FLAXMERE PONY CLUB ONE DAY EVENT Hawkes Bay Equestrian Park, Sunday 23rd November 2014 Enter at www.equestrianentries.co.nz - entries close 13th November Run under NZPCA Horse Trial Rules Class 1 NZPC 110 / A1 - GOLD Sponsor: SHOW CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ESNZ Eventing Dressage Tests B:1 (2009) Long Arena; XC 110cm and SJ max. 115cm Rosettes and Prizes to 6th place Class 2 NZPC 105 Horse/Pony - SILVER Sponsor: CAVALLO FLOATS & GARDEN DEPOT ESNZ Eventing Dressage Tests A:1 (2009); XC and SJ approx 105cm Rosettes and Prizes to 6th place Class 3 NZPC 95 Horse - BRONZE Sponsor: SACRED HILL WINERY ESNZ Eventing Dressage Tests L:2 (2009); XC and SJ approx 95cm Rosettes and Prizes to 6th place Class 4 NZPC 95 Pony - sponsored by MCMILLANS EQUINE FEEDS ESNZ Eventing Dressage Tests L:2 (2009); XC and SJ approx 95cm Rosettes and Prizes to 6th place Class 4 $47.00 Class 5 NZPC 80 Horse - sponsored by FORBES AND CO ESNZ Eventing Dressage Tests L:1 (2009); XC and SJ approx 80cm Rosettes and Prizes to 6th place Class 5 $47.00 Class 6 NZPC 80 Pony - sponsored by ESNZ Eventing Dressage Tests L:1 (2009); XC and SJ approx 80cm Rosettes and Prizes to 6th place Class 6 $47.00 Class 7 NZPC 65 Horse - sponsored by DISCOUNT SADDLES NZPCA Junior Riding Test M-2001; XC and SJ approx 65cm Rosettes and Prizes to 6th place Class 7 $47.00 Class 8 NZPC 65 Pony - sponsored by ISAACS ELECTRICAL NZPCA Junior Riding Test M-2001; XC and SJ approx 65cm Rosettes and Prizes to 6th place Class 8 $47.00 Rosettes and Prizes to 6th place Class 9 $27.00 Rosettes and Prizes to 6th place Class 10 $27.00 NB No whips in dressage Class 1 $52.00 NB No whips in dressage Class 2 $52.00 NB No whips in dressage Class 3 $47.00 NB No whips in dressage Class 9 Juniors - sponsored by TUFF ROC (15yo and younger, No Cross Country) NZPCA Junior Riding Test J-2001, Show jumping approx 65cm Class 10 Beginners - sponsored by OAKLANDS (Genuine beginners 10 yo and younger, Dressage Callers Allowed, No Cross Country) NZPCA Beginner Riding Test C-2001, Show jumping approx 50cm Plus Yard Fee if required *Entry Fee includes all Levies $10.00 TOTAL ENTRY FEE FOR THIS CLASS/RIDE **************** HOT AND COLD FOOD AND DRINKS WILL BE AVAILABLE **************** RULES AND CONDITIONS OF ENTRY Entries must be completed online at www.equestrianentries.co.nz before c.o.b. Nov 13th 2014 1 - no telephone or email or late entries, and no entries will be accepted until paid in full - Bank Account for Internet Banking (specify rider's name and class(s) in reference fields) 03 1355 0740117 00 2 Event is run under NZPCA Horse Trial Rules, and ALL Pony Club riders MUST wear Pony Club uniforms! 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 NZPCA combinations who have placed in the top 3 placings of 6 events at this level or higher, must move up a class, or ride at this level and incur 10 penalty points Scratchings advised prior to15th Nov will be refunded 75% of their entry fee, thereafter no refund unless Certificates are supplied As a condition of entry, we require every rider to nominate a XC fence judge - please email your nominated judge and their cellphone contact details - if they are not there for the judges' briefing we reserve the right to scratch your entry! - whilst our volunteers can sustain other tasks we require outside assistance on the XC course - if there are not enough judges the XC will NOT start! The organising committee reserves the right to to alter the programme where necessary, and classes may be split or combined depending upon entries. Draw times and the timing of classes will be adhered to where possible but aresubject to change Draw will be posted to www.sportsground.co.nz/flaxmerepc Gear safety inspections are compulsory for all phases of classes 5-10, compulsory only for XC for Classes 3/4 - failure to present for a compulsory gear-check will result in elimination. Riders in Classes 1-4 will be subject to random safety inpections throughout the competition! Your horse/pony must have the rider's back number or name, and cellphone number, attached to the halter whenever unmounted. NZPCA approved safety helmets must be worn for all three phases Medical armbands must be worn on the left upper arm for all jumping phases Body Protectors are compulsory for the Cross Country Callers are permitted for the Beginner class only (Class10) Whips and Spurs: a whip no longer than 100cm for ponies, and 120cm for hacks, including the lash, may be carried in the dressage up to and including NZPC 80 only 15 Dogs MUST be on a lead at all times, and all dog faeces removed 16 No stallions are allowed on the grounds for this event 17 Prizegiving will be unmounted but correctly attired, including helmet, at the conclusion of the event and arena dismantling 14 ALL COMPETITORS AND SPECTATORS ENTER THE GROUNDS AT THEIR OWN RISK Entries close 13th November Enquiries: Flaxmere Pony Club President: Lysbeth McCrory 021 2442034 Event Secretary: Ian Purdon 021 920360 SECTION 1. This is a Flaxmere Pony Club Fund-Raiser, and our volunteers will be busting a gut to make this an enjoyable and safe event for all competitors, and we will be covering most tasks, along with the help of other very generous volunteers, HOWEVER WE NEED EVERY COMPETITOR TO VOLUNTEER A X-COUNTRY FENCE JUDGE!!! This is a condition of entry - we will ensure fence-judging allocations are kept as short-duration as possible Name of nominated fence-judge: ____________________________________ Cell Contact: _______________ All volunteers can enter our Volunteers' Mystery Prize Draw - Drawn at XC briefing Payment via Internet / deposit ONLY! Bank A/c: 03 1355 0740117 00 (Include riders name AND class(s) in bank reference fields) Draw will be available at www.sportsground.co.nz/flaxmerepc from 5pm Wed 19th Nov 2014 Please fill out all details ONLINE, and make payment via internet banking or deposit - when received we will update your online records. By submitting your entry you are agreeing to all terms in Section 3. If the rider is under 18 years of age as at 23rd Nov 2014, then please print SECTION 2 below, completing all details, scan and email to: flaxmerepc@gmail.com , or snail-mail to: Flaxmere Pony Club ODE, PO Box 111-33, HASTINGS 4158 SECTION 2. RIDER'S NAME: ________________________________ EquestrianEntries Receipt Number: _____________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT DETAILS: Emergency Contact Name: _____________________ Daytime tel: _____________ Mobile tel: ______________ Relationship: ____________________________ Declaration to be completed by guardian if competitor is under 18yo I am the parent/guardian/caregiver of the above competitor, and I acknowledge that I am the Person Responsible for the horse/pony. I acknowledge that I am responsible for ensuring the fitness of the horse/pony to participate in this event, and for any act performed to the horse/pony while present at the HB Equestrian Park for this event. I acknowledge that I am bound by the NZPCA Constitution, Regulations, and Policies, while I am the Person Responsible for the horse/pony. Guardian's Full Name: ________________________ Guardian' Signature: __________________ Home Tel: __________________ Date: __________________ Work Tel: __________________ Cellphone: __________________ SECTION 3. DISCLAIMER By submitting your entry you are agreeing to the following terms: I acknowledge and agree that I do not have any medical conditions which may impact upon my participation in this event, or if I also agree to NZPCA (PO Box 8626 Havelock North) collecting, using, and disclosing the information supplied in the entry form for agreed purposes. I acknowledge that I agree to be bound by the NZPCA Constitution, Regulations, and Policies throughout the duration of the ODE. I agree not to hold the Flaxmere Pony Club, Heretaunga Pony Club, or Hawkes Bay Area or NZPCA liable for any claims, losses, expenses, or costs (including legal costs) arising from participation in this ODE. My online entry confirms my acceptance that I am participating at my own risk. The onsite ambulance service is kindly provided through funding by the Infinity Foundation
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