Country Tanzania Country Project

Farmer to Farmer East Africa
Volunteer Assignment Scope of Work
Assignment Summary
Assignment Code
Country Project
Host Organization
Assignment Title
Assignment objective
Desired skills
Assignment preferred
TZ 25
Tanzania F2F Horticulture project
Green Rain – Rundugai Farmer Groups – Hai district Kilimanjaro
Smallholders Training on GAP and IPM best practices for horticultural
farmers from Rundugai
Increased productivity and incomes from onion and other horticultural
Horticulturalist with particular expertise on tropical horticultural crops
Between October to December 2014
A. Background
The Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) East Africa program is a program that uses short-term US volunteer
expertise to assist small holder farmers and small scale processors in East Africa to improve their
business practices through volunteer assignments conducted with host organizations. The goal of
the (F2F) horticulture project is to increase incomes and improve nutritional status of Tanzanian
smallholder farmers through; smallholder farmers increased productivity of horticultural crops,
improved access to and utilization of markets and credit and preservation and enhanced natural
resources upon which target communities depend.
In Tanzania, horticulture makes a significant contribution to food security, nutrition
improvements and economic growth. Horticulture is mainly practiced by female smallholder
farmers as well as a limited number of large scale operators. Commercial horticulture is endowed
with local and foreign investors, particularly in floriculture and export vegetables, and has
production and market growth potential. Tanzania’s favorable socio-political environment
provides an opportunity for horticulture sector to thrive.
Since the horticulture sector makes a significant contribution to food security, nutrition and
economic growth, development of the sector offers the opportunity to increase incomes through
meeting demand in domestic, regional and international markets, while simultaneously
improving household nutrition through dietary diversity.
The key challenges that the horticulture industry faces in Tanzania include; low productivity of
horticultural crops, limited processing of horticultural products and poor access to markets. Some
key opportunities that favor the growth of the industry and thereby success of the F2F project in
Tanzania include the multiple players in horticultural value chains working at various levels
including the USAID Feed the Future TAPP and TAHA programs. Through these on-going
programs and structures, specific interventions will allow volunteers to reach out to smallholder
farmer groups and micro-small and medium production and processing companies.
This scope of work is for providing volunteer technical assistance to Rundugai farmer groups in
Hai district, Kilimanjaro region. The groups are located in Rundugai village about 25 km from
Boma Ng’ombe town, the nearest big settlement with hotel and other facilities. Most farmers in
this village cultivate red onions (hybrid varieties of Pinnoi or Neptune) but also a local variety
known as Mang’ola red during the months of December to March on small plots ranging in size
from 1 to 3 acres. Other equally important horticultural produce include tomatoes, capsicum,
spinach and other local vegetables. Paddy and maize are also grown but the amounts are not
significant. The crops are grown in rotation as decided by each individual.
Rundugai Farmers Group is one of the 30 registered groups with GreenRain with a total of 350
members established in Kilimanjaro and Arusha through the support of the GreenRain Ltd.
facilitated by the USAID funded feed the Future –Tanzania Agricultural Productivity Program
(TAPP). The group has a signed contract with the company that provides for:
Hybrid seeds of onion supply
Training to farmers on GAP to include: a) Use of hybrid seed b) Use of raised beds for
planting onions c) correct spacing for onions in the field to increase yield and d) use of
drip irrigation.
Set up of demonstration plots for farmers learning
Pest /disease control for onions
Purchase the onions harvest on contractual basis –through a signed marketing agreement
In spite of the support from GreenRain and TAPP, there is a challenge of limited cash flows for
GreenRain to provide enough and continuous technical as well as marketing assistance to the
farmer groups. The number of extension staff is not enough to meet the farmers need for
technical assistance. The small scale farmers also suffer from seasonal cash flow fluctuations that
hamper application of the right technology in production. There are also challenges with value
chain marketing for onions, expertise with longer term onion storage (of up to 6months) to allow
for better prices. In July-October when onion is harvested the prices are at their lowest and
hence the need for the right preservation /storage technology so that the farmers can sell when
prices are good later on in the season. GreenRain alongside the Rudugai Farmer groups have
requested volunteer technical assistance to fill the gaps that GreenRain does not fully address due
to financial and technical constraints. The farmers would also appreciate training/ technical
assistance with the production of other crops of tomatoes, green pepper, various legumes and
pulses because these contribute significantly to the economic and food self-sufficiency but
currently are not prioritized by GreenRain.
The key objective of this volunteer assignment is to build the capacity of members of Rundugai
farmer groups so that they can increase the productivity and quality of onions through the right
application of technology. Additionally volunteers will help address the challenges experienced
with growing tomatoes, green pepper/capsicum, legumes/pulses and various spinaches that are
gown in rotation with onions. Even though post -harvest or long term storage best practices for
onions is a real challenge, this will not be addressed during this scope of work but as a separate
assignment. Following are the broad training themes:
o GAP training - the right technology from nursery management, planting, harvesting and
maintenance of onions
o Crop rotation best practices for the variety of crops grown on the Rundugai water shed
o Integrated pest management (IPM) with onions, tomatoes, sweet pepper and legumes
Most of the training will be within the farmer fields and the volunteer will be expected to walk
around farms directly engaging with the farmers as a means to understand the farming system
and problem diagnosis and limited group/class work. Most of Rundugai farmers are literate, very
enterprising and have experience in farming, which will make it easy for them to practice what
they will learn during the assignment.
Host contribution – GreenRain and Rundugai group will mobilize Rundugai farmer groups to
participate in the training, and avail key personnel to work closely with the volunteer, during
preparations and actual trainings, to ensure that the farmers are trained and will put in action
what they have learnt. The host will also provide the training venue for the assignment and
where possible transport to the various training sites.
Immediate anticipated results of the training is improved knowledge of farmers on good onion
and other horticultural crops farming best practices, which will contribute to improved
production and quality of the crops.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 6
Travel from home to US international airport
Arrival at the Kilimanjaro International Airport picked by CRS Taxi to the New
Safari Hotel in Arusha
At 10.00 am, the volunteer picked from the by CRS driver to the CRS at Arusha
office for introductions and briefings including host brief, logistics and
expectations and anticipated outcomes. Handouts and other training logistics will
be prepared at CRS office as appropriate. Depart for Boma Ng’ombe (about 30
minutes’ drive from Arusha)
The volunteer alongside F2F staff will have a briefing meeting with host and
agree on the assignment plan with GreenRain and farmer group leaders
Training farmers on GAP (general) in onions and other crops
Day 7
Resting day
Day 8-13
Training farmers on GAP (general) in onions and other crops
Day 14
Resting day
Day 15-18
Post-harvest management training (expert onion storage /preservation of up to 6
Day 19-20
Training to farmers on IPM in onions and other crops
Day 21
Resting day
Day 22
Continue training to farmers on GAP and IPM in tomatoes, green pepper and
Day 23
Wrap up session with group leadership and GreenRain and next steps
Day 24
Debriefing at CRS office at Arusha. Volunteer will finalize his/her reporting at
CRS office and fill out all necessary M&E forms
At night the volunteer departs for USA
Outreach event when back in the USA
Day 3
Day 4
* Please note that the schedule is flexible with the actual daily agenda been determined at the
field in collaboration with the farmers
The volunteer will have detailed knowledge on good agronomical practices of vegetable crops,
especially onions. Among other things, the volunteer should be knowledgeable on good use of
fertilizer and pesticide, use of improved seeds, and IPM. In addition to that, the volunteer should
have the following attributes;
 Agronomist with specific experience on horticulture husbandry practices
 Excellent- hands-on training skills to an adult audience is necessary
 Good communication skills and able to train through a translator
 Prior experience on the same subject with farmer to farmer program is an advantage
In Arusha the volunteer will stay at the New Safari Hotel; tel. +255
27 2503261 Fax +255 27 2548381; while at Boma Ng’ombe the volunteer will stay at the Snow
View Hotel; Tel +255 787 272 and +255 767 320629 email:; web; a distance of about 40 km from Arusha city. All logistics will be
organized by CRS and host. All proposed facilities have basic amenities of water, electricity,
self-contained rooms, wireless internet access and/or modem and have reliable security. CRS
will pay for hotel accommodation, and provide volunteer with per diems to cater for meals and
other incidentals. CRS will also facilitate daily transport for the volunteer between Boma
Ng’ombe town and Rundugai village for the farmer training sessions.
As part of preparation for the work ahead the volunteer should familiarize with USAID Feed the
Future program, the EARO and Tanzania F2F horticultural program proposal and scope of work
for this particular assignment. It is also advisable that the volunteer read and familiarize with
Tanzania, its development challenges and opportunities. For any printed material these will be
printed at CRS office in Dar es Salaam before commencement of the assignment. Flip charts,
markers, masking tapes will be provided by CRS if required. Volunteers are not advised to rely
on LCD projections as the main method of training because full time electricity is not guaranteed
in most venues where such trainings take place.
CRS Baltimore
Maria Figueroa
Volunteer Support Coordinator
EA Farmer-to-Farmer Program
228 W. Lexington Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
CRS Tanzania
CRS EA Regional Office
Nyambura Theuri
Deputy Project Director
EA Farmer-to-Farmer Program
P.O. Box 49675 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
St. Augustine Court Karuna Close Road
Mary Kabatange
Farmer-to-Farmer Program Country Director
Plot # Migombani Street, Regent Estate,
P. O. Box 34701 Dar es Salaam
Office Tel: +255 22 2773141
Mobile cell phone +255 758 820025
Conor Walsh
Country Representative
CRS Tanzania
Plot # Migombani Street, Regent Estate,
P. O. Box 34701 Dar es Salaam
Office Tel +255 22 2773141
Mob: +255 754 930966