Document 374973

St. Martin’s Catholic Primary School, Caversham, requires a highly motivated and
enthusiastic KS2 Class Teacher for January 2015. Please contact Caroline Fraser on 01189 937 5544 or
email: Applications are welcomed from experienced teachers or NQT’s
and will be considered upon receipt. See poster on Board 7 opposite Lady Chapel entrance
- new edition is now available , along with
prayer cards for the Year of Prayer, and CDs of the Rosary
recorded by Bishop Philip & pupils of St. Peter’s, Bournemouth. One copy per family.
Bishop Philip encourages us all to pray the Rosary this weekend in his Pastoral Letter, which will be read
at all Masses today (some paper copies of Pastoral Letter are available in Advent Room).
Bamenda Sunday is next Sunday 2nd November - every year we have a special collection to
support projects driven by our friends in our twinned diocese of Bamenda, Cameroon.
Please see a copy of the Bamenda newsletter next weekend to see how much your help is needed
in our Social
The Catholic churches of Reading will mark the Club NEXT Sunday 2 Nov., 10am-1pm.
run-up to Advent this year with 2 evenings on All proceeds to Helen & Douglas House
338 Wokingham Road, Earley, Reading RG6 7DA
Tel.: 0118 966 3711
Portsmouth Diocesan Trust, Registered Charity No. 246871
Priest: Fr. Emmanuel Odoemene
Administrator: Jane O’Rourke
Hall bookings: Margaret - 0118 987 5588 or
Your Church Office is open this week Tuesday - Friday, 9am-2pm
30th Sunday Ordinary Time
Yr. A
p. 80
26th October 2014
The two sessions will explore the Advent
Reading Catholic Youth Ministry
Lectionary readings from the Book of the
End of Year Report is now available Prophet Isaiah. All are welcome to these
some copies are in Advent Room
(on top shelf of wooden display cabinet)
sessions which are interactive and will take
place at 7.30pm on Wed. 19th November at
English Martyrs in Reading, and on
Join us in commemorating all deceased
Wed. 26th November at St. John Bosco in
CAFOD supporters who’ve touched our lives
Woodley. Refreshments will be available.
and made the world a better place, with Mass
The facilitators will be Sabine Schwartz,
Catholic Chaplain to the University; and Angela at 7pm on Tuesday 4th November at Our Lady
& St. Anne, South View Avenue, Caversham
Wills from English Martyrs. More information
can be obtained from the St. John Bosco
RG4 5AB. Please contact CAFOD Birmingham
Parish Office: Tel. 0118 969 3423 or
office - Tel. 01922 722944 or email
email: for more details
The Sacrament of RECONCILIATION may next be celebrated here on
Friday 7th Nov. from 7pm, before Mass; or by appointment with Fr. Emmanuel
Thought for the week
At the heart of our world is a God who loves us unconditionally.
Today’s Gospel reminds us that the only proper response to a
loving God is to love Him with all our heart and to love our
neighbour as ourselves. This in a nutshell is what Christianity is
all about. That is why there is something terribly odd about the
lives of those who claim to love God, but dispense themselves
from all obligations towards their neighbour. Meanwhile there are
those who seem to exhaust themselves in working for a better
world, but never think of God or pray to Him. Jesus showed us
how to live the total Gospel: how to love God and our neighbour
as well. He didn’t say they were the same thing, but that we - who
call ourselves Christians - can’t have one without the other.
Psalm Response:
I love you, Lord, my strength.
Wishing all children & teachers a very happy Half Term break
Psalm Response :
We have our last count at today’s Masses.
Thank you to all counters who have helped
St. Dominic Savio Primary School Western Avenue, Woodley RG5 3BH
Head Teacher: Mr. James Broadbridge Tel. 0118 969 3893
Co-ordinator for Youth Ministry:
Jofi Alexander
See also
Emergency numbers for the Sacramental
Ministry of a Priest - call your own priest first
Christ the King, Whitley:
Sat. 6.30pm; Sun. 10am ………………. Fr. Pat Madden 0118 931 4469
St. John Bosco, Woodley:
Sat. 6.30pm; Sun. 10am ………………. Fr. Bonaventure 0118 969 3423
St. James:
Sat. 6pm; Sun. 11am ………………….. Fr. John O’Shea 0118 957 4171
English Martyrs, Tilehurst:
Sat. 6.30pm; Sun. 9.30am, 11.30am, 5pm Cn. Michael Dennehy 0118 957 2149
St. Joseph, Tilehurst:
Sun. 8.30am & 10.30am
Fr. George Lyons 0118 942 8632
St. William of York:
Sun. 9am
Our Lady & St. Anne, Cav’sham: Sat. 5.30pm; Sun. 10am & 6.30pm ….. Fr. Paul Martin 0118 947 1787
READING Sunday Mass Times:
On Remembrance Sunday
9th November we will display
Roses for Remembrance. If you would like to remember a loved one, please place their
name on the list on Board 1 in Advent Room, and donate £1 for each name you write
on the list. Please do this by the end of next Sunday 2nd November.
Our flower ladies will then provide one rose for each name on the list
All Saints Day is this year
transferred to next
Sunday 2nd November
On Remembrance Sunday, 9th Nov., our Scouts group will
lead Remembrance Parade at 11am Mass. Blessing of graves:
Mays Lane - 2nd Nov., 12.30pm; Henley Road - 9th Nov., 3pm
Please keep in your prayers all those whose anniversaries occur this week:
David Trinder (1995); Maurice Fahey (1975); Aloisy Karas (2002); Bernard McCloskey (1995); Lucienne
Wakefield (1974); Enid Newman (2006); Patricia Hewitt (1981); Annie Wareham (1987); Mary Callaghan
(1982); Kathleen Sergent (1995); Noreen Doyle (2011); Alvina Bossey (1982); and Joyce Darnell (2008).
NO CUBS / BEAVERS / SCOUTS this week - HALF TERM. Back from Monday 3rd Nov.
11 am
5 pm
NO CHILDREN’S LITURGY during Half Term - returns Sunday 9th November
No Children’s Liturgy - HALF TERM
Second collection at all Masses for Bamenda
12.30pm: Fr. E.: Blessing of Graves, Mays Lane
2nd Nov.
9 am
Sat. 1st
10 am
9.00: Adoration
31st Oct.
(p. 104)
Mary Jennings RIP;
Douglas Bowie RIP
George Johnson RIP
Moretti family members RIP
All Saints
Deceased of our parish
Francis and other Ebola victims
10 am
9.30: Rosary
30th Oct.
10 am
9.30: Rosary
5 pm
Mon. 27
9.00: Adoration
28th Oct.
10 am
29th Oct.
(p. 80)
26th Oct.
Sammy & Dominica
and RCIA participants
Jack Kirwan RIP
Sadie Luyten RIP
2pm:Wednesday Club (D.B. Room)
8pm: 11am choir practice (Church)
No Children’s Liturgy - HALF TERM
30 Sunday Maurice Fahey RIP
9 am
11 am
St. Simon &
St. Jude
• Offertory collection 19th October: Envelopes £108.95
Loose cash £352.00
Standing Orders £547.00
your kind donations
Total: £1007.95
• Second collection for Missio, for World Mission Sunday
raised £506.76
Thank you very much for your contribution to
last week’s World Mission Sunday collection. Your
prayers and donations will help missionaries across the world
Offertory Counters: The rota for
continue to share the Gospel and carry out their work
2015 will be issued in a few weeks’ time
at the service of the poor and vulnerable
and it would be wonderful if we could
add a few new names to the list of
• Second collection NEXT Sunday 2nd November is our annual
volunteer money counters.
collection for Bamenda, our twinned diocese in Cameroon
For more details or to volunteer please
contact Clare Roper (0118 9265613).
Reading Divine Mercy Circle Also would anybody on
the next Holy Hour will be held at St. John
the current rota who
Bosco church NEXT Sunday 2nd November,
wants to come off the
2.30pm. Hymns, reflections, with Exposition
list for next year please
tell Clare ASAP
and Benediction. Refreshments afterwards.
Thank you for
All are most welcome
Altar servers: new rota
is now available; starts from
Sunday 23rd November.
collect your named copy from Advent Room
(under rota board). Parents - please take your
child’s copy if they are not here
We need more Ministers
of Communion to volunteer to take Holy
Communion to the housebound. It is
important that those who are unable to come
to church are still able to receive the Sacrament.
If you can help and are willing to join the rota,
please contact Jane in the church office ASAP
On Sundays
before 9am Mass:
please wait for further
news about this Fr. Emmanuel favours more education
on this, especially in the light of
Bishop Philip’s Pastoral Letter today.
Watch this space
REINSPIRED newsletters are
now available in Advent Room
My Day by Day:
November edition now available in
Advent Room, £1 per copy.
Please leave money in the
basket next to the books
We are delighted to announce that we will
have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
here in our church on the first Friday of
each Month, from 10am to 7pm, followed
by our evening Mass every first Friday starting on Friday 7th November. We need
volunteers to be available here from 10am to
7pm in 1-hour slots; please sign up on
sheet on Board 1 (Advent Room). For more
information please contact Mel Noronha:
0118 9967208 or
We hope you will take this opportunity
for extra prayer in the presence of our Lord
Would all promoters
please try to get
all APF red boxes emptied by end of November
and as soon as possible. Thank you