KARL STORZ OR1 FUSION™ Elevate Your OR to the Next Level With the World´s First 3D OR1™ KARL STORZ OR1 FUSION™ Simplify Your OR With the World’s First 3D OR1™ Clinicians are overwhelmed with the amount of information and data they must process. Why should your integrated operating room complicate matters? d Audio C o an FU rols nt Phone and Audio Controls allow you to make the calls you need and to select the playlist you desire. Pho ne KARL STORZ has developed a unique software-based personal computing system that is streamlined with the necessary core functionality to meet the expectations of clinicians. S mand C Com om N pu IO At the core of this centrali solution, this feature provi IP-based connectivity an access to applications via realistic user interface. en cum tation Do Reports detailing the case are included and can be customized as needed. K Routing is always possible and devices can be immediately identified via the interface in 3D and 2D. Dig 2 L AR S T OR Z 3D S Y ST EM 3D is the NEW Standard for Image Processing. The KARL STORZ OR1 FUSION™ System provides that capability with capture and routing features. ital Routing Medical Device Control • Available as one Upgrade • C-HUB® and C-MAC® ca KARL STORZ OR1 FUSION™ The system revolves around 6 core features required by the majority of users today. These functions include: routing, image capture, documentation, sound, safety, and archiving. Additionally, the system is fully 3D ready. It can route and capture video and stills in native 3D thereby truly revolutionizing the imaging experience. Furthermore, the system can be expanded to include Medical Device Control as well as Digital Streaming, if required. Archiving allows you to “drop and go” and begin a case knowing that the previous surgery is being saved via the Intelligent Export Module. Archiving u te r t ap e– ur Edit – Store –P ri nt C ized ides nd a the . Immediately capture 1 or even 2 live HD/3D videos and images simultaneously. ed Safet us y F The KARL STORZ OR1 FUSION™ system provides a Safety Checklist. It is recommended to check the suitability of the product for the intended procedure prior to use. apable • Up to 2 touch panels and a multitude of displays can be incorporated 3 KARL STORZ Endoscopy-America, Inc. 2151 East Grand Avenue El Segundo, CA 90245-5017, USA Phone: +1 424 218-8100 Phone toll free: 800 421-0837 (US only) Fax: +1 424 218-8525 Fax toll free: 800 321-1304 (US only) E-Mail: info@ksea.com 96201035 OR1-3D2U 14 1.2 09/2014/MFL-E KARL STORZ GmbH & Co. KG Mittelstraße 8, 78532 Tuttlingen, Germany Postbox 230, 78503 Tuttlingen, Germany Phone: +49 (0)7461 708-0 Fax: +49 (0)7461 708-105 E-Mail:info@karlstorz.com www.karlstorz.com
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