Document 375392

October 2014
October 2014
Monthly Newsletter
The Rotary Club of Geneseo, N.Y.
Club 4780 of District 7120
Scott Kamakaris
PP David Parish
Stephen Kelley
October 1st
October 3rd
October 6th
Wedding Aninversaries
PP Paul Metzger
PP Sue Crilly
October 2nd
October 30th
Rotary October Aninversaries
Mo Dalton
Rick Walton
Mary Kay Yanik
Rotary Archive
6 years
6 years
7 years
89th Eastern Cities
Fellowship Dinner
October 27th
“The foundation upon which
Rotary is built is friendship;
on no less firm foundation could
it have stood.”
—Paul Harris, 1935
Rochester Riverside
Convention Center
5:00 pm-9:00 pm
Tickets: $45 until October 10
$50 after October 10
John Kenny, Keynote Speaker
RI Foundation Chair
October 2014
Page 2
November 16, 2014
District Foundation Brunch
Belhurst Castle, Geneva
Sponsored by:
October 31st
Cider & Doughnuts!
The Geneseo
Rotary and
Kiwanis Clubs
Prizes Will be Awarded!
October 4th & 5th
Hilton Community
Live Entertainment, Crafters,
Farmers Market, Auto Show,
Great food
Sponsored by Hilton
Rotary Club
October 2014
Marilyn Lyon has signed
our Club up for GiveGab,
a social network for
Other non-profits in our
area using this service
include: Geneseo
Farmers’ Market, Parish
Outreach Center, Teresa
House, Northern
Livingston County Red
Cross, Chances &
Changes, Interfaith
Center, Catholic Charities,
Livonia Rotary Club,
Literacy Volunteers, etc.
Page 3
Pittsford Annual
Halloween Fest
October 26, Student Life Center
at St. John Fisher College
Enjoy crafts, games, refreshments and
costume parade at 3:30 pm. Pittsford
Rotary Club will supervise the hayrides.
Club Website
Genesee Valley Hunt Races
The slide show on
Saturday, October 11th,Nations Road
our Club’s website
10:00 am - 4:30 pm
has been updated
with all new photos.
Thank you. to
Bob Lyon
Contact PP Steve Wiener to
sign up. This event
benefits Geneseo Rotary
and the Golisano
Children’s Hospital at
October 2014
Page 4
Dictionary Project
PP Sue Crilly reports that 135dictionaries
have been ordered and will be distributed later
this fall to third graders at
Geneseo & York Central
Schools as well as at the
Genesee Country Christian
The dictionary has over 150
pages of supplemental
information in the back that students will
make use of.
Student Organization Expo
Held at SUNY Geneseo
The Rotaract Club, represented by Nicole
Rountree, was one of over 100 student
groups promoting their organizations at the
Student Organization Expo which was held
on Sept. 10th at the College.
The Expo is held twice a year and offers
“one-stop” shopping for students looking to
learn more about the College’s
diverse student organizations and
get involved.
Sometimes when we are generous in
small, barely detectable ways it can
change someone’s life forever.
The Rotaract Club will be
participating in the SUNY
Geneseo CARES Service Day on
October 25th.The event is sponsored
by the Office of Volunteerism and
Service Learning.
Bruce Godsave Represents
Club at Volunteer Fair
Bruce Godsave represented the
Geneseo Rotary Club at the SUNY
Geneseo Volunteer Fair on Sept. 3.
From the ABC’s of Rotary...
The first official Rotary flag reportedly
was flown in Kansas City, Missouri in
1915. In 1922 a Rotary flag was carried
over the South Pole by Admiral Richard
Byrd, a member of the Winchester,
Virginia Rotary Club.
This event presented an opportunity for
students to meet representatives from
College and community organizations
who were present to recruit volunteers
and talk about their programs.
October 2014
Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
Page 5
Pantry Day
Upcoming December
October 6th
Club Events
The Geneseo-Groveland
Food Basket
Food Pantry accepts
non-food and personal care
items in addition to food.
Army Bell
Muttaniyil “Shem” Idiculla
Former club member The Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Muttaniyil “Shem” Idiculla
passed away on August 19, 2014 in Venice, Florida.
At our September 15th meeting, PP Paul Metzger read excerpts from his obituary that was
published in the Livingston County News and related a few stories about him as a club member
According to an e-mail to College staff from Dr. Carol S. Long, Interim President at SUNY
Geneseo, “Professor Idiculla joined the Geneseo faculty in 1969 and taught Measurement and
Evaluation, among other courses, at the undergraduate level and Statistics at the Graduate
level in the School of Education until his retirement in 1993. He was an excellent teacher who
was able to make Statistics, a subject often regarded as difficult, accessible and
understandable to his students……”
Shem is survived by his wife Sosamma, daughter Saji (Gerald), son Sebu (Lori), and
grandchildren Samuel, Alicia and Samantha
October 2014
Page 6
Fines were collected from
everyone at a meeting
who was celebrating a
birthday or anniversary.
November 15, 2014
Avon Rotary Auction at the
Avon Primary School
9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Rotary Foundation Grant
Management Seminar
October 4th
9:00 am—11:30 am
Register at:
October 2014
More photos from the Genesee Valley
Rotary Camp……..
Page 7
October Is Vocational
Service Month
Rotarians have put Service
Above Self for more than a century. Through vocational service,
Rotarians serve others through
their professions and promote
high ethical standards. In honor
of Vocational Service Month,
members are encouraged to
apply the skills and talents they
use in their professions to their
club’s service projects. To
discover members’ unique skills,
clubs could conduct a skills inventory to determine a service
project that maximizes members’
professional abilities.
(Source: Rotary International)
Michael Sparling, a.k.a. Mr. Scribbles,
entertained the campers with his artistic
talents on Monday, August 18th.
(Photos submitted by Brian Bartalo,
G.V. R.C. Director)
Tim Hayes and a team of
family and friends will
participate in the Out of
the Darkness Walk for
depression and suicide
awareness on
September 28th.
The Walk begins at
Genesee Valley Park at
1:00 pm
October 2014
September 8th was International Literacy Day. The club showed its
support to Literacy Volunteers of Livingston County by having their
photo taken with the New York State Literacy Statement:
Literacy Leads
To Employment
To Independence
To Opportunity.
Submitted by
Joyce Horner
October 25, 2014
Page 8
October 2014
Hike For Haccamo
Family Fun Walk/5K Run
September 28, 2014
Genesee Valley Park
Registration at 7:30 am
Page 9
Camp Haccamo is a Rotary Camp which
provides a free, safe and fun summer
camping experience for children AND adults
(ages 7 thru 28 years) with a wide range
of disabilities.
SUNY Geneseo Weeks of Welcome
Rotaract Club Holds Tie Dye T-Shirt Event, August 30th, 9:00 pm
Robert MacVittie College Union Patio
The event went great! We gave out 78 t-shirts, and we did have to turn away some people
because there were no more left. We did tell people about the Rotaract Club, and at least one
person actually volunteered with her local Rotary Club, so she hopes to join us this year.
Submitted by Nicole Rountree,
Rotaract Club President
Rotaract Club Officers William Yeung and Nicole Rountree
October 2014
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Literacy Committee Meeting Held
Our Club’s Literacy Committee met on September 15 at Milne Library.
Megan Mikolajczyk, a senior at Geneseo High School, discussed building/maintaining a Little Free Library to fulfill the requirements for her
Girl Scout Gold Award. Megan will present her proposal to have the
Little Free Library installed somewhere in the Village of Geneseo at the
Village’s Board Meeting on October 6th.
For more information about Little Free Libraries, visit:
Club Members Participate in
Oak Tree 5K Run & Walk
PP Matt Gaynor and Darcy Dewar
Lynch participated in this fundraiser
held on August 31. 100% of the
proceeds will benefit the Genesee
Valley Conservancy.
Q: Why did the child
carry a clock and a bird on
A: It was for “tick or tweet”.
Example of a Little Free
Library in a neighborhood
6th Annual Haunted Hayride and
Haunted House Hosted by the
Gananda Rotary
Fridays & Saturdays – October 10, 11, 17,
18 & 24. Spookie Evening Fun 7:00 to
10:30pm and Family Friendly Saturday afternoons only 3:00 to 5:00. (Last wagon leaves
30 minutes before closing)
Affordable Family Fun, 1485 Walworth Penfield
Rd. (Rt. 441) Walworth, NY 14568.
$8.00 at the Door, no reservation needed. Groups
of 12 or more receive a discount with a reserved
wagon call for reservations 585-739-9521.
Advance tickets available at Mark’s Pizzeria in
Walworth or Gananda Walworth Physical
Therapy at Mayberry Plaza in Gananda.
Proceeds benefit H.S. Scholarships, Treasures for
Troops, Holiday Gifts & Food Baskets, Camp
Onseyawa and international projects to name a
October 2014
Page 11
Rochester Rotary to Build Fully
Accessible Tree House
Thousands of local children with paralysis and
other physical challenges will soon experience
the independence and joy of climbing a tree,
with the construction of a fully accessible
wooden tree house at Rochester Rotary
Sunshine Campus.
When constructed, the tree house will feature
wheelchair-accessible ramps, wide platforms, sensory equipment for enhanced learning, a cabin enclosure
and tree-top views for campers. Built between eight existing trees at the campus, the tree house will
gradually rise to a maximum height of 12 to 14 feet above the ground.
For more information, please can contact Tracey Dreisbach, executive director of Rochester Rotary, at
585.546.7435, ext. 215 or
Groundbreaking on the tree house at Rochester Rotary Sunshine Campus is planned for October 2014,
with the grand opening in July 2015. (Source:
September News From Enlace
A link to the September News “School Construction Campaign for
Nicaragua “can be found on the Club’s website. (Submitted by Kellan Morgan)
October 2014
Good Neighbor Committee News….(from the August 15th meeting)
Geoff Clough reported that more than 100 people attended the 8-to-80
concert on August 12th at St. Timothy’s Church.
More Rotarians are needed at the Horse Riding event next year.
This past summer there were barely enough volunteers to assist the riders.
David Parish has written a letter of thanks to Red Ballengee at the
Salvation Army for the $750 they donated to support Good Neighbor
Committee activities.
The tentative date for the Winter Family Bowling event will be
Monday, December 29th.
Tim Hayes Participates in
Race to Benefit ARC
Tim Hayes participated in the
Ramon Rocha 5k Race which
was held on Saturday,
September 13. Money raised
from the event will benefit The
ARC of Livingston-Wyoming
World Polio Day,
October 24th
arks the anniversary
of the birth of
Jonas Salk,
developer of the first safe and
effective polio vaccine. For more
information, visit:
Page 12
October 2014
Page 13
20th Annual Rotary/Kiwanis Golf Outing
and Dinner Held on September 4th
The 20th Annual Rotary/Kiwanis Golf Outing and Dinner was held on September 4th at
Livingston Country Club with more than 30 members of the two service clubs sharing
fellowships at a casual dinner under the tent at The Nines that evening. Rotary President
David Woods and Kiwanis President Paul Miller presided at a lively dinner at which a
number of fines were levied, mostly to Kiwanians.
SUNY Geneseo Associate Athletic Director George Gagnier was the guest speaker at
the dinner and gave an informative progress report on the new college stadium expected to
be ready to host lacrosse and soccer games beginning next spring. George also gave a brief
review of Geneseo's athletic teams which have enjoyed much success in recent years.
Twenty-two golfers participated in a nine-hole scramble tournament that afternoon with
Rotarians Tim Hayes and
PP John Lanpher joining
Kiwanians Jon Porter and Mary
Yuhnke on the winning team. It
was a remarkable feat for
PP John since he showed up with
no golf clubs but was able to
borrow a set.
It was an enjoyable afternoon and
evening for all involved and kept
alive the tradition of a joint get
together for Geneseo’s two
service clubs.
(Left to right): Charlie Becker, Maurice Dalton, Joe Griffo,
(Submitted by PP Art Hatton)
Bob Lettington, Frank Hicks, and Pete Bondi
October 2014
Page 14
Seven New Members Attend
Rotaract Club Meeting
Nicole Rountree, Rotaract President, reports that seven new members attended the
Rotaract Club meeting on September 15th. Kotomi Teraukawa was one of those new
members who expressed interest in joining Rotaract at the Volunteer Fair on September 3rd.
Nicole will continue to follow-up with the rest of the students on that sign-up sheet.
“On 24 October we mark World Polio Day. It is time to
reflect on the progress we’ve made and to strengthen our determination for the work ahead”. —Dong Kurn Lee,
Foundation Trustee Chair. October 2013, The Rotarian
Pre-PETS Training
October 25th, 2014
Mount Morris
High School
8:00 am—12:30 pm