Show Jumping Waitemata Grand Prix Show

Show Jumping Waitemata
Grand Prix Show
7 – 8th February 2015
At Woodhill Sands, James Mackie Rd, SH16
Saturday 7th February 8.30am Start
Ring 1 (Formal Dress)
1. Horse Welcome Stakes 1.25m TA2
2. Canterbury Equestrian Young Rider TAM5 Series
3. Pony 1.20 TAM5 2 phase
4. Goldengrove Stud 7yo Series 1.30m TAM5
5. GP Super Series 1.30-1.35m
$135, 115, 85, 60, 50, 50
$135, 115, 85, 60, 50, 50
$85, 65, 50, 30, 30
$135, 115, 85, 60, 50, 50
$400, 300, 200, 100, 50, 50
Ring 2 Blackboard Order except class 8 & 9 (Formal Dress)
6. Horse 1.10 TAM5 2PH
7. Horse 1.20 TAM5 2PH (including Main Events NZ Uni Series)
8. Telford Junior Rider Series TAM5
9. East Coast Performance Horses 5yo Series
$60, 50, 30
$100, 80, 50, 30, 20, 20
$85, 65, 50, 40, 36, 36
Ring 3 Blackboard Order
10. Horse 0.80 TAM5 2PH
$10 Rosettes
11. Horse 0.90 TAM5 2PH
$10 Rosettes
12. Horse 1m TAM5 2PH
$14 $60, 50, 30
13. Young Horse Handicap (including local Young Horse cup) TAM5 2PH EF $14 $60, 50, 30
13.1 4 Year Old - 85cm 13.2 5 Year Old - 95cm 13.3 6 Year Old 12 - 1.05m
Ring 4 Blackboard Order
14. Pony 0.75 TA1
15. Pony 0.85 TAM5 2PH
16. Pony 0.95 TAM5 2PH
17. Pony 1.05m TAM5 2PH (including local Top Pony)
18. Pony 1.10 TAM5 2PH
Sunday 8th February 8.30am
Ring1 (Formal Dress)
19. 1.25m Horse Championship TAM5
20. Burmester Realty Pro-Am Rider TAM5
21. Pony Grand Prix TAM5
22. Country TV Horse Grand Prix TAM5
$60, 50, 30
$60, 50, 30
$120, 90, 80, 60, 50, 50
$85, 70, 55, 40, 36, 36
$150, 100, 80, 80, 70, 70
$350, 200,150,120,100,100
Ring 2 (Formal Dress) Draw Order 23, 24, 25- Blackboard Order other classes
23. Mitavite 6yo Series TA1
24. 1.20m TAM5 2PH Open Horse
25. Pony GP Super Series 1.15-20m
26. Caledonian Amateur Rider Series TAM5
$100, 80, 50, 30, 20, 20
$150, 100, 50, 35, 35, 35
$85, 70, 55, 40, 35, 35
Ring 3 Blackboard Order
27. 0.95 TAM5 2PH Horse
28. 1.05 TAM5 2PH Horse (including Newcomers Cup)
29. Horse 1.15 (including Arturo stakes) TAM5 2PH
60, 50, 30
80, 60, 40, 20
Ring 4 Blackboard Order
30. 0.75 TAM5 2PH Pony
31. 0.85 TAM5 2PH Pony
32. 0.95 TAM5 2PH Pony
33. 1.05 TAM5 2PH Pony
34. 1.10 TAM5 2PH Pony (including local pony futurity)
$60, 50, 30
$60, 50, 30
• Online entries are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED with later closing date of FRIIDAY 30th January 2015 through Entries/yards will not be confirmed until payment is made.
• Emailed or postal entries on official entry form close on Saturday 24th January 2015. Mary Brookes, 108 Woodhill Park
Road, Waimauku, Auckland 0883 ph 09 411 8777 or 027 631 5000
• Internet payment can be made to ANZ a/c 01-0141-0064219-000 with the rider name in the “reference” field. Or cheques
made out to Show Jumping Waitemata.
• Yarding is limited and will be treated on a first-come first served basis. Covered yarding will be firstly assigned to Hacks
based on priority of event entered. Yarding enquiries via email to Shelly
• No entry on the grounds before midday Friday – unless arranged prior with Woodhill Sands
• Run under ESNZ rules.
• The organizing committee reserves the right to alter or cancel classes as they see fit and to limit classes if necessary.
• Prize money paid on a ratio of 1 to 7.
• Refunds less 20% for scratching’s made before 7pm on Wednesday 4th February 2015. No refunds for all other scratchings
except on production of a medical or vet certificate. Late entries plus 50% & will ride first.
• In the case of complete show cancellation the organizing committee will retain the ground/admin and yarding fees to cover
fixed costs.
• All Competitors and spectators attend the event at their own risk.
• In training classes horses and riders may compete under the ESNZ Community Membership. Day entry forms can be
downloaded from the ESNZ website.
Ground Fee & Administration Woodhill Sands(Compulsory)
$20.00 per Horse/Pony
Administration Fee including First Aid SJ Waitemata (Compulsory)
$5.00 per Horse/Pony
Discipline SJ/SH Levy (Compulsory)
$5.00 per show, Per Horse/Pony
Entry Fees per Class (Compulsory) As advertised on Programme 10th &11th January 2015
ESNZ Casual Registration (if Horse/Pony does not have Annual Registration)
$5.00 per Show, per Horse/Pony
Flexi-Start Fee – Discipline Fee for Horses & Ponies not registered for SJ/SH
(Important Note: You cannot compete in Series Classes or gain HOY Qualifying points using a Flexi-Start Fee) $10.00 (Flexi Start)
Per Day, per Horse/Pony
Riders – All riders must be Full Annual Members (first year membership free)
There are no Introductory Classes at this show
Yard Cost
$25.00 Per Horse/Pony (Bedding Provided)
Covered Yard (Allocated Horses Only and based on priority of event entered).
$45.00 Per Horse/Pony (Bedding Provided)
$20.00 per Truck
Payments can be made electronically or by cheque
Payments must be received by the Online closing date
If you need help please contact Mary on 09411 8777 or
027 631 5000 or email a/c 01-0141-0064219-000
Show Jumping Waitemata