HOME of the PIRATES Counselors Corner: https://sites.google.com/site/studentpirates/ LMS Website:http://bvsd.org/schools/louisvillemiddle/ Spirit Week October 27 October 31, 2014 WE ARE THE HOUSE OF PRIDE! We have streamlined our calendar to make it easier for those who prefer to view it on mobile devices. All school events, clubs and athletics are in one place now; black for clubs, green for school events and blue for athletic practices and red for interscholastic contests or intramural culminating activities . Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday October 27 October 28 October 29 October 30 October 31 Pajama Day Lego League 78:30 am Book Club 88:30 am Jazz Band 3:304:30 pm SNL Club 3:30pm4:45pm Chess Club 3:304:45 pm Team Chu Volleyball @ Angevine 4PM Team Dixon Volleyball @ LMS 4 PM Team Ryan Volleyball @ LMS 4 PM TaG Cafe Writing Club Newspaper 7:308:30 am Yearbook 7:308:30 am Math Counts3:304:30p Twin Day Locker Decorating 8am Fall Poetry Night 5:308pm 8th grade girls Volleyball practice 3:455:00 PM Football Practice 3:305:45 PM Team Ryan Volleyball @ LMS 4 PM E7 Bell Schedule Crazy Hair Day Sports Day Lego League 7:008:30 am Science Club 3:30p4:40pm College in Colorado 8th Grade LA class 8th grade football @ LMS 4PM Team Chu Volleyball @ LMS 4PM Team Dixon Volleyball @ LMS 4 PM PIRATE FRIDAY wear your PRIDE and Pirates gear! Halloween Costume Brain Bowl 7:308:30am Math Counts 7:308:30 am Teen Voices 7:408:30 am boys only Peer Mentor Meeting 8am American Sign Language Room 159 3:454:30pm Orchestra Halloween Concert 7:00pm 8th grade girls Volleyball practice 3:455:00 Teen Voices 7:208:30 am Girls only Jazz Band 7:308:30 am Art Club Rotation 2 7:308:30am TSA 3:455:00 pm Princess Bride Movie Costume Contest all Lunches 8th grade girls Volleyball practice 7:308:30 AM Halloween Spirit Week Details: Monday: PJ Day No slippers Schoolappropriate PJs! Tuesday: Locker Decorating Contest Come in at 8am to decorate the outside of your locker! Prizes to be awarded to be best decorated lockers! All decorations that are put on MUST be easily taken off! Lockers to be clean by early next week! Friday: Halloween Costume Contest during lunches Dress up (in school appropriate costumes, school dress code applies NO masks, NO full face paint, No weaponsquestions, talk to Mr. Crandall!) and participate in the costume contest during lunch! Prizes for the best costumes in 6 different categories! Louisville Leaders for 1st quarter were honored on Friday October 17th. Congratulations to: Nelson Alas Guerra, Dakota Anderson, Sydney Browne, Kolya Dols, Emily Elliott, Evan Ketellapper, Luc Filion, Tanner Filion, Megan McCarthy, Nick Pedersen, Carson Renjilian, Elizabeth Reppy, Mollie Schnee, Kristen White, Nyah Williamsrasch PLANNING AHEAD FOR PARENTS Tuesday, November 11 Veterans Day NO SCHOOL Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Band Concert Tuesday, December 9 Winterslam Basketball game (New Date!) Thursday, December 11, 2014 Choir Concert PLANNING AHEAD FOR STUDENTS Monday, November 3 Ultimate Frisbee Club begins (Coed & all grades welcome sign up in front office) Thursday, November 6 8th grade boys basketball starts Tuesday, November 11 Veterans Day NO SCHOOL Monday, November 2428 Thanksgiving Break 6th grade Jazz Band will begin in January. Is a yellow vest with reflective tape a good look for you? Do you like the powerful feeling of stopping traffic? Then this opportunity is for you! We are in need of Parent Volunteers to cover the morning and afternoon shifts at both the Main St crosswalk and the Lafayette/Lafarge Ave crosswalk If anyone is interested or has questions, they can contact Julie at Julie.victor@comcast.net Athletic Registration for Sports Programs and Activities Participation: Please register in Rev Track can so Mr. Crandall can know how many coaches he needs to hire for upcoming sports! Only students registered in Rev Track may participate. The following sports require a current sports physical: 8 Basketball, 6/7/8 Coed Wrestling, and 6/7/8 Coed Track. A sports physical is good for a 12 month period. Your Physician’s office can fax a copy to: 7205617401 or a copy may be dropped off at the main office. Remember, every student at LMS should have access to extra and cocurricular programming. If the cost is an issue, please communicate with Mr. Crandall to request a fee waiver at zach.crandall@bvsd.org Tune into Rocky Mountain PBS at the following dates and times to see a Super School Newscast on Louisville Middle School!!! Tuesday, Oct. 28th @ 10:55 AM, Thursday, Oct. 30th @ 2:55 PM, Saturday, Nov. 1st @ 10:55 AM Reminder ** Required Course Fees** Fees are now posted for 7th and 8th grade students. If your child is taking a course with a required fee and you haven’t had a chance to pay yet an email statement was sent to you 1010 as a reminder. Please pay the fee(s) on RevTrak. Go to the LMS home page http://schools.bvsd.org/p12/louisvillemiddle/Pages/defaultnew.aspx click on the Online Payments icon, click on the Required Student Fees icon and follow the prompts. Your username is the same one you use for the parent portal. If you cannot pay with a credit card please send in a check or cash to the main office. Thank you Lynn Manders, Registrar, 7205617408. A note from the desk of your AP Zach Crandall A huge thank you goes out to the Art Club and Ms. Llerandi for the outstanding work done by Art Club in converting our boring trash cans into beautiful works of art. We look forward to more great art in the future. If you are interested in joining art club, rotation 2 begins on Friday, October 31st. Before After It has been a great fall thus far, IM flag football, IM girls volleyball and IM girls soccer all had great seasons. 8th grade football is wrapping up with one more game on Wednesday, Oct. 29 at home. 8th grade girls volleyball is in full swing and 8th grade boys basketball starts in a few weeks on Nov. 6th. Remember, you must sign up in Revtrack to register for Interscholastic sports. Keep up the good work. Mr. Crandall A Note From the Principal: At this moment I am deep in thought on one of the truly important decisions of the week what to do for Halloween?! Hmmmm. In the last few years I have masqueraded as Beetlejuice, Medusa, and the Wicked Witch of the West. Surely I am the true Dread Pirate Roberts;) I will decide by next Friday as will about 70% of our kids and staff. If you (or your child) are unsure if the selected costume is schoolappropriate, just bring a description or photo into one of us in the office or Student Services early next week. And see Mr. Crandall's advice on selecting schoolappropriate apparel. You know that at LMS we encourage all students to explore their interests and take good academic risks. We do believe that every student should be challenged and given great opportunities to grow both inside and outside of the classroom. We have nearly 40 young women playing eighth grade girls volleyball many who have never played before. Our activities support teamwork, collaboration, creativity, artistic expression, physical and mental fitness. We also believe in imagination and down time. Help your child get involved, get attached and explore his/her world...within reason. In our overscheduled world having some unstructured time to relax and enjoy the luxury of a few minutes of "boredom" is a good thing. At LMS, we are proud that we are fortunate to support our core belief that no child should be denied the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities because of money. Your generous financial support allows us to put our actions where our hearts are. Please take a moment and write a check or follow this link to donate to LMS today. https://louisvillemiddle.revtrak.net/tek9.asp?pg=products&grp=7 elow is an example of what just one of our awesome awardwinning activities costs: B Lego League/ Robotics Necessities for 201415 Supplies: Mindstorm EV3 Kit: $434 (includes $100 in software to program and operate) Supplies break, are lost, or more are needed: Sensors: $20$50 per unit Cables: $13 for a new set Rechargeable battery: $60 Additional Parts Kit: $100 Purchase team: $225 Team Supplies: $75 Tournament Registration Fee (includes Two volunteers before we can even compete!) $75 I hope your weekend is wonderful and the week ahead fantastic! Mrs. V. Dear LMS Reloaders, Once again LMS Reloaders are picking up steam, and just in time for what is usually our BIGGEST month. We are now well into October and headed toward the holiday season. October always proves to be one of our BIGGEST reloading months of the year, and if September’s numbers are any indication of where LMS Reloaders are going, it’s SHOPPING! This month we had over 220 LMS Reloaders loading their cards. LMS Reloaders loaded over $21,500.00 from September 7th through October 4th for total revenue of $1,075.00 for the LMS General Fund. What a great month. I have received over three dozen emails from new and returning LMS Reloaders telling me what an incredibly easy and fun program the King Soopers Reloadable Gift Program is for their family and friends and how much they are enjoying giving back to their children’s school simply by shopping at King Soopers. Thank you! Here are this month’s tips: ∙ ALL Halloween decorations, costumes and candy are already 20% OFF! Sign up today and get a digital coupon for $5.00 off your next shopping trip of $50 or more. Sign up at: http://kroger.softcoin.com/programs/kroger/scbcp/?origin=dmsept14&ytp=001061006161000000000000&banner=King_Soop ers&coupon=DM10114&assettag=dmsept14&filtertag=DMSEPT14 ∙ Holidays are just around the corner, so keep your eyes peeled for great savings in the seasonal aisle of the Louisville King Soopers for Thanksgiving and Christmas items as well as deli and bakery orders for your holiday season parties and special events. This month we have three winners of our monthly random drawing since we passed the $1,000 mark. Congratulations to: Jane Keen Dana Bearce Elizabeth Armstrong Jane, Dana and Elizabeth, please let me know if you want a Starbucks Card or Sweet Cow Card and if you would like to pick it up at the front office or sent home with your student. Thank you to all of our King Soopers Reloaders. Next month, if we reach the $1,500 revenue mark we will have four gift card winners for October 2014. First time in the history of the program, so RELOAD those cards. A BIG…. Thank you to Louisville's finest and our volunteers for helping us keep our kids safe to and from school. A reminder that speed limits and common sense driving practices are enforced in and around our school zone. Please respect the safety of all our students by dropping off and picking up students on Lafayette Street to the south. Remember, the bus loop is off limits to cars 30 minutes before and after school and should not be used for parking at any time an activity bus might need drop off or collect kids (generally 6:30pm). BVSD Measure 3A on November 4 General Election Ballot Would Fund District Wide Building Improvements….including 5.6 million at LMS The BVSD Board of Education unanimously approved the new BVSD Educational Facilities Master Plan and also placed on the November 4, 2014 election ballot a proposed property tax increase (Ballot Measure 3A) asking BVSD voters to approve a capital improvement bond issue totaling up to $576 million to fund repairs and renovations in every BVSD building. This master plan outlines much needed and overdue capital improvements for all schools. At a glance, across the district the master plan calls for: ● Improving the physical condition of schools by performing critical repair, and replacement of roofs, HVAC systems, electrical & plumbing, asphalt and interior finishes and other systems. Nearly 50% of the plan includes this type of work; ● Rebuilding existing schools that are beyond repair: Emerald, Douglass and Creekside elementary schools; ● Providing new learning spaces or renovating existing spaces: as needed for the expansion of full day kindergarten, expanded preschool, special education, fitness and physical development. ● Constructing a new school in Erie for enrollment growth serving Pre K through 8th grade students; ● Providing safe, healthy, comfortable learning environments through security upgrades, asbestos abatement, ventilation upgrades and installation of air conditioning in select buildings; ● Improving energy efficiency with lighting upgrades, HVAC upgrades, and ensuring systems are performing optimally; ● Supporting innovative teaching methods to personalize learning and prepare students for college and careers and increase the use of instructional technology; ● Improving operational efficiency and functionality with improvements to district-wide support facilities. The plan includes many of these improvements for our school. You can read our school’s page outlining what the proposed improvements and budget are for our building by linking to the BVSD Capital Improvement Program on the front page of the BVSD website (www.bvsd.org) or by linking directly to the plan at: http://www.bvsd.org/CapitalImprovements/EdFacilityMasterPlan/Pages/default.aspx The projects proposed in the master plan will enhance the learning and work environment for all students and staff and will have significant positive impact on student learning across the district for many years. Link for more information and scroll down for the LMS proposal. http://www.bvsd.org/CapitalImprovements/Pages/default.aspx
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