Page 1 Our Mission: Our Method: Our Motto: Our Vision: Making Disciples of Jesus Christ Helping people Know Christ, Grow in Christ, and Go in Christ I am a minister called by God, gifted by the Holy Spirit, ordained through baptism. I am a minister and I will offer my gifts in service to Christ. A loving, caring, overcoming community of faith centered in Jesus Christ Office 405.692.4242 * Fax 405.692.4271 * November 2014 DA Good News Though my mother was born and raised on a farm, I know very little about farming. Sure, some of my childhood was spent riding on the tractor with my grandfather, but for a small boy that is more quality time with someone you love and being made to feel important by his peers than it was actual hard work. I guess that is something I know about farming. It is hard work! If you were to talk with a farmer, they would likely tell you that there are certain things that they all do to bring a good yield from their sowing. They have practices to help bring in a good harvest. The same is true for churches. Growing churches have strategies or habits that help spur the growth of the church in bringing people to Christ. If we expect to reap a harvest, then we must sow for a harvest! We are developing a budget and our ministry plan for 2015 this month but that is not going to produce much fruit unless we are equipped for the hard work we must do. Thus, we will ask God to equip us in these habits so that our harvest is fruitful. What are the things that we should do to make disciples, and become a loving, caring, overcoming community of faith centered in a relationship with Jesus? That is what we will remember this November. Grace and peace, D.A. P.S. Charge Conference is scheduled for Sunday, December 7, at 1:30pm at New Life UMC. • Upward Evaluations Saturday, November 1, 8:30am Sunday, November 2, 2:00pm • OCC Shoebox Stuffing Party Thursday, November 13, 5:30pm • CORD Bells Festival Saturday, November 15, 8:00am • Coffee with the Pastor Sunday, November 16, 4:00pm • Youth Turkey Olympics Wednesday, November 19, 6:00pm • Paint with a Pro - Christmas Thursday, November 20, 6:00pm • Advent Begins Sunday, November 30 Sermon Series In November, come hear Pastor D.A. preach on how to “Live Generously!” Bring your family and bring your friends! November 2 - Come to the Table November 9 - By Design November 16 - Do You Dare? November 23 - He Is D.A. Bennett - Senior Pastor David Johnson - Associate Pastor/Adult Ministries & Missions Ginny Pass - Director of Music & Worship Susan Robinson - Director of Children’s Ministry Laura Aldridge - Director of Membership & Care Jonathon Clinesmith - Director of Student Ministries Darlene Power - Office Manager Elaine Stults - Finance/Business Manager Hazel Dodrill - Contributions Lesa Stiger - Website Administrator Kim McKinley - Director of Communications Brandy Champeau - Nursery Supervisor Heather Ward - Director of Blessed Beginnings Neal Zaloudik - Facilities Manager Page 2 For Boys and Girls K5 - 6th Grade REGISTER NOW! Online registration link can be found at! EVALUATIONS - Saturday, November 1, 8:30am-12:00pm and Sunday, November 2, 2:00pm-5:00pm COFFEE WITH THE PASTOR Have you been wanting to find out more about our church? Have you been thinking about joining St. Andrew’s? On Sunday, November 16, at 4:00pm, you are invited to our monthly “Coffee with the Pastor.” During this informal time, you’ll hear the story of St. Andrew’s, our mission, method and vision, and we’ll lift up our five membership expectations. After a question and answer time, inquirers are free to go. Persons interested in membership are invited to remain for a time of commitment. Membership at St. Andrew’s is a great way to “get connected!” Tastes of the Season Saturday, December 13 10:00am-12:00pm FREE tastings of homemade holiday treats! IF YOU’D LIKE TO ENTER A RECIPE and share samples at the event, please visit the table in the Fellowship Area beginning Sunday, November 2 for instructions and registration forms! Charge Conference St. Andrew’s will be joining Moore 1st, New Life, Cross Timbers, Sunny Lane and First Korean for our annual Charge Conference. The conference is scheduled for Sunday, December 7, at 1:30pm at New Life UMC. The devotion will be given by Rev. Greg Tener, District Superintendent. All are welcome to attend. Mexican Train Anyone 18 years and older is invited to come and play Mexican Train dominoes on Friday, November 14, in the MTC (B10). Set-up and snacks begin at 6:30pm and play begins at 7:00pm. Nursery is not provided. Bring a friend and a dessert or appetizer to share. RSVP to Sue Adams at 691-4650 or Bunko Night Anyone 18 years and older is invited to come play Bunko on Friday, November 21, at 6:00pm (play begins at 6:30pm). Cost is $5. Bring a friend and a dessert or appetizer to share. Nursery is not provided. RSVP by contacting Jan Stahl at 692-1371 or Page 3 Men’s Breakfast All men are welcome to be a part of the St. Andrew’s United Methodist Men’s group. They will have their monthly breakfast meeting on Saturday, November 15, at 8:00am at Willow Creek Country Club. Come enjoy some good food and even better discussion! For more information on the UMM, contact Terry Byers, president, at 414-3994. Stewardship Note If you would like your financial contributions to St. Andrew’s made by automatic withdrawal, please contact Hazel Dodrill at 692-4242, ext. 107. Prepare the Way Financial Update Prepare the Way Total Funds Rec’d Prepare the Way Total Rec’d in 2014 Balance of Loan $1,018,952 $212,588 $237,372 LORD, What do YOU want to do through ME? Keep Us Updated! Just a friendly reminder to keep us updated on all your current contact information: address, phone number, cell phone and email addresses. You can email the information to or call 692-4242. Thanks for your help in keeping us connected! In Our Prayers Joys & Concerns received during September and October 2014 • • • • • Expectant Mothers: Lacey Shields Berry, Haley Billeck, Angie Waples, Aryn Wright, Courtney Wright Adams, Jessica Mathis Smith, Deidra Olsen, Hannah Cox, Hillary Shatley, Hayley Elliott and Sarah Jongeling. Individuals and families of those currently deployed: Whitney Sandburg’s brother, Dylan Crawford, Charlotte Chadderdon’s grandson, Trey Wylie, Trey Mitcheltree, Scott Kilgore, Sylvia Wolf’s family, Jacob Labar and Rex & Sally Coultrip’s grandson, Justin Coultrip. Helen McLendon, Mike Olstad, Laura West, Lee Smith, Jann Davenport, Jim Davenport, Kim Voyles, Sharon Ross, Leigh Haynes and Kelly Harrod continue with cancer treatments. MISSIONARIES: Ngoy Mulanga Kalangwa in Tanzania Africa, Fuxia Wang in Chinese Ministry at OU, Steve & Stephanie Bredesen and Kyle & Kara Garen. HOME-BOUND: June Stovall, Ila Raby, Bill & Bernice Howard, Ima Jean & Gerald Matthews, Lou & Elmer Carpenter, Jack Koontz, Jim Clark and Ruth Landers. CONGRATULATIONS TO: 10/14 Karissa & Bryan Suchy are celebrating the birth of Levi Calvin Suchy. 10/21 Kristin (King) & Gavin Thompson are celebrating the birth of Gentry Grace Thompson. SYMPATHY TO: 10/5 Family of Tim & Traci Robbins, whose sister-in-law, Debbie Robbins passed away. 10/7 Family of Kay Hibbard, whose mother, Mickey Canada passed away. 10/10 Family of Nathan Ellzey, whose father passed away. 10/12 Family of Peggy Bogardus, whose brother, Tommy Phillips passed away. Page 4 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY NEWS St. Andrew’s Children’s Ministry Vision: We are here to nurture all children and families in Christ’s love, equip students with biblical knowledge, excite families about following Christ, AND to create lifelong servants. The Operation Christmas Child Shoebox stuffing party is set for Thursday, November 13, at 5:30pm. We will have dinner for the families that participate. We will provide the shoeboxes. Please plan to bring things to stuff them. Some items that you could bring are socks, non-liquid hygiene items, toys, hard candy, sunglasses, flashlights, school supplies, musical items, batteries and jewelry. The boxes are age and gender specific with the age breakdown being 2-4, 5-9, and 10-14. When purchasing, please have a specific age group and gender in mind. Shipping is $7 per box. If you have any other questions, please talk with Susan Robinson or Kelley Stover. Mission for the Month: Canned Goods! Toddler Time is a time where birth through Kindergarteners and their adults (moms, dads, grandparents, babysitters…) get together to have fun and get out of the house. We try to meet on the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 10:00am, once as a field trip and once as a Story Time at the church. This month, we will meet at Myriad Botanical Gardens on Monday, November 10, at 10:00am. We will enjoy the Myriad Grounds and Playground. If you would like to enjoy the Chrystal Bridge, admission is $8/adults and $5/kids 4-12. Kids under 4 are free. Our story time is set for Monday, November 24, at 10:00am at the church. Our theme this month will be Thanksgiving. Be sure to bring canned goods to donate. Explore 34 is our fellowship and mission group for 3rd and 4th graders. We meet on the third Friday of the month at 6:00pm for a fun activity. This month we will be meeting on Friday, November 21, from 6:00pm-8:00pm at the church. We will be playing games with our donated cans. Bring a friend and bring canned goods. Club 56 is our fellowship and mission group for 5th and 6th graders. We meet on the third Saturday of the month at 6:00pm for a fun activity. This month we are meeting at the church on Saturday, November 22, from 6:00pm-8:00pm. We will be playing games with our donated cans. Bring a friend and canned goods. Discover 1 & 2 is our fellowship and mission group for 1st and 2nd graders. Due to the holidays, we will not be meeting in November or December. Enjoy time with your family! We will see you in January. Family Advent Study is a four week study that focuses on the traditions, symbols and scriptures surrounding the season of Advent (the four weeks before Christmas). Come have fun and learn the meaning of the candles that represent the gifts of love, hope, joy and peace through Jesus Christ. This study is designed for 1st through 6th graders and their older siblings, parents and/or grandparents. It will meet Tuesdays from 6:00pm-7:30pm from December 2 – December 23. Sign up in the bulletin or email Susan at either or Page 5 Highlight on Missions He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” Mark 16:15 Lunch with McKee Seniors St. Andrew’s is scheduled to provide lunch at the McKee Center on Wednesday, November 5. If you would like to be added to the list as a person who can serve or provide food (recipes provided), please contact Julie Dill at or 550-8960. Hope Board Ministry The Hope Board ministry hosts workshops every 1st and 3rd Monday from 6:00pm-7:30pm in the MTC (B8) for all those that are interested. Workshops for this month are scheduled for Monday, November 3 and Monday, November 17. Child care is provided. Come join us! Missions Meeting Anyone interested in missions or being a part of our missions committee is invited to our next meeting on Tuesday, November 11, at 7:00pm in D.A.’s office (A28). Come join us! Operation Christmas Child We will be collecting filled shoe boxes for Samaritan's Purse again this year! You may stop by the table in the fellowship area to get a box. All filled boxes need to be returned to church by Sunday, November 23. If you have any questions feel free to contact Kelley Stover at 405-314-12-44 or SHOEBOX GIFT SUGGESTIONS: Toys: Include items that children will immediately embrace such as dolls, toy cars, stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, yoyos, jump ropes, balls, toys that light up and make noise (with extra batteries), etc. School Supplies: pens, pencils and sharpeners, crayons, markers, notebooks, paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books, etc. Non-Liquid Hygiene Items: toothbrushes, bar soap, combs, washcloths, etc. Skyline Urban Ministries - Christmas Grace Each year, Skyline Urban Ministry provides Christmas gifts to families in need by pairing them with groups that purchase the gifts for the families. Though Christmas isn’t all about the gifts, we believe each child deserves to have a very Merry Christmas. As the holidays draw near please consider adopting an individual and making someone's Christmas wish come true. A list of the families will be posted in the Fellowship Area. Look for them later this month. Thank you to all that have helped in the past and are willing to help again. Accessories: t-shirts, socks, hats, sunglasses, hair clips, jewelry, watches, flashlights (with extra batteries), etc. A Personal Note: You may enclose a note to the child and a photo of yourself or your family. If you include your name and address, the child may be able to write back. DO NOT INCLUDE: Used or damaged items; war-related items such as toy guns, knives or military figures; chocolate or food; out-of-date candy; liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans. Page 6 Page 7 NOVEMBER 2014 IMPACT On Wednesday nights we have Impact, our main youth worship gathering, from 6:00pom-8:00pm. During the first 45 minutes, there is dinner and time for games and hanging out in the CLC. At 6:45pm, we come together in the youth room for worship and a Jesus centered message. It’s always a good time to learn about our Savior! BREAKFAST CLUB Breakfast Club takes place Sunday mornings at 9:30am in the youth room. During the first 15 minutes we chill, have juice and a donut (or sometimes waffles), and just hang out. At 9:45am, we split into smaller groups by gender for Bible Study and group discussion. When that’s finished, we attend the 10:50am worship service together as a group, because we see both events as a priority! METRO WORSHIP Metro Worship is a monthly opportunity for our youth to worship with other Methodist youth from all over the state. This month Metro will be held at St. Luke’s in downtown OKC on Sunday, November 9, at 6:00pm. Meet in the St. Andy’s parking lot at 5:00pm to carpool there. See you then! SMALL GROUPS Small groups are an awesome opportunity to experience fellowship and to receive Christian teaching in a more intimate setting. The groups will meet from 4:00pm-6:00pm on Sundays. All girls will meet at the Wohletz household. All boys will meet at the church for the month of November. Email Jonathon ( for directions or more details. NO SMALL GROUPS ON NOVEMBER 30 for Thanksgiving. TURKEY OLYMPICS Our annual Turkey Olympics take place on Wednesday, November 19, at 6:00pm. We’ll meet together for a meal, then break into teams for a series of athletic, mental, and fashion events. Yes, we said fashion. Winners get free tshirts. Losers get to be thankful for participating. See you then! St. Andrew’s Coming DECEMBER 2014 Dec 7 - St. Andy’s Christmas Program at 6:00pm Dec 13 - Tastes of the Season at 10:00am College Sunday School will be held Sunday, November 2, 9:30am, at Josh and Adri Jenson's home (10624 Woodridden). We invite everyone out for coffee, bagels, and a great study! Dec 14 - Coffee with the Pastor at 4:00pm Dec 24 - Christmas Eve Candlelight Services at 3:00pm, 5:00pm, 7:00pm and 11:00pm Page 8 Music & Worship Ministries Music Director Ginny Pass 692-4242 (x102) Assistant Shain Baldwin (x113) ST. Andrew’s UMC Hosts 2014 CORD Bell Festival Concert Saturday, November 15, 3:30pm Kids in Ministry Christmas Musical 1st-6th graders meet on Sunday afternoons in the Worship Center from 4:00pm-6:00pm to rehearse for our Christmas musical! The two extra rehearsals are Friday, December 5, 6:00pm8:00pm and Saturday, December 6, 10:00am-1:00pm (includes the party). The WE THREE SPIES performance will be Sunday, December 7, at 6:00pm with the kids meeting at 4:00pm. Free to the community! St. Andrew’s UMC will once again host the 2014 Regional CORD Bell Festival and Concert! Bell Choirs will come from as far as Kansas and Texas to join together for training and a mass concert. FINE ARTS TEAM The youth fine arts team is for all 6th-12th graders. We will meet November 9, 23, and 30 at 3:00pm to work on the skit for the Christmas Service, December 7. Join us as we use our gifts in worship! Anyone interested in being a part of a SS puppet team? Contact Ginny Pass! SOKC Youth String Ensemble Join us at the 2nd Saturday rehearsal, November 8, 10:00am11:00am. You must have completed Book 1. PAINT WITH A PRO CHRISTMAS! Thursday, November 20, 6-9pm (CLC) Cost: $35 Sign up and pay online Join us for the next community painting event at St. Andy’s. This activity pulls in people from as far as Paul’s Valley, OK. Orchestra in Worship, November 23 We will be painting the 2013 favorite called Funky Wreath. NOW is the time to join the orchestra! Students who have com- You can sign up and pay for this event online at Dessert and coffees will be provided. If pleted 2 years of training are invited to join the fun. We will you would like to bring a dessert to add to the fun, see practice Wednesday, November 19 at 6:00pm. Please call the Ginny. music office (x102) so that we can provide music just for you! The Orchestra will play Advent Sundays: December 7, 14 and 21. The Christmas Eve Orchestra will practice on Sunday, December 21 at 4:00pm. LOOKING AHEAD to ADVENT The Christmas Chorale sings “The Song of Christmas” *CHRISTMAS DECORATING (Thanksgiving Week) Join the Chorale as we gather on Wednesdays from 7:30pm-8:30pm to prepare music for Advent plus the Sunday evening “Christmas at St. Andrew’s” on December 7 at 6:00pm. Books and CDs are available. *CHRISTMAS at ST. ANDREW’S Sunday, December 7, at 6:00pm with Kids In Ministry Musical, Preschoolers, a Youth Skit, the Christmas Chorale, String Ensemble and a friend from the North Pole! St. Andrew’s Bell Ministry *ADVENT WORSHIP: Families Lighting Candles in the Advent wreath Orchestra and Christmas Chorale St. Andrew’s Bell Choir is looking for 2 ringers. How about you? They meet every Tuesday evening from 6:45pm-7:45pm. See bell director, Debbie Riddle. *POINSETTIAS FOR SALE *CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES: 3/5/7/11PM w/Chorale-Orchestra-Candlelighting-Communion Page 9 November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Deadline for Bulletin is each Wednesday at NOON ( ) Denotes Off-Site Activities 8:00 am Vision Team 8:30 am Upward Evaluations * Denotes Tentative Activities 2 2:00 pm MiT 2:00 pm Upward Evaluations 4:00 pm KIM 4:00 pm Jr/Sr High Small Groups 6:00 pm Lay Leadership Mtg 3 6:00 pm Hope Boards (6:00 pm Men’s Bowling League) 6:30 pm Disciple 9 10 11:00 am Koinomia (10:00 pm Toddler Potluck Luncheon Time - Myriad 2:00 pm MiT Gardens) 4:00 pm KIM (5:00 pm Metro (6:00 pm Men’s Worship Departure) Bowling League) 6:30 pm Disciple 4 11:00 am Staff Mtg. 6:45pm St. A. Bells 11 Veterans Day Observed 11:00 am Staff Mtg. 6:45 pm St. A. Bells 7:00 pm Mission Mtg 5 (11:00 am McKee Lunch) 6 9:30 am B.L.A.S.T. 7 13 9:30 am B.L.A.S.T. 14 8 10:00 am Youth String Ensemble 6:00 pm Band/Team 6:00 pm Impact 6:30 pm Disciple 7:30 pm Christmas Chorale 12 12:00 pm POW 6:00 pm Band/Team 5:30 pm Operation 6:00 pm Impact Christmas Child 5:30 pm Bells Shoebox Stuffing 6:30 pm Disciple 7:00 pm Trustee Mtg. 7:30 pm Christmas Chorale Newsletter Deadline 15 (8:00 am Men’s Breakfast) 8:00 am CORD Bells Festival 6:30 pm Mexican Train 16 9:00 am Taco Breakfast 2:00 pm MiT 3:00 pm Fine Arts 4:00 pm KIM 4:00 pm Jr/Sr High Small Groups 4:00 pm Coffee With the Pastor 17 18 (6:00 pm Men’s 11:00 am Staff Mtg. Bowling League) 6:00 pm Hope Boards 6:45pm St. A. Bells 6:30 pm Disciple 7:00 pm Finance Mtg 19 6:00 pm Orchestra 6:00 pm Turkey Olympics 6:30 pm Disciple 6:30 pm SPRC 7:30 pm Christmas Chorale 20 9:30 am B.L.A.S.T. 21 22 6:00 pm Explore 34 - 6:00 pm Club 56 Can Games Can Games 6:00 pm Paint w/a Pro - Christmas 6:00 pm Bunko 23 12:00 pm Christmas Decorating 12:15 pm Adm. Leadership Team 2:00 pm MiT 3:00 pm Fine Arts 4:00 pm KIM 4:00 pm Jr/Sr High Small Groups 24 10:00 am Toddler Time Story Time 26 27 28 30 Advent Begins 2:00 pm MiT 4:00 pm KIM 6:00 pm Orchestra 25 11:00 am Staff Mtg. 29 6:00 pm Orchestra (6:00 pm Men’s Bowling League) 6:30 pm Disciple Happy Thanksgiving Day Office Closed Page 10 Return Service Requested St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church Office: (405) 692-4242 Fax: (405) 692-4271 Online: We encourage you to pass on or forward this newsletter to anyone who might be interested in knowing what’s going on here at St. Andrew’s. If you are not currently receiving our newsletter, and would like to receive future issues, please call the church or send your contact information by email to our office manager at You can request a digital, full-color copy of our newsletter via email or we can mail you a hardcopy via USPS. Also, if you wish to no longer receive our newsletter, call the church office, day or night, and leave a message. Worship Service Options If you appreciate a traditional experience in worship with a smaller, more intimate feel where more hymns are sung, then perhaps our 8:15am service is for you! The worship order is similar and the same sermon is preached. Our 9:30am and 10:50am services reflect a more contemporary style. SUNDAY SCHEDULE Worship 8:15am 9:30am 10:50am STEWARDSHIP: Offering Anticipated to Date Offering through October 12 ATTENDANCE : Worship Sunday School Sunday School 9:30am 10:50am $969,006 $1,021,781 09/21 09/28 10/05 10/12 549 573 515 603 No SS 254 241 223
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