MEMORY of: Adrian Wingate
Given by: Betsy Brown
 Bamberg Chapel
In MEMORY of: Gertrude Wolfe
Given by: Gene & Sue Benvenutti
In MEMORY of: Gertrude Wolfe
Given by: Lamar & Sissy Faulkner
In MEMORY of: Gertrude Wolfe
Given by: Mary Arnold
 Student Ministry
In MEMORY of: Ted Childers
Given by: J.D. & Louise Gillman
In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher
Given by: MHS Math Department
 Joash Fund
In MEMORY of: Irene Barnes
Given by: Betsy Brown
In MEMORY of: John Arnold
Given by: Betsy Brown
In HONOR of: Jimmy & Wendy Stephens
Given by: Doris Kingry
In HONOR of: David Squires
Given by: Doris Kingry
In HONOR of: Debbie & Donna Long
In HONOR of: Ted & Hilda Waters
Given by: Doris Kingry
In HONOR of: David Kell
Given by: Doris Kingry
In HONOR of: Max Williams
Given by: Doris Kingry
In HONOR of: Clayton Tolbert
Given by: Doris Kingry
In HONOR of: Bill & Jo Ann Timlin
 Food Pantry
In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith
Given by: Doris Kingry
In MEMORY of: Ray Bagley
Given by: Doris Kingry
In MEMORY of: Jack Plowman
Given by: Doris Kingry
In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher
Given by: Doris Kingry
In MEMORY of: Ted Childers
In HONOR of: Billie Harville
Given by: Betsy Brown
Given by: Ray & Ann Callaway
Given by: Doris Kingry
 Trantham Scholarship
Given by: Herman & Helen Watts
Given by: Ray & Ann Callaway
Given by: Doris Kingry
In MEMORY of: Gertrude Wolfe
In MEMORY of: George Prine
In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher
In MEMORY of: Adrian Wingate
Given by: Dick & Cheryl Montgomery
In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith
 Men’s Ministry
 Bamberg Chapel
In MEMORY of: Gertrude Wolfe
Given by: George Sancken III
In MEMORY of: Gertrude Wolfe
Given by: Lisa McKenzie
 Children’s Choir
In MEMORY of: Morris G Steeley III
Given by: The Adult Choir
In MEMORY of: Morris G Steeley III
Given by: Sean & Melody Lee
 Sight & Sound
In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith
Given by: Ray & Ann Callaway
In MEMORY of: Nancy Rhys
Given by: Ray & Ann Callaway
In MEMORY of: Sarah Fischer
Given by: Ray & Ann Callaway
Given by: Doris Kingry
In MEMORY of: Lewis Turman
Given by: Doris Kingry
 Kitchen Fund
In MEMORY of: Lewis Turman
Given by: James & Verna Hollingsworth
 Wednesday Night Supper
In MEMORY of: Lewis Turman
Given by: Bubba & Paula Drinkard
 Romania Mission
In MEMORY of: Gertrude Wolfe
Given by: David Wolfe
 Summer Construction
In MEMORY of: Ted Childers
Given by: Ray & Ann Callaway
Thank you
Dear FBC Milton,
There is so much to thank you for, not just
for the funeral of Virginia Smith, our
mother, but also for your watchcare of her
as she aged. Thank you also for all you did
for her service to make it special- the
arrangements for lunch, and the service,
and the beautiful plant.
Cornelia Orr, for the
entire Smith Family
Dear D-Now Group from FBC Milton,
The Bay Area Food Bank thanks you for
all your hard work sorting through the donated food. You helped sort 4,542 pounds
of food! Way to go! This will go to make
over 3,000 meals to those who are struggling with hunger in our local area!
Thanks for giving your time.
Briteny McKeithen
Dear FBC,
Thank you for the beautiful flower honoring Betty Nave. Your kindness and sympathy at this time are more appreciated than
any words can ever express.
God Bless,
The Naves
Dear Church Family,
Thank you so very much for the many
cards, food, flowers and calls you made in
memory of our Mother. She loved her
church and church family dearly and was
always asking about members of her
Sunday school class. Having grown up in
FBC we also will always share this love.
We want to also thank you for the visits
and communion you provided during her
life at the Forsyth House.
God Bless You All,
The Gertrude Wolfe
Dear FBC Family,
Our family wishes to thank you for your
wonderful ministry to us during our time of
grief of the loss of my father, Ted Childers.
Your phone calls, texts, visits, prayers,
food and most important of all your love
meant a great deal to us. No one is ever
ready to lose a loved one but with God’s
grace he gives us all our strength. It is always amazing to watch God’s people work
to serve others, and you truly served our
The potted plant is beautiful and will remind us everyday of what a wonderful
church family we have.
Bonnie & Blackie Black
and Family