KALENDAR ARS CPE | ARS CPE CALENDAR OGOS-DIS 2014 | AUG-DEC 2014 TERKINI | UPDATED * Note: ARS Secretariat has updated a few courses information on 23/10/2014. * Makluman: Sekretariat ARS telah mengemas kini beberapa informasi kursus pada 23/10/2014. KALENDAR ARS CPE/ARS CPE CALENDAR OGOS-DIS 2014/AUG-DEC 2014 Maklumat Kursus/Course Information No Tajuk/Topic 1 2 3 Sociology in Action I: Key concepts, Sociological Imagination & Methods Inter-Religious Relations: History, Development and Context [Pre-requisite: Good grasp of English Language] Conflict Management 1 Bahasa Penyampaian/ Medium of Instruction Inggeris/English Inggeris/English Inggeris/English Sinopsis/Synopsis Tarikh & Masa/Date & Time Penyampai/Trainer This workshop aims to manage conflicts with effective strategies. It also helps in implying spiritual lessons taught in AlQuran & As-Sunnah. And at the same time, provide guidelines to manage and prevent conflicts in teaching. Kredit CPE/ CPE Credit Bilangan peserta/ No. of pax Tarikh/Date Masa/Time Saturday, 30 Aug 9.00am12.00pm Muis Academy, Level 5, Muis 3 20-80 pax Saturday, 13 Sep 9:00am 12:00pm Muis Academy, Level 5, Muis 3 15-80 pax Mr Fazrul Ismail, Total Saturday, 20 Sept Success Malaysia 9:00am5:00pm Alkaff Mosque (MPH), Ground Level 7 20-60 pax The primary objective is to equip participants with critical skills and applied perspectives in analysing broad social institutions, processes, opportunities and Dr Noorman Abdullah, structural constraints that impinge on our Lecturer, Department everyday lives. The module includes the of Sociology, National importance and relevance of the Univerisity of "sociological imagination;" the relationship Singapore and connection between individuals and society; power and the state; social inequality; and methods of data collection. This session will discuss why inter-religious relations has become an important agenda in an increasingly diverse world. Two main aspects will be addressed: i) History factors that continue to evolve according to social change, and how they impacted thoughts on inter-faith; and ii) Context for the development of interreligious relations in Singapore. Tempat/ Venue Mr Mohamed Imran Mohamed Taib, Associate Research Fellow, SRP, RSIS Maklumat Kursus/Course Information No Tajuk/Topic 4 Islamic Intellectual & Educational Traditions in the Malay World [Prerequisite: The History of Islam in Southeast Asia] Bahasa Penyampaian/ Medium of Instruction Inggeris/English Sinopsis/Synopsis Tarikh & Masa/Date & Time Penyampai/Trainer This workshop is divided into three main parts. The 1st part highlights the Islamic intellectual and educational traditions that have emerged during the period of classical Islam. The 2nd part deals with the Islamic intellectual and educational institutions that have emerged and evolved in this region, namely the pondok, Dr Azhar Ibrahim pesantren, langgar, and surau. The rise of Alwee, the local ulamas can be traced to these Fellow, institutions. The 3rd part of the workshop Malay Studies will chart and evaluate the rise of modern Department, National Islamic educational and intellectual University of tradition in the region with the Singapore introduction of madrasahs, and later on Islamic colleges and universities. Note: Only participants who have attended The History of Islam in Southeast Asia module are allowed to register for this workshop. Tarikh/Date Masa/Time Tuesday, 23 Sep 9:00am 5:00pm Tempat/ Venue Kredit CPE/ CPE Credit Bilangan peserta/ No. of pax Muis Academy, Level 5, Muis 7 20-80 pax Maklumat Kursus/Course Information No Tajuk/Topic 5 6 Pengenalan kepada Etika Islam I Al-Qur'an & Permasalahan Semasa I Bahasa Penyampaian/ Medium of Instruction Sinopsis/Synopsis Tarikh & Masa/Date & Time Penyampai/Trainer Melayu/Malay Kursus ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan etika dan isu-isu yang berkaitan dengannya secara jelas, serta Dr Mohammad Hannan memberi pendedahan kepada para peserta Hassan, akan wacana tentang etika. Kursus ini juga Vice Dean, Muis bakal memperkenalkan beberapa isu-isu Academy, Muis Islam kontemporari di mana prinsip-prinsip etika mendahului persoalan undangundang. Melayu/Malay Sebagai asatizah kita sentiasa merujuk kepada al-Qur’an. Tetapi bagaimana kita merujuk dan berinteraksi dengan alQur’an? Ulama’ terdahulu telah melakarkan prinsip-prinsip dan kaedahkaedah memahami al-Qur’an. Kursus ini akan membincangkan beberapa prinsip dan kaedah ini dalam usaha mencari penyelesaian kepada masalah-masalah semasa. Ia akan mengaplikasi prinsip dan kaedah ini dalam membincangkan beberapa permasalahan moden ini seperti hubungan Muslim dengan Non-Muslim, makna kufur, dan kepelbagaian dalam umat. Dr Mohamed Fatris Bakaram, Mufti Singapura Tempat/ Venue Kredit CPE/ CPE Credit Bilangan peserta/ No. of pax Tarikh/Date Masa/Time Sabtu, 11 Okt 9:00pg 12:00tgh Akademi Muis, Tingkat 5, Muis 3 20-80 peserta 9:00pg 12:00tgh Auditorium Masjid Mujahidin, Tingkat 4 [590 Stirling Road S(148952)] 3 20-120 peserta Sabtu, 18 Okt Maklumat Kursus/Course Information No Tajuk/Topic 7 8 9 Pengenalan kepada Pendidikan Islam Kajian Kognitif Ulul Albab 1 (Pendaftaran telah ditutup) Exploring the Contemporary Dakwah Landscape Bahasa Penyampaian/ Medium of Instruction Melayu/Malay Melayu/Malay Inggeris/English Sinopsis/Synopsis Pendidikan ialah suatu perkara yang terpuji dan dituntut dalam Islam. Ia dilihat sebagai suatu kewajipan dan tanggungjawab bagi setiap lelaki dan wanita yang bergelar Muslim. Kursus ini bertujuan untuk membincangkan definisi pendidikan Islam, tujuan serta peranan, dan juga kepelbagaian bentuknya. Kursus ini juga bakal mencerminkan pelbagai peranan yang boleh diambil bagi tujuan pendidikan Islam di samping membentangkan isu dan cabaran yang boleh diatasi. Bengkel ini membangunkan pendidik bercirikan Ulul Albab dan melahirkan generasi Ulul Albab. Mengenal pasti ciriciri Ulul Albab. Melakarkan program pendidikan dalam mewujudkan generasi Ulul Albab. Mengaplikasi cara-cara pemikiran menggunakan CoRT. The session will provide a broad perspective on the changing contemporary dakwah landscape in Singapore and discuss the following: i) Mapping socio-historical developments of dakwah efforts; ii) Understanding contemporary social realities and the challenges for dakwah; iii) Identifying key emerging issues which will have impact on the future of dakwah. Tarikh & Masa/Date & Time Penyampai/Trainer Tarikh/Date Masa/Time Ustazah Sharifah Farah Syed Mahmood Aljunied, Deputy Director, Curriculum & Youth Development, Muis Selasa, 21 Okt 2:00ptg 6:00ptg Tuan Fazrul Ismail, Total Success Malaysia Rabu, 29 Okt Mr Zalman Putra Ahmad Ali, Deputy Director, Policy & Corporate Services, Muis Friday, 7 Nov 9:30pg 6:00ptg 2:30pm 5:30pm Tempat/ Venue Kredit CPE/ CPE Credit Bilangan peserta/ No. of pax Akademi Muis, Tingkat 5, Muis 4 20-80 peserta Pergas/ MPH Masjid Alkaff Kampung Melayu 7 20-80 peserta Muis Academy, Level 5, Muis 3 20-80 pax Maklumat Kursus/Course Information No Tajuk/Topic 10 11 12 Asatizah Executive Development Programme (AEDP) Lawatan sambil belajar ke Mendaki The History of Islam in Southeast Asia Bahasa Penyampaian/ Medium of Instruction Inggeris/English Melayu/Malay Inggeris/English Sinopsis/Synopsis Tarikh & Masa/Date & Time Penyampai/Trainer The objective for this one day workshop is to give an exposure to relevant current issues and new trends influencing the Invited Speakers from da'wah landscape & the roles of Asatizah Pergas & Muis in Singapore. The topics include, Academy Evolution of Thoughts and Information in the Tradition of Fiqh and Law, Da'wah & the Changing Landscape in the Context of Muslims in Singapore, Roles of Asatizah in the Modern World, Unified Islam, Multitude Islam (Diversity). Menjelaskan peranan Mendaki dalam membantu masyarakat Melayu Islam di Singapura dan juga kajian yang telah dilakukan oleh mereka. Mendedahkan asatizah tentang dapatan kajian yang dilakukan terhadap masyarakat Melayu Islam di Singapura. Khususnya tentang masalah dan penyakit sosial yang sedang berlaku. Pegawai Mendaki Dr Azhar Ibrahim How Islam came to this region is often a Alwee, question posed to asatizah. This workshop Fellow, discusses various theories on the coming of Malay Studies Islam to Southeast Asia, the channels of Department, National dissemination and its influence on the University of local culture. Singapore Tempat/ Venue Kredit CPE/ CPE Credit Bilangan peserta/ No. of pax Tarikh/Date Masa/Time Saturday, 15 Nov 9:00am5:00pm Muis Academy, Level 5, Muis 7 20-80 pax Rabu, 19 Nov 10:00pg12:00tgh Wisma Mendaki, 51 Kee Sun Avenue Meeting point: Pergas 2 20-80 peserta Saturday, 22 Nov 9:00am 5:00pm Muis Academy, Level 5, Muis 7 20-80 pax Maklumat Kursus/Course Information No Tajuk/Topic 13 14 15 *Introduction to Islamic Finance Pendekatan Psikologi: Gaya pembelajaran Islam and Gender: An Introduction Tarikh & Masa/Date & Time Tempat/ Venue Kredit CPE/ CPE Credit Bilangan peserta/ No. of pax 9:00am 5:00pm Muis Academy, Level 5, Muis 7 20-80 pax Sabtu, 29 Nov 9:30pg2:30ptg Wisma Indah, Tingkat 3, Pergas 5 20-60 peserta Friday, 5 Dec 2:30pm 5:30pm Muis Academy, Level 5, Muis 3 20-80 pax Bahasa Penyampaian/ Medium of Instruction Sinopsis/Synopsis Penyampai/Trainer Tarikh/Date Masa/Time Inggeris/English The course aims to give participants a basic understanding of how Islam fits in the financial transactions and dealings in our daily economic pursuit. Singapore being a financial hub, we are inevitably faced with the daily financial decisions surrounding our lifestyle . Islamic finance is a trillion dollars industries with more than 500 banks offering Islamic finance products world-wide. The course will delve into the appreciation of the conventional financial system and juxtapose this with the Islamic financial system, what is the difference and what Islamic finance is all about. As this topic branch into the muamalat section of Islamic teachings , ethical, moral and justice will be the bedrock of this system. Hence examples of the problems facing the conventional system will be discussed for example will Islamic finance be the panacea for this problem? Dr Shamsiah Abdul Karim, Deputy Director, Asset Development, Muis Tuesday, 25 Nov Melayu/Malay Asatizah dapat mengenali pembelajaran dewasa dan psikologi mereka dalam membantu pengajian mereka. Menafsirkan teori pembelajaran dewasa. Menangani gaya pembelajaran yang berbeza serta mempersiapkan sumber mengajar agar kekal relevan. Ustaz Abdul Rahman Md Sahid Inggeris/English This module will introduce participants to the main themes and issues relevant to the study of gender, including its theoretical and historical background. Focus of the module will be on the discourses on women and gender in Islam; and discussing the notion of Islamic feminism. Ustazah Nurhannah Irwan, Executive, Office of the Mufti, Muis
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