o. AA/16 2 | ot I 2ot4-986 ftder di{rtrq / ruinistry of ExternalAffairs Tfiffdl.l guror / Coordination Division N ****{.******t,F South Block, New Delhi October L7,2OL4 To lnstitute of TechnologY, [Kind Attn : Dr. D.R. Nagabhushana, Convener], PES 100 Feet Ring Road, BSK 3'd Stage, Bangalore-560085. Fax : Subject Political clearance for organizing lnternational Conference on at Luminescence and its Applications (lcLA-2015) from February 2015 : Bangalore. Sir, please refer to your communication dated July 25, 2OL4 on the subject mentioned above. proposed event with This Ministry has no obiection from political angle for the communication' foreign participants (as per list attached), as stated in your aforesaid Kindly note that subject to clearance of Ministry of Home Affairs and Nodal Ministry' pariicipants from china would require delegates specific clearance from MHA' 2. ; \ 3. participation from Taiwan would be subject to existing guidelines on the subject (copy enclosed). i of letter of The foreign participants may please be advised to enclose copies political clearance as well as MHA's invitation from the oiganizer in lndia and this Ministry's abroad' clearance when applying for visa with the lndian Mission/Post 4. \ h* (SKL Das) Section Officer (Coordination) Tel: 011-230t7223 Copy to: i) (cc)], Foreigners Division' Ministry of Home Affairs [Kind Attn: shri T. srinivasan, so NDCC Building ll, Jaisingh Road, New Delhi' ond Toivronese Poriicipolion in Conferences' Trode Foirs other lniernotionol Gotherings in lndio / Business V!sifs from Toiwon evenls in lndio As for os the Toiwonese porticipoiion in lnternoiionol observe'd: is concerned, the following norms musl be A. "ci-rltrese Toiwon rrroy poriicipote under iire notr-retrclcture of r: iis slcndor.d nonrenclciure rn Toip,6j" or "chino Toipei". li rlrcy clso reJoin hoiding lTs pcriiculor internoironol orgonizotion if ihoi orgonizciion ls ji-rei-e sholl be no reierence 1o Toiwon os 1l-re nreetipg in Indio Hoinrever, "Re public oi Chlrrc" l. There sholl be no disploy oi noilonol flog, cout-rirl' rror'^-replofe' oi il-re so-cclled ncrllonol enrblenr or singing of ihe no1ionol oniirerri "Republic oi Chlno". li. poliiicoi C6jl"'iil; iheii Tolrtionese delegoie: sl-rcll nol engcge irr cny poriicipoiion sholl noi be poliilcol ln nciute' iil. Business Visiiors orgonizeci v;iihin the follow'ing poromeiers : B. The visits oi oificiols / from Toiwon moy be visii lpdro in il-reir rn'Jl''ziciurol copociiy ond noi oi lhe sc-r-colleo ' Republic of Clrtnc" l. Ti^rey Cs represer-r'ioilve nonrelllcie' 11. There sholl ire rro displo;r of ncironcl flog, counir,v jhe so-colled nojionol ei.llbler-rr or singing of iiie nolionol onli-reni of iJr=rr.,JLi.-of Clrina" oi ony public eveirl ofgoi-rizecj fcr or-5)t lirer; i1 lricll'r' tii ln lr'dl:; Tlie1, sl-roli not e5goge irr ony polr.iiccl oclivity tn'lriie cl^rlno" There siroll rrol be orry reference to iire lernr "Republic of ony foi-t-t-rol docr'lnrenls sigrred during ihe vlsil' iv. it-r lnternational Conference on Luminescence and its Applications (ICLA 2015) 9-12th Februa ry 20t5, Bangalore, lndia Organized bY lnstitute of Technology, Bangalore PES University, Society for lnformation Displays (SlD lndia Chapter) & PE5 LUMINESCENCE SOCIETY OF INDIA Web: icla2015.pes.edu; Website: www.lumsocindia'org Tentative List of foreign delEsates Canada I. 2. Capobianko, Concordia University, Canada Dr. V. ChodavaraPu, Canada J. A. China 3. 4. 5. 6. Prof. Lai Zhingping, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China' Prof. Qiang Su, 5un Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou P'R' China' Prof. Suling Zhao, BJT Univ., China. Dr. Zhijun Zhang, Shanghai lnstitute of Ceramics, China' Estonia 7. Prof. llomo Sildos, Tart Univ', Estonia France 8. 9. Prof. Anges Maitre, UPMC, France. Dr. Bernard Moine, France 10. Prof. G. Boulon, University Claude Bernard, France 11. Prof. P. Goldner, Paris Tech., France Germany t2. Prof . Tom Justel, Uni of Munenster, Germany' Hong Kong 13. Prof. C S Lee, City Univ , Hong Kong 14. Prof. Val Roy, City Univ., Hong Kong. lndia 15. Dr. Prashanth Kumar, GE Global Research, Bangalore, lndia 16. Prof. T N Ruckmongathan, RRl, lndia' Italy 77. Dr. D. Baldacchini, ltalY 18. Prof. Marco Bettinelli, University of Verona, ltaly' 19. Prof.Rosa Maria Montereali, ENEA, ltaly Japan 20, Prof. Akira Miyamoto, Tohoku University, lapan'/ 21. Dr. A. Mikami, Kanazawa lnstitute of Technology, JapQr' 22. ProI. Dirk Poelman, Ghent University, Japan.T 23. Dr. Denka, JaPan. 24. Prof . Kazuhiko Hara, Shizuoka University, )apan','/ 25. Prof . KenjiTODA, NIIGATA University, )apan.'/ 26. Prof . Kiyoshi ltatani, Sophia University, JapanT' 27. Prof . Norio Murase, AIST, Osaka, Japantt 28. Dr. Rong-Jun Xie. JaPan . E :r ii 29. Dr.Rongjun Xie, NIMS, lapad.' 30. Dr. Shuxiu Zhang, Dyden Crop. And Hiroshima University, lagan. 31. Prof. S. Tanabe, Kyoto UniversilY, )apan/ 32. Prof. Yochiro Nakanishi, Shizuoka University, japan. -/ Korea 33. Dr. C, lang,KAlST, Korea. -"' 34. Prof. Jeong, PKN Univi., Korea.-35. Prof. K C Choi, Center for Advanced Display Convergence, Korea. ,---' Malaysia 36. Dr, Gurumurthy Hegde, MalaYsia Poland 37 . Prof . Grzegorz Adamiec, Poland 38. Prof. Kityk, Poland 39. Prof. Marek Grinberg, Poland Portugal 40. Dr..lorge Monteiro, University of Averiro, Portugal. 41. Prof . S. K. Mendiratta, University of Averiro, Portugal, Singapore 42. Prof . Alfred Tok, Nanyong Technical University, Singapore. Spain 43. Prof. Mariola Ramirez, Spain Switzerland 44. Dr. Sekatskii Sergey, EPFL, Switzerland. Taiwan 45. Dr. B M Cheng, NSRRC, Taiwan. 46. Prof . Ru-Shi Liu, Taiwan The Netherlands 47. Dr. 48. Dr. A.J.J. Bos, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. Cees Rond, Philips, The Netherland 49. Prof . H.T Hintzen, The Netherland. 50. Dr. Melvin Ten Kate, TU/e, Eindhoven, The Netherland. 51. Prof. Pieter Dorenbos, Tech Univ. of Delft, The Netherlands UK 52. Prof. Bryce Richards, S|SER, 53. Prof. Geoff Duller, UK UK. USA 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 6L. 62. 63. Prof . Ajoy Dutta, Columbia University, USA. Dr. Alok Srivastva, GE Corporate Research, USA Dr. Amal Ghosh, President, SlD, USA Dr. Anant Setlur, GE Globe Research, USA. Prof. Andy Hollerman, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA. Prof. Anthony Diaz, Central Washington Univ., USA Prof. Christopher B, Murray, University of Pennsylvania, USA. Dr. Claudia Brunner, CdRH/FDA, USA. Dr. Latha Natraj, USA , :a:' i:r':':-.,;., Dr. M. Anandan, Organic lighting Technologies., USA :t,,.. '' ,'u,'kil i i.':n ..:':/7F \\h*a$;/".I $(9t*rr 64. Dr. M. Carpenter, Stanford University, USA. 65. Dr. M. K. Crawford, E. l. Du Pont Co, USA. 66. Prof. Dr. Okenwa O.l. Okoll, USA 67 , Prof . Olivia A. Graeve, Alf rd University, USA. 68. Dr, P.K. Kumta, USA 69. Dr. P. Raguram, USA. 70. Dr. Rameswar Bhargva, NanocrystalTech., 7L. Dr. R. P. Rao, USA. 72. Dr. Stuart Brinkley, USA. :r:.::_.-_ . ._. - ' 9;'' :1t'' USA
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