CORONATION OF OUR LADY CATHOLIC CHURCH 13000 Bennington, Grandview, Missouri 64030 October 26, 2014 Welcome to Our Parish! PASTORAL STAFF Father Stephen Hansen, Pastor Father Sandy Sinclair, Pastor Emeritus Deacon Mike Dennis PARISH OFFICE STAFF Mr. Preston Rinne, Business Manager Mrs. Mollie Lannigan, Office Assistant PARISH OFFICE HOURS 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Monday - Thursday PHONE: 816-761-8811/ FAX: 816-761-8812 RECTORY: 816-761-8814 (Emergency Only) CHURCH E-MAIL: WEB SITE: SCHOOL OF RELIGION Contact the Parish Office for Information MUSIC DIRECTOR Mrs. Carol Feuerborn PARISH COUNCIL Pete Baranowski…………..General Membership Nicole Collins……………..New Member/Young Family Dave Chapman…………….Knights of Columbus Martha Draskovich…….….General Membership Jim Feuerborn……………..General Membership Jaci Heins………………….New Member/Young Family Renee` Jordan……………..Altar & Rosary Society Paul Linnane………………General Membership Bernie Lohkamp…………..General Membership Terri O’Donnell…………...Legion of Mary Mike Rimmer……………...Finance Office Staff………………..Office Open………………………Young Single-Adults 2014 Bulletin Article Submission Deadlines October 26 for the weekend of November 8-9 November 2 for the weekend of November 15-16 November 9 for the weekend of November 22-23 & 29-30 Thanksgiving weekend is due early on the 9th Email to: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS SCHEDULE Weekends: Saturday - 4:00 PM Sunday - 8:15 & 10:45 AM Weekdays: 9:00 AM - Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat. 6:15 AM - Tuesday 6:30 PM - Wednesday Holy Days: See inside for schedule SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION 1/2 hour before each Mass; Saturday 2:15 - 3:45PM; Wednesday after Mass until 8:00PM or upon request SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Inquire at the Parish Office SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Contact: Father Stephen Hansen at least 9 months in advance. SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION: Inquire at the Parish Office. COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND Call: Deacon Mike Dennis, 761-6478 - If you are unable to attend Mass due to age, illness, or are recovering from surgery, call the Parish Office so that Communion may be brought to you. CATECHUMENATE Please inquire through Parish Office. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Monday - Friday. Contact Deacon Mike Dennis, 761-6478 ROSARY FOR LIFE: 3rd Sunday each month after 10:45am Mass MINISTERS OF CARE Coordinator: Mollie Lannigan, 763-1193 - If you or a member of your family is hospitalized or is in need of our ministry, call the Parish Office. HIPPA law prevents notification from the hospitals. FUNERAL DINNER MINISTRY: Call Sheila Park, 347-9159 ANNULMENT PROCESS: Inquire through the Parish Office. DIOCESAN VICTIM ADVOCATE & OMBUDSMAN: The Diocese of KC-St. Joseph is committed to combating sexual abuse in the Church. If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or if you observe or suspect sexual abuse: 1. Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-392-3738 if the victim is currently under the age of 18, and 2. Contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911, and 3. Report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Ombudsman, Jenifer Valenti, at 816-812-2500 or, if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, employee, or volunteer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to victims of abuse and their families. Please contact Victim Advocate Mary Bultmann at 816-714-2387 or for more information. Coronation of Our Lady Catholic Church PARISH EVENTS THIS WEEK Sunday, October 26 8:15 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:45 AM 12:00 PM Mass School of Religion The Gospel of John Bible Study Mass Computer Class Monday, October 27 6:00 AM 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM - Terri O’Donnell, the president of our Legion of Mary, wrote recently: “The Legion of Mary, Queen of Peace Praesidium recently celebrated its second year anniversary. All auxiliary members were invited to a meeting and potluck in appreciation for their continued prayers as auxiliary members. There was a great turnout and all enjoyed the delicious food and fellowship that followed. The Legion very much appreciates all the prayers, works and acts of kindness done on behalf of Our Lady by all its auxiliary members as well as active members. May she continue to guide us in the coming years.” Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament That Man is You Program & Breakfast Mass Adult Faith Formation Team Meeting Class in the Family Room Tuesday, October 28 6:15 AM 6:45 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM Mass Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Mass Tuesday Morning Reflection & Prayer Group Wednesday, October 29 12:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM I had the privilege of being at the meeting, and am so grateful for the works of the auxiliary and active members of the Legion. The prayers behind the scenes and the door to door evangelization, among the other good works of the Legion, are pillars for the future of this wonderful parish. May Mary, Queen of Peace, continue her good work at Coronation, and may many others respond to her call to join her Legion! Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Mass Theology of the Body Class Computer Class Choir Practice Thursday, October 30 6:00 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9:00 AM Mass 7:00 PM RCIA for Catechumens The Legion meets on Friday’s at 5:30pm. Their meetings last about an hour. Please visit their booth in the vestibule after Mass next weekend and ask them about attending a meeting or becoming an auxiliary. Friday, October 31 9:00 AM Mass 5:30 PM Legion of Mary Saturday, November - All Saints Day God Bless, Fr. Stephen Hansen 9:00 AM Mass 4:00 PM Mass Sunday, November 2 - All Souls Day 8:15 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:15 AM 10:45 AM 12:00 PM Mass - Continental Breakfast School of Religion The Gospel of John Gospel Study Choir Practice before Mass Mass - Continental Breakfast by Choir Computer Class Would You Like to Join Our Parish Community? Catholic adults should be registered members of a parish and Catholic families, who wish their children to be enrolled in the Parish School of Religion or receive the sacraments should also be registered. Registration forms are available in the in the vestibule and the parish office. Welcome!!!! 2 ADULT FAITH FORMATION “The mission of the Adult Faith Formation Team of Coronation of Our Lady Parish is to plan and provide quality opportunities for adults based on the Gospel and the Catechism of the Catholic Church so they may live Christ centered Catholic lives that contribute to the building of God’s Kingdom within family, parish and global community”. 2014-2015 Classes & Faith Sharing Bishop Helpsing Institute - New Classes The Gospel of John Bible Study Sundays — 9:30-10:30am in our Parish Classroom/Library Liturgy and Sacraments - 6 week Course Examines the public worship due to God and offered by the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church. It delves into the celebration of the Christian mystery, the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the re-presentation of this mystery here and now through the liturgy. That Man is You—The Revelation of the Father “The Challenge to Change the World” Mondays — 6-7am Breakfast, Program, Discussion & Prayer Register at: or call 816-714-2331. COST: $25 or $40 (married couple) Our Lady of Guadalupe (St. Jo) & St. John Lalande (Blue Springs) on November 3rd, Christ the King (KC) on November 5th, St. Andrew the Apostle (Gladstone) on November 6 and The Catholic Center (KC) on Saturday, November 8th. Please see for times. Tuesday Morning Faith-Sharing Group Resumes the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month beginning on November 4 & 18 and December 2 & 16. Includes discussions on Catholic topics from the Catechism, Encyclical Letters, Social Issues impacting Catholics and other similar topics. Group discussion is led by Fr. Stephen Hansen. Church History II Investigates the major moments and movements in Church history over the last six centuries. These movements include the Protestant Revolution, the Catholic Reformation, the formation of great religious orders (e.g. Jesuits, Salesians), missionary endeavors in the New World, Vatican Councils I and II, as well as the reigns of Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI and the modern age of martyrdom. The actions and promptings of the Holy Spirit within the Church are highlighted. Tuesday Morning Reflection & Prayer Group October 28, November 11, 25 & December 9 Meets every other Tuesday after Mass from 9:45-10:45am. An opportunity for reflection and prayer based on Sacred Scripture led by Sr. Clare Gappa. Men of Valor, Women of Virtue & Youth for Truth 10th Annual Conference Topic: “Love, Sexuality & Brain Science” Register at: or call 816714-2331. Cost: $25 or $40 (married couple) and will come to Holy Trinity Parish (Weston) on Nov. 5, 12, 19, and Dec. 3 from 6:30-9pm. Nov. 14– Youth& Couples events, 7-10pm Church of the Ascension Overland Park, KS. Nov. 15—Men & Teen Boys 8am-4pm Colonial Presbyterian 95— Wornall Rd. KCMO Nov. 15—Women & Teen Girls 8am-4pm Christ the King Parish 8510 Wornall Rd. KCMO Early Bird registration from $10-$30, visit Apostolic Fathers Will study the documents of the earliest Fathers of the Church who lived just after the New Testament. We will read the writings of St. Clement of Rome; St. Ignatius of Antioch, St. Polycarp, the letter of Diognetus, and the Didache. We will study the lives and teachings of these early Christians and show the continuity between the New Testament and the developing Church of the Second Century. Be inspired by the lives of these early saints and martyrs. See firsthand the marks of the Church as One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. Adult Faith Formation Lending Library & Media Room All books or DVDs donated to the AFF Lending Library must be reviewed and approved by an AFF team member and Fr. Hansen before being added to the library. Contact Kim Nguyen at 913-375-8996 to set up a time to bring them up to church. Register: call 816-7142331. Cost: $25 or $40 (married couple) and will come to the Catholic Center on Nov. 5, 12, 19 from 7-9pm. This course is being offered for the City On A Hill Young Adult group, but anyone who is interested is welcome to attend. Oremus Class Last 2 classes are October 27 & November 3 @ 7pm 3 PARISH NEWS Altar & Rosary Society RCIA Classes for Catechumens RCIA meets on every Thursday through Easter, at 7:30pm except the 4th Thursday of the month in the Parish Hall. November 22: Apple Cider Craft & Quilt Show 9am-4pm 30th Anniversary Our Lady of Perpetual Help Knights of Columbus This fundraiser provides the hosts, wine, altar linens, candles, missals, altar boy cassocks, surplices, cups and more as requested for our Parish Sacristy. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - Council 14972 News Our Lady of Perpetual Help Knights of Columbus Next Meeting is November 18 Volunteers are needed (for 2 or 3 hour shifts) to help in our Santa’s Christmas Store (Pat Julo 787-9425), Holiday Bakery (Carolyn Cullum 763-2363), Sally the Elf’s Boutique (Sally Davila 322-4694). We will also be having an ‘Apple Pie’ and ‘Most Creative Use of Apples’ contests. Details coming soon!!! Meets the third Tuesday of each month in the Parish Center. Rosary at 6:40pm followed by meeting at 7:00pm. Interested practicing Catholic men are invited to meet with members of the council to discuss their participation. Grand Knight, David Chapman @ 331-9087 Deputy Grand Knight, Sean Madden @ 699-9288 Financial Secretary, Jim Reed @ 289-6730 December 2: Strawberry Hill Museum & Cultural Center $25.00 & R.S.V.P due by November 1 with Carolyn Cullum @ 816-763-2363 Queen of Peace Legion of Mary Praesidium We need 20 rsvps to secure the ethnic dinner reservation. Meets every Friday at 5:30 pm in Parish Family Room The Legion of Mary is the largest apostolic organization of lay people in the Catholic Church. Members become instruments of the Holy Spirit through a balanced program of prayer and service. Works include parishioner visitation, door-to-door evangelization, religious education and meeting the needs of the parish community. All are invited and welcome to come as a guest to a Legion of Mary meeting! There is no obligation. This day trip event includes a guided tour of the historic Museum which will be beautifully decorated for the Holidays and an authentic ethnic meal. The museum and area has a lot of Catholic History to share. Checks should be made out to Coronation Altar & Rosary. Invite your friends. Don’t Miss Out on this special event!! December 9: 4th Qtr. Dinner, Meeting & Christmas Party Adoration of the Eucharist Renee Jordan - President@763-6659 Jaci Heins – Vice-President@913-461-9693 Mollie Lannigan – Treasurer@763-1193 Carolyn Cullum – Secretary@763-2363 Weekly HOURS of ADORATION of the Holy Eucharist Monday: 6am - 10pm Tuesday: 6:45am - 9am Wednesday: 12– 10pm Thursday: 7am - 10pm Friday: 7am –10pm We have a few empty time slots that need to be filled. Dcn. Mike Dennis@761-6478/or Terri O’Donnell@679-4973 Music in Worship Please consider volunteering to serve as music minister for our Sunday liturgies. If you are interested in cantoring, singing in a choir, or playing piano/organ - OR - if you know anyone who is, please contact Carol Feuerborn 318-3931 or the parish office for more information. Our parish needs you! Adult Choir: Sing on Sunday, Nov. 2 at 10:45 and practice at 10:15am before Mass. Serra Club Thank You for supporting our Southeast KC Seminarian Program. Our seminarians and the men and women in discernment for the consecrated life deserve our prayers and support. We promote religious vocations, and meet twice per month in our parish. Contact: Deacon Mike Dennis@761-6478 or Barbara Eckart @ 765-4716 to learn more. Christmas Rosary from McVan Outdoor Fall Cleanup - Got Time?? If you would like to help clean up around church contact Pat Julo 787-9425 there is always something that needs to be done before winter approaches. Kids can help too! 7MM Crystal & glass pearl beads with silver ox nativity center and featuring 3 wise men, good shepherd, angel and star for the Our Father beads. Deluxe gift boxed. Cost. $12.00. Preorders taken after Mass the weekend of October 25-26. 4 APOSTOLIC EXHORTATION EVANGELII GAUDIUM of the Holy Father Francis to the Bishops, Clergy, Consecrated Persons, & Lay Faithful on the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today’s World the joy of the gospel - A joy ever new, a joy which is shared New Fiscal Year Beginning July 2014 Collections on October 19: $4,985.88 CHAPTER ONE THE CHURCH’S MISSIONARY TRANSFORMATION Taking the first step, being involved and supportive, bearing fruit and rejoicing. II. Pastoral activity and conversion An ecclesial renewal which cannot be deferred 36. All revealed truths derive from the same divine source and are to be believed with the same faith, yet some of them are more important for giving direct expression to the heart of the Gospel. In this basic core, what shines forth is the beauty of the saving love of God made manifest in Jesus Christ who died and rose from the dead. In this sense, the Second Vatican Council explained, “in Catholic doctrine there exists an order or a ‘hierarchy’ of truths, since they vary in their relation to the foundation of the Christian faith”.[38] This holds true as much for the dogmas of faith as for the whole corpus of the Church’s teaching, including her moral teaching. Expenses: $105,647.89 Income $114,568.08 Hospitality Sundays If your parish organization or family would like to host a ‘continental breakfast’, please contact Linda Brown7658278. 37. Saint Thomas Aquinas taught that the Church’s moral teaching has its own “hierarchy”, in the virtues and in the acts which proceed from them.[39] What counts above all else is “faith working through love” (Gal 5:6). Works of love directed to one’s neighbour are the most perfect external manifestation of the interior grace of the Spirit: “The foundation of the New Law is in the grace of the Holy Spirit, who is manifested in the faith which works through love”.[40] Thomas thus explains that, as far as external works are concerned, mercy is the greatest of all the virtues: “In itself mercy is the greatest of the virtues, since all the others revolve around it and, more than this, it makes up for their deficiencies. This is particular to the superior virtue, and as such it is proper to God to have mercy, through which his omnipotence is manifested to the greatest degree”.[41] Devotional Candles Light a candle in memory of someone you have lost or as a special prayer request for someone. We request a $3.00 stipend be given for each candle lit. Must be over 18 or older to light. Parish Memorials Golden Leaf Tree Located in the vestibule, leaves are engraved with the persons name and date of death. The cost of the memorial is $100.00. Contact Preston in the office @ 816-761-8811. Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church 38. It is important to draw out the pastoral consequences of the Council’s teaching, which reflects an ancient conviction of the Church. First, it needs to be said that in preaching the Gospel a fitting sense of proportion has to be maintained. This would be seen in the frequency with which certain themes are brought up and in the emphasis given to them in preaching. For example, if in the course of the liturgical year a parish priest speaks about temperance ten times but only mentions charity or justice two or three times, an imbalance results, and precisely those virtues which ought to be most present in preaching and catechesis are overlooked. The same thing happens when we speak more about law than about grace, more about the Church than about Christ, more about the Pope than about God’s word. 155. In what way does the people of God share in the three functions of Christ as Priest, Prophet and King? 783-786 The people of God participate in Christ's priestly office insofar as the baptized are consecrated by the Holy Spirit to offer spiritual sacrifices. They share in Christ’s prophetic office when with a supernatural sense of faith they adhere unfailingly to that faith and deepen their understanding and witness to it. The people of God share in his kingly office by means of service, imitating Jesus Christ who as King of the universe made himself the servant of all, especially the poor and the suffering. Bulletin Boards Flyers & Handouts Please drop your items off in the Parish Office. Thanks! 5 Coronation’s Youth Ministry News Contact: Preston Rinne (816)761-8811 x101 or email Across the KCSJ Diocese Jr. High & High School Youth Ministry!!! Parish Fall Festival/Craft Fair October 25th St. Catherine of Siena 4101 East 105 Terrace KCMO 10am -5pm. Registration for the Pro-Life March in Washington D.C. is open. The pilgrimage is a powerful experience. On the agenda is attending the Vigil for Life at the Basilica, Youth Rally & Mass, sightseeing on the National Mall, and the March of Life, as well as praying, learning about the Pro-Life movement and hearing testimonials on the way to and from. We will leave Tuesday, January 20th and arrive back on Friday, January 23rd. Contact Preston if you are interested in going. Cost will be lower if you commit by Oct. 31st. Football for the Pope—World Youth Day 2016 Ticket are on sale now. Come to the Parish Office, Monday– Thursday or after Mass on Saturday and Sunday. Tickets are $20.00 each or 3 for $50.00. Fundraiser sponsored by our parish youth. WEEK 4 WINNERS 1st tie - Ticket # 840 & 1006 - 107 points each 3rd - Ticket # 312 - 13 points Holiday Boutique November 1st St. Thomas More 111800 Holmes Road - 9am-4pm Please bring a canned good for admittance Craft & Vendor Fair November 7 & 8 Joseph the Worker Catholic Church 2200 North Blue Mills Road, Independence, Missouri Friday 11am-7pm & Saturday , 9am-3pm Little Sister’s Annual Fall Festival & Spaghetti Dinner Sunday, November 9th. - 12—5PM 8745 James A. Reed Road KCMO FALL FESTIVAL/SPAGHETTI DINNER - Please join the Little Sisters of the Poor for an afternoon of family fun. Festivities include a spaghetti dinner, holiday boutique, bake sale, and a cash raffle. All proceeds go to benefit our home for the elderly poor. Call 816-761-4744 for information Winners also posted on Advent, Christmas & Lent YOUTH CHOIR NEWS Any youth grades 3 and up are invited to participate in our youth choir. Our goal is to sing on the second Sunday of each month. Please come to practice on Wednesday Nov. 5 from 6:00 - 6:45 in the music room. We will also meet at 10:15 on Sunday, Nov. 9 as we prepare for the 10:45 Mass. We are also going to sing at the 4:00 Christmas Eve Mass. We will rehearse on December 3, 10 and 17 at 6:00. Come when you can! Invite your friends!!!! Please contact Carol if you have any questions, 318-3931 or the parish office. Nov. 5 6:00 Youth Choir practice Planning has begun for all of these special seasons which will be here before you know it. The Adult Faith Formation Team are working with Fr. Hansen on schedules for winter (day & evening) classes, an Advent Novena and a Lenten Retreat. We will be posting the new schedule in the bulletin the first part of November. We hope we will see more of you at these special events. We would also like to give out gifts again this year to all our visitors at our Christmas Masses. If you would like to help us financially with this Evangelization project, please see Fr. Hansen. Thanks for supporting us!!! Coronation Adult Faith Formation Team Theology of the Body Program for Preteens & Teens WEDNESDAYs at 7-9pm Yellow - White - Blue Trash Bags are Back!! $12.00/roll in Parish Office. Youth Group Fundraiser. Natural Family Planning Courses Three Saturdays, November 15 - 10:00am St. Marks Parish 3736 Lee’s Summit Rd. Independence A course in the Sympto-Thermal Method of NFP. Cost: $140.00 covers all three sessions. Call Mary Kathleen or Tom Morgan at (816) 795-9790 or the Couple to Couple League of Kansas City at (913) 894-3558. Online pre-registration required at: Labels for Education We have 5,267 points. Our goal is 10,000 points. Save UPCs and beverage/sauce caps and drop them off at Coronation of Our Lady School of Religion. Contact Joy Banks-Wilson at 816437-4515. 6 Y O U T H A N D D I O C E S E E V E N T S From Death to New Life The angels are always near to those who are grieving, to whisper to them that their loved ones are safe in the hand of God. Saturday, October 25 9:00am Fr. Jay Alvarez by Isaac & Lauren Jenkins 4:00pm + Ed Obeste by Jim & Mollie Lannigan May the souls of our departed friends and family rest in eternal peace with our Lord Jesus and may our Blessed Mother be by his side. Sunday, October 26 8:15am Parish Family 10:45am Fr. Frank Crowley, CM. Mass Intentions Did you know that you can have a Mass said for a loved one who has passed or if ill, their birthday or anniversary. November-December have dates available. Stop by the Parish Office on Monday-Thursday, 9am-3:30pm. $10.00 stipend per Mass goes to the Parish. Monday, October 27 9:00am Caleb Brueck & Josephine Ballard birthdays by Hobbs Family Tuesday, October 28 6:15am +Bishop Fitzsimons 9:00am +Alec Frederickson by Tom & Sharon Hemsath Wednesday, October 29 6:30pm + Catherine Lannigan by Jim & Mollie Lannigan Mollie & Jim Lannigan have taken the Vocation Crucifix home for the next few weeks. If you would like to take it home, call Deacon Mike Dennis at 761-6478. Thursday, October 30 9:00am Justin, Michael & Michaela Davis by Renee Jordan Friday, October 31 9:00am World Leaders & Peace Makers Quotes from Pope Francis Saturday, November 1 9:00am Souls in Purgatory 4:00pm Coronation Parish “ Sometimes negative news does come out, but it is often exaggerated and manipulated to spread scandal. Journalists sometimes risk becoming ill from coprophilia and thus fomenting coprophagia: which is a sin that taints all men and women, that is, the tendency to focus on the negative rather than the positive aspects.” Sunday, November 2 8:15am +Emily Yablonovsky by Rudy & Anita Yablonovsky 10:45am Josiah Brueck birthday Parishioners: Phillip Albin Jr., Ashley Anderson, Bob Axtell, Norma Brower, Kitty Burton, Rita Ann Comfort, Mary Cooper, Michael Craig,, Beverly Coomer, Ed Dreiling, Mary Ann Fellner, Lya Frayling, Terry Goergen, Jacob Grate, Raymond Gray, Amanda Hernandez, Clyde Hestand, Dolores Hoffman, Jacob Johnston, Alice Jones, Kenneth Kukowski, Dennis Madden, Elizabeth Madrigal, Edith McCauley, Robert McGuire, Ralph McNeal, Robert Myers, Kim Nguyen, Rita Ranck, Andrew Russell, Pamela Russell, Larry San Nicolas, John Shelton, Wilma Tippit. Family & Friends: Marcia Sparks, family of Diane Branck; Darren Embry, Rachelle Beecham, family of Kitty Burton; Tonia Bengimina, Harold Rucker, Tanya Harris, Frank Hansel, friends of Joy-Banks Wilson; Robert Bruce, family of Harold & Jean Bruce; Steve Butler, family of Jo Baskerville; Mike Chiarelli, family of Jean Bruce Diane Borden; Robert Buchanan, family of Linda Buchanan; Joan Crunk, family of Frank Blanck; Tina Delatorre, friend of Esther Sanders; Jim Eckart; Carolyn Ford, friend of Ben & Betty Teevan; Mike Fritzshall, friend of Esther Sanders; Pam Gappa, family of Sister Clare; Mike Gertsner, Francis Harter family of Becky McNeal; Walter Heyer, family of Laura Heyer; Cori Hines, family of Rosella King, Bonnie Jones, Joe Kelley, family of Joy Pena; John Lazure, family of Kathleen Lazure; Agnes Long, Ivanna Macal & Monica Macal, family of Lya Frayling; JoAnn Macauley, family of Georgia Raper; Mickey Munoz, Patty & Vincent Munoz, family of Elizabeth Madrigal; Doris Oberste, family of Linda Buchanan, Cindy Lindquist, Ed. W. Oberste & Mary Chapman; Nancy Pointer; Deshun Newte & Clifton Smith, Jr., family of Joy-Banks -Wilson; Hildegard Rupprecht, family of Chris Rupprecht; Jessica Scotece, family of Cindy Keith; Walter Snyder, family of Lou Snyder; Caryn Thompson, family of Mary Thompson; Don & Betty Vaughn; Andrea Boe, niece of Martha Draskovich. Keep Our Military Family Members in Your Prayers Rodney Abbott, Glendon R. Allwood, Jonathan Anderson, Alexander Arceo, Lisa Bader, Walter Boyer, Thomas Breece, Nick Christy, Roy Christy, Jeff Cross, Joshua Deehr, Dennis Dickerson, Robert Eckel, James Fritzshall, Thomas Gladden, Danny Gladden, Kelly Hillyer, Patrick Kelly, Kieffer Lawson, Chris Markley, Marc Meier, Matt Murdock, Andrew O’Donnell, Daniel Rhodes, William Ridnour, Nicholas Stewart, David Straber, Tim Trewin, Justin Vasko, Nancy Wells Weaver, and Bill Wolf. Please notify the Parish Office to add or remove names from the lists above so we can keep our lists current. 7 Free Estimates RICK LACOMBE’S TREE SERVICE Complete Tree Care, Firewood Snow Removal & Bobcat Work JEWELRY Over 30 years experience “Serving The Community Since 1971” 13003 13th Street Grandview, MO 64030 763-9415 Former Parishioner 10% DISCOUNT Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise 816-761-3639 starting as low as $1175 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Rick LaCombe, Owner Insured 331-8909 Please Remember Coronation of Our Lady Catholic Church In your Will. New Re-Roofs Repairs Daniel Meissen Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” Are you ever alone? and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers You’re never alone when you have a medical alert! 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